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Everything posted by MegaJ

  1. Every time I see that episode title I start humming Cece Pinston...
  2. Man, it's always awesome to see Degrassi at it's best. When it transcends cheesy teen show to "yeah, it deserves those Emmys." I loved how all the plots went together. I loved the shades of gray. I loved that there was no right answer. This episode so far was the highlight of season 14 and I'm not sure for the series fauxnale will top it. And the theme! Characters trying to overcome their perception and the things they did in the past! Yaaaas. All throughout Zig's storyline I was on pins and needles, especially during the musical. I should've known that with the police there nobody was going to shoot Zig on stage but it was still tense. I really liked the ambiguity of the situation that Zig was in, where even though he did the right thing in the end, it may still end a little badly for him. I also liked how the other kids (Imogen, Maya) just could not relate to his situation at all, and thought everything would blow over. Damon's handy advice about getting out in any way possible was great, and a good message for the kids at home who may be dealing with this. Gang life is rough, and it's scary to go to the authorities but the way to play the game is just not to play it all and try your best to get out of the cycle. It won't work in most cases but those repeated attitudes are the reasons why gangs exist. And I gotta give it up for Ricardo Hoyos for finally stepping up his acting game and bringing the toughness, yet sweetness to Zig's character. I'm so happy the writers didn't just write Damon as a side character and gave him agency. How quickly he turned against Zig, and stabbed Tiny...I was sure he was given that to move the plot along, but then he suffered a major consequence which gave him his epiphany. The end scene with the two of them was heartwarming and I hope Liam makes the cast next year. It's time to get Tiny out of the Black Best Friend box; Richard Walters was great and I'm glad his situation wasn't forgotten with. He really has no one other than Vince and it makes me wish we saw more of him. And eff that gang counselor, why is Zig not back at home yet!? Great twist with Jonah stealing Becky's money and settling an old drug debt. Poor Becky's idealism has been trampled on all season. Not a fan of the break-up, just to get her back together with Drew but they're both gone as of this season, might as well make Drecky endgame. Frankston was cute, and probably just there to lighten up the episode at little bit. Sucks Frankie was cheated on but her spying and tests for Winston were not cute at all. She should've brought all her concerns to him instead of playing games. Winston I think learned his lesson. I kinda wish there was more of a consequences seeing how he cheated, but it's whatever. Frankston! Tomorrow, the season finale (not calling it a series finale TeenNick! Suck it!)
  3. Wow, this was a pretty "adult" episode with the A-Plot. Getting high and having sex and then what happens in the end? Man, Degrassi can still go there. Semma 2.0 are cute together. And it was interesting focusing on Zig's POV about losing his virginity in "the right way" as opposed to Maya and feeling like he "defiled" her. I'm glad they both came around and realized their feelings for one another. I'm sure the fandom will have their usual freakout about Maya and start calling her a **** and whatever, but unlike Emma and Clare, she's never been a 100% ingenue, further solidified with Cam's suicide darkening her character. I also liked Vince here; he's a villain but these little moments of him taking care of Zig and his issues keeps him from being the cartoon villain he was back in season 11. No one is 100% bad all the time. I loved Clare's plot and how it was a throwback to her standing up to Shep back in season 8. I get her side and Pill shouldn't have forced her to bring up the miscarriage thing. But still...girl. Clare. It's a school...it's a public place. There's no expectation of privacy unless you're in the bathroom or lockers. But again, IDK. I'm not sure just how much privacy teenagers can demand, especially after Degrassi Nudes. Her righteousness this time isn't the product of standing up for Connor and the "freaks" of the school, but her wildly spinning out of control with the miscarriage, Eli back in her life and an unclear future. Can't wait to see what happens. Frankston plot was meh. I would've liked the parallel with her mother to have been more subtle.
  4. This social worker is worthless. Um, so Zig's mother doesn't want him back in the house? So she's okay with him essentially being homeless? Why is he not calling the police on her or sitting them both down to hash this out? This isn't a case where Zig was being abused or he was hitting his mother; there's no reason for this guy not to being working towards getting Zig back into his home. Mama Novak can go die. So Vince did prison time for shooting Adam...like a year? And he's out? Great lawyer I guess or prison overcrowding. I did like his stone face seeing Zig practice...though this arrangement will lead to nothing but trouble. I also have the feeling we should see more of Tiny and how he feels living with his brother...where are their parents? Anyway. So Alli's lone A-Plot this season revolved around Clare. Sigh. But to tell the truth, they pretty much spent their biggest Alli storyline back in season 10 and nothing Alli has done has been as good as that storyline. But I like a good Clare/Alli plot so this was sweet. Rolling my eyes at Tristan but the gay dating world is bullshit for the part so I can relate. I mean, how many gay guys on these apps are into hiking? That guy was cute, I wonder if we'll see him next season.
  5. I don't have much to add about Give Me One Reason. It was all good, very emotional etc. Throwing the heart-wrenching kink that Clare has to still deliver a stillborn baby made this episode feel more melancholy and laid out Clare's motives to get away from anything. The EClare didn't feel too overbearing. I was surprised Maya's mother was all like "welp, deuces" to the thought of sending Zig out but it was time that he did and he eventually had to face his mother. So now after Zig and Maya realize they love each other, we get another road block. Le sigh. Arlene was kinda mean towards Hunter, but I think that was the actress's delivery. Maybe she confused sarcasm/aloofness for anger. It was a cute plot nonetheless. And seriously Arlene you read Lobo? SMH.
  6. I'm so happy that the show is taking it easy for a bit before they kick it into high gear with Zig's troubles again. This is reminding me of season two stuff (my favorite season) where the problems weren't that big. So Becky's a thirstbucket for Jonah. Ha. The whole plot was amusing, but all too real. One of my co-workers is a 17-year-old girl who told me she had sex with her boyfriend and thought it was like punching God in the face and I was like "oh so these Beckys DO exist." I'm glad her mother realized that not being candid may have led to Luke's issues and she actually talked with Becky about sex and it's more important to talk to Jonah about it. Speaking of Jonah, he was good here but he's being used simply for Becky's issues and I worry about the character since Sarah Fisher is gone after this season. I'm not sure who they can stick him with or if they'll continue to expand on his character. Two days detention for the porn on the overhead was too much, Mrs. Pill. It was an accident. Sheesh. FUCK YOU IN YOUR STUPID FACE TRISTAN. I haven't had a hate-on for a character on this show since Jenna bounced and smirked back in season 9. He is a terrible friend and so completely self-absorbed, it's no wonder he was angry at Maya getting all the attention from everyone else. I still can't believe he's still angry with her about Mr. Yates, even after Winston revealed that Grant tried to feel him up. I don't think Maya had to apologize for anything but if she wanted to be friends with him I guess she had to clamp down on her feelings. So the Clare/Eli baby. We knew they were going this direction, the groundwork was laid yadda yadda yadda. It doesn't feel cheap since this was the first miscarriage plot line in the show's history and Clare seems like she'll be destroyed by it. The plot before then helped too, it was cute and Clare and Eli seemed to be getting into the groove with their parenting.
  7. Everyone is coming back, this is essentially Degrassi season 15.
  8. Finally got around to seeing this. I just got around to watching this. I'm glad that the problems for the last few episodes have been minor teenage stuff, it'll probably ramp back into high gear once the gang stuff starts again. It was nice seeing Zoe vulnerable. Despite the Alpha Bitch attitude, she cares way too much about people think of her. I think it's a given that she won't get serious punishment for Degrassi Nudes, but I like that she's paying for it. Oh and Zoe/Miles part two? Whatever. Tristan's line about the "porkers" wanting french fries all the time? Eat a fucking dick. Jackogen had to end. If Jack was unwilling to come out, then there was nothing Imogen could do to change her mind. I know she's not afraid of her parents being religious nuts but I do get her reasoning. Not so much as being seen as their little girl but not wanting to rock the boat and change their dynamic. It's sad, but Imogen would be better off with someone who was out. Not much to say about the cheating plot other than it was nice and down to Earth. Winston's house of cards came tumbling down spectacularly. And Sara Waisglass is a good cryer.
  9. Aw, Hunter alone at the party. It's fine, it's how he wanted it. I'm really glad they chose Sara Waisglass to play Frankie; the actress is good and she knows how to make Frankie relatable to the audience. I mean, Frankie's a rich girl but her wealth isn't a big part of the character. And even with the wealth of the Hollingsworths, you can see that it's a one big FUF. I'm sad the parents are splitting, but some consequence had to happen after he hit Miles. And Frankie is still understandably upset with him over that and the Degrassi Nudes thing. I'm guessing the election is over, which is a sad I think it would've been cool to have a parent as part of the Toronto government. Anyway. This was a nice little breather plot and exploration of the aftermath of Firestarter. I really hope Imogen comes around. Her parents are okay with her being bi/pansexual, she's faced no discrimination other than some creepy comments. I like that Imogen has become this character who's steadfast in her convictions and all social justice warrior-like, I guess ditching Fiona was the best for her character, ha. Oh, also liked her casually hanging with Clare and Eli. Zig/Maya: It's happeniiiiiiiiiing. I admire the writers waited until now to kick it into high gear since all of us know this would be a thing since like, season 11. This was a cute plot, and even though it turned into Zig/Maya halfway, I'm glad Maya apologized to Grace. They're a fun duo. And I'm also sure that Damon's bandana thing was a red herring, and it was probably Vince's boys who robbed Maya's house. But that's obvious and those writers tricked me last year with the Degrassi Nudes blackmailer so I'll sit here and wait.
  10. When I saw the title Ready or Not, I just couldn't help but think of the theme song for that old teen series Ready or Not (what would your mother say?). I don't have cable anymore, so unfortunately I have to rely on...means to get episodes now. Can't say I feel that bad for TeenNick deciding to pass on Degrassi, though I guess they're happy being a home for off-network Nick live-action repeats. * Mrs. Pill. Meaningful name, I guess. Now I KNOW I'm getting old because her "draconian" rules didn't seem all too bad and warranted after Degrassi Nudes. I think I'll like her, she's strict but also she seems to know when to let the kids be kids. *Yeah, time for the seniors to go now. What's going on with the underclassmen is far more interesting, and the group of seniors hit their maximum storyline potential. I mean, we got Degrassi Nudes and gang violence with the Grade 10s. With the seniors? Another triangle with Drew and Becky involved and EClare and the EClare baby. Everyone else is just kinda hanging out chilling. Imogen and Alli were heavy storyline-hitters early on but they're just basically support now. *Speaking of EClare, it's funny. This ship is 5 years old and the fandom STILL either loves or hates them. I like them and I wouldn't mind if they're endgame but I have a feeling they won't be but it will end nicely. I think Jonnor has a better chance. *Man, Sara Waisglass is going to have to do some heavy carrying in her love triangle storyline. Amanda and Andre aren't really good actors (though Andre Kim has gotten better, mainly due to necessity). Pump some iron, Sara. *Yay, Ricardo can finally act now. Zig's situation is so messy. Grace's appearances (which I loved) hammered the point home that Zig can't just Rise Above and will probably tied into gang banging for awhile. While all of this is hokey, it's miles ahead of when they tried to do gang storylines back in season 6 with the Lakehurst rivalry and especially with season 11 and Drianca's ordeal. So overall, good episodes. And luckily I don't have to wait until next week for the next one. __________________
  11. Degrassi moves to Netflix. Will be titled: Degrassi: Next Class.
  12. They're still shopping for around for a broadcaster and season 15 is still in the works, but yeah MTV Canada and TeenNick are ending their broadcast of the show. I'm think that was the reason for the delay, like it was probably canceled by MTV Canada/TeenNick earlier this year and they were trying to find a new network and they found one so it's safe to declare it now.
  13. I'm guessing he had to resign or got fired after Degrassi Nudes. It's okay, I liked him but he wasn't a good principal =P
  14. Season 14 has so far been an improvement over Season 13. I was worried about the reduced episode count, but re-watching season 13, it was clear they had more episodes than they knew what to do with. I'm so glad the part one/part two structure is mostly gone, this way episodes "end," but the ramifications carry on in other plots. I'm no longer worried about what will happen when the seniors graduate, the younger class feels fresh whereas the seniors sans Becky and Imogen (somtimes) feel like we reached maximum plot potential. A-Plot. God, that Hollingsworth family. If Papa Hollingsworth wins the mayor slot (and I think he will), I can only assume it'll get worth. I get he's under pressure and Miles is messy son, but him actually striking him was awful, and he even near hit Hunter with that mug. Mama Hollingsworth is pitiful. When your son tells you that your husband hit him, you try to place the blame on him? She knows what kind of man she married, but I think she likes her fancy lifestyle too much and knows what'll happen if she stood up to him. The good thing at least is that Miles finally realizes (by committing arson) about what he had to do. And yes, it looks like we're getting more Matingsworth. -_- So I guess Triles was about Miles just getting a rise of his dad. B-Plot. Yeah so Zoe confessed. But realistically, even with Zoe being the "madam" of Degrassi Nudes doesn't get the cheerleaders off the hook, they could still face charges. She doesn't deserve all of the blame, she didn't make anyone do anything, and Frankie eventually left the team. But I guess Zoe taking the heat works storyline-wise to get the other mains off the work. In any case, the set-up inside that spare room was hokey, so good for Zoe for seeing right through it, lol. I hope Winston and Frankie never break up, but I know they will when Epitome casts another 10th-11th grade hot boy. C-Plot. Clare forgave Eli way too quick considering his history and what he said to her, but if the baby is his then I guess she can't so no he can't not be involved. Maybe I'll warm up to EClare again. Eventually.
  15. So happy Ashley has fans, I always disliked how much crap she got from the fandom in favor of Manny. Ashley, to me, was always portrayed well by the actress and I thought her journey was intriguing. It's a shame the character was used less as the seasons went on. I also still like Emma, flaws and all. I get why people dislike her, though. Another unpopular opinion: I adore Marisol. She, to me was the most believable Queen Bee, and actually felt like a real person. She was bitchy sure, but not 100% of the time and also had good traits that would make you believe that she would have friends (unlike Zoe and early Paige and early Holly J). I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for the actress's charisma, that she would've ended up like Hazel and Chantay and Keisha. I really hope the writers do right by Shay.
  16. A-Plot. GODDAMNIT. I'm so mad at Degrassi for actually swerving me; all this time I thought Arlene was the blackmailer with Hunter being the red herring but turns out both of them are red herrings (at least, as of now). I gotta watch the previous episodes to find out how Winston knew about Degrassi Nudes and how they were connected to the cheerleaders. Shrug. Papa Hollingsworth is a piece of work. Now I'm wondering whether or not he wanted kids or not, or just because he had political aspirations and thought a family would look nice. Finally this season portrays the Hollingsworth in a non-entertaining messy way but kinda sad and probably all too real for real political "dynasties." Dad is a power hungry patriarch who cares about the outward appearances of his family instead of the actually familial relationship and has a nasty temper. Mom swallows all of her feelings and they come out anyway through weird ways (texting boobs to Drew), Miles is emotionally neglected to the point where he acts out and he crosses the other aisle for unconditional love, Hunter doesn't fit in with anyone so he withdrew into geek media and video games. I'm not sure how Frankie came through it unscathed relatively, but she seems like she has a stronger moral center than most teens. Although she's projecting her anger at her father towards Zoe, so I suppose the well-oiled PR machine is affected her as well. Sigh. B-Plot. This was a little funny, especially with Clare's daydream and I thought it had a good message that a teenage pregnancy isn't the end of your life, you just have to work a little harder towards your goals. Didn't like what she said to Jenna though. C-Plot. Fluff with the Rubber Room, that group has really grown on me. And thanks Degrassi Opening Credits for spoiling the plot, but it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. Grace may not be gay, but what's Gloria (she's going to be another regular, right?) doing giving her number to girls? Hmm.
  17. The entire show got better once they dumped the old cast in season 8.
  18. Yep, that was her first question when she asked Clare how she knew Drew was the father. I guess that was our big hint, looking back.
  19. He didn't sleep with Lenore in New York, it was just a kiss.
  20. A-Plot. Nothing to really comment on other than I liked it lot. Zoe saw that she was turning into the same people who took advantage of her and did the right thing in the end, but of course she was a jerk through these episodes so she gets her comeuppance here. I'm not sure how she's going to avoid serious trouble. B-Plot. DAAAAAAAAAAAMN Eli. I was on his side at the beginning; his detractors somehow expected him not to be angry for being dumped just so Clare could have guilt-free sex with Drew. But there's no coming back from that "whore" comment. Eli's sensitive and all that but at the end of the day, he's still a guy. Ugh. Clare needed to tell Drew right away, as oppose to "figuring it out," but I really felt for her and the mess she made, having Drew mad at her and then spoiling Dallas and Alli's plans. I don't know if EClare can come back from that; I think we just witnessed a ship sinking. Well, then again Eli doesn't know the baby is his so I suppose that will reunite them. The more I think about it, the most I think a miscarriage won't happen. C-Plot. Thank God Triles is over. I rolled my eyes at Tristan's speech; he never seemed at all interested in Miles's as a person until it inconvenienced his fairy tale romance. The only bad thing about this plot is Matlingsworth isn't over. ¬.¬ And we'll probably get more Tristan vs. Maya. Sigh. Next two weeks looks juicy. I wish they would show them in a hour though. __________________
  21. Finally some forward momentum. A-Plot. Finally, the end of Matlingsworth. Mama Matlin finally dropped some knowledge on her daughter, stating the obvious (well, to any grown person. Well, most grown people). She can't worry herself to death about Miles, especially since Miles has taken no proactive step in actually dealing with her father, not talking to the police about the shove or confronting him or telling anyone else. Speaking of Miles, he grated so much. I wish Dallas did hit him. He's spiraling out of control and I have the feeling he's probably going to hit Tristan soon. B-Plot. I heard about the leaked episode and I was mad when I read the spoiler, but now watching the episode, I'm practically kicking my legs in the air cackling at this hot mess. The Drecky break-up was for the best; Drew can't split his time between being Becky's boyfriend and also be the baby's father and it wasn't fair to Becky that she was only getting have a boyfriend. As for the end of the episode, lololololololol. I know some people are angry, but y'all have to know everything comes back to EClare eventually. It is sad that they did want to name the baby after Adam...I wonder if the miscarriage will happen; it is weird messaging that the show's teen power couple will go into the sunset Babies Ever After. C-Plot. This was okay. I like it when Imogen isn't the quirky girl, she has shown a lot of conviction when it comes to sexism and being treated equally so she has a point at being mad at Jack. Jack's inclusion in Degrassi Nudes is still strange to me, but if she's willing to do polyamory and at least pretend she's more mature than everyone, it makes sense she doesn't think it was a big deal. Shrug.
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