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Posts posted by JayDub1987

  1. A 17 year old goes in halfsies with a grown man on an airplane with the help of his mother who has a drinking problem and owned a failed dance studio. What could go wrong here?

    Yea Kim. That whole double date thing is totally normal. What a dipshit she is. 

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  2. Mrs. Dub had a good thought. Wonder how many of Micah’s pictures that he used to get into modeling were freebies from Olivia. Seems pretty likely that he’d use these people until he didn’t need them anymore too. That’s kinda what that family of fuckwads does. 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, ezzy4 said:

    I agree.  She's pretty immature and when she had the opportunity to grow up a bit, she ran back to the cult.  Adulting is hard.  She doesn't seem interested in doing the hard parts.  So she was gonna be a pop STAR and now she's gonna be a DANCER.  wha? That's what middle school girls think.

    I'm 1000% on Olivia's side of the "stolen music".  Good grief.

    Annnnd Kim...Kim...oh dear Kim...  You are a moron.  She is equally as immature.  Isn't she also gonna be a DANCER - LOL?!  She is just one of those (sadly typical) dumpy menopausal women who delusionally thinks there is someone younger, hotter, richer out their who will CHERISH her (for simply her amazing personality since she has nothing else to offer anyone).  I expect she will cross over to 90 Day Finance when she finds her 20 yr old Nigerian prince/rapper who falls madly in love with her and isn't the least but interested in a green card.

    All. Of. This. Moriah is acting like a 12 year old. 

    We know Solja Boy likes middle aged white women. We’re gonna get “baby girl Kim” in a couple seasons. 

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  4. Mariah’s lack of self awareness is staggering. She’s too old to be this oblivious. First, everything she’s interested in, she thinks she’s ready for more. She has a guitar and a shitty voice, and she thinks she should release music. She likes to dance, so she’s prepping for competition. 

    “this divorce is the hardest thing my parents have gone through.” Yea, fuck that whole mom running over your brother thing. 

    She only wants people in her life who benefit her. When Olivia and Ethan were her ticket out, they were great. They’re moving to Minnesota? Fuck them! They’re horrible. Also, when she mentioned this whole baptism thing, she immediately tied it into getting closer to her family. I don’t buy it. It’s an attention grab and a way for her to get something out of them. 

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  5. So Kim lets her “community” dictate how she has her children and claims to have no regrets, even tho her shit ass homeschooling method left her children unprepared for the world. But she doesn’t like how that “community” feels about her now. Oh, that’s right, she likes power and control (cult leading), but dislikes anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass 

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  6. 43 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

    I agree. With a crowd that is around 20 people, you aren't going to be friends with all of them.  I have 23 cousins and while I like them all fine, there are those I am closer to than others and one I really don't care for.  But we all manage to have an enjoyable time when we are together.  Christine and Sobbyn didn't need to be friends, just behave like adults around each other.

    I'll concur. I don't have nearly that many relatives around for the holidays; usually around 10-12. My wife's side of the family is even smaller. We usually have 8 people for Christmas festivities there. I can't stand my sister-in-law, and I've now made it through more than a decade of Christmases without having to say more than "hello" to her.

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  7. 1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

    It would be nice if one of the  kids could actually go to all four years of high school at one school.  Logan, Aspen, Leon, Hunter, Maddie, Gabe and I forget how many others  sure didn’t get to.   There would only be a few who either went to all four years at Vegas or all 4 years at Flagstaff. 

    The important children are getting to do that. That's what really matters. 

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  8. On 9/18/2023 at 9:29 AM, suzeecat said:

    Kody said something unintelligible in a subsequent talking head about "sending a message to the other wives" about something.  My guess is that he and Robyn had a falling out and he was punishing her. 

    Impossible. Haven’t you heard, Robyn has approached everyone with her “hat in her hand” since the first day she showed up? Yep. Hat in hand and fake tears coming out of those eyes. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, SDVegas said:

    Doesn’t Kody even miss Savannah? Want to talk to her or see her? I mean, does he have any feelings for her at all?

    Ask yourself a question: who is her mother? If the answer isn't Robyn, the answer to your questions is "no." Kody doesn't give a flying fuck about anything that didn't come out of Robyn's golden snatch. 

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  10. Robyn, you self absorbed c***. CHRISTINE DOESN'T HAVE TO STAY BECAUSE YOU SAY YOU WANT PLURAL MARRIAGE. I understand that Kody has created a world where her and her little demon spawn are the only critters that matter, but no one owes you Jack fucking shit. 

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  11. On 9/13/2023 at 8:19 AM, Sandy W said:

    Send them to the Arctic Circle for a Polar Bear watch.  We all know how much Robyn loves the cold and if it became time to defend his family, Kody could pull the knife from his kidney and go mano a mano with the bear.

    Gah, I’d root for the bear so hard. 

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  12. 6 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

    And she is gobsmacked that SOMEONE ELSE didn't load HER songs onto HER account? Wha? How does that work?  

    Haha! Exactly what I said. This little twit cuts these people out, blocks them, and then says “if you don’t give me my music, I’ll sue!” First of all, who in the blue hell paid for her tone deaf sad girl shitty music?! Was that really a revenue stream? Then, to be shocked that Olivia wanted her to remove the pictures she got. Gah, this girls every bit as self indulgent as her mother. 

    43 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

    Kim was so already involved with that guy.  I suspect she may have been involved with him before she even left Barry.  I wonder what ultra religious Lydia would say about that if she figured it out.  Kim and her friend were extremely obvious about it.

    Lydia is never gonna realize what her parents are cause she’s allllll the way into this family cult shit storm. She’s hopeless. 

    6 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

    They are not "nuts".  They are victims of the dysfunction that surrounds them.  MLM are a scam.  The MLM scammed Kim and she scammed her son.  It's their actual business model

    They’re nuts. At some point, you gotta be an adult, decide that you want better than all the shit you’ve been complaining about forever, and stop playing the victim. People do it every day. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, General Days said:


    Yes. Dayton just graduated college in May. Aurora and Breanna are in college now, and they were still in high school when Covid started.

    This is good to know. I know that Daay-tun (Robyn seems to struggle to pronounce her own spawn's name) and Aurora were legally adults, but I thought Brianna was further behind. Now I can start taking shots at her with my snarky comments, too! 

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  14. 1 minute ago, Notabug said:

    I suspect that Kim was involved in one of the many MLM scams like Plexus that attract fundies and was using Ethan as one of her 'downlines'.  So, she needed his credit card to make monthly purchases to help her get credit and win merch.  I presume that Ethan was neither consuming nor selling whatever product that Kim was purchasing with his card.

    This is pretty close to how I took it. Basically, she "signed Ethan up" to sell whatever pyramid shit was popular at the moment, had to place orders for more stuff with a credit card with his name on it, and gave him some "commission" for part of the stuff she sold in his name while earning commission from "his sales" as his "up line." I'd honestly be shocked if the other kids (at least those who are 18) didn't have a card with their name on it that Kim uses for the same thing. The only difference is, none of them want to call her out. 

    The fact that Ethan said, "My mom is lying" and Kim said, "I don't need to explain myself" tells me exactly who's full of shit on the card drama.

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  15. Alright, since there's not a S5 thread anywhere, I guess we're talking here. Figure I'll share my thoughts from last night. Warning, it's gonna be long. For some reason, I actually enjoy this shit show. 

    First, it's absolutely laughable to me that Barry is taking shots at anyone for "brainwashing" when him and Kim made it a point to warp their children. You've got a teenage daughter who is afraid to text with a boy or even be attracted to him (Lydia last season or maybe season before). You have Mariah who does everything to cry for attention outside of writing a shitty song and singing it badly titled "Pay Attention to Me." You're oldest kid won't even be on your TV show with you, and Ethan is trying to strike a balance between being cordial with you, and being a normal adult. Ol Grinnin' Barry saying that anyone else is a brain washer is laughable. 

    Speaking of Barry....why does that man not blink when working out?! Did anybody else see that weird ass close-up of his face when he was staring in the mirror lifting? THE MAN NEVER BLINKED! He's clearly a robot. 

    I detest Kim and Barry, let me make that clear. But I also don't think Olivia is totally free from blame here. No, she's under no obligation to have anything to do with her in-laws. Would it make life easier for her husband? Of course. But when you think about the things they've said to/about her ON CAMERA, can you imagine the stuff they've said to/about her OFF CAMERA?! She needs to be adult enough to tell her husband, "You can talk to your family all you want, but I'm not going to." The whole "Will you still talk to me" thing when he was getting ready to go to Cairo (more on that in a moment) was weird. I know Ethan is a man-child, but Olivia needs to decide if she wants to be his wife or his de facto mother; she can't be both. I'm also sick of all her therapy buzzwords. 

    Why in the blue hell does Ethan have to spend 10 weeks living in Cairo to work on these cars that have been sitting there for over a year? Obviously, money isn't a problem for them. I'm guessing this show pays some serious bank if you can spend 2 months traveling in Europe. Figure out what parts you need to finish these cars, ORDER THEM ON THE INTERNET, have them shipped to your house, and then spend a weekend (or maybe even a few days) putting them on. My father-in-law is in his 70s and can work on a vehicle faster than Ethan. I'm assuming this whole trip is to generate some drama for this show. God, I hope that's the case. 

    Micah and Mariah are every bit as problematic as they've portrayed Olivia to be. "We hate our parents! They gave us a shit education!" "Wait! No, Olivia made us think that way!" No, either your shitty homeschooling education (no, not all home schooling is shitty; but they have all said theirs was) didn't prepare you for the real world (as they said), or you were lying. Also, the whole "Olivia tried to convince us that the way WE were raised wasn't good." Olivia was raised in the same type of family; that's how she wound up bedding down with one of these loons. If you chose to agree with her because you were raised the same way, that was your call, not hers. 

    Paraphrasing Model-Boy Micah here, but "When you're friends with someone you don't have to cut ties with them because they do something you disagree with" while him and Mariah are sitting there bragging about cutting ties with Olivia for doing something they disagree with. Mariah, using all of her therapy buzzwords, talks about how it's OK for people you like to not have relationships with people you like was hilarious, when she's literally being pissy because Olivia doesn't have a relationship with Kim and Barry (who don't even have relationships with EACH OTHER). I guess these two learned hypocrisy from two paragons of the art. 

    Kim, any mother who is "touched" by her daughter carrying family drama onto Facebook is a self-serving, self-righteous, self-absorbed fucking bitch. Thanks for confirming what we already knew about you. Much appreciated. 

    I think that's all.

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  16. On 8/30/2023 at 9:46 AM, Kendra595 said:

    Moriah sure has turned into a self righteous brat. She would make more money with an Only Fans page than she ever will with her wispy singing voice.  Her 180 on Olivia shows how immature she really is.

    This is all so true. She’s not a good singer. There’s probably a market for her on OF. The last part is especially true. Real friends can disagree with one another, even on fundamental issues, without severing the friendship. 

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  17. I just got to watch, so I’m late. There isn’t even much to add. I really think Kody has reached the level of assholery that has left him truly believing his own shit. He also doesn’t understand the term “gaslit,” but if we’re being honest, it’s been thrown around so much in 2023 that everyone uses it when they’re disagreed with. 

    The guy is a shit husband and a worse father. That’s what he will be forever remembered as by the people who watch this show and the people who are the result of his sperm. 

    Robyn is a puppet master. The minute Meri mentions inviting everyone, Robyn had to shut that shit down. She doesn’t want Kody to make up with his other kids, because that may take a fraction of his attention away from the fruits of her loins. No one outside of her own home matters to Robyn, and she doesn’t want anyone outside of that home to matter to anyone else. She never once said “I hate that Ysabel doesn’t have a relationship with her father.” She bitched about how Christine leaving affected HER kids. Don’t give me the whole “I wanted to watch OUR kids and grandkids.” Robyn gives zero shits about anyone she didn’t push out. And she only cares about them when the Nanny is off work. 

    I wish nothing but a lifetime of misery for Kody and Robyn, as they’re both just miserable, selfish humans. If her kids are as much like her as I suspect, I don’t wish much better for them. I guess Aurora and Daytun or whatever his name is are adults, so I have no reservation in saying it about them. Brianna, King Solomon, and that little brat with the paci (who is apparently gonna munch on that thing til she’s 16) are on a fast track to miserable adult lives. 

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  18. I've binged this show today, so I'm sure I've missed a couple things. They can bill this as a "social experiment" all they want to, but it's a reality TV show competition. While it may have been inspired by a social experiment, people are on this show to win money. When you combine that with the fact that these people know they're going to be seen by millions of people on a TV show, no one is acting "naturally." 

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