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Posts posted by Andromeda

  1. Did Christy and Zack talk to each other at all after Clare left, considering how high they were on each other's list of people to meet in Paradise...?

    God knows with these people. It's like once someone puts their stamp on them, they forget about that person entirely.


    Do you all really like Christy, though?  Too soon to say, I guess, but she is not good looking by this show's standards.  She's probably the youngest one currently in the house, but she has little shape to her body and her hair looks fake. Claire, AshLee, Michelle - all over 30 and all better looking than Christy, imho.  There's more to a person than appearance of course, but this a superficial show so that's got to count for something.

    Ugh, no, I don’t like her. She looks like a burned out party girl to me. Did anyone else catch what she said when she first arrived and met Zack? “It’s nice to meet you sober.” Which really doesn't say much good about either one of them because he’s the one she wanted to hook up with initially. Also, wasn't she the one complaining that no one was drinking?

    • Love 2
  2. So the big ambulance moment is a case of Montezuma's Revenge? Seriously, show? 


    My husband -- and, to a lesser extent, my son -- both got cases during a trip to Puerto Vallarta a few years back. My husband was miserable for an entire day. Needless to say, we're sticking to Hawaii now. We were being VERY careful, but there's only so much you can do when the very ice in your drink or someone not washing their hands is a factor. Despite production being careful and hand-feeding the hamsters, something got by them. Isn't this like a day after their date? Watch out for the street food, people...

    • Love 1
  3. Sarah was openly making fun of Kalon, right? ("what's 'SPER-lunking'?")  If so, I totally love her. On the other hand if she was genuinely asking what spelunking is, that's considerably less awesome. One can never really tell with these hamsters.

    I got the strong impression Sarah was being stupid because she is.


    Kalon should have taken one of the other guys on the speelunking trip.

    I know!! I would have jumped at the chance to escape that stank "resort," surely one of the guys would want to do that.


    I hate Zach.   After he told Clare that he didn't know if he would turn down a date card because, "It depends on the girl,"  I really expected her to walk away from him and never look back.  Go toward the Cody, Clare!  Zach doesn't have your back, he's only there until something better comes along and he doesn't have time to listen to your problems even when there's no ESPN.  Run. Away.


    Yeah, it was pathetic that Clare ran back to him and turned down Cody, when I clearly heard a guy (Zach) saying he wants to be free to play the field.


    AshLee is tacky and  creepy. Clare let her keep Graham and all AshLee has done in return is trash talk her.


    Yup. I remembered when that happened in the first episode, I think it was. Ashlee doesn't deserve a friend like Clare, and Michelle, who knows Graham well, knew he would be happy about her behavior.


    I don't know, Cody seems like a guy who has a closet full of matching cowboy boots and denim hot pants. Maybe a little cowboy hat and little cowboy vest to complete the look. But I admit, I might be alone in thinking that.

    LOL, you’re so not alone. Total meathead. But he seems nice enough.


    One more thing I loved: AshLee giving her TH speech about how she tries to do the right thing, be a good person, be there for everyone, etc., etc., capped by the camera tracking her into the bedroom and her exclamation of "Bitch!" TPTB must have rented every bus in Yucatan to throw these people under.

    Dang, I missed the bitch part! Must listen for that.

    • Love 3
  4. I don't know, but I think often for extended ocean scenes like that, they are shot in a pool. The waves weren't that bad -- easily accomplished with a wave-maker, or in a big lake like you say. The water just struck me at one point as pool water (more clear than green), and once I saw it, I was unable not to see it. I imagine the equipment doesn't take kindly to salt water, either. A lot of Titanic was shot in a pool, and so was Life of Pi and parts of Jaws.


    That said, it's filmed mostly in San Diego, where there's a lot of ocean water, so they definitely have ocean access. From wikipedia:

    It was filmed at a number of locations across San Diego including aboard the USS Halsey (DDG-97) and the USS Dewey (DDG-105), which stands in for the show's fictional USS Nathan James (DDG-151), and the USS Iowa museum ship.

    • Love 1
  5. Ethan is showing empathy (for a robot) something he hasn't done before.

    He has to start building his evil robot army somewhere...


    I had more affection for the cute little bot from the park than I do Ethan, who gives such good creepy stare.


    This episode again highlights the somewhat nonsensical idea of a robot "child" -- he's intentionally dumbed down to mimic a human five-year-old. Why? He's capable of instantly knowing Japanese -- let him! He's capable of riding a bike without lessons -- let him! Because it's silly to try to make him be exactly like a human when he is more capable in many ways than a human and less capable than others, like ability to read people (including bullies) in social situations. All that effort put into restricting the boy-bot, when it could go into advancing his intelligence and social smarts instead.

    • Love 2
  6. Hmm checked out her photo and thought she looked even worse than I remembered. This must be one of those Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus moments (straight female here). I think she has an unhealthy looking body and a mediocre face.


    I agree, I was surprised, after reading the build-up, how unattractive she looked in that picture. Very boney. It's also taken at a weird angle. But, I'm a woman, immune to her come-hither expression. Still, even as a woman, I definitely admire the attractive female form (there's a reason women's magazines have women on the covers). Jackie's legs when she walked up looked amazing. Her face, not so much. Sort of pixieish, but with her features not big enough for her face? OTOH, I'm constantly amazed how pretty Michelle is (her features, not her makeup -- that bright lipstick is hideous). Amazing cheekbones. AshLee also has a beautiful face, and Lacy is attractive. Sarah is pretty average, IMO. If not for her arm -- or lack of -- she never would have been cast on this franchise.


    As for guys... I also see Ryan Gosling every time I look at Marcus, from the second he was introduced. Pretty eyes. Marquel is cute. Robert is cute, but looks "young" -- definitely seems to fit better with Sarah than Michelle. Graham must have a great personality, because his face is pretty average. I think his maturity is what attracts the females, and I can definitely get behind that. Chris--ugh. Mostly it's his knowing smirkiness that's so unattractive. Stupid smile, too (what my dad would call a "sh*t-eating grin.")


    Back to the women -- Elise has a face that screams "cheap" to me. She reminds me of the ex-prostitute Betty on Masters of Sex. Her choice of clothes (that teeny bikini last week) and her desperation don't help. Found an article on her, post this episode.

    • Love 1
  7. When the Captain and Tex were adrift, the ocean looked to me like a swimming pool. Something abut the quality, color, or weight of the water that surrounded them as they floated there....wasn't ocean-like.


    That's all I have to say.


    Oh, and that I hope that's the last of those pesky Russians. That was going on too long. Glad to see the ship explode.

  8. I've really become convinced that Michelle Money is on some level working with or for the producers in a way the other contestants aren't. She's like a senior member of the contestants in whatever show she's cast in, someone the producers really rely on to move the plot along and give good interviews. Maybe it's not intentional, but I just get the sense the producers rely on her to make things interesting, but not because she's cray-cray like an Elise -- but because she knows what makes good TV and knows how to work with them.


    That doesn't mean I don't think she's genuinely looking for a guy, and I really think she adds to the proceedings. Even on her original season, Brad's, she was a highlight. That said, she was ridiculous in regards to both Marquel and Robert (but it provided good TEEVEE, see...).


    Elise was also ridiculous. I think Chris dumped her the second they got home. I think the producers suggested he take her along and give his rose to Michelle, to repair his reputation since he was leaving anyway, and they wanted to keep Michelle. The way Elise acted when she was "nursing" Chris was gross -- she was actually happy that he was hurting, no real empathy there. "Misery," for sure! What a nutcase.


    Sarah really grates. I was hoping she was gone. I think she's a nice girl, but the whiny voice -- ai ai ai!! (As Juan Pablo would say).


    I thought it was smart for Claire and Michelle to create a date situation with a couple of the guys. Better than sitting there getting sand in your shorts while other people go on "dates." (Again, Michelle helps take action to keep an episode interesting.)


    I would leave too. No phone, tv or internet stuck in a crappy hut on the beach while being in pain and unable to get yourself around?


    Me, too. One of the girls said why not stay, it's "Paradise," he could be in pain there as well as at home, but that place doesn't seem nearly as comfortable as most homes! There's something about lying on your own couch and sleeping in your own bed that a junky Mexican hotel is not going to be able to substitute for. Even a nice hotel couldn't.


    Ashlee's "hot babies" comment was really jarring to me, too. I have never heard anyone say that before, thank goodness.

    Hot babies... That means that their children, born from a reality show mating, will someday be hot enough to be on TEEVEE!
    • Love 4
  9. Jason ogling Hoyt's girlfriend was too much. The only point I can see to this is a redemption of sorts. The show is establishing a strong attraction to the woman on Jason's behalf to set up a situation where she comes onto him and he refuses her against all odds.  I have to admit, it would also be nice to see a girl who was not tempted by Jason for once, so maybe she'll be the one who refuses him? In all likelihood though, they'll end up fucking and I'll end up rolling my eyes. 


    I kept wondering if Jason knew the girl. I couldn't figure out for a while WHY he was staring at her so strangely. She's pretty, but certainly no prettier than Jessica or Violet, both of whom he had just boinked! You'd think he'd be focused on thinking more about how to act and what to say to his friend who no longer remembered him.


    God yes. Seeing the two of them together like that makes me deeply uncomfortable. They should have nixed Sookie/Bill (or at least the explicit sex scenes) the moment those two hooked up in real life IMO.



    Yes! It was yucky! I could barely watch. On top of Bill's gross veiny body paint, and knowing they're married IRL -- just NO! NOT SEXY, show! It made me very, very uncomfortable.

  10. To make it not so dire when someone doesn't get a date card, why don't they set up group dates for the rest of them?

    I like that idea. Why couldn't they? It's not about the "star" picking one date person and leaving the rest behind to fret and stew about it. Oh, right. It's really about people longing for date cards, not getting to know each other! Plus, they like it dire...


    Love the Dante Alighieri reference. I just read Dan Brown's Inferno, so I have Dante on the brain.


    I also don't get Graham's appeal. One of those "have to be there" situations, I suppose. 




    To be fair, I think she was literally speechless for like, those 10 seconds. She didn’t specify how long. That might very well be “literally” the longest she’s ever gone without regaling the world and the viewers and the raccoons with her antics.

    That's how I saw it, too.




    Or Christine Taylor, who played the "winner" on the first season of Burning Love, the Bachelor parody :) Did you all see it? You should, it's hilarious.

    Hah! I didn't realize she was Marcia in the Brady Bunch movie. That movie was hilarious! And so is Burning Love.

  11. This wasn’t as fun as I’d hoped. Loved the raccoon. I like Claire and Michelle Money. So many of the contestants and bottom tier and forgettable, or just not good TV. I remember Sarah, but she’s such a whiner! I only remember her because, hello, only one one-arm girl. And I know the guys from this past Bachelorette season, of course. Graham, too, because I remember Deanna freaking when he voluntarily split.

    Mostly I’m disappointed by the format. The enforced pick-a-partner aspect ruins a lot of the potential romance, because people rush to get a partner so they’re not eliminated, rather than sitting back and seeing who they really click with. (Like being stuck with your "first impression" person or whoever isn't taken = romance!). So it’s not romance, it’s strategy, just like past Bachelor Pad shows. You know there’s off-screen wheeling and dealing and alliances, which really takes the bloom off the rose. Heh.

    The “new people every week” idea is a steal from Paradise Hotel, where the new people were chosen by the viewers. And they didn’t have it easy breaking into set alliances, and were usually booted right away, or the following week if they had “immunity” the first week. So what’s the chances of anyone finding any kind of lasting relationship from this excuse for a summer exercise in banality?


    I wish Claire hadn't caved to pressure from Crazy Ashlee. I'm disappointed Graham put up with it.


    On the location, this is the place. It's a big rental area, and I think they built additional structures, like on-the-beach couches. The main hall is open-air, and they used a LOT of Mexican blankets as decor. Very on-the-cheap. Reminds me of what I've read about the Big Brother "house" -- it's a craphole up close, but looks good on TV, because it's a film set. (I no longer watch that show.)


    Here's a slideshow (with really annoying pop-up ads).


    I wouldn't want to stay there (too rustic, looks like they never get to be indoors except in their rooms, too much harsh wind, ugly beach) but I would LOVE to visit the ruins at Tulum! I'd just skip over the fire ants... 


    BTW, I believe The Bachelorette budget is always cheaper than Bachelor, because it's on in the summer and gets fewer viewers.

    • Love 2
  12. Damn. The creepy robot kid isn't dead for good. Now I hope it came back WRONG. That would be fun.

    The medics that came to work on Molly and Ethan didn't notice that Ethan doesn't have a heartbeat?  They had him on the stretcher like they were ready to take him to the hospital, but apparently they didn't try to take his vital signs or anything.  Which wouldn't happen.  And then in the hospital I guess the showrunners thought it would be too gauche to have hospital patients in The Future just lie on regular beds so they had to make up that dentist chair + bed contraption for Molly.  For some reason Future people have regular beds in their homes but won't stand for a regular hospital bed in their hospitals.

    I heard the EMT say she couldn't detect any vital signs.


    I liked the futuristic hospital bed. I figure it was a diagnostic bed of some kind with sensors that a regular bed wouldn't have. Whose to say hospitals won't adopt a tech like that in the future?

    What was with that weird self-driving taxi or whatever it was?  All the characters at this point have been shown driving vehicles themselves but now all of a sudden they have a vehicle that doesn't need a driver?  Wha?

    Autonomous vehicles are being developed now, including the self-driving car. Google has one, the Army has been demonstrating autonomous convoys for wary zones. Molly asked her husband why he didn't put the car on autopilot (in the bad weather flashback) and he said he enjoyed driving. I could see that happening -- some people like to drive, some don't. My husband is more worried about plane crashes than car crashes, despite the odds being much higher for cars, because he says the car is in his control.

    Julie's robot legs were cool, as was her shower hovercraft thingie. Loved that scene.

    I think this show is doing a better job at showing future tech than a lot of others, such as "Almost Human." I like that it's shown with regular people in a world not much different from ours, because I don't think that just because we get one new tech (say, an iPad) that suddenly everything would turn white and stainless steel, and our homes stop using natural fibers and fabrics (albeit pastel ones!). People still have cabins in the woods, dive bars, regular office buildings, bathrooms -- with a few new touches like hoverboards and better computer-screen interfaces.

    • Love 4
  13. I read the book. When The Last Resort debuted, I thought THAT might be based on the novel. Now I guess this is -- sort of. The main thing I remember from the book are how the females had to sleep with six or so men for it to be "fair" since they were so outnumbered (and how the male writer didn't really deal much with their feelings about that, except to say they were A-OK! with it), and the hot sex between the male captain and female lead (XO maybe?) when they were violating the "share" rule (they were supposed to have opted out of sex at all because they were the leaders). Oh, and some couple fell in love and tried to escape together, and died. 


    I can't remember how it ended.

  14. One stupid thing that bothered me were all the sick people standing around on shore. I thought this was a virulent disease that quickly wiped out populations. There shouldn't be any infected people standing around like lepers -- they'd be lying on the ground, either dead or nearly dead. Or is there supposed to be some other version of the disease that lingers for some unspecified amount of time?


    It's like the current ebola outbreak -- experts say no one with the disease will make it on a plane, because they'd be far too sick to travel. And these people should be too sick to stand on shore and stare mournfully at the passing boat! They'd be in high fever, lying on the ground bleeding from various orifices.

  15. And why did she quit her job if she was going to pick and stay with the guy in Atlanta?

    I wish I knew the answer to that. It's a head-scratcher. Unless she really hated her job. Didn't she also say something about wanting to concentrate on starting a family? Which doesn't mean you have to quit your job, especially when you're not even pregnant.


    Maybe the real answer is she wants to parlay her celebrity into something else, like Dancing with the Stars...


    I also keep thinking back on how confident Nick was in the early episodes -- one reason the other guys turned against him. So wonder how much of his hurt is because of actual heartbreak, and how much because he was wrong and lost face (not that Andi didn't give him plenty of reason, but he lost confidence the closer to the end it got.) So I wonder if he didn't build things up in his mind to be something they weren't, to some extent. While the sex revelation does strike me as good evidence for him that she was on the same page, comparing the final dates, it's clear he had no confidence whatsoever, compared to Josh, who didn't give his "competition" a second thought (makes me wonder if Andi and Josh didn't already engage in pillow talk and both know the outcome.)

  16. Thank you for saying this so I didn't have to. :) That said, I'm actually very impressed with this forum that there hasn't been much of this kind of talk. Cultural progress! For the record, I will be the first person to scream "slut shaming" if I think it's happening. In this case, though, I think Andi sleeping with Nick was just her being a selfish dick.


    You're welcome. I was a little worried I'd come off as too critical of my fellow posters (who I appreciate muchly), but wanted to express my opinion.


    Nick had every opportunity for closure. Just knowing she's engaged should be closure enough. I still wonder what he really wanted her to tell him that would satisfy him. Because nothing short of "I changed my mind and want you" would do it.

  17. It wasn't until I saw the deleted scene of the guys' video messages to her and I knew right off that Andi had sex with both Nick and Josh.

    Deleted scene? Please tell me where I can see it. What did the guys say about Andi and sex with both guys?

    My opinion is that she should have said, "I didn't choose you because it takes you five minutes to articulate a simple thought." God knows that would drive me crazy.

    Seriously. I normally go for the more nerdy guy, but Nick just leaves me cold, and this is one of the reasons. I assume he's smarter than Josh, just because I have yet to hear Josh really discuss anything deep, but Josh is way more articulate.

    But anyway, Andi's foibles are all Josh's to deal with now, and his are hers. Just hope that TPTB shun them the way they have Des and her guy who,IMO, are far more likable.

    Why/how are Des and Chris being shunned? They've been on some of the shows as a couple after their season. Why would the show not like them? I like them, though most people disbelieved Des's selection of Chris because of her crazy reaction to Brooks, I wasn't one of them.


    I take umbrage at the phrases "sloppy seconds" and "leftovers" used about any woman, even Andi. They're low phrases that objectify women, and imply that a woman must remain pure until she's with a single man. Is there a similar phrase for promiscuous men? I can't think of one.


    That said, I agree with this sentiment:

    You know the part I really don't get? How could the same Andi who practically shouted "I love you, I'm so in love with you and it was you from the minute I laid eyes on you" to Josh, sleep with Nick 2-3 weeks before that? While she was dating Josh?! Who does that? How do you do that? I'm all for casual, no strings attached sex but if you are really in love with someone and they are a few rooms away...how do you sleep with someone else?


    Unless she really hadn't decided on Josh, in which case, why'd she say basically that she knew it was him from the first?


    On to Paradise! That should be good for some mindless summer fun. The premise sounds like the old "Paradise Hotel" show, if anyone else remembers that.

  18. So Nick went from annoying ass to creepy stalker when he couldn't get the girl. I don't know what he wanted Andi to say, and he didn't either. Probably was hoping for "I changed my mind! I want YOU!"


    I see why he felt it was love if she slept with him -- it's definitely a role reversal (usually it's the woman thinking it's love.)


    I feel like I missed the Andi/Josh romance. Considering she's a lawyer, and clearly not stupid, I just mentally tossed him into the "background noise" category. Maybe he's smarter than he comes across (though he can assemble sentences better than mealy-mouthed Nick). Maybe she likes them a bit on the dim side. I don't know. I do know last episode I did start believing Josh really loved her, because of how his eyes lit up when he talked about her. Plus he kept talking with so much certainty about making her his wife. I was sold. Contrast that with Nick's hemming and hawing, and I kind of wonder if Josh didn't already know he was the final pick.


    I think the fact they live five minutes away from each other is kind of cool. It's like going all around the world to find love and finding it right next door. (Cue romantic music). Of course, they could have saved us all a lot of trouble if they'd just run across each other at a bar in town. LOL.

    • Love 2
  19. I just finished my binge watch of the first season last night. I'm glad I gave it a chance -- It went from a very mild three stars to a full on four stars by the end (out of five). The ending was sad (Shelly!!), and a little nonsensical.

    (Why would Olivia kill her daughter, if she later needed a daughter to mate with her cawled son...huh?). Plus I wasn't sure what the face-eating accomplished.


    Speaking of Shelly, of course we knew pretty quick how she ended up that way, what with the flashback to the night of the lightning storm, and her NAME. LOL. I love Shelly. What an interesting character. The way she "speaks" when she writes, like Emily Bronte...that was such a fun discovery.



    being the big bad was awesome -- the teen angst turned into violence against fellow females for being sexually active and flaunting it was interesting. I was surprised that her two twin friends were no longer virgins, because one thing I liked about the show was the girls acting their age (not like the uber-sophisticaled teens of so many TV shows, like Pretty Little Liars.)


    The main characters grew on me. I enjoyed the evolution of their strange friendship. And naturally I was on their side, and didn't like the monster hunter when she murdered the wolf girl in jail. That was horrific. Plus, you knew her order wasn't on the side of right -- her bosses were way too pompous and mysterious.

  20. Was it a water landing? I couldn't tell exactly where they landed -- I wasn't sure if hey did land in the lake, or just on the shore.


    Clarke said there were 82 left, after 18 died. Which equals 100. But Raven would make it 101. And did Bellamy count? So the math is screwy.


    I was wondering if the adults would end up climbing out and seeing Ayers Rock, and discover they were nowhere near the kids. Glad that didn't happen, since I want the adults to find the kids and quit screwing around and build a society.


    Except one already exists, apparently! Why didn't the Mountain people notice that the 100 had arrived on the planet? Are they not looking outside at all? They're running around in suits, so is the planet still highly radioactive? Does anybody have a Geiger counter? Did the 100 get sent with any supplies at all? You know, in a real nuclear holocaust, the planet would take a lot more than 100 years to become habitable again. Try 10,000. But suspension of disbelief, and whatnot.


    OK, what happened to the line about there being enough evac pods to accommodate 700 of the Ark residents? Was that one crashed pod for the entire 700? I thought there were more pods than that -- plus no way was that 700 citizens. So that did not make sense to me. Nor did the Ark people's poor planning for how they'd get back to Earth. No one considered Jaha's Plan B until he was watching a home movie -- really? Really! LOL.

  21. I agree, the grounders make no sense, in that since they're engaged in hostilities against other tribes (Reapers and Mountain Men, whoever they are), it would have made far more sense for them to make peace and pull the 100 into their tribe. The 100 are young, stupid, healthy, and have access to some good tech. Emphasis on YOUNG, as in maleable. Very short-sighted to just kill them off.


    Clarke needed to ask, when she saw how warrior-minded they were last episode, WHO ARE YOU FIGHTING? They didn't rack up all those scars killing their own tribemates. Because then she could have proposed the whole enemy of my enemy is my friend thing, and sought a truce based on mutual benefit. What a concept.

  22. LOL, The Sims: Total Immersion! I'm right there with you guys, I can't fathom how Octavia isn't socially backward. It makes very little sense. Show could at least have started with her behaving that way, then shown her growing and gaining in social confidence through half a dozen episodes. I also would half expect her to be agorophobic, and afraid of wide open spaces. But when they showed her at the Masked Ball (how conveeeenient the Ark would host such an event), I knew they were treating her like a fairy tale princess, not a real human girl.

  23. Whoever writes this show needs to take a remedial course in geography.  The drop pod landed in northern Virginia (they've made that abundantly clear) -- that hurricane pictured on the monitor on the Ark was centered in the Gulf of Mexico, and the entire Northeast US has clear skies.  So where is the storm coming from ? Is it magic ?  Plus that shot shows that North America is in daylight (white clouds and greenery), so why is it night at the camp ?


    That was some perfect timing -- knife comes out of Finn, tree branches manage to penetrate a spaceship in multiple places, from the wind no less, complete with little puffs of dust at each puncture point (where the little explosives went off to open each hole).  Since when does metal pulverize to dust on impact -- from wood.

    Clarke pulls out the knife -- and that's it ??  No blood, no screaming in pain by Finn -- he's ok.  What was the point of her mother guiding her with instructions ?? Any one could have done that.  Then Clarke sews up the wound, no muss, no fuss -- but what about the interior damage, because that was a deep wound ?  Did they disinfect the interior so he doesn't get an infection ?


    You need to take the Rob Ford approach to interrogation/PR -- they just didn't ask the grounder the right question. 

    They should have asked him "Who is your daddy, and what does he do ?"


    So the grounder can count (at least up to 102). And draw. And can speak English.  Definite boyfriend material for Octavia (she of the "I'll poison myself to get the interrogation answers because grounder wuvs me" school of thought).


    Apparently Bigfoot was just waiting for all the humans to leave so they could repopulate the woods -- according to the grounder's drawings.


    Clarke's shirt is soaked with blood -- how soon before that just mysteriously disappears ?

    Finn starts to have a seizure, Raven tells Clarke not to let him die and all Clarke does is hold his shoulders down. Why didn't Raven just hold down his shoulders ?


    How come the poison didn't take effect until AFTER the knife was removed ?  The knife had been in Finn for a couple of hours at that point.


    If the blue wires were hooked up to the solar panels, and it was night time during a storm, why was there any voltage at all when Raven tortured the grounder ?


    And Clarke breaks the radio because she's pissed at her mom -- well done.


    The grounder has a hole in his hand -- just washing away the blood won't fix it.


    I thought in the first episode it was stated that there were 4000 people on the Ark -- 102 went earthside and 300 or so were killed last week, but yet there are 2237 left on board. That math doesn't add up.

    Good questions pointing out all the illogic. On the solar panels, I was only half watching, but solar panels store energy in batteries, so maybe it was the battery leads that contained the power.


    I don't see the problem.  Okay, so 700 people go down.  Assuming they fix the oxygen problem that leaves enough resources for the rest to survive indefinitely or at least long enough for something to be worked out.

    Exactly. Mostly I'm confused about why the Ark doesn't just start sending people down immediately. What's the deal with that? Obviously the kids are alive (as are grounders), so get going and start sending people down. If it's just a delay to keep it a teen show, that's just a major fail. I've been marathoning it, but if they don't explain this adequately, I may not watch season 2.


    Plus, have none of the Arkies ever hears of a lottery? It's a very egaliarian way to determine who gets seats (after a few essential types are sent, like the soldiers).

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