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Flip Flops

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145 Excellent
  1. Manny seems like a nice guy so I'm okay with him winning. However, did anyone else think his vampire looked more like a T-Rex?
  2. One of the judges, I think Duff, commented something about how the lines on Steven's cake could've been cleaner! I was thinking, did you not just see the "lines" on the previous two cakes? I can't believe the judges didn't really ding Nikki and Robert for not making stained glass!
  3. Thanks so much! She is very accomplished!
  4. I tried to find information on her, but couldn't find her name anywhere or anything more than a description of the show "astronaut turned artist". Can you help me out? Thanks!
  5. Did anyone see the episode with the couple buying in Beaufort, SC? Was the house they bought (the pink one) a condo or a house? It looked huge on the outside but the inside wasn't that big.
  6. I missed the whole thing between Lindsay and O. Could someone explain what he supposedly said that triggered her? Thanks
  7. As soon as Mikaela threw down the Lysol Wipes in anger because Zach had left without saying something , I thought “No thanks”.
  8. I thought giving Natalie the advantage in the preheat because she came in last the week before was really unfair. And then she got first pick of the insects. Of course she stuck Derek with the spider, the hardest one! Spiders are more for fall and aren’t even insects!
  9. I like Derek. He might’ve had a miss tonight with that thick pink stuff, but I have a feeling that the judges have turned on him. They seem to gush on the ladies and forgive a lot of their mistakes.
  10. Why does it look like there’s Saran Wrap covering parts of the backsplash?
  11. Oops! It’s Keya. Autocorrect 😂
  12. I didn’t like this challenge. One reason is because everyone was yelling to each other. And I don’t like the host.
  13. Kenya is too bossy and what’s up with those pigtails?
  14. I saw an episode with a young couple moving to Amsterdam (I think). They would be there for a few years for his job. What stood out was that snippy realtor. The wife wanted two bedrooms which I didn’t think was unreasonable considering how small they were. In the one bedroom apt, the room was so small, all that was in there was the bed and it about touched the walls. Anyway back to the realtor. I thought she was rude with her snide comments directed at the wife.
  15. I watched Danielle and Bobby on their season and am hearing that a lot of people now can’t stand Bobby. Guess I missed why. Anyone fill me in?
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