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Posts posted by TVHappy9463

  1. Olivia and Mellie good stuff. DC's next power couple. Fitz is a dog who can't keep it in his pants. I hoe that reported exposes him for exactly what he is, it will vindicate both Mellie and Olivia. Olivia/Jake angry sex was good, who hasn't done that with their X.  Think we can put this show out of it's misery now.  

  2. That was much better than the previous episodes, seems they are finding their footing.  I love Wentworth Miller, but he needs more variation in the voice, and it seems very "affected". His scenes with Caity are good and I look forward to seeing the relationship develop.  Next time the boys are shirtless, and their needs to be a next time! Please have them a better position and lighting, I am sure the Legends need to go to the beach for a mission, the boys will get Caity in a bikini and the girls will get the boys.  Does Wentworth not do shirtless?  It seemed odd he was in a robe in the steam room.  Rip keep your shirt on! 

    To recap:  more Snart/Canary, more shirtless men (except Rip and Dr. Stein), way less Vandall Savage.  

    Looking forward to next week.  

  3. I don't even know where to begin. Let's talk the good:  Charlotte Ross, Paul Blackthorne, the entire scene with Curtis and the bionic chip, the reaction shots from EBR and SA were great, I was really impressed with SA, usually his eyes are so dead or looking away, The last scene with DD, not matter how trite, Neil committed and it worked.  


    The bad, the flashbacks, Thea character assassination, lack of Alex at the debate!!! ( we are not dumb), the action scenes were meh, Diggle's helmet. And the death anvils, stop trolling us it's insulting.  


    So is William's mother tied up somewhere?  Are they going to kill her and put William in hiding after they take down DD?  I know it's mean, but they need to kill them both off. Get this freaking show back on track. How may more episodes to the death episode?  4?  with a two week break, do I really have to wait 6 weeks to get this over with.  

    Somebody needs to make a T-shirt that says Guggenheim and Berlanti  you have failed the Arrow Fans.  

    • Love 1
  4. I didn't love it, I didn't hate it. Charlotte Ross was great. Cutting off Malcolm's hand was good, I wish the finger a wiggled a little when they showed it on the ground. The look on Barrowman's face when they burned the ring, was priceless. 

    I will say this, if the show kills of the baby mama and or William, I will be truly shocked, but happy to be done with the story line.  Who else are Malcolm and Dahrk going to go after it works on many levels. 

    Don't wimp out Arrow. 

  5. The episode had it's moments, Caity is great. Wentworth is too over the top, and since he delivers all his one liners the same it's already boring. The show is trying to hard to be "cute", the Titanic reference was lame.  Too many characters, not enough cohesion.  and was Ray Palmer's suit not all gooey after flying around in Kendra's body.  

  6. Loving this show! Didn't think I would but Tom Ellis makes it work, if Fox screws it up, I think this could fit nicely on Netflix with Daredevil and Jessica Jones. I think they are dumbinb down the existential crisis thing and not going as dark as they could, but network TV always underestimates viewers. When will they learn. 

  7. David Ramsey is crossing over to Flash, Barry was the first one in the grave scene, What if, Zoom kills Diggle as DD has already been put in jail, or not since he bargains with Oliver to help his escape if he cures Felicity. And the "him" they have to kill is Zoom.  

  8. I noticed they re-used DD's house from Arrow as Vandal Savage's house last night. This hour was better than the first, the script is sitll clunky. Like the After school Special Moment when Ray and Freeze bonded over the electrical box in the cage. My dad took me on jobs, blah blah, ( can't rig wires) Ray reached over fixes celinoid, ( metaphorically kissing the boo-boo-).

    I know he is coming back but I am glad to have a reprieve from Hawk-dude, two of the weakest characters. IMO. 

    The action scenes are too cluttered, in order to accommodate all the special effects there are a lot of wide shots, that don't show a lot of artistry that goes in the craft of stage fighting, and it's all blowing stuff up. The beauty of Arrow is a lot of hand to hand. At least we get some of that with Sara. But I am over her slicked back greasy White Canary hair. I never thought I would miss her Black Canary wig, but I do.  Speaking of bad wigs, how about the one on Hawkgirl's stunt person

    Hopefully the show will start to gel and find a rhythm, lots of potential with terrific talent; Victor, Caity, Brandon and Wentworth. 

  9. I would have liked this episode better if the hallucinations weren't wrapped up so quickly. But, this show is pretty good at introducing ideas, and killing them so not surprised.  So, Felicity is going to walk again thru magic provided by Damien Darhk as foreshadowed by Oliver's comments at the end.  Oliver saved DD's family so natch he owes him a favor, because the bigger bad is yet to come. 
    I thought it was funny that KC employed the same habit SA has of not looking his scene partners in the eye in their scene together.  I am not sure why the directors allow that acting choice.  When you can't look someone in the eye it conveys deception and avoidance.  
    The flashbacks continue to be clunky and kill the flow.  BTW got my Felicity Funk POP doll yesterday!

    • Love 1
  10. Wait! The conversation Mulder and Scully had outside the hospital after they met the Nun and the girl made it sound like William wasn't Mulder's but was a product of an experiment on Scully.  She kept calling it "her baby", not their's. I am super confused. 

    • Love 2
  11. Thank you Chris Carter, you brought back my X-files exactly the way I liked them, you kept the heart intact, with the needed updates. Well done all the way around.  Amazing how Gillian, David and Mitch just clicked all over again.  Sure we could nit-pick about the very tiny things, but NOPE! 

    Loved all the conspiracy theories, loved Mulder and Scully having one of their famous arguments on his front porch. 

    But the best scene was the one at the car, when she told Fox she has alien DNA, David's eyes, his whole face the reaction was so beautiful. Can't wait for the next 5, and based on the ratings, if they hold, we will have more. 

    • Love 5
  12. How do we know the "him" Oliver and Felicity are referring to is Dahrk? Maybe it's someone we would never expect, like Diggle?  Now that would be interesting. I bet it's Malcolm, that would fit with all the returns in the promo. I'm over who is in the grave, I have run all the options and made peace with saying good-bye to any of them. 

    The rest of the episode was ok, it had moments.

    I agree with the poster who said the flashbacks need to be in the grave. 

    • Love 1
  13. We know the screens are out. Why hasn't someone leaked or blab. Sure they leak the stupid Constantine episode but not this one. I refuse to get my hopes up for the back half of the season, they have let me down before. Sure anything looks goods compressed into 2mins 30 secs.  

    • Love 2
  14. Re: BTS photo.

    If Felicity is still in a wheelchair, EBR cannot catch a break with the heels. Also, you would think Oliver would be kind enough to change all the stairs into ramps.

    Then he can't carry her everywhere flexing his muscles. AHHHH so the girls can swoon.  I would prefer Diggle carry me everywhere, but that's just me.  

    • Love 1
  15. First, I love all of you so much, this thread is absolutely the best. I laughed so hard reading the posts about MG's interview "game changer" quotes. I Googled 'hard six" gambling term, which sounds like a long shot move, and also a line Adama said in BSG, which makes it sound like a "sometimes you just gotta say WTF"

    SO is he admitting they are just saying WTF, we have blown it, so lets just go crazier. 


    SO are we going to have Damien turn to team Arrow as an ally against a bigger bad, like Spike in Buffy S2. Is this a Lady Macbeth thing where it's Mrs D who is pulling the strings? 


    Do you think Felicity's mother is in the grave?  

    • Love 3
  16. Even if I wasn't spoiled about Felicity I still wouldn't be invested because the solution is either the nano-tech or DD's magic. Perhaps Oliver will have to make a deal with Darhk, either save Felicity or his city. ( Yawn!!!). How many times are we going down this road with him. And the scene of him and Barry at the grave in the preview is stupid if they established in the preview she isn't dead. Ah, the preview monkeys, they task us.

    At one time I rooted for Olicity, now I want her to get away from him, between his repetitive behavior and the secret kid, she needs to wheel away as fast as she can. Let's hope that chair is motorized.

    I know it's been done, ( Buffy/Angel), but maybe Felicity could be the next big bad. Now that is a season I would watch, of course they would need better writers.

    • Love 2
  17. I'm going to go out on a limb here. But since the show has gotten pretty soapy as of late.  Do you think it would be possible that one of Felicity's injuries will prevent her from having children. 

  18. First I was spoiled both from the forums and twitter before I watched, I live on the West Coast.  For me this was all about how it played out vs. how i imagined it. And it pretty much went the way I thought it would. Even though the where some nicer moments, the ones that should have packed a punch totally lacked. But, I still enjoyed the episode, 

    While we are all up in arms about Felicity ( not dead), the show dropped some major anvils about fathers doing anything to protect their daughters.  Lance/Laurel, now Damien knows Thea is speedy and he will put it together that Malcolm was in the arrow suit and Thea is his daughter, and now we know about Damien's daughter.

    I still think it's Lance in the grave, and that clip of Oliver at the graveside is not in the next episode. They did that last year, in the preview for the episode when they resurrected Thea they showed a shot of Sara as BC, but she wasn't in the episode, it did foreshadow she would be resurrected.  

    This is foreshadowing Lance dies as a result of everything that has been going on. And his move against Damien last night was the nail in his coffin.

    Some have asked if Oliver would go after Damien's kid, he wouldn't, but Malcolm would. 

  19. Crossover winners: Malcolm, love his popping in and being so evil at the end!, Barry he is the hero we need and deserve, Wells and Snow chemistry.

    Crossovers losers: Hawk people, too bad they are part of Legends of Tomorrow, but I have Sara and Ray to look forward too.  The whole kid story line.  And Felicity getting screwed again, at least Oliver is consistent, lying, hiding things, making decisions for everyone.  I hope Felicity dumps him once and for all, she deserves a great guy and a happily every after and that is not Oliver. 

    The anvils couldn't have been bigger or louder if they were flashing neon sub-titles, "heroes don't get the girl", "time travels has consequences", "if you get my daughter killed I will kill you ( or something like that)".

    • Love 1
  20. As far as who is in the grave, I am leaning toward Samantha. 1. only Barry and Oliver at her grave, they are the only two that know about her, 2. Barry's anvils about the consequences of the time travel seemed really heavy in the last scene with him and Oliver when they were discussing William.  If they kill Samantha, the writers can send William off to live with his grandmother and only Oliver and Barry will know the secret extending hiding things from Felicity longer and preventing more "playtime" scenes with Oliver and William which completely killed the episode last night. 

    Malcolm also had a big anvil last night with the whole,"if you get my daughter killed I will make you pay" him to Oliver. But I don't buy them killing off Thea.  

  21. Well played Diane! And that was the only thing I liked about the episode.  This season started, sort of interesting, but now it's just become a victim of one of two things; 1. the rumors about the JM's bad behavior and no one wanting to work with her, so the Kings were forced to create two shows, or 2. the Kings are messing with everyone who bought into the rumors about the JM and have ruined a perfectly good show. 

    I do not like this tequila drinking, bitch that Alicia has become.  Knowing that JM is a producer and has the ability to sign off on these changes only makes it more painful. 

    If it wasn't for Diane, Cary et all I would not watch, the Grace stuff is stupid and the continued character assassination of Gold is painful to watch.

    CBS put this show out of its misery.  

    • Love 5
  22. my expectations for tonight are very low, because the S1 finale was unsatisfying.

    Frank gets away, Ray is vindicated and gets to have a relationship with his son, unfortunately Ani killed a guy, so she either ends up, on the run, dead or in jail.

    I will be pleasantly surprised if we get any sort of resolution at all.

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