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Posts posted by TVHappy9463

  1. Some of it was cheesy, ( Alexis kiss, baby talk) but the stuff with Neiman and Tyson was good.  Kate getting kidnapped was telegraphed, (Alexis kiss, baby talk). It is too soon for a baby, and if there is some crazy we find out Kate is preggers when she is in the hospital after being rescued I will spit ( x-files did it, Fringe did it, and countless others) or they could go the whole she lost the baby she didn't know she was carrying BS.  


    Too many flashbacks, lazy way out of having to write dialogue.  Hope Neiman and Tyson get away!  

  2. I really like this show, maybe this wasn't a perfect episode but it developed the characters back story.  Now that Becca didn't marry Sean, I bet Lolly doesn't sleep with him.  I hope VH1 doesn't give up on this.  

    They must pay a ton for the music rights, every week is huge hit after huge hit, this is not random 90's music. 

    • Love 2
  3. OMG I can't wait to see Ashley I explode when she gets eliminated.  She is not going to be graceful about it at all. Whitney on the other hand, is very smart the way she plays the game.  How does Britt not smell? They have been there 5 weeks, I am not buying the whole not showering thing.  And her Faux fear of heights was BS. She was my odds on favorite for the next Bachelorette, but now I think Kaitlyn would be  a much better choice. she doesn't give 2 F*C%S and I lover her.   

    • Love 2
  4. Ok, way to reinvigorate the show. It was getting really repetitive, Jake/Fiitz who do I pick crap was tired.  I do so love the actor who played Ian. Sure we could nit pick about how he was obviously a plant, and the checking her for a tracking device was convenient, but when you watch Scandal you really have to make a deal with your self not to question or go too deep, it  kills the buzz.

    Did Olivia really shot that guy in the head? Perhaps we will find out next week it was staged somehow, because if not then Ms. Pope is now a killer.  When she comes home we can watch her PTSD story line.  Oh the possibilities! Good job Shonda and writers. 

    • Love 3
  5. All hail queen Viola! The addition of Marcia Gay Harden is genius.  This show never fails to satisfy, granted not everyone's acting is on par with Miss Davis, but they all do a good enough job. I don't think Sam killed Lila, the knowing looks between Wes and Rebecca after they walked out of court make me think their is something else going on, that has yet to be revealed.  All in all very satisfied with the show's return.  

    • Love 1
  6. I went to the TLC site in the hopes of contacting Whitney and beg her to go to a nutritionist, therapy or join WW. I am a former fat girl and there is not such thing as healthy fat and her disease is only compounded by her poor food choices.  TLC is the "the learning channel" right, we are not learning anything except not what to do.  How long before Whitney is on my "600 lb Life".

    • Love 8
  7. I did some research on Whitney's condition, and the consensus seems to be while weight loss is difficult it is key to reducing symptoms. And I do not see Whitey trying at all, Mayo and Banana sandwich on white bread! Why isn't she going to Weight Watchers?  Why doesn't her doctor have her seeing a nutritionist?  Something that demonstrates she really does want to lose weight, as she says she does. What is the point of this show?  I thought it was going to be about how a girl with a medical condition fights against the diagnosis and reclaims her health thru weight loss.  I can't feel for her when she reads the negative comments about herself, or people make fun of her because she clearly isn't willing to take control of her life and stop being a victim.  

    • Love 5
  8. This show has really evolved from the first season, it has become character driven story with "action", instead of just being the super hero fights the villain of the week. Felicity broke my heart. Her final scene with Ray was great, and Branden Routh was such a great addition to the cast and the forward motion of the show.  Well done Arrow!  John Barrowman elevates his scenes and everyone in them.  

  9. How I love this show. I care about all the characters, and the writers keep them moving forward. The Olicity scene was awesome, big squee. They are dropping just enough breadcrumbs to keep me interested in Ray Palmer. So are they going to resurrect Oliver right away or will we have a few episodes where everyone thinks he is dead and Black Canary and Roy will take over. January is a long ways off.  UGH!  

  10. Aaron Sorkin always makes me cry. He did it over and over during the West Wing run and again with Newsroom.  I knew what was coming, but when Charlie went down it was too much, then to find out Will was talking to his dad the whole time. Anyone who laughed when Jeff Daniel's won the Emmy two years ago should take it back based on his work this season. Storytelling was tight tonight, Don and the Princeton girl, Sloane and the Digital guy. Congrats to the whole team, some damn fine acting all the way around. And thank you Mr Sorkin, as a fan of these characters you brought it all home tonight. And I am sure next week's finale will be equally satisfying. 

    I hope the rumors that Sorkin is adapting his Broadway play "A Soldier's Story" for NBC to do live next year is going to happen, enough with the crappy musicals.  

    • Love 6
  11. Maybe if this had been season 2 we wouldn't be facing a third and final season.  This was a fantastic episode, everyone's separate scenes all dealing with telling truths and survival. And finally Neal on the run. I'm glad Hallie is gone, I need Jim and Maggie back together.  I can't wait to see where this goes. 

    • Love 1
  12. I love this show.  It reminds me of Scandal season 1. And Viola Davis is the balls.  I think she has been one step of everyone the entire time. she got wes off the wait list and has been setting him up to kill Sam, and I wouldn't be surprised if she and Rebecca were in on it.  

    • Love 2
  13. that was a perfect wedding episode, except for the green screen, no Lani/Espo and Ryan.  But the rest was fun Castle, and the entire cast did such a great job. I loved the pants, when you are tall and elegant like Stana the pants thing totally works.  Thank you show.

  14. It's November sweeps right? Because that seemed liked a March/April non-sweeps filler episode to me.  Now that Castro has dropped out will the case against Cary be dropped?  The best scenes in tonight's episode were the Cary witness prep with Christine Baranski and Rita Wilson.  I find it hard to believe they will kill Kalinda off this season after killing Will last season, and she just doesn't seem like the witness protection type for me.  So either she makes herself disappear or she kills Bishop and makes herself disappear.  

  15. Where do I start, everything I loved about this show is back and everything I hated about this show is back.  I am so happy.  Will gave one his "speeches",  Reese is still on the high road.  Sloan and Don are as great as ever.  Maggie's 180 was a bit unbelievable.  But, hey it's The Newsroom, which should become a catchphrase when you want to dismiss logic.  I blindly love Sorkin and this show, so bring it on I am ready for all the silliness.  

    • Love 3
  16. I guess I am in the minority, but I liked this episode.  Carrie has always suppressed her feelings, and her lack of meds allowed her subconscious to flow free.  I'm gonna be pissed if Saul dies.  Loved seeing Damian Lewis.  

    • Love 7
  17. Very satisfying episode. The x-boyfriend being behind it was pretty obvious, but that was small compared to all the character development we got last night.  Felicity and her mom are fantastic, Charlotte Ross is really one heck of an actress.  Watching how the character progressed from the first entrance to the last, and seeing her face change as her "bubbly" mask came off.  

    Brandan Routh's character was also laying some major hints at his story line last night.  And as much as I ship Olicity, I could get into him being paired with Felicity. And I hope he is around for more than one season.  

    Nice Thea and Ollie stuff.  Do you think she knows Merlyn is watching, do you think he told her to ask Ollie to move in? Is she going to double cross Ollie? 

    What is it about a big strong man holding a baby. I loves me some Diggle as a daddy.  And loved no flashback to China.  

    and finally I think the Roy thing at the end is a fake out.  Wasn't there the whole blue flower hallucinogen with the league of shadows in Batman.  I think he is under the influence.   

    Quick prediction, Merlyn killed Sara, and someone ( Laurel, Ollie, Thea will have to kill him) setting up a whole lot of drama.  

  18. I love everything about this show.  It's fun, over the top and yet the actors don't over act, they have committed themselves fully to the material and the result is fantastic.  Well done CW, Arrow, The Flash and Jane.  

    • Love 5
  19. What happened to this show?  Who is writing this mess? This is definitely it's last season, at least they had one good one.  I hope Hayden and Connie get better shows next time.  

    • Love 5
  20. I was really surprised at how much I liked this episode ( with the exception of Laurel), we got out of town and still moved the story forward for all the characters.  It was solid story telling and good character development.  I have always loved the Oliver - Thea relationship, and these actors play nicely off each other. I see an Arrow - Thea showdown coming, and her possibly injuring Roy without realizing it.  I wanted Oliver to rip that jacket out of Laurel's hand and lock it away forever.  Canon be damned!

    I would be very happy to see an entire episode dedicated to Felicity's new job and boss, that story needs to fast-track, not dribble.  If you put John Barrowman and Jada Pinket Smith in the same scene, who would eat more scenery. I wonder.  

    • Love 4
  21. It's a shame that they had to kill off Sara so Laurel could become Black Canary, I know it is cannon but Katie Cassidy is so annoying, and clearly has no connection with the other actors when she is on screen.  She is absolutely the weakest link in the show. I would totally be able to suspend disbelief if the show somehow figured out how to make her have an accident and when the bandages come off she looks exactly like Caity Loitz. 

    The rest of the episode was great, each character's level of grief was appropriate to how they have been written, Oliver silent pain, Felicity all emotion and Diggle right in the middle.  

    Really liking the addition of Brandon Routh, lots of anvils last night, possible Felicity paring, possible big bad.  

    Looking for forward to next week.  

    • Love 4
  22. As usual the action sequences were awesome. 

    The scenes with Oliver and Felicity were awesome. Laurel bothers me so much, unless Katie Cassidy can really pull it off I think it is a mistake making her Black Canary.  Maybe they can recast the role. Do you think the producers kick themselves for not casting Caity Lotz as Laurel from the beginning

    John Barrowman will be a series regular next season. Maybe he can give Oliver a job, or maybe Oliver will have to ask Thea to hire him. 



  23. I didn't see a Spoilers thread so I thought I would start one. Spoiler TV has an extended promo for the episode 3.18 "The Price of a Fair and Free Election" after the bomb episode 3.17 "Flesh and Blood" and some promo pics.

    The clip has Mellie delivering a zinger, and Cyrus mentions bumping up security for Fitz at 'the funeral" I can't link to it because it was taken down BOOOO.

    The promo pics show Andrew alive, I know people were speculating he might die. My money is on Poppa Pope. 


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