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This is straight from the instagram post. Hope it is okay to repost here. Let's face it, even in the earlier seasons Whitney had "assistants" and "friends" to help with things like shaving her legs and applying ointment. We even saw her with a stick to aid in using the restroom. I don't think she could even come close to handling the level of care her mother needs when she can't manage her own care. Is it possible that Whitney is so disabled by her weight that she qualifies for AL even though she is in her 30s? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if those private nurses help Whitney along with her mother. I wonder if they are getting a heavily discounted rate for all the publicity with the number of the times she name drops "Abbotswood." No matter how much care her mother needs, the fact that she is a 30 something year old residing in an assisted living facility is mind boggling. I mean, the whole reason why they supposedly chose this place was because it was 10 minutes from Whitney and her parent's house, so it's not like she couldn't be there on a moments notice if need be. Right now, the update on Mom is that we are still at Abbotswood! We moved into a huge two-bedroom a few months ago as soon as one became available, so I have a bedroom of my own now! Dad has also been a resident there since day one, and we have an ever-changing revolving door of animals in the apartment as well! (Some new ones I will introduce soon!) Many have asked why we didn’t hire nurses and bring Mom home. We would have loved to, but the house is not wheelchair accessible (doorways, bathroom, etc.) and we need at least two nurses at all times to help her and this is a wonderful service they offer at Abbotsworld. In addition to Dad, me, and the Abbotswood staff, we also have hired two private nurses who help with Mom and who are incredible with her. At Abbotswood, she continues to get therapy, delicious meals 3 times a day, and she is able to interact with lots of people. Abbotswood is home to us now and we couldn’t be happier.
Wrote a long post about something that was previously discussed (WWT moving into the assisted living place with her parents) I didn't see it had already been discussed until after I hit "save" Completely flabbergasted by her new living arrangement.
I bet she had it done when she took those poor cats to be shaved in the middle of winter. Since she is always hot she probably has the AC + fans running 24/7 no matter what the outside temperature is. Those cats are probably SO uncomfortable all the time.
In the comments she also told several people to F off and was mean to a girl who told her she liked her hair long because how dare the girl comment on her appearance. How she has any true fans when she acts like this directly to them is beyond me.
Makes sense with them pushing Whitney's "big move" back to Greensborough No show, no need to find a new, "exciting" filming location. Whitney can quietly move back to her house and it won't be questioned by her fans. I'm wondering if all of this WLS talk is really a precursor to a future Dr. Now episode.
I can't believe she is claiming to be a size 2/3x. I could be wrong, but I would think her clothing size would be a good bit larger than that.
I read her book too, although not recently. The one thing that really stood out to me that I haven’t heard her ever talk about is that she had an Adderall addiction through high school and some of college. All the episodes of talking about Buddy’s drug use, she never mentions her own, though she made it public knowledge through her book. From what I understand, Adderall makes you think you are the best/smartest/most charming person in the room. I really wonder how much of her personality was formed by drug-addled hallucinations.
I am so sorry, Hana ❤️
This looks like a different girlfriend. This woman is Kourtney according to the Instagram handle that is tagged and the one on the show was introduced as Brittney. They look very similar, though.
I think she is looking for a caretaker/indentured servant. Someone that isn't a hired home health aide, because that would mean her life was less than fabulous. That was (is? are they still living together?) essentially Buddy's role in her life. He shopped, cooked, cleaned, and god knows what else, in exchange for free rent and a starring role on a reality tv show. If she can find someone willing to do all of that AND have a romantic relationship with her, she'd be set. Someone to cater to her every need and throw in her single friends faces, what more could she ask for? We see these types of relationships all the time on My 600lb life. I honestly don't know why Whitney can't find a relationship like that. Its not her looks and/or weight. I can't even say its her personality. As grating as I find her most of the time, there are thousands of people who adore her. I think Yeah No is right and she just doesn't care enough to seek out a real relationship and finds it easier to play the victim card of "Men don't love fat women"
You are spot on! That’s exactly what that scene was trying to convey 🤣. It clearly went over my head, because I didn’t pick up on any of that when I saw it 🤣
Besides the super obvious lack of chemistry or even basic politeness between Chase and Whitney, what drives home that it was definitely fake for me was how much everyone in Whitney's life was on Chase's side. Babs talked about how much she genuinely liked him and they seemed very relaxed with each other. Ashley went so far as to say she was happy for Chase and wanted to congratulate him 😂 Todd also said something about congratulating him, as far as I remember. Buddy, who I think genuinely didn't like Chase, was confused as to why Whitney was so miserable while she was moping on the couch. Even Whitney telling her fans to be nice to him and "liking" pictures of his baby screamed "fake" None of that would have happened if this wasn't a "made for tv" relationship. None of these reasons have anything to do with her weight.
As usual, nothing about this storyline makes sense. Wasn’t Whitney complaining about the lack of wedding planning on Chase’s part while she was in Wilmington? If he drove her to a venue before that what was she complaining about? The “my ex used to work here” thing was also confusing. 1) Who cares, it’s unlikely that he still works there 2) Wouldn’t she have recognized the area right away, like when they were still in the car, and mention something then, like “Hey, I used to hang out here all the time in my 20s”
Having zero knowledge of SM marketing, this is really interesting! So if you are an affiliate you have to purchase the product you are shilling and hope you earn enough money back from the links to pay for the product plus profit? With her huge SM presence, I'm surprised companies aren't knocking down her door and sending her stuff to promote all the time. I wonder why they are not. I also wonder why Whitney thought toothbrushes, vibrators, and bathing products would be a good fit for her brand. I would think something fitness related, so she can tie it into her workout videos, would make more sense.
I don’t know why, but there is something about this that makes me think that she has done fetish porn in her lifetime. Like this behavior has gotten a response from someone at some point so she thinks this is how to attract a man...