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Boo Boo

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Posts posted by Boo Boo

  1. 3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    Bennett seems pretty extroverted and I picture his house being the one to host all the playdates because there's a rockin' dress up box and they get to put on plays and bang on all the musical instruments and fingerpaint on all the walls. I'll bet he has friends in no time, especially if they have kids.

    I wanted to own my own home from the time I graduated college onward. The advice I got, that I think was really sound, is that you shouldn't buy unless you are planning to stay five years or more. Even when property values go up, you don't really get your money back out of it in less time. But if you are going to put in a good five years or more, it often makes sense to buy for exactly the reasons you note. 

    I think that NYC and other high rent areas (like San Francisco) are maybe a little different because the housing costs are so incredibly high and often what you can afford to buy is nothing that you would want to live in. 

    Yes, someone mentioned that about depending on where you live!  That makes sense.


  2. 1 hour ago, Ilovepie said:

    I agree - I do think Woody cares about his wife’s appearance, but trying to compare a gf getting an abortion to a wife getting a haircut is not analogous! I am glad he clarified where he was coming from because he was digging himself into a very deep hole!

    Also, maybe I am alone on my own island here, but I do not, never have, nor never will discuss my hair decisions with my husband. It’s my fucking head and I am the one who has to style it daily. I have also in the last year or so gotten two tattoos. Does he like tattoos? No he does not. But did he say don’t do it? No he did not. Smart man. We have been married 22 years.😋

    I gotta be honest.  My boyfriend is a silver fox.  I love his gray hair so much.  If he dyed it, I would feel like Woody.  It would look ridiculous and my attraction to him would be over and I would pretend I have COVID-19 for the next month until it grows out! 😉

    I've never asked him for permission about my hair, but I have asked him what he would think if I dyed it darker.  Or cut it shorter.  Ultimately, it's my decision but again, I would be crushed if he did anything to his beautiful silver hair!

    • Love 7
  3. 2 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

    Bennett may change too as he gets older.  I met my husband when we both were 28 and while he wasn't as creative as Bennett, he too lived in chaos and didn't concern himself with money matters. He and his then-roommate would wait till the power was cut off to pay the bill.  But I was as smitten with him as Amelia is with Bennett because my husband was quirky and cynical in the same way I was and with the same snarky sense of humor.  I think this is why I am so smitten with them -- they remind me of my own past.

    My husband ended up scrambling mightly and building a decent, if unspectacular career as a computer network engineer, largely self-taught. I always made more than he did, and what we found worked was for him to be on the "all-inclusive plan."  He gave me an agreed-upon sum out of every paycheck, keeping his own bank account, and I handled everything -- the household bills, car maintenance, even vacations.  It worked for both of us. 

    When he became ill with cancer in his late 50s  and depressed, he lamented how he'd aged out of the career he's struggled so hard to build and what a failure he felt like. I told him that I had never pushed him to be anything other than who he was when I met him, that HE decided to get motivated, and he said "I wanted to be the man that you deserve."  I still cry when I think about that and he's been dead almost 7 years now.  Because his career caused him little but frustration even though he was so good at it. Because the truth is that what he was cut out to be was the world's oldest living adolescent.  The question is whether we would have lasted 30 years if he had stayed that way. A high stress job such as Amelia is planning can make that fun-loving Peter Pan Boy grate on your nerves after a few 80-hour weeks.

    So sorry about your hubby.  And I love how you responded to his aging out of a career.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, Retired at last said:

    I also remember hearing that Brett has a government IT position. If that is the case, then his salary is most likely much less than he could get in the private sector, but he may be in it for the long term benefits and retirement income. If you get into a government position early enough, you can work for 20 years, be able to get full benefits, retire from the gov't and then work for much more money as a contractor or in the private sector.

    That's exactly what I said in the other episode post -- his salary might not be great, but the benefits could make up for that.   

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  5. 3 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

    I've worked in IT for over 30 years. There are tons of support roles that do not pay well. Under Brett's name this week, at one point it said, Systems Administrator. I was a SysAdmin back in the day and while it was a few steps above Level 1 support, it was not glamorous or high paying. Olivia said he was working on getting certifications. I did not hear her or him say that he already had any. He may be a lower level support person or sysadmin in government and is looking to get certifications to move up in title and responsibilities. Whatever he is earning now, he is certainly managing it well and may very well be one of those people who demonstrates that you don't have to make a fortune to have a relatively secure life, you just have to prioritize and make good spending choices. 

    Exactly.  There are former mailmen that die millionaires.  Live within your means, invest well.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

    I think it is more than just spending, too. If Olivia came home with a $200, distressed looking lamp for the table, she'd be tickled to death and every time he looked at that lamp he'd be thinking that she could have gotten a lamp at the discount store for $12.99. I can relate to that as I'm not an antique, or a tchotchkes type person at all. If we needed a lamp, I'd want something that matched, but that kind of spending is not compatible with me. 

    It makes sense for her even if she is not in transition. She lives in an area that she cannot afford to purchase anything so she prefers to rent there. It's not much different than buying a BMW for $50k, when a Honda Accord will do the same work for less than half the cost. The tax breaks, potential for more space, etc. mean nothing to her if her preference is to live in that particular area. There are a lot of hospitals around the NYC area and many nurses here rent in nice areas that are relatively close to where they work. Sure, they could probably buy a condo somewhere in the boroughs but the commute would be exhausting, the area might not be the greatest, etc. Olivia seems quite rigid and wants what she wants. She will definitely need to find someone like her if she wants a successful relationship. I'm sure she is like this with other things as well. Brett seems the type that would be perfectly happy with living room furniture from Bob's Discount Furniture, while Olivia would never dream of such a thing. 


    Yeah, that's a good point if she can't buy where she wants.  

  7. 27 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    She said she wanted Brett to help her do a budget because she had debt that she wanted to "get down." I'm assuming credit card debt because people don't tend to talk about car payments in terms of debt; they tend to categorize it as part of their transportation budget. (Same with a mortgage - Brett has debt from his house but mortgages are rarely described as being in debt.) Could be student loans (I usually assume people have student loans, as most people I know in my/their generation either have had them or still have them).

    Like, if in their household they had two car payments, a mortgage, student loans, and credit card debt, the credit card debt is the one they should focus on paying off first and most aggressively. And really, if Olivia makes six figures, odds are good that she shouldn't need to carry a balance - she's likely not in an "I need to use my credit card to buy groceries because I live paycheck to paycheck" position. Whatever her financial issues are are the result of a spending problem, not an income problem.

    Right.  If she's making a good living and has credit card debt, she's an idiot.  I use my credit card for almost everything b/c I like the rebates, but I pay off the bill, in total, every single month.  Presumably, being a singleton making a good living, she's got a lot of disposable income.  Is she not living within her means?  That would concern me if I were Brett too.

    If she can't do that, she needs to cut down on eating out, expensive wine, and take less expensive vacations.

    That's what I said in one of the threads -- there are some people that have high salaries but also carry a lot of debt.  There are others like Brett who don't make as much but have a healthier bank account.

    I also wonder what type of IT specialist Brett is where he doesn't make a lot.  Is this just producer shenanigans in that the storyline is she makes more, he's poor.  Is he not degreed?  Not certified? She said he's going to get another certification?  If he's in that field, he could eventually make more than she does.  So if he isn't, there's another question of whether he's as ambitious as she is.  

    • Love 5
  8. 10 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:

    That's what really got me.  If it's so important to her that he come with her, pick up the tab! they are married, right? what's mine is yours, etc.  I was also surprised to learn that Olivia is in major debt, by her own account.  This makes me more sympathetic to Brett's insistence on a sensible budget.

    Did Oliva say "major debt"?  I thought I heard her say "I have debt" but "I pay all my bills."  She doesn't own, so she doesn't have housing debt.  Is "debt" her student loans?  Car payment?  Does she have credit card debt and when she says she "pays all my bills" does that mean she pays the minimum on a credit card bill, which would be absolutely the worst financial decision she could make.

    On owning a home or not owning a home, if Olivia is planning to stay in New Orleans for a long time, owning a home would be wise.  She's been there for four years, which is a long time and why not buy a small house? Townhouse? Condo?  

    The thing is, your house payment is often the same or less than rent and you get a bigger place on top of it.  My mortgage payment is less than a lot of apartment rentals and I have about 3000 square feet.  She would get a tax break too.

    If this is a transition for her, a rental makes sense.

    If they met the traditional way and fell in love and got married, they could move into his place, split the cost of the home and then do the things they want to do together.  Two can live more cheaply than one.

    Or they can do alike a lot of couples -- have a joint account where you contribute a % to the bills, have separate accounts where she can spend whatever money she wants.  



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  9. 21 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Olivia a made it crystal clear that her money is exactly that and she isn't going to pay any part of her husband's way. What she needs is a travel partner, not a spouse. She's not here for becoming one unit. 

    That's what struck me.  Her money is her money.  And she ain't paying for her husband to enjoy all the activities.  Imagine if the roles were reversed. 

    But of course, she got what she didn't want as if she's never seen an episode of MAFS despite her fan girling Pastor Cal. 

    I wonder if Brett is really that cheap that a vacation is not happening or he just doesn't like Olivia and so he's really digging in his heels because of it.  And maybe she's doing the same thing -- not willing to pay b/c she just doesn't like him.

    Whatever the case, horribly matched. 

    • Love 9
  10. 1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

    The thing about Lizzie's weight loss is that she really didn't have that much to lose, probably 30 lbs at most. Yet to me she has that odd look of a person who lost a massive amount of weight too fast via gastric bypass. Like one of Dr. Now's patients from My 600 lb life who lost over 400 lbs in a year and had to have several skin removal surgeries because of all the loose skin. She even kinda moves like a formerly morbidly obese person.

    Her bottom half is a lot bigger than her upper half, even when she was heavier.  I think she starves herself so her bottom half doesn't look as big.  


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  11. 6 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    I think people today go on reality shows for reasons other than what the show is actually about.  Today people go on reality shows to be celebrities and stars, it's all about being famous.

    Exactly.  It's about getting a following on social media and sponsorship.  Hell, Larissa's "boyfriend" Eric on 90 day F has an "Only Fans" account (per his IG account).  

    That said, it does seem that at least in Connie and the insecure one had very real feelings for their experiment partner.  Or their insecurities were magnified b/c their partners lost interest.


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  12. 7 hours ago, Kira53 said:

    Until you find "the one" you're striking out. Since Brett was engaged and gave his fiancé a second chance after cheating on him it looks like he really was desirous of getting married. 

    Didn't Bennett also have a backpack? I seem to recall Amelia with a backpack. I don't think it makes any difference; it's more that Bennett is very comfortable in his own skin as is Amelia even though other people might think they're weird. 

    Why would anyone think that they're going to get a match? Do you really think the casting decision does not take a long time from when you first talk to the producers or the interviewers? I don't think there's any reason to not be dating unless or until you have a match. I'm sure there are other people who weren't dating because they don't date that's why they're on the show.  Olivia??  Her not dating for 3 1/2 years?  Wasn't that a red flag?  Maybe Olivia really hasn't wanted a real partner just someone to go to events with. At least Brett was trying.  I'm not saying I like Brett or Olivia.  Unfortunately a person that dates all the time being matched with someone who hasn't dated in 3 1/2 years really looks like a bad match at this point.  Nonetheless I'm really interested to see how they deal with their cats trying to come to live together. Cats don't always like to have new brothers or sisters and owners usually favor their own animals. In Covid that could be amusing.

    True, it is probably a long process from application, to interviews, to the actual call.  

  13. 7 minutes ago, RaeSpellman said:


    Miles' cousin said that. I wonder if those were really Woody's friends or just folks he's acquainted with through Miles. Maybe Woody needs to spend more time with people who see him like his grandmother sees him and less time with people who see him like his mother and Miles' relatives/friends see him. I dated a guy who reminds me of Woody when I was a little younger than they are. He was a good guy underneath all the show. Still, it might be wise for Amani to temper her expectations for this experiment.  Hopefully she'll find out what her dads, man of honor, and other male friends/relatives think of Woody over time.

    Dr. Viviana  thought the way Brett revealed the information was in poor taste but didn't think there was anything was wrong with Brett continuing to date until he was matched. Even if Brett hadn't applied for MAFS, based on his recent dating history, it's likely that things wouldn't have progressed much farther than the third date anyway. 

    Karen told him that he needed to set it to private and he seemed to agree. 

    That reminds me:  I don't think Brett being a "serial dater" is necessarily a bad thing either.  

    He's been engaged once before, so clearly he's not just a hook up machine.  I mean, if he's just in it for easy 3rd date sex, that's one thing.  But if he's dating until he finds the right one, isn't that what we're supposed to do?

    That said, I still think if you've signed up fro "getting married" show, there's no purpose to dating other than hooking up.  I mean, unless the decision on casting takes a long time and you don't think you'll get it.

  14. 2 minutes ago, smeds said:

    What I don't understand, instead of calling them &$#$&# and walking away because they weren't putting away the slide the way she wanted, why didn't she just stand her ground and tell them while how they want to do it might be the proper way, we don't have the time - this is how I want it done so just do it so we can move on to other things.  For someone who claims her brothers taught her to not let people walk all over her, she lets them walk all over her.  


    If you are someone's boss and you give a directive, you don't walk away in a huff.  You stand your ground and there's a consequence.  Silent treatment doesn't work.  I had second-hand embarrassment when she said "Am I allowed..."  

    • Love 14
  15. 3 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    Because the whole point was to let Olivia know that she had competition. If he liked the woman so much, he could of easily backed out and they would have picked someone else. He also probably was just curious about who they picked for him to marry and now feels like Olivia was not measuring up so regrets his decision.

    And there's the "I'm going to be on TV' thing.

    Even the Olivia's of the world who seem so sweet and successful must have a bit of the attention ho in them.

    • Love 4
  16. On Brett dating after signing up for it, I understand there's a waiting period, but how fair is it to the woman he dated that he's signed up to get married to a stranger?  Maybe he was honest about it and she didn't care, but if you're signing up to get married, why is it so hard to wait out when you find out if you are go or no go?  I would think the producers of the show would prefer they weren't dating b/c he could've easily decided he wanted to pursue a relationship and backed out when the producers gave him the go ahead.

    I thought the purpose of MAFS was that these people were striking out in the traditional dating world.  Brett doesn't appear to be striking out.

    • Love 2
  17. 2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I probably have watched way too much of this show and hence find more red flags and reasons to worry about all of them.  I am skeptical about every one of them at this point, except for Bennett and Amelia - somehow they seem to be a success story in the making, similar to Austin and Jessica last season.  I think Miles has tripped my "too good to be true" meter based on how he has been edited - perhaps that is how Karen is reacting to him right now too, and why she looks like she's already decided he's not for her.  I think it would be fantastic if over time both she AND I eventually warm up to him.  I'm really a romantic at heart - I want to see these people succeed!

    Karen reacted to him before she married him based on him being "too emotional" on Instagram.  I wouldn't take stock in how she is reacting to him based on that and her view of masculinity.

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  18. 23 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

    This is your assumption this is not something anyone "knows". He said he had 10 monogamous relationships. That means he did not have sex outside of the relationship however Long or short it was. His point was he is monogamous. And does not cheat. I believe he was distinguishing himself from his buddy Woody who admitted to some cheating in his relationship history.  In my opinion, it is good to leave when you realize that things will never get better. 10 monogamous relationships often means 10 bad choices but an integrity that does not allow you to cheat just because you're not happy in the relationship.

    I hope you know by now that he did not say "serious relationships" he said "monogamous relationships". The number of relationships you're in depends in part upon the type of relationships you've entered into. You have people who have a lot of relationships because they fall in love quickly and someone like Karen that probably takes a very long time to get into a relationship but when it's wrong or bad she just doesn't leave so they are in 2 bad relationships during their life.  If experience is a good teacher who has learned more? We don't actually know but two relationships are not enough learning experience to be a good girlfriend or a good wife unless you are working in counseling to understand yourself a lot better.  Of course that's just my opinion.

    Miles has said that he always wanted to be a father and a husband or at least a husband. So he seems like the kind of man that was interested in relationships and sought them out. Your self description was you were more career oriented and less concerned about relationships so you had less relationships and that makes sense. I'm just tired of people taking their own situation and placing it on to Miles when he is his own man with his own needs and wishes.  Olivia's husband, Brett may have had 45 dates because most of the women didn't wanna have a second date. I'm not judging him either, except that probably a lot of women didn't want to have a second date.  I have see people go on a lot of dates because they're lonely and have a sense of neediness either for sex or for emotional connection that has them seek out people constantly.

    Amen to all of this.  The man said 10 monogamous relationships.  What on earth is wrong with that?  He didn't say he was engaged 10 times.  He didn't say he was in love 10 times.  He simply said he had had 10 relationships where he wasn't cheating on the person he was with.

    He's young.  He's single.  People date.  People have relationships.  Maybe it lasts 3 months, maybe it lasts 1 month.   Maybe he counts his first girlfriend when he was 13.   Who knows?  Who cares.  

    What we do know is Karen's ex-boyfriend was having at least 2 relationships at once, and one produced a baby.  I'm sure he had 8 other non-monagmous relationships that Karen probably gave two shits about.


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  19. On the scripting, I don't believe that Michael and Angela's "submissive" storyline has any truth to it.  Did they really believe this loudmouth is going to be submissive?

    I believe Asuelo's mom wants money but that both sis and mom were playing up to the cameras to get that TLC money.  However, I really though Kalani getting emotional was genuine.  Maybe more along the lines of: I hate my dimwit husband and his ugly mom and sister.

    I genuinely believe Tania's frustration. I could see TLC encouraging the discussion but Tania's not acting.  I also think Syngin is done with the harping.  

    Larissa/Eric story is all bullshit.  Colt's story is all bullshit;  Colt is one shitty actor.

    Paul and Karine -- I believe that shit is real!


    • Love 12
  20. 25 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

    I agree with others that this series has become more and more ‘scripted’ as seasons have gone by. They’re not given a script of course, but bad behaviour is very much encouraged and only those segments make it to screen. 

    But I don’t understand Michael. He comes across as a pleasant chap, intelligent and not bad looking. His life in Nigeria doesn’t seem that bad, certainly not the poverty level of Rose, and his family is apparently decent and loving.

    Most if them want the Green Card, and he was keen to go to the USA and meet Trump at first, but lately he’s said he’d be ok marrying and staying in Nigeria (which loudmouth Angela nixed right away). Sometimes I think he really does care for or maybe even ‘loves’ the chain smoking aging beast.

    I want to yell RUN! But I don’t think he ever will. Its so weird.

    I think he's in it for the TLC paycheck and social media following.  They might not make a whole lot on the show, but it's something!  


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  21. 9 minutes ago, TheMediumBopper said:

    That could be true. I have a knee-jerk reaction against Olivia and her baby voice, but she has plenty of legit reasons for being wary of Brett. Did I correctly hear Brett say that he went on a date a couple days before he got married? What the eff is the point of that? That alone speaks of a complete lack of genuine interest in 'the process' and would probably be  a dealbreaker for me.

    I agree with you!  I also have that knee-jerk reaction against Olivia and that voice!  But yes, she def. should be wary of Brett.  

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