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Posts posted by Honey

  1. On 9/26/2019 at 10:57 PM, Rescue Mama said:

    This right here is one of the many reasons why I would never do a reality show and I sure as hell wouldn't allow my kids to do one.   Strangers on the internet can just look up whatever they want on the kids. Every stranger knows their names,  parents names,  pets names,  etc etc.    I just don't understand why they keep doing the show.  

    I don't dislike this family.  This was the first episode  I've watched in years.  They seem like nice people who love their kids but I had to stop watching after what they did to Zoey on her first day with them.  

    I too was wondering why they didn't have a plan b for the party.  Good thing their house is big enough to hold everyone.  

    I'm curious. What do you think they "did" to Zoey on her first day with them?

  2. On 10/18/2019 at 11:19 AM, Hannah94 said:

    You may be right. I may be crazy but it just may be a lunatic Aladdin is looking for.

    He is just beautiful. I am shocked that he is not a model. I don't usually get hung up on pretty boys. I usually like my men kinda bigger and farmer-like. 

    I just do not see it.  I don't think he's attractive at all. I didn't think Mo was either, and he was cross-eyed.

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  3. On 10/12/2019 at 3:42 PM, Waldopepper said:

    I really do not mean to question Dr. Meghan qualifications (but what is her last name. I do not refer to Doctors by their first name. Its a respect thing) My argument is with even 10 years experience how many of these cases has she seen. As opposed to a 55 year old Doctor who may have seen this Nystagmus condition several hundred times and has better ideas on how to deal with it and get the best results possible going forward in Hazels life.

    What makes her super accomplished? Other than becoming a Doctor. That is a great accomplishment in itself, but I was wondering if there was something else. I have several friends who have done Fellowships at very reputable hospitals and 2 or 3 of them are exceptional people as well as incredible Doctors. I also know a couple who are complete Egotistical Jerks and not so great Doctors.

    Anyway, I hope that they get Hazel all fixed up so that she can have a full enjoyable Life without ant major eye issues.

    Hazel will always have nystagmus since it can't be cured.  Certain things can lesson the back and forth eye movement, but she will always have it.  The head turning is a separate issue.

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  4. On 10/11/2019 at 2:11 PM, HotFlashMama said:

    Looking at real estate records, Adam and Danielle still own the mold house as well as the rental house that they purchased back in February. Records for the mold house don't even show that it was ever put up for sale. So while we already knew they had bought the leased house before the scripted drama of trying to make a decision, the whole story about needing to sell within 6 months or lose 20K seems to have been scripted as well.

    I thought it was that they needed to buy the new house, or lose the $20,000 earnest money.

  5. 19 hours ago, camom said:

    I see it going the same way as the Sister Wives' jewelry business.  Does anyone know why they got out of the cycling business?  Danielle says she needs something to do not child-related, but she had that.

    They sold their share when Adam quit his job, so they could have some safety net.  She loved doing that, that's why she needs something to do now, that is just for herself.

    Danielle said on the most recent episode that she had surgery, because her stomach muscles were torn apart.

    I used to really like Danielle. I loved how she just seemed to take raising the girls in stride, and nothing really riled her.  Lately, she seems quite bitchy, and she rides Adam's ass constantly.  She doesn't want to discuss anything with him, she just wants her own way.  She has become a control freak.

    I wish she would do something with her hair.  It's so thin on top that when she wears it parted, and in a ponytail, she has a one inch wide strip of scalp showing.

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  6. 4 hours ago, mmecorday said:

    Why does this family think it's so freakin' funny when the quints are terrified and screaming? Way to make them afraid of shellfish for the rest of their lives. I can just see them going to Red Lobster one day when they're grown up and freaking out over the live lobsters in the tank. I think it will be a major disappointment to the parents when the girls are not afraid of the Easter Bunny.

    Scaring the hell out of the kids, that's my favorite part of this show.  I was very disappointed that they're almost over their fear of the EB.  First Santa and now this...it sucks.  It's Adam who likes do it, and it's the only thing I like about him.

    Do you really think they're going to be terrified of shellfish as adults?  It makes me laugh just a little bit thinking about it.  😉

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  7. 2 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    A question from the Stone Age: when did THE prom become PROM? Asking for a friend.

    What’s the over-under on the number of people at the Family Tyra photo shoot who are subsidizing their family tradition (teen pregnancy) with my tax dollars? 

    So glad Tyra’s mother dressed up for the housing expedition. Those very short gym shorts, which barely covered her ass, were so appropriate, or not. I did notice that her eyes were more open than they are in her talking heads. Guess she hadn’t yet started her daily regimen of drugs/alcohol intake.

    Max’s father should have pulled over, opened Max’s car door and told him to get out. And that’s it. Max needs to sleep in the bed he made for himself. With regard to Max’s Manifest Destiny philosophy, every night before I go to sleep, I imagine that I’ll lose 20 pounds overnight. I’m still waiting. Magical thinking doesn’t work.

    I wish that Hailey’s grandmother had smacked Matthew (aka Rat Face) in the hospital. He deserves it. 

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Chloe is NOT going to Prom, she is going to the Prom.  This bugs me so much!

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  8. 4 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

    Someone here mentioned a few weeks ago how flat Hailey’s affect is and it is just becoming more and more unsettling. 

    I only noticed Hailey holding the baby once, in the recliner before her mom had ‘the lecture’ with Matthew. Prior to that, she and the sperm donor were going to give the baby her bottle while laying down. What?!  Immediately upon coming home from the hospital?! When, before the hard work has begun, I doubt you could find a teen mom not happy to cuddle her ‘new baby doll.’ And, upon her almost equally flat mother’s advice of not doing it with the baby laying down, Hailey offers up the Boppy pillow to do the work instead of her own loving arms?! After which, she simply sits and watches the baby with vacant eyes?! Not to mention, she sat and ‘looked without seeing’ as the possum ineptly undressed the baby.  Oh, and when he runted around for a pacifier too. She was so removed from the situation, emotionally. When Hailey found out what the lecture was about, even though she was ‘upset,’ she didn’t raise her voice or shed a tear about it.  48 hours postpartum, when everything is magnified, at least in my case it was. She may as well been discussing the weather with the idiot. Something has happened to that young woman in the past, I’m afraid. To borrow a line from Shelley, Caelan’s mom, ‘that little girl is broken.’ My heart goes out to this one. 

    It looks like Alex’s ‘mother’ is the same type of mother as Shannon, McKayla’s mom...the ‘absent for everything until the cameras show up and the checks roll in’ kind of mother. 

    Who was the poor woman in the backseat of Rosa’s car? I’m guessing her mom, maybe. She most definitely didn’t want to be on camera because she never looked up and stayed crouched down, even during Rilah’s outburst at Rosa’s questioning. What was Rilah thinking, asking what’s her name to look at her ‘lady area?’ If Rosa was really a nurse in an OB/GYN’s office(as opposed to a file clerk),she would have told Rilah to see if her underwear  smelled like ammonia or not  Hell, Anthony’s mother has five/six children and she couldn’t have told Rilah? Oh, who am I kidding...none of them would know what ammonia is in the first place. 

    Don't be silly, they know that ammonia is an infection of the lungs.  😉

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  9. On 10/3/2019 at 3:17 PM, ellenr33 said:

    Can we please get the Hayes family from Table For 12 and keep the Klein's from The Little Couple on our television. Can Kate Gosselin and The Busby's go away and just live their lives. I think Adam Busby is an asshole who thinks the world revolves around him. I would have made him look at his kids and say I'm sorry I went behind your mothers back and went and got a dog that she made very clear we weren't ready for and got him without her permission so it is my fault that we are going to take the dog back. I would have made him take the dog with him on his "business trip". I miss the Hayes they had a family that even with a handicap child had parents that actually got along, had kids that knew how to generally behave, and were generally a normal family. They didn't go on huge luxurious vacations, they took their kids to normal outings like the zoo or the aquarium. I truly think that you can have a larger family and life not be as chaotic as these families make their lives out to be!  

    Actually, during the 2 seasons that the Hayes family was on TV they took a ski vacation, a beach vacation, a trip to Canada, and a trip the Hershey Park, in addition to the zoo and the aquarium.  TLC cancelled the show, according the Eric Hayes.

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  10. On 10/3/2019 at 1:48 PM, Waldopepper said:

    I know that Danielle is hearing it non stop about beating that poor puppy and she is pissed off that they showed that clip of Hazel when you know that they have hundreds of hours of other footage they could have shown. 

    What really bothers me is the look on Hazels face when she says the Beaux is bad because Mama spanks him. She seems very uncomfortable as she says that sentence and the last thing you see her do is swallow like she has a big lump in her throat. Like Oh no Mama is gonna whip my ass too for ratting her out and/or she was going to start crying. Either way you can see that it bothers her.

    I know that these parents feel overwhelmed but they did this to themselves and if they cant handle it then put a few oth them up for adoption. They would be better off in a smaller family that actually  knows how to discipline their kids.

    This is like which comes first the chicken or the egg. Is Beaux a bad dog beacause that POS Danille spanks him or is it the other way around. I think her spanking will make him a bad dog an not the other way around. Thats how fighting dogs are created. Turn an otherwise nice dog into a killer by beating on it and driving it crazy with abuse. I think Danille created this problem with her beating the dod and that turned him agressive. I hope Beaux jumps up on Danielle and latches onto her lower lip like my nasty neighbors dog did to him after he spanked his puppy. It was so cool seeing that dog hanging off of his lower lip while he freaked out. Cost that neighbor of mine a lot of $$$ and 9 stitches to put him back together.

    They are setting these poor girls up for a life of major reality checks as they get older. If they dont nip their behavior in the bud their will be a lot of bail and bonds in their future. Waffle houses, Meth, truck stops and prostitution. These kids are barely 4 and they cant act or speak properly. They still wet their beds, and have no social skills. They are going to have their hand full with all of the fights these girls will get into at school. I need to stop now. I could write a 200 page book on the mess that these kids are in for since they are being raised on national TV. 

    I know that spanking kids these days is a more than touchy subject, but i am 49 and feel that I had a great childhood and 2 loving parents and never experienced any kind of abuse of any kind but I was raised knowing that my dad had a leather belt that would come out if any of the kids got out of line. Nothing that left any permanent marks, but we all felt it and feared it. I was also hit with a paddle in 4th 5th 6th and 7th grades. A Big 3 foot long 4 inch wide 1 inch thick wood paddle thet the school principal kept in his desk drawer. I deserved every one of those paddlings. I got it 17 times is what my mom told me. They would call my parents up to let them know what I did and I was being paddled for it and they always gave them the OK to paddle me and when I got home I got the Leather belt as well and then it was all over with until I did something Moronic again. I eventually learned no to act like a Moron again and I was no longer spanked or paddled.

    I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that you were beaten as a child.  No child deserves to be hit with a leather belt.

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  11. On 10/3/2019 at 5:25 AM, etta said:

    Am I the only one who thought the bed checking for the night time potty training was a bit too intimate for tv? Of all the girls, it was Parker who wet and she is the most sensitive of them all and now she's going to have that moment of her life on the internet forever. While wetting at night isn't a big deal, it's still an intimate situation that should have stayed off-air even if it was a one-off thing.

    Concerning Riley, I find her way too emotionally immature for her to advance. I don't know how "advanced " intellectually she actually is but seeing her whine and about to throw a tantrum over that boy who took her spot for a quick second to look at a paper was embarrassing. They should definitely look into teaching her social ques and properly socialize her around older kids.

    I thought Parker did it just to punish Danielle.  I knew when Adam went out of town that it would be Parker who would wet the bed.  That girl can't even stand Danielle.  When they went on the cruise, and Danielle had Parker swinging in the hammock with her on the beach.  Danielle said "I love you Parker"  Then she said "Say I love you Mommy"  Silence.  So Danielle said "I love you Mommy"  Still silence.  That child hates everyone except Adam.  Weird.

    That time that Adam took Blayke to the Father/Daughter dance, and brought her flowers when he asked her to go with him, Parker shot a look of hatred Blayke's way.  That kid gives me the creeps.

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  12. I have no doubt that Danielle knew about the puppy, and it was all just drama for the show.  The puppy needs to be crate trained though, It'll make housebreaking a whole lot easier.  Also, it seems so strange for such a young puppy to already be food aggressive.  It's too bad they didn't rescue a pup from a shelter, and give the money they paid for the puppy to the shelter. What a wasted opportunity.

    I'm sick of hearing Danielle's whining about how put upon she is.  "Everything always falls on me!"  Shut up Danielle.  She complained that if Riley goes to K next year, she'll have to get Blayke to school, and Riley, then the little girls.  So what?

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  13. 4 hours ago, sATL said:

    Before I get too attached to Beaux- remind me  what happened to the bunny ? And will he get to travel?

    They decided that the girls were too young for the bunny (Blayke wasn't), and he was given to a neighbor.  Adam said that the girls see Bun Bun often.

  14. 8 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    some of the reruns in the morning are of the Jones' from Austin, TX with the quints. I can't think of the dads name but he lost his job, they had to sell the house and downsize, their show is canceled. Adam quits his job, D doesn't even want him to work, they upgrade to a massive house & what appears to be live off the show. How does TLC decide who or what to renew?

    The Jones quints turned 10 years old in January this year.  It wasn't TLC, but the Jones' who decided to end the show after 1 year.  Casey and Ethan came very close to divorcing a few years ago, but decided to stay together.

    I would imagine like any other network, TLC uses ratings along with a willingness of the participants to continue, to determine which shows stay on the air.

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  15. On 10/1/2019 at 9:53 AM, Dobian said:

    BTW can we fix the episode number in the title?  Should be 16.  I think that's why people aren't posting much.  I know I looked for this thread for two days.

    This is the right episode number.  When TLC airs a repeat with bonus scenes, they list it as a new episode with a new number..  We really are on episode 9, not 16.

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  16. When I delivered my only child our local hospital had just finished remodeling their maternity floor.  All of the rooms looked like an actual home setting.  Low lighting, very comfortable.  For the delivery, they only allowed 2 outside people present, so I had my husband and my Mother there with me.  My Mom stayed for about an hour after my Daughter was born, then the hospital staff left us alone to bond with our baby.  We spent hours there together, just the 3 of us.  He had amazing dinner catered, which we enjoyed while I nursed.  It was a very special time and we went home the next day.

    Mckayla is an idiot.  They had a nice start on beginning their lives.  Caelan is hard working, and he provided a home where both kids could have their own rooms.  After a couple of months Mckayla could have gone to work, and had free daycare from her and Caelan's families.  If he was affording that place on his pay alone, most of her pay could have gone into savings.  For 2 kids so young, it was very good start, and she blew it.

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  17. On 9/23/2019 at 12:18 AM, Rescue Mama said:

    Wow.  Ava looks just like Max.  

    Yup.  Poor child.  Though I'm not sure looking like Chloe would be an improvement.  At least with her resembling Max she has a jaw she won't trip over.

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  18. 8 hours ago, magemaud said:

    I imagine him walking around Kiev, stopping people on the street and showing them her phone pictures and asking them if they know her. 

    edited to add: Then he could staple "Have you seen this woman?" pictures to telephone poles and maybe go on Ukrainian TV

    That is exactly what I pictured when I asked the question,  him walking around with her photo.  Does he know that the Ukraine is 233,000 sq miles, and a population of 45 million people?  It's just a little smaller in area than Texas.  He's an idiot.

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