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Posts posted by Andromeda

  1. I'll have to rewatch -- I was doing other things and totally missed the helmet bashing.


    I would have hated the tractor bikini date. Really? How is that a good time for the women?


    Mesa Verde! What was with the Mesa Verde callouts by nutty Ashley? Who is either high on illicit drugs or meds, for damned sure. Was that the name of the zombie park?


    ETA: I was a virgin until I met my now-husband, I was 23, he was 30. While we watched, I asked him if he thought it was a big deal, he said he'd never heard of it being a thing, it certainly wasn't to him at the time. But then, he's not a creeper who objectifies women, either, and can't speak for them. ITA that it was very weird how much of a plus MacKenzie thought it would be for Ashley I. to let it be known she was a virgin. Way OTT. Maybe she's just regretting not remaining a virgin and instead ending up 19 and pregnant. God knows she also way overdramatized her Big Reveal of having a kid. You'd think she was about to say she was dying of cancer or something. I agree it's ridiculous how she was treating him like baggage, and the counterpoint ridiculousness of motherhood automatically granting on her a special status of how loving and giving she is by Chris. (I say this as a mom). Most women are capable of popping out a kid, doesn't make us saints. 


    Which brings me to... "She's not wife material." Oh rilly? According to who, skankette? Can't recall who said it (I have to rewatch), but some chick says it every season, and it's so gaggy.

    • Love 2
  2. I thought Tissue Saleswoman might have done something clever with her cooler e.g. reveal beer or champagne inside but instead we got a glimpse of something revolting even if a prop.

    That woman is an idiot. It would have been much better if she popped open the container to display a plastic heart toy with a smile on it. That's what I would have done. Non-threatening, not gross, and cute! What could be better? Plus, he could have it as a gift.




    He wasn't thrown off by Kara being in her early 40s? Her claiming to be 25 on network television MUST be an FCC violation. It must.

    LOL! I didn't even notice her, so I didn't see her age (or age appearance). Don't think the hubby was noticing ages, either. I just wish the show wouldn't let them get away with lying about their ages. There was one season when they removed the ages and Bachelor Nation (gah, hate that expression) complained loudly, so they put them back on. Probably removed in the first place because the participants don't want their ages up there and are prone to lie about them.


    Yes, even I admit Chris's farm operation is way remote. I think Waverly is the closest city of consequence. Still an hour each way if his dearly beloved were a teacher or nurse. More likely, a person who can work from home is the ideal wife. That's my situation, and I'm not interested in shopping or city life, but I tell you, it's a big mental relief when I get to even a small-town Dollar General after weeks of going nowhere other than the pasture/barn.

    Hubby Google Mapped it last season -- so far from any center of employment or shopping, or dining, or just getting a cheesburger at a drive-in. Do these women really get that? I'm a suburban woman, but I lived in a small town at the start of my career, pop. 9,000. It still had its chain stores, and wasn't ridiculously tiny -- I drove a half-hour to a good-sized mall. But sometimes for work I also had to travel an hour to a tiny berg of 400. It was awful, I would never ever live in a place that isolated and tiny. I interviewed some residents for a feature, and not all of them loved it, either. There's also a small-town mindset, that everyone's business is yours and yours is theirs. That took getting used to, and as an introvert, I can't say I miss it.
  3. Britt is an actress.  She did a short film.  It is really good. 


    I KNEW IT!!


    I saw "waitress" in "Hollywood," and I just knew she was an actress or an aspiring actress. No way would she be cleaning tables otherwise, she's too pretty. What do out of work actors and actresses in Hollywood do in between going on auditions? Wait tables. It's so common it's a cliche. Because of that, I was skeptical of her, from the ridiculously long hug to the overly emotional reaction to Chris. I just don't trust her motives, because obviously she would consider being on the show a huge boost to her career. She'd love to be on that red carpet (which I thought was so silly, despite being an original member of so-called Bachelor Nation.)


    Thanks for digging this up. Maybe I'm too cynical, or not giving her the benefit of the doubt, but no way can I see Britt ever moving to Iowa to be a farmer's wife. That's true of a lot of them, though. Only a very few could I see finding happiness in small-town Iowa. But we'll see -- I hope they keep discussing it, because while we can assume the women know they'd be expected to move if they accept his proposal, we all know more than half just want to get on TV or hope they might end up the next bachelorette.


    As I was writing this, my husband gave me his picks of who he thinks should be the top three based on their jobs. very tiny hometowns, and lack of overly processed hairdos: 


    Jordan, student, Windsor, Colorado

    Kara, HS soccer coach/teacher, Brownville, KY

    Tracy, 4th grade teacher,Wellington, FL


    But Kara was eliminated, and the first-impression rose went to the Hollywood actress -- excuse me, waitress -- so there you go.

  4. So happy Natalie won. I was seriously worried there for a bit, when it looked like Keith might stay instead (and was prepared to root for him instead), but I was SO happy to see Nat take it. I'm bummed that the stupid blood thing meant that she couldn't sweep the votes.


    The reunion show sucked, as usual. The stuff about the kid designing a challenge made me laugh, considering how dangerous it turned out to be (the teeter-totter segment was awful and should never be repeated.) The food thing was dumb. I really disliked the proselytizing segment which, while I appreciate the sentiment of getting Midwesterners (or whoever) to accept gays, just screamed Mark ("The Bible") Burnett. Especially the stuff about Reed and Josh being such great upstanding examples, considering the withering, disrespectful way Reed treats people. While I hate Missy, too, he really is a drama queen.


    And as far as next season, I just have to roll my eyes when Burnett & Co. take a stab at defining social strata.  We had the racial angle. We had the brains/brawn/beauty angle.  Now this collar nonsense.  Ugh.

    Seriously, especially since the premise is flawed. Their (obviously pre-selected) examples from the audience show this. The blue collar guy is a general contractor, making him the MANAGER -- he's the one who "Makes the rules" (and probably quite a bit of money). And I'd love to see a lawyer attempt to make his own rules -- as the lawyer said, the judges are the real bosses. Plenty of white-collar workers have to follow all kinds of rules and are not in charge or even making very much money (heck, phone banks are white collar jobs.) So, the idea that white collar workers are always the "bosses" or leaders and blue collar always the worker bees is just wrong. If they focused on their working environment or styles, it would make more sense.

    • Love 11
  5. I mean Yeah Agent Carter's going to be Awesome I'm sure, but this is gonna be a long 2 and a half months.


    I would not have thought that this time last year.  The ability they had to turn this show around is really good.  Also really have to give them props for laying in Skye as Daisy from the beginning. 

    Seriously. I stopped watching this show after about six episodes last year. It just wasn't working for me. Then my son caught up, and hinted that it gets quite a bit better with a mid-season reboot, so I got back on board. I recently had a personal rewatch binge, and now I'm not just a viewer, I'm a total fan! I'm even reading various Marvel comic books and rewatching the movies. It'll have to tide me over.


    I love Coulson (we're of an age...). I love all of them. Coulson's a much better father figure than Kyle McLachan could dream of being. (He's great fun to watch, glad they saved him.) There was a time when I hated the cutesy way they presented Fitz-Simmons, now I love each one independently for who they are and what they've gone through. I feel bad about Trip and will mourn the loss of a potential Simmons/Trip romance. Since he was on board first, I kind of wish he'd been the one to stay, but the Mack/Fitz relationship adds depth to both of their characters. I hope it's expanded on.


    I'm grateful for fans here who recognize why Skye is named Daisy and could point us to the wiki page about her. I would have no clue otherwise.

    • Love 2
  6. I did not like that at all. I had to pause and rewind to make sure that what I thought had happened had actually occured. Completely unnecessary and saved only later by Megan Follows' acting.

    I agree completely and had the same reaction. Very disturbing. I also paused and rewatched the scene, unsure if I was really seeing what I thought they were showing!

    I just saw the episode last night, and had to come here to see people's thoughts. I was pretty surprised they went there, with Mary of all people. I didn't think it was graphic, per se, but it was definitely disturbing because by not showing much, it lets your imagination fill in the blanks. I loved how Catherine cared for Mary afterward, and I agree it was very important in those times, and Mary in that position, not to show any weakness and to reclaim her power. So Catherine's advice was right, for this situation. Though I kept wondering just how crappy the castle security was that allowed these people to just crash in there, costumes or no. Queens usually had ladies in waiting and servants right in the next room, if not the same room with them, so it does stretch believability that they'd get anywhere close to her without someone sounding an alarm. But suspending disbelief is par for the course with this show.

  7. On a very shallow (and inappropriate) note, considering what had just happened, Crane holding Abbie from behind as she broke down over Irving’s death was hot.

    But why did he have to hold her back? Why couldn't Abbie go be beside her friend? I didn't understand that, the fight was over.

    Tired of the Crane family drama -- I don't hate hate Katrina, but she seems to bring the show down, and distract Ichabod too much. As the Cranes Turn indeed.

    I hate that no one mentioned that Frank died without a soul! He's the last person who could risk dying. They'd better pick up with them trying to restore his soul first thing next half-season.

  8. Scrappys!! ROFL, I didn't think about it that way, but you nailed it. Similar to how Anthony and Layton are nailing anything that moves.

    I think maybe Ellie and Nathan make the most sense - they both go all in with people who are just not on the same page ("guys who don't give me the time of day" in Ellie's words) and don't have a lot of concern with appearing crazy.

    Exactly. They both have glommed onto one of the most attractive/popular/perceived-as-desirable people in the house and imagined they had a real shot. Which girl was it Nate was hung up on early on, Paris or Shelby (one of the two who left with her "perfect matches")? In any case, it was obviously not going to happen, just like it was obvious that Anthony isn't physically attracted to Ellie, who seems to be the one girl he never hit on.

    • Love 1
  9. This season has been largely boring, but I'm all aboard Team Natalie. I've liked her from the beginning. I didn't hate the twins as much as many did on Amazing Race, though their "Twinnie" thing grated. Now that she's by herself, she's rocking it. She's practical, strategic, snarky and a good competitor.


    I am, however, bummed she's aligned with Baylor, who I do not like. Hate Missy, too. Hated how she crowed about how smart her daughter was for finding an immunity idol, when it was all Nat's -- and it really IS all Nat's, and not Baylor's. But if it means Natalie goes to the end with them, it's probably a good thing, because I see her winning against either one or both. I was impressed by Baylor recognizing her mother's weakness toward men -- showed some mature insight there. As long as she doesn't go running back to Mommy and spilling the info Nat gave her.


    Missy just annoys me to no end. I hated her ever since she didn't ration the rice, and acts like an overly protective Mama Bear toward her weird-looking daughter Baylor. I'm a mother of a grown child, and I let him stand on his own feet. If someone thought he was being a brat, he just has to deal with that. He did something to make them feel that way. Plus, adult!


    Jon and Jackie...ugh, both of them can go as well. Keith is just too dumb to be on this show, after the way he exposed their plan last week. 


    So, yeah, Nat for the win!


    I hate this blood versus water thing. I hated the couple arguing. Hate all the schmoopy family stuff. The messages from home episodes have been the most boring every season, and this just puts some of that crap in every episode. Please, please Survivor, ditch this premise. Ditch hidden immunity idols which are FAR too easy to find, and ditch the crappy Exile Island -- it adds nothing except opportunities to find more immunity idols and pulls people out of the strategy talk, which is important stuff!


    Awful season, saved only by Nat.

    • Love 2
  10. I get what Nate was saying about Christina. She was acting like he was it for her last week. She sure knows how to love ‘em an leave ‘em.

    Nate and Ellie make a ton of sense given their backgrounds — and about equal physical appeal. I’m surprised I didn’t see it sooner. That said, Nate...ew. Ellie could do better, but I don't see her with someone like Anthony, either.

    Alexandria being described as a trophy wife and not minding! LOL, she was one of the few who preferred beauty over brains in last week’s challenge, so it’s not surprising that’s how the house sees her.

    I hadn’t really noticed Alex before, but he’s cute! I love how he wears his hair. Reminds me of a troll doll, and I love troll dolls.

    Jess was so orange, she looked like a pumpkin. A crazy-eyed pumpkin.

    Layton the man-ho who keeps sleeping with Jess thinks he shares view and values with Ashley… hah-hah-hah!! Dario conquering Ashley… what a foot-in-mouth moment.

    I don’t see more than one or two of these couples making it out in the real world.

    I didn’t quite hear Christina’s rationale for why it’s better if she sits one out. She mumbled why she felt that way. Anyone get it? Was it because if she’s the extra one, and she was in the mix, then it’s more likely to affect another match? That makes sense, rather than having a girl who doesn’t know if she has only one true match standing on the sidelines.

    • Love 1
  11. I was really disappointed that they didn't show more of the game. At least half the time the competitions are the least interesting part of the show, but I was actually enjoying seeing their answers to the questions.

    I actually rewound and paused a couple times to try to figure out which idiot girls chose "beautiful but dumb" over "smart and ugly." Looked like at least two. Seriously shallow. And dumb (I guess that explains it!) Beauty doesn't last -- smart is forever (until possibly dementia).


    These people are all pretty idiotic, and slutty. I was surprised that Layton, in insisting that Ashley should be his match because he apparently values an untouched virgin, isn't considering that maybe she doesn't want a huge slut as a husband! But next week's preview shows an even worse attitude toward her...


    Very stupid truth-booth pick. So what else is new?


    One thing about this season compared to last. I can actually tell everyone apart now. I wasn't quite sure who some of the players were last season at this time, even up to the end. Probably because they were less outrageous -- and, probably not coincidentally, figured it out.


    These people are all acting like they're scrambling for someone to go home with at last call, and not at all like they understand that this is a match game.  Where is Charles Nelson Reilly when we need him?

    I know. When they go on about letting their hearts decide, as opposed to their heads, I just roll my eyes. They've been letting their hormones decide since the first night, and where has it gotten them? They need to consider and think about whatever was asked during the assessment process. At least Layton was thinking about that, though he only took it part way in not considering Ashley's side. I would like to hear more of those sorts of conversations.

    Jess certainly has crazy eyes. Woah.

    Christina seems like she could be any guy's girlfriend...she just loves glomming onto them.

    How is that couple doing, the second one matched, I wonder? The guy who's into Brianna...and the girl (Shelby) who was matched to him and is miserable because of it? Have they gotten along any better? I think it's funny how she said something like it's her money, too, and these other idiots are doing a terrible job, gambling with it (while she's stuck with a guy who doesn't like her, and wears fugly hats).

    P.S. I also am not the target demo for this show. It's my guilty pleasure as I wait for The Bachelor to return...

    ETA: It's Shelby, not Paris.

  12. I was traveling and just watched last night.

    Emily never told us that her father was mentally challenged. That's the only thing that could explain his bizarre non-reactions to what Emily is telling him. I think I hate his guts.

    What Freedom Act is the FBI agent talking about? The one called the Patriot Act, perhaps? Because I don't think the Freedom of Information Act would be helping her find information, and a proposed Freedom Act that never passed was intended to STOP data collection.


    I can't wait for Emily to tell him about how Victoria paid that shrink to screw with tiny Amanda and make her think that David was guilty.

    Why can't she just TELL him that in so many words? Victoria has a way of spelling out specifics to support her arguments, but Emily's been pretty vague so far. TELL HIM exactly what Victoria has done to you, girl! Quit being coy, this guy is dense, so you have to hit him over the head with it!

    Why did Victoria actually say she knew Emily was really Amanda? To quote Billy Madison, "A simple no would've done."

    I was glad she admitted the truth, because she had to know too many other people know she knows, and the truth would come out. Not that I'm on Victoria's side, however.
    • Love 2
  13. I agree John shouldn't be ashamed to say he came on the show for the money. He needs it for law school, plus it's a reality TV show! Chance of actually finding your soulmate are pretty slim, matchmaking notwithstanding.

    Layton is nuts. I'd be really freaked if he turned out to be my match. Same with the man-ho Anthony. Yuck! I do not se the appeal. Just knowing he'll bang anything that moves is a huge turnoff.

  14. I don't care about Eugene. I find it impossible to believe that NONE of the people he encountered saw through his complete bull. Judith was rolling her eyes at Eugene.  And if Abraham believed in him all this time then he was as stupid as his stupid dead wife.

    I know. I'm not a scientist, but nothing he said made any sense in regard to a cure. It was all gibberish, sometimes sounding like something vaguely medical, sometimes like a weapon. I'd have kept at him until I got details, because he wasn't giving any. I'd especially want to know why some guy coming from Houston had the answer, and how he came up with it, and when, and what happened to the other scientists he was with who also were working on the cure (or was he claiming to come up with the answer all by himself?). Abraham is just that dumb (and desperate, I suppose, but mostly dumb.)


    I'm beginning to think that Maggie has got a stash of something tucked away. Because she's walking around with this moony grin on her face and it's not making any sense.

    What about that Samson story? What was the point of that, to explain that Samson had Asperger's, too, and also had communication issues?


    If the zombies keep walking in circles, then the stockyard must have been designed by Temple Grandin

    I thought of Temple Grandin, too!! Great little HBO movie.
    • Love 1
  15. Finally the scene we've been waiting for. Then Victoria goes and interrupts it! Stupid Victoria. David -- ugh, wish he'd stayed dead for Emily's sake, because he has fallen off his pedestal hard. He'd better be apologizing to Nolan publicly next episode!

  16. I had issues with seeing details, too. When the group was worrying over the scene far ahead, I thought the smell was dead cow, since the camera had panned over what looked like a feed lot. I had to rewind, get up and stand in front of my 58-inch plasma before I saw the walkers on the road ahead, and in the lot on both sides of the road. The walkers didn't look that dense to me, the firetruck could have powered through them. Seriously, a bunch of slow-moving zombies are going to somehow overpower a firetruck? Er...

    She took herself and her kids away from the one person who fought tooth and nail to protect them, only to get herself/kids slaughtered, makes no sense to me at all.

    I didn't get Abe's wife's motivation at ALL, if the background told in TTD is true. She and her daughter were hardly going to be safer out on the street, and Abe had just proven he'd kill to protect them all. Seriously do not get it. So, he becomes a maniac and murders human monsters in cold blood. I'd be down with that in such a circumstance. Maybe it scared the kids to see it, but better that than get, you know, eaten.


    Could be it didn't make sense to the writers, either, which is why they didn't show it. My first thought was Abe went murderously ballistic fighting over cans of food. I could see that freaking out his wife and kids. "Those are MY peas, I saw them FIRST!" Kind of like Black Friday, but deadlier.


    But now I'm done with Abraham. Couldn't care less about him. I'm not sure why, but his story left me cold. Maybe because we started in the middle with him. I found Eugene kind of interesting, but creepy (which is interesting in its way). If I had to choose one to keep, it'd be Eugene (for story purposes, not survival in a ZA!).

    • Love 2
  17. I thought the same thing.  Emily has more self control than I do, because I would have thrown that back in Charlotte's face.

    I honestly think the writers forgot they had Charlotte try to murder Emily a handful of episodes ago.
    • LOL 1
    • Love 4
  18. Did anyone else catch the headline on one of the clippings in the file Charlotte found?

    "Why David Clarke did it - and why!"

    No, I'm not kidding.

    OMG, I rewound and read it twice to be sure I didn't miss it! Then I started to wonder if they meant there was some extra special reason beyond the obvious, and the writer was being clever... but then figured whoever created the prop newspaper wasn't being that thoughtful and just screwed up.


    When David yelled at Nolan about not earning the fancy house, or it being his, I think he was thinking that Nolan took Amanda's money and spent it on himself. 


    I hate this season so far... in that I hate David, I hate the lack of father/daughter reunion, I hate how stupid David is, I hate what he did to Nolan, and I think the police stuff is dumb. I miss Emily plotting and planning, and she's now so passive -- her not being sure she's in David's ear, instead of Victoria, has no upside as far as I can tell. It beggars belief that she'd sit there and watch him and not tell him who she was! And that he wouldn't recognize his own daughter. At least she's figuring out David is hiding things, but the longer the writers draw out the reunion, the less impact it will have.


    The stuff with Charlotte seemed to give Emily some of her mojo back, that's something. 


    There have been 3 shows that I've watched where the writing got so bad that I genuinely wished for its writers to be permanently blacklisted from any kind of Hollywood writing career. They are Glee, Scandal, and now Revenge.

    Yeah, I quit Glee very early, then this summer marathoned Scandal and caught up, and now I wonder why I bothered. That is the worst written drama on television for a myriad of reasons (that belong in the Scandal thread and not here -- oh, how I could go on.) I used to think Revenge was better, but now I'm starting to think they're close to the same, because this season is just that bad.
  19. I'm 55 and my friends and I wore store bought costumes all the time.  I think you have to go back further for homemade stuff.

    Me, too. I remember the lame Halloween costumes, which featured a bodysuit with a picture of the thing you're supposed to be on it, and a cheapo plastic mask with thin elastic that probably wouldn't last the night. I suppose the picture was just in case people couldn't figure out you were Woody Woodpecker. Or something.


    The commercial is for Geico Car Insurance. I like the version they show at the movie theater, better, where they turn it into a thing about not being on your cell phone during a movie.

    I adore that ad. Both versions! It should win awards, I laugh every time I see it.


    Are we getting a musical interlude every episode now? Because it pulls me out of the story every damned time, the songs are so anachronistic.


    I also hate clowns. They terrified me as a kid at the circus, and I never stopped hating them. When my son was little, he hated the mascots that we'd run across in restaurants and whatnot. I think there's a lot of truth to this:

    I think the fear of clowns, masks, or costumes, is that people tend to take on different personas when their faces are hidden, and you don't know how to process that, or what they'll do.

    That museum of morbidity, or whatever they called it, is real, and it actually is in Philadelphia.


    It's really cool and very disturbing, particularly if you're 6 months pregnant when you visit (lots of abnormal fetuses in jars, if I recall correctly).

    I recognized it right away, too. I visited there once on a work trip (by myself, pretty sure my coworkers wouldn't have wanted to go there).

  20. Yeah, the guys bragging about their numbers was gross. STDs walking... Obviously some are lying -- the "too many to count" guy, who looks like a total dweeb, being exhibit #1. I can just imagine he's preening and proud that he's hanging with guys who are hotter than he is, and wants to think he's their equal in the looks dept. 


    Most of the challenges are gross. I watch because I get a kick out of whether or not they'll find The One (according to whatever matchmaking company puts these random contestants together).


    They really lucked out with getting no new matches past the known one. Though it made them unhappy on a personal level, it's a huge advantage going forward. Last season, the contestants were further ahead, doing a better job finding their matches.

    • Love 1
  21. Based on David's convo with Nolan, David thinks Nolan betrayed him by not giving Amanda the money/infinity box (of course viewers know he did) because David thinks Amanda was poor (living above a bar). My guess is David wants revenge against Nolan.


    All Nolan had to do while David was at his house, was to call Emily on her cell and tell her to come to his house and bring the journals/company picnic photo/watch with Vic's engraving/etc. because David is there. Then Amanda could tell him stories about her childhood/conversations they shared that only Amanda and David would know. Show him the infinity tattoo, the infinity carving on the porch and tell him the saying "Do you know how much I love you? Infinity times Infinity."


    All Jack had to do was allow David in his house, but close the door in Charlotte's face and call Nolan and Emily to tell them David was there. Jack should have told David, I'm sorry but my son is not biologically your grandson, but Amanda loves Carl as family. Jack allowing himself to get punked by Charlotte of all people proves why his becoming a cop was Idiocy times Infinity.


    And so much for the theory that he recognized the Jack/Amanda childhood photo in Ems' bedroom or recognized Emily as the real Amanda as she lay sleeping.


    This show had me shouting profanities at the TV because Emily had the chance to be with her father alone to explain things on her terms and she blew it big time. All this stalling allows more time for Vic to gain control of the situation again, David dying before Emily (Nolan or Jack) can tell him the truth, or Charlotte fatally OD'ing and Vic blaming Emily for it; causing David to seek revenge against her.


    Someone needs to put a red "X" on these writers' faces.

    THIS POST perfectly expresses everything I felt watching this ridiculous episode. I am so frustrated right now by the bizarre behavior of all involved! First it's get to David, then David is right next door, and it's put on the brakes? And these adult men, friends of Emily's, not being upfront and just telling David the truth -- it boggles.


    I also had the fantasy that Nolan just pulls out his cell, calls up Emily, and tells her to come right over. I, for one, am sticking to the idea that David will recognize his daughter once he gets a good look at her. Surely he'll see a family resemblance, and a resemblance to the girl he once loved -- something that has to have confused him about Faux Amanda,, who looks nothing like him or his wife. Granted, none of the actors are related, but in reality, people in families generally bear a resemblance to each other, and adults quite often look a lot like they did when they were kids. 


    I just wanted his heart to recognize his own daughter -- each week I expect it, and each week I'm disappointed by the overly processed shenanigans.

    • Love 1
  22. I suspect that Beth was taken for breeding stock, or medical experimentation.


    A rebreeding program for the human race is what popped into my mind, too. Young woman kidnapped, put in a hospital... They didn't want or need Daryl. Someone somewhere has to be worrying about impending human extinction.


    I hope it isn't dragged out too long, whatever it is.


    Though I don't think the human race is in any danger of disappearing. I was lying awake one night doing the math. If, say, 90% of the population became zombies, the remaining 10% would only have to kill nine zombies apiece to get rid of them all (the inability of young children, elderly types to kill zombies would be offset by the Michones and Daryls, who take out wide swaths). Three a week, and the zombies would be wiped out within a month. Follow up with a cultural change in dealing with dead bodies with quick brain trepanning, and in a year or so, zombies wouldn't even be a threat anymore.


    Of course, it's fiction, and fun, so there is that. The cannibal thing is also a stretch. It's not rational to eat people, unless chicken, cows and pigs -- all much easier to farm and butcher than humans, and more nutritious, too, having been bred for centuries for the purpose -- are somehow difficult to find. Some are around somewhere, I should think. Most human cultures that have engaged in cannibalism believed they were consuming the spirit of the other person, or their strength, etc., unless they were really, really desperate and starving, and the Termites seemed like neither.


    OK, enough reality. Are we really going to have an entire Beth-centric episode? Err.... not really looking forward to that. I have to say, I forgot that Maggie was her sister, since she never even mentions Beth.


    I bet that somehow we find out that Eugene is lying about knowing the "cure," and lied to get Abraham to be his personal bodyguard. It seems like Abraham is the one who is anxious to get to Washington, not Eugene. I look forward to when Abraham finds out Eugene's a crock.


    Not happy that they split the group again.

    • Love 3
  23. Ugh, I just can't with Laurel. She wants to help people and put away the bad guys? She's already an assistant district attorney, which puts her exactly where she needs to be to accomplish just that! Not everyone has to be physical, she can use her brain (*waves at Felicity*), like she did in the first season, when I actually liked her.


    God, I really hate that character now. How stupid to think she can put on black clothes and go beat up some random guy? I was so glad to hear Oliver remind her that Sarah had YEARS of training. If Laurel doesn't take years, but comes back as the new Black Canary in, say, three months, I will be furious. Sarah earned that job and title, Laurel farting around in a gym on the weekend will not have earned it in the least!


    ETA: I was confused about the need to build bows out of hotel room parts. You can take weapons on a plane (golf clubs, bows and arrows, at least; guns too as long as they're checked and inspected in person, I think) as long as you check them, at least in the U.S. Maybe this country specifically forbids them coming in -- if so, I hope they never plan on hosting the Olympics. 

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  24. Freedom of the Press doesn't mean you can report anything you want, there are many legal restrictions on some information.

    Good points about journalism (I was a small town newspaper editor myself). My negative reaction wasn't so much about the guy's tweet, as about the cop smacking him verbally. I don't want to live in a country where the journalists can only report what the police allow them to. I've had cops try that intimidation crap on me, and it does not sit well. Cooperate, not dictate.


    I also didn't like David's character's attitude toward the female cop. He just came off assy to me. Then again, I don't really think she should be on the case, since she has a close connection to the victim.

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