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Posts posted by Unclejosh

  1. Kendall said on Twitter she was not invited to the reunion.  It seemed like they only invited the people who made the final.

    Jisela's ego is off the charts.  I mean all of these people are narcissists to some degree or they wouldn't be there but she definitely stood out.  She has no grounds to talk about coasting.  I still haven't forgotten she quit in her elimination and got called out by TJ.  She can shut up about people playing smart and avoiding eliminations. You are supposed to do that.  If you don't it is because you failed.

    Derrick annoyed me too with his ranting at the end. We get it, you are competitive.  However he is never winning an individual final or a pairs final unless he is paired with an elite partner who can do math and puzzles.  


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  2. 31 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    Her name is Brett and she was also according to her and those around her doing a shit ton of drugs at the time so who knows what was going through her head and unlike the examples of the men doing it she faced consequences for her actions in real time.

    Well not really real time. Her show went on for several years after the minor quit the show due to her actions.  Her drug use worsened over time and ratings fell.  But it sure affected her long term.  But it seems to me it was more the drug use and other behavior than that issue based on the fact that the show wasn't immediately cancelled. They were willing to recast the kid role and keep her employed after the incidents and if no other drug issues were involved I suspect it would have been overlooked just like some of the men. 

    For John Paul Steuer too. He quit acting as a result and ended up killing himself in 2018. Not saying it was directly related but it was certainly in the pot of things in his life that led to his struggles.

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  3. Just wanted to add that Brett Butler from Grace Under Fire had instances on her show that eventually led to cancellation because she was flashing and being inappropriate with her underage male costar as one example of while the VAST percentage of flashing bits is male, there have been women who are guilty of this.  I am sure she thought she was doing it as a joke too.  I could be wrong, but another example was in the movie Just One of the Guys, the lead ended up doing topless last minute flashing and the actor in the scene was not prepared as he thought she would be wearing something or pasties.  I might be mis-remembering the actual movie but I know I heard it on a commentary track of some comedy movie and they wanted to get the actor's real reaction. 

    From personal experience I have seen more women flashing than men as a joke during parties when I had zero interest in seeing it which has nothing to do with the power dynamics of a movie set but I think it shows that there are people who do not realize that others may not feel the same way they do about nudity and the way it can make others feel when it is forced upon them.

    Of course as someone who was abused by women physically and sexually from a young age, I might be more sensitive to it when a women does it than a man.  Like I have no problem with nudity if that expectation is set such as a nude beach or something.  Having girls flash me and grab my hand and put it on them as a joke at parties is not appreciated which happened multiple times when I was younger.  Because I was seen as sexually non-threatening they thought it was ok.  And yes this is how I was referred to by women most of my life.  I was often seen as "one of the girls" despite be a hetero male.  

    Conversely I have laughed and at the time had no issue with seeing guys teabag each other unsuspectingly as a joke.  Someone recorded one party where this occurred and whenever our group of friends (male and female) got together, by the end of the night the women were always the ones wanting to watch the tape and laughing the most.  They even ended up taking it from the person who recorded it and would pass it around their own group of friends.  At the time nobody thought anything of it. I wonder if the guys who got teabagged or the women who laughed and traded that tape around it feel differently now.

    Of course NONE of the above applies to a workplace and if it occurs anyone who is uncomfortable should feel empowered to state they are uncomfortable and then it should NEVER happen again.  I am not in favor of immediate punishment for a one off incident of something that is clearly an attempt at a joke but if it is clear it is a pattern or an ongoing issue then it needs to be taken care of swiftly and with permanent consequences.

    Long story short fuck Noel Clark and John Barrowman is on the ledge for me.  It sounds like he was made aware that what he felt was a joke was not and has changed accordingly.  I could be wrong and if so fuck him too.  But from what I read it has not happened since and I want to believe in personal growth and people evolving in their attitudes and beliefs on how their actions affect others.  

    Just my opinion.  I am probably in the minority on this.


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  4. Hasnt Atom Eve been shown to be able to make plants grow as well as make a treehouse out of living trees? Those are considered organic material unless she can only not affect sentient organic material?  Makes no sense but whatever.

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  5. As a generic action film it is ok. Nothing groundbreaking or makes me want to see it again.

    As an adaptation of my favorite book?  It is a complete fail. One of the worst ever made considering it was made by a big studio  with a good budget.

    Big disappointment from me as a book fan. 

  6. Regarding Zach, I could be wrong or was misinformed, but I think even his combine numbers were better than Fessy's.  If not at least comparable and NO ONE considers Zach one of the best or even elite on the challenge.  In fact of all the challengers in the GOAT conversation, only CT is big. The others are all smaller.  Well Mark is huge too but he is not in the GOAT conversation but the next level down in my opinion. And Fessy is no Mark.

    That should tell him something but Fessy is so narcissistic he can't see it.  

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  7. 11 hours ago, aghst said:

    That big chain doesn't seem to be the most efficient way to kill if not for the fact that he let her climb on his shoulders and wrap it around his neck.


    Agreed for the most part but to be fair, how many people have True's fighting ability?  She is clearly portrayed as elite in that regard.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Also, another thing that made me chuckle was that when CT and Amber got to the tangram puzzle, they knocked it over to knock the pieces out.., and the pieces stayed in place lol

    The other teams had the answer key and I assume they didn't even know it.

    I am pretty sure they noticed the pieces stayed in place then then went over to it and got the pieces out while it was on the ground.

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  9. Kenny only carried Wes for about 10 seconds for camera time only. He didn't literally carry him up the mountain. What you saw on the show was the extent of the carrying.

    CT carried Tonya for longer in the Inferno 2 final.


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  10. I have found this forum feels like it skews female at least in public posting even going back to the TWOP days.  When I compare the posts and thoughts here with some other forums I visit (mostly dvd and audio visual forums) which are almost exclusively male, it is almost opposite and mostly follows stereotypical male female lines.  Not all of course but I can typically tell what will be posted after each episode on each of the forums due to the makeup of the base.

    I do find it very interesting and enjoy it all to get different viewpoints and feelings.


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  11. Georgia was unoffically banned or at least put on a time out before the Bear stuff as pictures of her in blackface surfaced after her last season.  So MTV was not willing to have anyone one with that kind of heat especially now in today's climate.

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  12. While I do think Nany chose "fun" Kyle over jerky CT, she also ensured she would make the final AND most likely get a new partner next elimination. Kyle is the only option to go in unless he wins, and he would not be favored against any of the males left in any of the eliminations they may do.  So for Nany it was a win win.  But I don't think she thought that all the way through.  I think she just thinks of fun and not winning most of the time and Kyle is more fun than CT based on what every single person who has done a challenge with him have said.  She may have also wanted to ensure CT gets to the final although I don't think so. I know they had some kind of hookup in the past but I don't think they are friends or anything.

    The main reason Fessy keeps getting stolen is due to his alliance and social power in the game.  If he was in CT's position, he would not be getting stolen nearly as much.  On paper he seems good but he has treated his partners just as bad as CT even if not as publicly.  CT may yell or say mean things, but he still seems less selfish than Fessy.  Could be editing though but even in the after-shows and in social media, Fessy comes across as very narcissistic and basically seems like a selfish asshole.  I mean CT can be the same but he also has charisma, is funny, and has moments of self awareness and the ability to apologize and seem contrite.  Fessy has shown none of that as far as I have seen.

    Lastly, it is clear CT is working out quite a bit even if they don't show it on camera. He came in thinner than he has in years and has been getting in better and better shape as the season goes on. Any trainer is not going to workout beside you.  That is what a workout buddy is for.  The trainer's focus has to be solely on your workout not his own.  CT was an actual physical trainer when he was younger for a while from what I recall.  So if he was trying to help Big T, he went about it the right way even though on camera it looks bad when he is wrapped up and sipping coffee while instructing her.  I guarantee it helped her, however briefly it was before she got eliminated.




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  13. This looks terrible.  I actually enjoyed the first movie surprisingly but this trailer was brutal.  Not one funny or exciting moment to be found.  Maybe James Gunn blew his load with GOTG1?

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  14. Based on what Anessa said it sounds like Big T probably would have beat anyone in this since her time was MUCH faster than the ones who did it before.  To quote TJ, she killed it.  

    I think Tula is better than it looks because her biggest issue is confidence (and cardio) but from what I have seen when she stops overthinking things and just does it, she does well.  If she put in some real time working on cardio and training in between seasons, she wouldn't seem like the layup she is considered.


    Just my opinion.

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  15. 22 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

    Allegedly, the reasoning behind The Challenge OG that will be showing on Paramount + was to counter that. They were going to return to the old school less physical strength challenges and a variety of challenges. I don't know how it will pan out but it is supposed to be a more balanced Challenge. Of course, you have to subscribe to Paramount + to see it so there's that... 

    That was how the show was originally pitched to the cast but surprise when they got there it was basically the same type of challenges and finals they do on the main show.  Not everyone was happy about it. I know Trishelle has said she didn't even train because she was told it would be like the old days where they could sit around the pool and drink and do an occasional mission.  But based on what has been said since, it was the same basic show as the main one just condensed to a few weeks rather than 2 months.

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  16. Devin called out Lolo directly and said CT and Big T win was legit per the instructions provided to the cast at the time of the challenge and said anyone saying different is lying and crying sour grapes.  Darrell also liked his tweet saying this so he agrees the win is legit. The rest of the whole cast was so excited for her, do you really think they would be like that if they thought it was rigged?

    I think the issue is that she let go of the rope at the very edge of the drop zone but her momentum carried her a little past it maybe.  There is no way that they would have not reviewed the footage and let TJ praise their performance saying it was even close if it wasn't legit. They would just do the usual it was close but they won. I don't think MTV would also be praising Big T's performance all over social media with clips and everything if it was rigged.

    If you go back, you can clearly see multiple people dropping BEFORE the drop zone yet they weren't disqualified either so there was obviously some leeway going on.  Leroy said on his podcast that they let him and Kaycee have a do over since they messed up the first time.  Yet neither Josh nor Devin were provided the same do over, which is why Josh sounded so surprised they weren't given another chance and they were DQ.  To me that sounds WAY more like rigging for Leroy/Kaycee than letting where Big T fell (if it was in fact outside the buoys as it is hard to tell from the angles provided) stand and not count as a DQ.

    Lolo is also not being honest about how MTV "made her leave".  After losing yet another challenge (and anyone who has seen Lolo on other shows can tell she cannot handle losing) she was talking about self harm. Kaycee and Josh brought this to production and they as well as their insurance people reviewed the comments and footage and determined that she could not stay as they couldn't insure her with what she was saying.  So they told her to film that bullshit excuse for her leaving to try and let her save some face and not to air her mental health issues on camera.  That is why TJ also didn't even make any comments about her leaving like he normally does. If she truly left for the reason stated on camera he would have shit on her like he does all quitters.

    So yes MTV "technically" made her leave, but it was because her own actions and comments about self harm made it impossible for them to keep her in that environment because she was potentially a danger to herself if things continued the way the most like would have with her losing over and over because she sucks at the challenge.  She may be an elite athlete in track and bobsledding but she could not handle the challenge and that broke her.

    Her crying now is like CT crying that he didn't quit Duel 2, MTV made his leave when it was his actions that made him get booted.  

    I hope Lolo never comes back and I say that as someone who was excited to see her on this season.  She just doesn't have the skills to do the type of stuff in the challenges and cannot handle the pressure of being responsible for her own placement and strategy to compete on the show. She admitted it multiple times, she needs a coach to tell her what to do when things get tough.

    I felt so bad for Nam because I think he would have done much better if her spot had been filled with almost anyone else and he was partnered with her.




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  17. I am not a producer conspiracy nut in general but in the case of the first elimination, I have no problem believing it was originally going to be a male elimination UNTIL CT and Wes were the ones going in and they switched it to not lose their 2 highest paid and tenured cast members on the first episode.

    Devin said on the aftershow that as soon as they walked in and saw hall brawl, Gabby immediately said there was no way she was going in and when he asked why because he thought she should that she just pointed at her face.  She was scared of getting hurt or messing up her looks.  So she used Devin as an excuse to bail.  I am pretty sure if she insisted to go in, they would have had to go regardless of Devin's vote.  They have said before in past seasons if the pair deciding who goes in cannot decide then the pair must go in themselves. That is how Zach was able to get him and Amanda thrown in.

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  18. Devin discussed his issue with Amber on the aftershow. Basically after he won his elimination, she went up to him when he was celebrating with Kyle in that room and said she wanted him to know what she didn't vote for him and was glad he was back. Problem is that Devin had already been told that she DID vote for him and he knew she lied to his face and it pissed him off.  

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