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Everything posted by davey3932

  1. Between this and The Vow, the HBO shows I'm watching are pretty slow and boring. But I'm really running low on things to do during the pandemic.
  2. I saw on Twitter that if the Supreme Court was a deadlock the lower court ruling would just rule, so not sure what Meghan's point is. I wonder if Meghan can think of a liberal who the conservatives don't smear. She criticized Nancy Pelosi's refrigerator once.
  3. I kinda like the tactic of screaming "I would be very careful of slandering!" when someone is about to direct quote someone. And Meghan just praised democrats and republicans who are able to get along literally minutes earlier.
  4. I'm looking forward to Meghan's reaction to RBG's death. "I certainly didn't agree with her, but..." and then maybe complain about cancer since it's something she can relate to.
  5. Seems like someone got Meghan to do a puff piece about pregnancy to humanize her and she wasn't comfortable and tried to get it back to politics. I'll cut her some slack just because I assume being pregnant during a pandemic in the summer is not much fun.
  6. Definitely don't think I can handle watching the Kacik interview today, so I'll just stick to reading the discussion of it.
  7. Sherri was really ahead of her time because it seems Flat Earthers are much more abundant now.
  8. I saw a clip of the show, when Drew was making that Python joke, going around Twitter with people making fun of how bad the show is. Poor Drew.
  9. Oh and I saw Meghan tweeting that the same people who hate "Baby It's Cold Outside" are defending Cuties and now she mentioned it on the show. Who are these people? Does Meghan keep a spreadsheet of people who think "Baby It's Cold Outside" is offensive? She just made that up. I was prepared to defend Cuties and just brush it off as moral panic but I ended up not liking the film and questioning the method the filmmakers chose to make their point. I don't really see that many people defending the film really, but I'm not doing some deep dive on the issue.
  10. Yeah, people in the US were saying we didn't need a mask early on. But like the other posters have said I think it was because they just didn't know yet. I don't think it was a lie and I don't think there is some underground conspiracy network that decided they need to lie so frontline workers could get all the masks. Sara was doing good challenging her but then backed down when Meghan was a bitch. My gym requires a mask at all times, so I do an hour cardio and hour lift in it. It is really not that big of a deal to wear one.
  11. I have no idea if anyone was asking for this. Was Drew a big social media presence to lead into this opportunity? Reese looks like she lost weight since Big Little Lies 2. I know it is just a horror movie, but I think Drew's performance in "Scream" is so iconic, and not a lot of young actresses could have pulled that off. If the show lasts over a year I'd love to see the Scream 5 cast on.
  12. I think they are friends because of Twitter.
  13. I think she might be too wholesome for me. I like my daytime TV to be messy like The View or Wendy Williams.
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