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  1. Preach, sista! 😂 But then there wouldn’t be a show without all the "will she or won’t she get her kicks up" drama 🙄
  2. Or even as they’re practicing in the dance studio! Ive noticed it a lot
  3. Exactly! I can’t believe they didn’t release her right then and there. Her smirky smile when she went in there after they got back from Canton and wanted to "talk" to her...THAT conversation sure didn’t go the way she anticipated it! To go behind Kelli and Judy's back and email Shelly...inexcusable. What was SHE supposed to do? Re-instate her as point? Really... 🙄
  4. Curious why you considered Holly to be a much stronger asset to the team. I disagree for several reasons, but genuinely curious about your take. I just meant that, in my opinion, Holly was a MUCH stronger dancer (was it Kitty who said Holly could do show group all by herself?) To me, Jenna looked really young and while her dancing was ok, she didn’t really stand out to me and I thought others could have made a stronger point.
  5. Yes, she should have (been fired/let go). Holly was a much bigger asset to the team than Jenna ever would be. I can’t believe they didn’t let them both go right when this was discovered. I do think there was a lot going on behind the scenes that we didn’t see on the show, however. And when Jenna went behind their backs to talk to Shelly (what was she even thinking?) and then she was called into the office, she had the biggest smile on her face like she thought they were going to apologize to her, give her back point position, and maybe even throw in a bouquet of roses for good measure? 😂 I honestly don’t know what she THOUGHT was going to happen, but I’m sure that conversation wasn’t it! Kelli let her have it, though (with good reason). If I was Kelli, I would have said "buh-bye and don’t let the door hit you on the way out"!
  6. Yikes! Neal McCoy's tour bus burned this morning! (but he's ok) Just saw it on ABC Nightly News. Poor guy!
  7. Well, I could line them up a lot quicker than the two-plus hours it takes Judy! 😂
  8. But you can’t do a jump split until you can do a split on the ground. They have to have that already in their skill set, then, yes, they can be taught the rest
  9. I wondered that, too. May be why there are hundreds less auditioning than when the show first started?
  10. No kidding! High kicks, and all the way down in the splits with arms in the air, so there can be no cheating. Then they don’t go to finals without those skills. Think of all the grief that would save the girls, plus Kelli and Judy! If they aren’t ready, they work on it and come back next year. Training camp is not long enough to develop flexibility where there is none. It just gets their hopes up, and then they still end up getting cut. Sad! I also wonder how many girls move up from "you aren’t top 36 in the room" to actually making it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. I meant correcting her dancing, not correcting her discipline-wise. But you make a good point. Honest question, though- Is/was Judy really that good of a dancer? Ding, ding, ding! That is the million dollar question! I don’t see it, at all. No constructive criticism, ever. Just screaming, saying "that’s just BAD", or "awkward" or "immature". What does that even mean? I highly doubt that she has choreographed any of the current dances, either. She just sits on her chair and doesn’t even demonstrate. I taught dance for many years, and I never sat down once. Never came to rehearsal in street clothes and high heels, either. You teach by demonstrating, and if it’s wrong, you explain how to make it right (and that can be accomplished without screaming). Just sayin'.
  12. Oh, I don't think Judy has ever held back on correcting Cassie, ast least when she was growing up. I feel like Judy has been molding Cassie since she was a little girl. I'm picturing little Cassie at dance lessons, with Judy in the background shouting "point your TOES! DON'T SKIP! What are you DOING?!" "LINES!" 😂
  13. So, what happened between former besties Tara and Savannah? Their rookie year they were all over each other, even crying when they were just thinking the other might not make the team. The following year, they were never shown together, and Savannah was noticeably absent when Tara was called into the office and subsequently cut from the team. All the other teammates rushed over to comfort her, but not Savannah. Just wondered if anyone else noticed, or if anyone had any insight. Thanks Judy Trammel...
  14. And, in every episode since that interview, Kelli has worn a dress or shirt with cut-outs! Too funny!
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