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It was more that everyone was getting annoyed with her, IIRC. Like @MrsEVH said, she and her boyfriend posted a bunch of very immature and occasionally insensitive or disrespectful TikToks. A lot of people were surprised TPTB let that happen since some of them could have been construed as damaging to the DCC brand. Her friends and family were also super OTT on social media supporting her, and there was definitely speculation that they were creating fake accounts on various platforms to make it seem like she had more fans than she did. It was just a lot of exposure and everyone got really fed up with it.
Finale of season 7 is on right now, and Chelsea's asked a question, presumably "How are you feeling?" or something, as everyone is getting ready for the halftime show, and her response was just "I'm nervous and in a hurry", said really quickly and obviously annoyed. I think that's such an obvious marker of how fake she was on the show. She wants the attention but at the same time she wanted to be in complete control and she couldn't even pull it together enough to say "I'm really nervous but also really excited" or something similar.
For me I think it's due to the fact that her injury was nowhere near healed and she needed to sit out of a lot of rehearsals and shows. Almost every other injury you mentioned - Danielle, Ashley, Jinelle - those were short term and they knew that with a couple weeks of rest they would be physically okay. Cassie's knee injury and surgery took much longer to recover from. And honestly I feel the same way about Brooke and Daphne. They're all good dancers, but they had long term injuries and couldn't/wouldn't have been able to fully participate in that season even after several weeks of training camp. I think Cassie and Brooke were favorites and Daphne's injury came after a year where TPTB took a lot of heat for all the veteran cuts so they were going to be nicer anyways (and that year was the first in a decade to have no vets actually cut - Amanda, Lisa, and Alora Rose quitting was different). So yes, there was favoritism in those cases. Personally I don't think any of those three should have been accepted back into training camp that year, or frankly tried out knowing they had such a severe injury. Take a year off, heal properly, and then come back the following year if you still want it. But I am happy they were consistent with it. As far as I'm aware there aren't any vets that tried out despite an injury and were cut because of it.
The ideal body fat percentage also changed between seasons. Season 3 with the girl you talked about said it was like 10-16% and she absolutely nailed a girl (Jordyn Ketchum maybe?) for having like 18% body fat. And then season 4 all of a sudden it was recommended to be like 18-25% and Ashley Kelly was told to gain weight when she had 16%. And in none of those critiques did they ever say, "Here's the number of a good nutritionist." Because seriously these girls are dancing SO much I'd be surprised if extra cardio would do much for them, it's much more likely to be their diet (though everyone's different).
Jennifer Colvin, season 7 I got the impression from the way Shelbi was talking it was more about her needing the free time during the day to practice and not that the company itself wasn't a fit, so she might not have wanted to look for another job during TC. Not sure about Kyndall or s10 Kat though and whether they wanted to look for a new job.
I agree that watching yourself dance is super helpful, but at the same time I understand Judy's critique. Melissa is very rarely pointing out choreography mistakes, she's trying to help the girls see if they're stiff or lacking expression, things that they definitely wouldn't know themselves. When Judy asks someone if they know what they did wrong, it's always a matter of them doing the choreography incorrectly and her expecting them to know what the correct step is, which is a reasonable expectation. She could probably approach the topic more carefully but I still get why she does it.
I've been looking through the cameos on Pompedia and it's really interesting to see how the photos have changed. There used to be a lot more girls doing a sexier face as opposed to a smile, now you might see one or two girls per season like that. Possibly due to the squad's average age getting younger?