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Posts posted by CabotCove

  1. I love Diggle/Felicity (platonic) relationship as well as Sin/Sara. 

    I wish they had shown more of Dinah & Sara reconnecting, Im looking forward to seeing Felicity's relationship with her parent/s. 

    I'm not looking forward to more of Thea & Malcolm "connecting".


    And ROY's parents and other family! Its about time we know more about him. 

  2. OMG THIS. I get so cranky when EBR/Felicity detractors say the role got expanded as fan-pandering to the Felicity/Oliver shippers. Uh. No. When 103 aired they had already filmed 10 episodes, and by then they had most likely already made the decision Felicity would be joining Team Arrow.

    Fan reaction to Felicity definitely helped in giving EBR a regular contract for S2, since that has to be decided by the studio along with the showrunners, but otherwise? She owned the character, she brought a new kind of chemistry with Amell to the show, she brought a lightness to the scenes that Arrow most definitely needed, and the showrunners saw that, way before the audience watched a single episode.


    So NOT AT ALL & 100% fan service are both not accurate to the situation. Would we agree its a bit of both?


    I really want to see a friendship between Lyla and Felicity.


    I think that would be a good idea,they might be at different places  right now but they are both adults with some common ground and relationships are also about learning from one another. The differences can also enrich the relationship. And lyla wouldn't be someone she knows (directly) through Oliver but Diggle, so something a bit new there. This makes much more sense to me than either Felicity/Laurel or Felicity/Thea. The former barely has anything in common with one another and dont seem to have connected the few times they met, the latter have not even had scenes and also dont see what they have in common besides Oliver. 


    Has Felicity ever worn a green outfit on the show? I don't think she has....if so, that is pretty significant...they will put her in green at the right moment...


    I definitely think she has. Not a full outfit but green top/s. I just wish i remembered the episodes. 



    http://www4.images.coolspotters.com/photos/1153812/felicity-smoak-and-french-connection-manhattan-jersey-sleeveless-dress-gallery.jpg (some green not all)

    I actually see laurel wearing reds a lot and some  dull colors, for someone who is supposedly going to be Black Canary (black/yellow being her colours), its weird to me. 



    I agree.  Having daddy and/or abandonment issues does not necessarily correlate to a lack of self-esteem. Everyone has insecurities even people with a lot of self confidence.  I just have not seen this lack of self-esteem in Felicity that others have mentioned.  This is the woman who told her boss and the CEO of the company that he was a fool if he fired her because she was the best thing that happened to the IT department, frequently tells Oliver where to step off and had no problem being snarky to Nyssa.   I doubt very much self-esteem (or the lack thereof) will have anything to do with how Felicity treats Laurel in the lair.  Felicity has been courteous to Laurel because that's the way she is, but I don't see Felicity becoming BFFs or fawning over Laurel in the lair, no matter how much concern she has for Oliver.


    DITTO 100% nothing more I can add to that. 


    Yes, I think that it's important to note that Felicity didn't feel intimidated by Sara because of Oliver, she felt intimidated because she was worried they wouldn't need her on the team anymore. And I don't think she felt intimidated with Isabel, she wasn't a fan of her from the beginning so I can see why she wouldn't understand a relationship between them.


    For me I think deep down it was about Oliver, as not intimidated by Sara but jealous/envious of her over intimacy or romance issues . I dont think that stops her from being a strong woman, she is still strong and very confidence in her skills and self. But we all have flaws/weaknesses, character jealousy over "love" issues doesnt have to be so frowned on, unless it becomes acted on and  harms  the other person. Yeah i know that this is not a popular opinion and the show tries to sell it otherwise but then I see it as an anomaly and OOC if it were to be about something else (I wouldnt be surprised if Oliver/Felicity finally date, and the writers finally come out and backtrack that it was really jealousy, same for Oliver with Barry).


    Felicity had no reason to feel insecure over Sara's simple blood analysis skills, she is a freaking genius! and noone in that team can do all that she can. If we are to take it she was insecure about her job and skills, to me it goes against what we had seen before of Felicity before this episode happened. It flushes down a lot of her prior characterisation down the toilet. She was not afraid to stand up, challenge her supervisor and bosses, people who actually have authority over her job and some expertise in what she does,  let alone be worried about someone who is not skilled in her area taking over her job?, I say ridiculous. on another thought maybe her reaction was meant to have a double meaning, they will for back on the side which lines up with the future they create as the story progresses, Imo.   I think Felicity sensed a malicious vibe in isabel and  all the bullying, hence the intimidation, otherwise to me it was not because of lack of self esteem. My personal perspective on this. 

  3. If the EP's are being forced to keep Laurel around for some reason (contractually, for example) but otherwise don't like the character and wanted to get rid of her, there are ways around it. If KC has to be in X number of episodes per season they show her briefly at the DA's office or something and otherwise keep her off the show as much as possible until her contract runs out then she dies in a fire or something.


    She missed 3 or 4 episodes in  season 2, didnt she. I wonder what that was about, it just seems strange to me a supposed leading female misses so many episodes. maybe they have that kind of deal you are talking about. 


    If the EPs want Laurel to work at all, they need to stop writing her in a vacuum.  They write Laurel just for Laurel, not for the entire plot.  Everything Laurel does is about Laurel.  The only character that can really get away with that is the title character and that's because everyone else is in some way involved with the plot around him.


    Agree, they have isolated and marginalised the character. After season 1 they had a chance to reduce this but they only marginified it in season 2. So I don't know why they continue to be surprised the way the character is viewed and treated in fandom. Characters needs to have a purpose and a reason to be there in the show, which became little to non existent with this character. I see people who delibarately don't want to change the circumstances of the characters for some interesting reason that I would be curious about, because if they did want change, something so simple wouldn't have taken two long years. Sorry Arrow writers, for  not being optimistic that the 3rd year will be it, for this character.


    Katie Cassidy Quotes: “I mean come on I’m wearing leather pants”(o.O) “You saw I got the leather jacket at the end of season 2, right” “A fight between ‘Felicity’ and Laurel *rolls eyes* Laurel’s got this”

    KC @Sydney comic con


    Whoa, whoa, whoa, looks like I a lot went down in this con, not a KC fan but I cant miss this drama unfolding. Will have to get my hands on these videos. 


    So Katie and Manu just did a panel together in Sydney and Katie made a point to show off how buff she's gotten. Plus pointed out the black leather shirt she was wearing.



    Did she actually and realistically look buff though, is the question. 

  4. I have actually never thought about the lack of interaction between Felicity and Thea. That is too bad because it feels like she would be great help in repairing the Quinn family relationship. My guess is that they didn't go there because: showing Olicity's great chemistry + Felicity being instrumental to Ollie becoming a better person and a hero + being a great fit with his only existing family = Felicity crushing Laurel as Ollie's love interest in our eyes and his. Although it's too late for that anyway.


    I can think of some ways Thea & Felicity could have interacted, Felicity going to see how Thea was doing after finding out Malcolm was her biological parent or being the one to tell Thea the secret since Oliver wouldn't do it for the longest time. Moira's funeral could also have been a good opportunity for both characters to interact. 


    Team Arrow is a triumvirate, if you ask me. They can have adjunct components, people who come and help them out from time to time, or looser affiliations with Roy and Sara, but I don't want that Arrow Cave to be full of the latest character that the writers decide to throw a mask on.

    It's a great dynamic, and diluting it risks hurting the show as a whole. The one character I'd be okay with being involved full time is Thea, but they've gone the stupid route with her, so that's out of the window. I think her and Felicity ganging up on Oliver would be fun, and it would solve the dual problems of neither Thea nor Felicity seemingly having any friends.


    I have to disagree, i honestly can't see  what Thea could have brought to Team Arrow, isnt being part of the team being able to bring a certain skill/s to it?. Felicity does have friends, outside Oliver she has Diggle, Barry and the Flash gang. if we cant count Roy (since they are dating), Thea has Sin with laurel being sort of a casual friend. Not that the two can't be friends to each other and it would be good to see some new interactions and relationships. 

    From my perspective, Team Arrow is depicted as mostly a duo power, Diggle's role has been decreased and is on thin ice. I personally see them as just trio than a triumvirate, and don't really see Team Arrow as exclusively a trio. If a triumvirate or a core trio is what they want and are aiming for fair enough , all they have to do is just do a better job of convincing me. I will need more showing/facts not just telling/lip service.


    I see them this way as well. However, if the EPs are determined to insinuate Laurel into Team Arrow, I can see them trying to make Laurel "the Conscience" and/or "the Heart" since she really has no useful skills to contribute


    .The conscience bit was already split from Diggle, I guess it could always be split further (yes I do hate Laurel).  IMO I still see Oliver Queen as the heart of the show. I guess that depends on personal interpretation.  I tend to think most leads are anyway but I could probably see exceptions to the rule. Oliver still hasnt lost it for me, yet. I just don't think you need to be perfect or close to it to be the heart of the series. I would want a show to still have its own main character as its "heart" usually, otherwise if they arent, Im probably watching a show that has shifted to be about someone else.  


    Season 2 of Arrow demonstrated what happens when you have too many characters introduced, dropped, forgotten, sidelined, mismanaged, etc.  Stick to the core 3 as Team Arrow, with other characters as supporting or recurring characters.


    IMO the causative root is poor writing ability, having many stories/characters was used as a solution  when the solution to poor writing is well having actual good writing ability/skill to begin with. Having many characters/stories to me just worsened the problem that was already there. They need to invest in some new good, no, great writers. I honestly don't see chopping down the cast as the only solution to a bigger problem underneath. I have to agree with Tv echo that some shows do fine with a few people in the cast (though some naturaly require big cast), having excessively too many characters/stories running around for a show thats not supposed to might be a symptom of  lack of writing confidence in the writing room, which I feel is the case with Arrow Season 2 here. I dont think that Arrow necessarily needs to only have 3 main or core characters (though I wouldnt mind if done right) provided they also urgently and primarily tackle their writing problem and insecurity. Jmo.

  5. I don't know that I see Helena as a healthy, viable partner for Oliver long-term, but I wouldn't be adverse to seeing a reformed Helena. I wasn't a fan of JDG's acting in her S1 appearances or her stint on Dracula, but I really enjoyed that final scene with Oliver in S2 where she was more lost and vulnerable.


     I thought  the two actors/characters have strong chemistry in season 1,  but Im not sure how they can come back after all thats happened. They went too far with Helena, but H/O is still  nowhere near the toxicity of Oliver/Laurel, Nyssa/Sara, Roy/Thea, if those can be treated as some epic love then I definately wouldnt mind Oliver/Helena getting another try. I would rather have Helena/Oliver than either of those 3.  But it would have to be, for the benefit of those two characters involved and their story told, not to be an Olicity "love barrier", otherwise really dont do it all. And also with some strong Huntress reform as a character. 


    I don't think Sara said that Oliver deserves better than her, but she definitely implied that she's just not the right one for him. While a lot of people think that they belong together they're just two broken souls who understand what each other went through, I don't think that, that's what makes a good relationship. Sara just told Oliver that he needs someone who makes him feel less broken, to make him see the good in himself (thus the light). It's not that Sara doesn't deserve Oliver, it's that Sara thinks Oliver deserves to be in a less screwed up relationship.


     I dont agree with the assumption that "broken souls" can't have a good relationship, and even be able to heal and find happiness with each other. Im sure in RL it does happen, so why cant that be adapted in fiction. Not every relationship has to be the same, there is no one manual that fits all. And if Oliver needed "the light", then why couldnt Sara have one too, that what Oliver was to her. Now without him offering his support and encouragement she has gone back to a life of darkness. Oliver does not always have to be the one needing the light, he could be the one giving it to someone, he has shown he is capable of it, with Sara, with Helena. Platonically he is also mentoring Roy. The Oliver of season 1 might not necessarily be the Oliver of season 5. 

    • Love 3
  6. While I'm at the bitterness, who the fuck is Oliver or Felicity to get pissy with Moira about secrets and lies. Hello? Pot to Kettle? You're fucking black. Gah!

    Yeah I got fed up with the hypocrisy of some of these characters, especially the protagonist repeatedly not learning from his mistakes this season. I dont get the lack of empathy and understanding for other people's secrets, yet want others to respects you keeping your secrets!. 


    But I guess the rest is your opinion! Felicity truly does shrink into the background in the back half of the season, so maybe you'll enjoy the show more.


    I honestly dont think Felicity ever shrunk to the background at any time ever since the second half of the first season, imo. She definately never misses an episode, and I would bet she doesnt get less than 2 or 3 scenes an episode.  

  7. The other thing that I was thinking came to play when it came to what I see as the anti-chemistry between Amell and Cassidy was how she spoke of Amell being married. She mentioned basically that it grossed her out to be kissing this married guy with a kid. I kind of liked her better for feeling that way. I wondered if she has an extra healthy respect of boundaries for off limit people (for reasons) that might make acting with them harder.


    Oh boy she really said that, yes I understand its maybe hard for actors to act those specificic scenes,but to use words like gross thats just too much. There is a professional and tactful way to be truthful about those feelings. Seems to me like they might be too much of a personality disconnection between her and Stephen, which is partly responsible for their characters' lack of chemistry, other factors considered. 



    Agreed. The Oliver/Sara kiss did feel like it came of out nowhere, but it felt more "real" than any kiss between SA and KC.


    I still dont really understand this argument that it came from nowhere, the characters have been romantically and sexually involved before. Oliver and Sara were having an affair 6 years ago, so feelings or attraction is nothing new that they havent acted on before. In the recent episode Oliver kissed Sara on the island, and before she had told him before she used to have a huge crush on him when they were teens. Seems to me they had unfinished business upon their reunion since death seperated them twice or it was something else like the LoA. 

  8. Im glad Sara is out of a relationship with Oliver, but not for the reasons some may think the "I'm a killer, you deserve someone better" crap thats just character regressive nonsense Imo. Between the Oliver/Laurel OTP delusion, Oliver/Felicity pandering, possibly upcoming baby mama drama and whatever else love interest will show up next season, Sara deserves better than to be buried in all this mess. She just needs to be far far away from Oliver and his bed,  his current state of life is a mess, the writing also seems to be with all the ship baiting. I vote for a road trip for her and Sin, going around the country kicking ass and taking names. 

    • Love 1
  9. Its likely just wishful thinking.

    I have not seen any new evidence that Lemire has changed his mind,(the last i recall of his opinion on this issue, being he wasnt going to add Felicity because the series had Naomi who does a similar role). He has talked about bringing Katana and some of GA's rogues Drakon, Richard etc.

  10. I think Oliver thought he had a little bit more time to talk to Thea.


    He might have, he might not, he is taking a gamble. The point remains he chose to go with his own ideas instead of Felicity's. Good intentions and idea btw for Felicity to try and help Oliver save his family's fortune but it was a "selfish" one, Felicity even said this as much she knows what Oliver has to do first. Well  for someone like Oliver as the city protector, the city and the mission comes first,  nomatter how much your personal life is in jeopardy. This is the reason why Oliver didnt listen to Felicity's suggestion.  

  11. Yes, this!  I thought it really stood out and felt extra icky.  I also was disgusted that now that Laurel knows Oliver's secret, he is really important to her.  That's really not the emotion I was picking up prior to her knowledge.  I really wanted her to show the same sudden love to her sister, but no, Laurel seems fine with Oliver, but Sara, she's holding back still.


    Maybe she wishes she was the one at the back of that bike as Canary.

    When you put it that way, yeah it strange that Oliver & Sara have similar circumstances, she has scars too, has saved Laurel multiple times and has been keeping the city safe too but Laurel is only concerned about showing gratitude and support to Oliver/Arrow not her own sister!!. And we are supposed to believe Saint Laurel really cares about her sister. 

    Sara gets the "Two people closest to you are the ones who lie to you the most" speech while Oliver gets the hugs and "you are important" to me speeches

    • Love 3
  12. I love the potential of the ARGUS/HIVE/Suicide Squad storylines because at this point, it's more about Diggle than it is about Oliver. And that's refreshing and important to keeping him central to the story. At this point, I'm just hoping for that to happen in Season 3.


    I enjoyed the Argus/Suicide storyline for Diggle, would like to see more, cant wait to see what they do with HIVE. 

    I have been enjoying his scenes with Felicity they have been showing recently, David & Emily have a good chemistry and rapport with each together. 

  13. In retrospect, though, I'm wondering if that scene was more meant to start showing that Oliver doesn't listen to Sara - even though he does listen to others, mostly but not just Felicity?




    I guess Oliver doesn't always listen to Felicity either after 2.19 . When has ever always listened to anyone though. (Definately not Diggle either, about Helena)

  14. Yes, but from what I hear about Miss Watson, that was only one of about 370 semen samples they found in her.


    isnt that way too excessive?. Im not an expert in this kind of things but that number seem way too big for one person. 

  15. I cracked up at his "well you're boning her" line - it was to me a perfect delivery for the scene and the audience. He kind of reminds me of Michael in Roswell - lots of trust issues with developed survival skills that make him likely to withdraw if he doesn't feel loved.  Not in a spoiled way, but in a "I need to move on to a safer place if this place isn't okay" way.


    Miss that show, and Michael was an interesting character. Yes there are some similar characteristics between Roy and him. 

    • Love 1
  16. Roy got Mirakuru-ed just before Sara came back and it would have been the perfect time to explore the effect on Roy and the people around him.

    Wouldnt that have been too soon since Mirakuru does take time to affect an individual. Roy seems to be spiralling out of control the longer he is on Mirakuru, he is not as much in control as he was earlier. So to me it seems like they needed time for this story to play out, so while not focus on other stories in the meantime. Same with isabel storyline, she needed time to gain Oliver's trust, so it had to take a few episodes to get there . I do agree though the show has way too many stories & characters and  they need to cut some lose next season. 

    And Diggle and Felicity, part of the original Team Arrow which for many people was the best part of the show,  have barely been there between Blast Radius and Deathstroke other than Suicide Squad for Diggle and ostensibly Time of Death for Felicity (which was more about the Lance sisters than Felicity herself). Sara is a strong character with ties to multiple characters and she's played by an actress who is great in the Black Canary persona.  But unfortunately when Sara's in the present storyline as well as the flashbacks, she tends to take over the show.  More balanced writing might be able to fix it but it hasn't so far..

    But they were shown a lot  in the first 10 episodes of the season, if the trio doesnt take a backseat then where is the time to focus on lesser shown characters like Thea for e.g going to come from. Even though I dislike laurel, the break from the trio also gave them time to do something with her.  The upcoming episodes and towards the finale sounds like they will be Roy heavy.  im all for cutting back Sara's screentime and centric episodes in the long run, but if she is not going to be here next season. Then this season is all the time they have to tell and tie up her storyline, so I really dont think its much of a loss for other characters since they will have all the time in the world to be focused on. If she is staying then I wouldnt mind seeing season 3 focusing more on another character's backstory, and they are potential storyline with Felicity's backstory or if Thea is going to become Speedy. 

  17. Am I right in thinking Felicity is the only one who has been consistently straight with Oliver? Never lied or manipulated him, never hid anything from him? If so, it stands to reason he would be more inclined to listen to her.


    And where does Diggle stand?

  18. I'll throw this out: I think either Sara or Roy is going to die this season. Team Arrow has too many people on it, and they're too powerful.


    I hardly call 5 people too many. Even if they kill one of them, they will just be replaced by someone else next season, so what would be the point. Also the team likely hasnt even stopped growing, there is still Thea who could become speedy, and  if Sara were to die she would just be replaced as BC by Laurel, eek. If Barry Allen wasnt getting his show, he would be part of Arrow/Team Arrow and they even said they are open to bring him back if The Flash is cancelled ( which seems unlikely fortunately) So I don't really think that getting rid of Sara or Roy will make the team have any less members. 

    Im certain Roy  isn't going anywhere = Arsenal. I don't know about Sara's fate, but hopefully she will be alive. 

  19. Mostly, though, I just want to see Felicity defined more outside of her relationship with Oliver. I get that the show isn't all about her, but I'd still like to see more glimpses of her non-Oliver life and her interactions with non-Oliver people.


    Agree. I dislike the Oliver-centricism they have made this character be. She had so much potential and still does,  I dont understand why all that is being wasted on cheerleading Oliver. I want to believe season 3 will be the start of something new for her.  

    I know it's a massively unpopular opinion, but I'm kind of over Felicity.  I actually still think the world of Emily Bett-Rickards, but the character is kind of uninteresting to me at this point.  I'm not all that interested to see the Fan Proxy as the Twu Wuv, and even though its being slow played its clear that's where its eventually going.


    I still like her, thanks mostly in part to Emilly Bett Rickards, she does turn around some of the crap writing for her character, for me. But there is so much you can do for so long, she needs better material to work with.  

    Felicity was great. I love, love, loooove that she was the one to get him to focus and get shit done.

    I disagree with this, the person who got to him was Roy. Sometimes tough love is necessary, Felicity was cheerleading Oliver to do what he had already decided to do because Roy's words and actions got to stop being a selfish jerk even for a second and made him realise he had made some bad decisions. Still its not like Oliver really gets it, he hasnt got to the root causes of his problems. Lying and keeping secrets. 

    You know what would have helped, if Felicity had adviced or even persuaded Oliver to tell Thea the truth about her parentage or the man Slade wilson is, she would likely not have been a pawn in Slade's game. Felicity felt it was necessary to tell Oliver, Moira's secret, yet she doesn't extend the same to Thea. I cant praise her to caring for Thea, seems to me rather she cares all about how Oliver feels, if his sister  was killed/injured. She after all didnt care before if Slade slaughtered Moira and Thea, all that mattered is "Save Oliver".  Its this kind of Oliver-centricism with Felicity that I'm frustrated with her writing. 

  20. So Roy has left Starling City.  (in a RED car, a Mustang that looked nice enough to make me wonder if it had been a present from Thea or just something he "picked" up to get him out of town)


    I think Roy always had this red car, ever since the first season  or early season 2. It was first shown when he was using it for his vigilante activities. 

    if we are to believe that Slade's love for Shado was so powerful to cause what is happening now, it is much easier to believe Roy and Thea's relationship.

      I dont buy either.

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