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Posts posted by TVHappy9463

  1. David Ramsey got me, his tears in the hall when he realized Andy's part and his unwillingness to see it. Then his tears as Laurel died, and Paul Blackthorne, man those men got me.  


    I am pretty sure you have to have skin contact with the pads for the AED to work, you can't go thru the gown.  


    Did Malcolm get a new hand, or a prosthetic? 


    I can't put my finger on it, but this show is missing something, I am not sure what, it seems so detached. It has no heart, like The Flash. I think adding Curtis as a regular is going to further degrade the dynamics,  


    The one thing about The Flash and Buffy, no matter how many characters you added the core was always strong. Barry, Cisco, Caitlyn, Buffy, Willow and Xander, the problem is SA, EBR, and DR have't gelled in a while and they need to get that back. 

    • Love 1
  2. Andy kills Laurel. Oliver kills Andy. Diggle goes all "Dark Willow". S5 big bad until Felicity gives him the "yellow crayon treatment". Then of course we find out Oliver was set up and we make up.

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  3. I thought this was the best episode of the season.  Has this been renewed I sure hope it is.  Ray Liotta chewing scenery, JLo actually doing a pretty good job. And the guy playing Stahl, what a creep but man do I like him. Can't wait for the finale.  

  4. IF, and this is a big IF, Laurel is not in the grave next week. I will bow down to the show, the cast everyone who engineered this incredible misdirection, from pap photos, to social media postings.  I will also stop watching if it's Diggle, and/or Felicity leaves. Not out of protest, but simply because the characters I like the most won't be there, without Felicity there is no Donna and without Donna there is no SmoaknLance.  

    • Love 6
  5. Vulture has been running an article that fact checks every episode with the lead columnist from thew LA Times who covered the trial, it has been a great way to keep the episodes in perspective and amazing to find out how much of this they got right.  But also very scary.  http://www.vulture.com/2016/03/people-v-oj-simpson-episode-9-fact-checked.html

    I am as outraged today as I was then. I would really love to know if Robert Kardashian ever spoke to anyone about what he really thought, I guess attorney client privilege follows you to the grave. I also got the feeling watching him during the trial he was the only one who had a shred of decency, and since his ego wasn't on the lie like the rest might actually care of the victims, one of whom was his dear friend.  


    I still think Nathan Lane was miscast, as was Travolta.  But Paulson, Brown and Vance are hitting it out of the park.  And now as the episodes have progressed and I see the direction they are taking Kardashian I understand why they case Schwimmer, And the actor playing Ito was spot on last night.


    I hope this show is recognized, come Emmy and SAG time next year, lot's of good work that should be recognized.  Regardless of the subject matter.  

    • Love 3
  6. Can someone please explain to me how the same creators/producers etc that have created The Flash and Arrow still can't get it together with this show.  I watched a few episodes at the beginning of the season then couldn't take it, I tuned in for the x-over because The Flash, and I will not be tuning back in.  The cast it sitll flat, and i don't buy any of that geeky charm thing MB is tying so hard to pull off.  CBS should cancel this thing. 

  7. There where light moments and props to the writers and cast for giving it a try, but it just seems so out of place on this show.  I will be surprised if after the scenes we witnessed tonight 


    isn't in the grave, but stranger things have happened.  And the promo for next week isn't helping matters.  A show runner once said they don't have control over the promos, they are done by the network and their intentions are different than the producers when promoting an episode. 


    Would everyone's heads explode if Diggle turns out to be the "him" they have been referring to?  It would certainly set up an interesting arc for S5 and DR would get some much deserved screen and story time.  


    I don't know about the rest of you but I will be scouring the web for the tiniest spoiler tidbit between now and next Wednesday.  I am still not convinced by the pap photos that got leaked.  And it is not that I dislike that actor/or character and want them gone, but I don't want to be disappointed by a death that means nothing to the forward momentum of the show.  



  8. Finally we are moving along here, this season was a slow burn and not in a good way.  Perhaps it will come full circle and end as it began, Peter in jail, but this time Alicia will have divorced and be named partner. glad Cary left, I envy him, I would give anything to walk out of my job right now and not look back.  

    Love seeing Diane all lawyery with Eli.

  9. Ok I Googled Moira's funeral because the pink roses looked familiar. And sure enough some of the elements of both photos line up. I think she is totally trolling https://www.google.com/search?q=moira+queen+funeral+scene&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=vin&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg-v-HjM3LAhVB8GMKHdR6CWAQ_AUICCgC&biw=375&bih=559#imgrc=owMblJnPaNFIiM%3A

    It's already been cross examined yesterday. It's from S2.

    Thanks Primal Slayer I read thru the thread and didn't see it mentioned. Was it in this thread or another.

  10. I agree with the previous poster, we get it the 50's were none to kind to anyone that was't a white man. I actually found myself falling asleep, this one just didn't do it for me. And I am not digging Ray and Kendra together they don't seem to have any chemistry.  And Snart is so one note, c'mon Wentworth a little mode voice modulation please. 

    I am sticking with it because i like the actors, and into the Flash, Arrow universe thing. But I am not sure how ,mch longer I can last.  m

    • Love 2
  11. The finale stayed true to the tone of the season. People so out of touch with their lives and the consequences of their actions, they continue to make more bad decisions. And leaving things up in the air made sense, the whole season was grey and hard to pin down. I am  looking forward to next season and what theme will be tackled next. This is an exceptional ensemble, with writing and directing that knocks it out of the park consistently.  

    • Love 4
  12. so let's see 4.16 is the cupid episode - 4.17 is Beacon of Hope, can't find the description anywhere, I guess it is too early for press release, do think this is when Laurel takes DD on in court?  4.18 - 11:59, no description - death episode?  - 4.19 - blacked out title - we assume is "Canary Cry" - funeral?  - then we have 4.20-23 until the end of season.  I assume rise of the big bad and leading into next season, most of us assume the BB will be Malcolm.  It seems like MM has been the big bad for awhile, almost every season he has done something terrible and they keep him around.  It would be nice if Arrow actually had proper villains, they are all so watered down. Even DD stalled.  Text book villain writing, set up execution etc, The Mayor on Buffy.  They set him up very early in S2, it was thought out and well played. Team Arrow could learn from Joss, Marti and Co.  

  13. I thought, based on the pics from the funeral (actresses side by side, look very much alike)  that the new girl is Nyssa's 1/2 sister Talia. Why do people think she is Malcolm's daughter? 

  14. That was horrible. And the preview for after the break doesn't make me want to come back. Thanks for ruining the show and characters I once loved. Those actors should be fighting each other to be lucky enough to be the one in the grave.

    • Love 2
  15. I liked it. I really liked how they tied the ending from the previous week's episode in to this week. The spaceship was watching Mulder and Scully on the farm last week. Mulder heard the music and now the spaceship comes at the end of this episode. Totally William on board.

    I predict a time jump at the beginning of the next set of episodes next year. We will have a tidy narration by agent Miller or Einstein that will explain how the cure worked and with Spartan neutralized everyone went back to normal. Until...,,

    I'm sure Fox was smart enough to anticipate needing everyone back for another run. Gillian will be done with The Fall and Duchovny will have wrapped S2 of Aquarious.

    • Love 1
  16. Connor Jessup and Eric Pollari for the win. I hope that the show and their respective teams go into overdrive come awards seasons, these young men are incredible actors. This season has been far superior to last season, and this is great ensemble, Lili Taylor, I have loved her style of acting since Say Anything, and she is solid in this role. The final scene in the diner was heartbreaking. 

    This season has been beautifully crafted, it's nice to see something of this quality on a network. 

    • Love 1
  17. Reading this thread makes my head hurt, so many great ideas and theories, many better than the writers come up with.  I find it funny that a group of people who are not employed by the CW to write Arrow come up with better ideas than the people who are.


    I agree with the quiet break up, it makes sense, i myself have had the quiet break up after the yelling screaming break up and reconciliation.  

    I do not like seeing Samantha in the liar, to me that is more of betrayal then William. Not to mention all three standing there knowing they are all his x or current girlfriends. ewww.


    I am on the fence about Laurel, I have never warmed up to her character, not sure if it's the writing or the acting.  While I would be ok with the character going, I am afraid of what they will bring in. What's that old saying, "sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't". I think it would be foolish to hope the creative team would not back fill the position on the team.  


    In the end, the show will not completely fail this story line, but they don't have a great track record when it comes to executing on the "teases'.  We have a 50/50 shot, we either get dead Laurel or Samantha and William out off the show. I don't think we can have both. 

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