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Posts posted by DEM

  1. One called a private meeting to shore up his "us against her" position.  Three acknowledged that was the purpose of the meeting.  Two's mistake was not meeting with the crew as soon as Truffault left.


    The crew need to figure out their decision-making process and then stick to it.  Either they defer to Two on leadership decisions or they put everything to a vote. Right now they're trying an inconsistent combination of both and it's a mess. That can't work in the long run.

    • Love 4
  2. According to IMDB It's spelled Khlyen -- you have the Y and the L transposed.  Honestly I think most of us (myself included) have been spelling it wrong til now.  LOL.   So at least now the pronunciation now makes sense.



    The problem, it seems, is SyFy.  They started out with KhYlen (in their earliest materials), but since then they've been inconsistent.  As you can see above, the official episode title is -YL-, but within the text of the synopsis it's spelt BOTH -YL- and -LY-.

    • Love 1
  3. There's enough emotional resonance in the Dutch/Johnny scenes, even just as friends, that trying to insert more pathos with a romance angle is unnecesary. [...] I think this is an example of a problem with the show only having ten episodes. It's like they really want to have this be a tragic romance, but they didn't have time to develop it properly so they telegraphed the hell out of it, forced it as much as they could, and now are treating it as if it was portrayed as a relationship, but we actually skipped over any actual relationship part. It just doesn't work for me.


    Yeah, see here's the thing I don't understand: Why did it need to be there at all? So they had to rush it because they only had 10 episodes, but that pre-supposes that the romance had to be there or the season wouldn't work. That's an aspect of teevee writing in general that I can't comprehend: Writers/Execs seem to assume that if at least one pair of the leads isn't hooking up (or firmly on the path to do), then large swathes of the audience will give up in disgust.


    I am intrigued by the Red 17 mystery.

    • Love 3
  4. The character's name is KhYLen. I don't know how one gets /klaɪn/ from that. Were the writers aiming for 'future language is weird'?  ... like Favre.

  5. I've reached my limit with Five. For the first time ever I fast-forwarded through a scene simply because she is such an irritant.  She has two modes: petulant and panicky. Neither are appealing.


    It beggars belief that Five has all sorts of high-level technical knowledge, yet none of the rest of the crew seem to display even a modicum of strategic thinking. They argue in front of the Corporation representative (instead of showing a united front with a clear leader/chain of command), and they let their guards down around complete strangers.  That's poor characterisation.


    I'm glad that next week we'll probably get more information about Two.  That's long past due.

    • Love 1

    In the scene with the sitting on the bench, both smiling and happy, they could be nothing but siblings.

    I've been reviewing snippets of various episode the past 2 days (and going back through tumblr tags), and it occurred to me that the show invited us to look at them as a pair -- just LOOK -- on several occasions.


    The narrative sleight of hand was magnificent. In skimming the ep threads for 1-3, I was struck by how close many of us came to catching on about Darlene, but just when we were on the verge of a big breakthrough we got distracted.  Bravo, Show!

    • Love 2
  7. In one sequence a television showed a bunch of police cars with lights on at a nighttime crime scene. I assumed that was reporting about Sharon Knowles' murder.


    No, the story was about the verdict in the Boston Bomber case.  Joanna seemed honestly not to know of Knowles' death until the police told her.  And then she calmly went into the kitchen and stabbed her placenta with an hors d'oeuvre fork! Wow. Nerves of steel.

    • Love 1
  8. Wow. I did not see that Darlene swerve coming!!  During the Angela/Darlene scene I was racking my brain trying to remember whether they'd ever had a scene together. Given that I couldn't remember that happening yet they were so chummy, I figured my memory must have been faulty.  Wooosh!


    Wasn't Darlene's over-familiarity with Elliot in the early eps one of the first things that clued people in that all was not right with Elliot?


    As I said way back in one of the early episodes, Elliot seems to dealing with a veritable potpourri of mental health issues.  As best I understand this episode (a lot to digest!), he seems to have both psychotic and dissociative symptoms.


    In other news, BD Wong was great as Whiterose, and Tyrell Wellick continues to make awful life choices. Everyone knows you act normal and talk to the police when they first come knocking; save the freakout for later. I was surprised, though, that Sharon Knowles' murder wasn't in the news.

    • Love 1
  9. Well, it's definitely Paris.  You can tell, because they're all quaffing large glasses of wine!


    No baguettes though.


    Between that and the True Detective fort, more like parish, non?

    • Love 1
  10. "Nancy... Armstrong." D'oh! So close!


    What did I say last week about tranquilising the bears?  Yet here they were again, still stupid and relying on some wacky, genetically mutated hibernation to keep them safe.  These are our saviours, people.

    • Love 3
  11. ZACH: I'm not going to go home without Mom.
    DEM: You are truly psychotic.
    EPH: You know what magical thinking is, Zach?
    DEM: Huzzah!
    Geez that kid.  It was funny how he ended up being left in the bunker all alone. Let's hope next ep opens with Mom and the skitters sniffing down the door.
    I liked the team working with Justine of Staten Island. For a moment I was worried they were going to turn her into a stock, fascist-like villain, especially with those ambiguous looks the team were giving her.
    Who was the vombie who landed in New Jersey at the end?

    Could have been Gus, but he's taking forever. How many times now has he been specifically led to the main plot, only to get lost again?

    Hee! So true.

    • Love 1
  12. Me too!  Shouting at the screen for Jorden to just f**king GO!  The shouting resumed when Ray decided to make his side trip to the playground.  Hollering and cursing.


    I had to laugh when Ani had the moment of psychic awareness that Ray was dead because all I could think about was how people on this board scoffed at Paul's girlfriend's similar moment of psychic awareness last week.


    Yes on the first.  I was sure Jordan's stalling was going to get them killed. When Ray made his detour, I immediately thought of "Heat" and knew he would come to no good end.


    On the second: You remembered me! Hee.  This time I could only groan and scoff and roll my eyes. I could hardly believe that they went back to that same damned well.


    There were things about the ep that I did like (e.g., Ani & Ray's confessional sequence, Frank in the desert, Ray in the woods, all of Ani), but two things overshadowed them and tainted the entire proceeding: Fucking James Frain lived and the... "they passed on their seed" baby stuff.  NicP seems to have some sort of 1950s or mid-1970s sentimentality/mindset. It was off-putting.

    • Love 1
  13. I don't know that it would be as emotional as all that, but yes, I did think Two and Three should have included Android in their reckoning.


    I thought this was the most engaging episode in a long time.  I liked seeing Four do his thing and run his own story (without a stand-in!). The murder of the mentor shocked me.  One is slightly more interesting now that he's not trying to do-gooder all over everyone.  He's still as moralistic as ever, but now we're seeing the flip side of that trait.  Six was right the first time, but I won't hold it against him that he apologised to Five. Heh. 


    One has moved up to #1 suspect for the memory wipe. My #2 suspect is Five because she is EXTREMELY dead set on "can't we all just get along?! won't someone love meee?!" Nails on my mental chalkboard. Her (non-)reaction to causing Six to almost injure himself was weird.


    I am not happy with Two continuing not to reveal her healing ability.  She's behaving as if she knows The Very Bad significance of that ability. I don't get it.

    • Love 3
  14. I'd like to understand what happened with Lee Harvey Animanson.  The character's end was abrupt and disconnected from his prior trajectory.  When he stole the mother cell, I was sure he was going to use it to create rapid dispersal weapon to hasten the animal apocalypse and restore the world to its natural Garden of Eden state. But no. Suddenly he's distressed about his lot in life and simply wants a cure -- attitudes that had never been reflected in his previous behaviour.  Did the actor get called away to an urgent meeting? Did he fart too much?

    • Love 3
  15. Yes, DHEB (Cisco) told AB (Ollie) that he needed to do something at AllSafe.  That was after Whiterose agreed to a meeting with Darlene; however, we don't know if what Cisco wants is at the behest of whiterose and/or the dark army. Cisco seems sketchy to me, and I have an inkling that he's deceiving fsociety and/or dark army somehow.


    I think AllSafe is the gateway because they handle (an aspect of) Evil Corp's security.

    • Love 2
  16. It doesn't seem to fit with the pilot, does it? I guess Elliot's an unreliable narrator here. I don't think this is how it happened, I think this is how he remembers it now. 


    This is a good point. I've become a bit twitchy of late about the term 'unreliable narrator' because I find it applied rather too loosely to a character in another show (to mean, "I want this character to feel differently, so I'll call her unreliable.").  But Elliot is the prototypical unreliable narrator; it's baked into the character.  So, yeah, your reasoning makes sense. Between that and the usual 'pilot vs. following episodes' discontinuity that's part and parcel of tv production, I'm willing to give the disconnect a pass.


    re: throwing Ms Knowles off the roof.  I only know from watching too many crime-riddled movies and shows, but she should have abrasions from the strangulation.


    Tyrell Wellick is disappointing me.  I thought last week he seemed like a petulant child, and I liked how the direction (shot selection) heightened that read of him. But it was subtle. This episode, though, he seemed like a cartoon character (not unlike his egg roll masticating wife last week).  How did he get so far up the corporate ladder? Is this really the first time in his life he's been frustrated and humiliated?

    • Love 3
  17. Funniest moment for me was when the dogs of Rio started howling in response to the high frequency oscillator, and French Chloe asked Billy Burke what was wrong with them.  There was, I swear, like a five minute pause before he answered. I amuse myself by believing that he was considering how to answer "what planet are you from?" without inciting another lecture about hope.

    • Love 7
  18. I was shocked that the bear was hibernating, not because it was summer, but because apparently they hadn't sedated it at all.  "We'll just stand around and take measurements on a sleeping bear and trust that it won't wake up. Oh, look at that, it's hibernating! Très bon!"


    As soon as Nancy Drew kissed FBI Dude I hoped he was a Reiden plant. Got my wish!  As much as I don't like her, though, I hope there were no cameras in that stairwell. I'm surprised to realise that I don't want her to go down for killing a federal agent.


    Abe was the bright shining hope for humanity, as usual, but I was a bit disappointed that he didn't just come out and tell the Brasilian Government Lady that they had a theory and alternate plan.  I guess having The Authorities involved would have stolen some glory from our scrappy heroes.


    Someone please reassure me that Loyal Henry the Labrador won't go nuts and threaten dear, sweet Daughter of Billy Burke.  I don't think I could take the schmaltz or the cliche-edness.

    • Love 3
  19. The Angel stuff did remind me of one thing: This universe includes our popular conception of the vampire (i.e., standard fangs, crosses that burn). Will the show ever acknowledge or explain why 'real' vampires are so different?

  20. Usually, I'm all for more Gus because he's been so underused, but WTF was that Angel & Tandoori Palace story? Yikes that was slow.


    Good to know Zach has another expression besides 'constipated demon', but he can go now, thanks.


    I wish Nora had come right out and said what her problem was with large-scale deployment. Not that Eph's plan made sense either, but at least he gave a reason for it. Sorta.

  21. I was wondering about Ani and Ray's brainstorming session where they were trying to put together the puzzle pieces.  Is that what passes for plot reveal in this season?  Is the semi-random girl in the photo from one of the parties really the little girl from the robbery?  Why would they assume that?


    The identity of the woman in the photo was bothering Ani because she knew the face but couldn't remember how. Ray remembered that she was Erica, Caspere's secretary. Because Erica used the name Laura on the party circuit, and because she has a direct tie to Caspere, they realised she could be the child Laura, all grown up.


    I didn't understand the part about Frank and the diamonds. What diamonds are those?  And am I correct in understanding that Frank had far more than $200,00 stashed away in his safes?

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