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Everything posted by jennifersdc1

  1. I believe this happened. Teddi’s an idiot though. This house has been for sale? (another of PK’s brilliant “investment” ideas to buy a house then think he can flip it for an absurd price - the old one is still on the market?). Nobody needed Dana Wilkey to tell them the street it was on. Thanks to everyone who shared their stories though to make me more understanding that this type of event can really effect people. I was robbed at knifepoint once. In my own house (1999). I was really stupid and left my front door wide open while I had a couch delivered and didn’t close it while I got my shit together to go back to work. Some homeless guy came into my house (see DC 1999 in what was then a questionable neighborhood - no longer - the guy who bought my house from me in 2010 just sold it for over $1M) went into my kitchen on the first floor, got a knife and came to the second floor living room (house had odd floor plan - my master BR was on the third floor). I gave him my purse very quickly. He asked for my laptop. I didn’t have one (see 1999). He waived the knife at me. I stamped my foot at him and told him to just leave. He did. He actually looked just as scared as me. No PTSD for me. Luckily I just don’t seem to be wired that way. Really good about just letting things roll off my back and move on. Mr. DC who has serious diagnosed depression issues has always been jealous. Whenever I think of the event I actually only get pissed at myself cause I had a very nice emerald and diamond necklace (broken) in that bag that I kept intending to take to a jeweler to get fixed. But I really didn’t have the money at the time (see also lazy). It was a Christmas present from my parents and thankfully they seemed to have forgotten about its existence. Sorry ETA that I had no dogs at the time. Just some indoor/outdoor cats and a house rabbit. I’m a big dog person (see numerous Akita, Rottweiler and Great Pyr mixes) so none of this would have happened. Especially since I would have obviously closed the door even if I had a chihuahua.
  2. Absolutely agree 100% (see Teresa Guidice re scripted “confessionals’). You put it much more succinctly and eloquently than I (see ratchet). It would likely take me at least three paragraphs to say pretty much say the same thing. Thank Sweet Baby Jesus we have Bosawks for the one liners.
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