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Everything posted by ApplesandPears

  1. Yes! I said the same thing. I was so glad the parents were not around. Shasta had to endure so much as a child because of a man who should have never been released.
  2. Exactly! I'm glad to hear the mom and son got out and are doing ok.
  3. Did anyone watch People Magazine Investigates about Mary Bailey and Priscilla Wyers? I won't give away the plot if no one's seen it yet, however, I will say makes you scratch your head and go of course that was the outcome. If you haven't seen it, it's on Discovery ID. I think it might also be on it Discovery Plus, but I'm not sure because I don't have that channel. If you haven't seen it watch it.
  4. Oh yes. There was more to that on another show, but I believe same channel. He left the families poor with no access to the money. They had to ration the food to make it stretch as long as possible. Most of the families had very small children. I felt bad for the kids, not the effing adults though.
  5. I've actually only seen a few of the crime show detectives do that. Maybe it's takes to many hours and not enough man power? Who knows, however, I agree with you.
  6. I remember that episode. I was so angry for the stepdaughter. It seemed like he wanted a romantic relationship with her or something. That's the vibe I got. Her mother is clueless, but many women will do anything to have a man in their life. It's not worth it ladies...or men. We are all worth it and we don't need people like that in our lives because the only thing they bring is bad energy. I bet their lives aren't right today. You can't walk around with that much evil in you and think you're going to have a great life.
  7. The US justice system needs an overhaul. I mean they don't even care about old people having their homes taken away by strangers and strangers squatting in people's homes, so I won't hold my breath.
  8. I've had the same thoughts with a few of these shows. I was watching one where the young woman said she dropped out of school and started doing adult modeling because it was fun. I thought the actress playing her would look similar. Not even close! I was just thinking, people actually paid you to model? To each their own, but it would be nice if the casting was at least close..lol. I was happy she wasn't dead though because she did some wild stuff and got in trouble with the law a bit.
  9. Holy Buckets that's a lot to take in! Those despicable people probably went on to live a nice life. Bastards! I hope they didn't though.
  10. Yikes. I wonder if she wishes she hadn't taken that test after all?
  11. This is perfect! Thank you. 🙂
  12. I agree. They just don't want to bother doing their job. I don't know anyone who just up and leaves besides adventure types, and even they let someone know where they are going and when they should be back.
  13. That's how much it cost!! My god. No thanks. I'll stick to my Ibuprofen and Tylenol. She was pretty. They always made fun of her for being fat and ruining the brand. What a messed up family. The girl is tall, of course she's bigger then Kim and Kourtney, she has a different body type.
  14. Yeah. She renovated the whole house, what, a year or so ago? Calabasas is a wanted area.
  15. I wonder if the children were able to live with her relatives or the close friend that was on the program? I didn't care for her parading the baby around either.
  16. Yeah, I won't be watching it again. It was half of the episode just explaining things. I'm glad he's a determined detective though or was since I guess he retired.
  17. I watched maybe two or three episodes on the DVR and had to stop watching it. I'm used to watching crimes shows, but this show just got to me and I had to switch it off.
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