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  1. I noticed that neither Josie or Kelton made a big deal about this being their first kiss. They always seemed pretty physically comfortable with each other so it probably wasn’t. This was my favorite Bates wedding special and Josie made a beautiful bride. My heart broke for Kelton when he cried after seeing his dad walk the aisle alone.
  2. My thoughts on the episode: I liked that Josie graciously opened her gifts and thanked her guests, unlike Tori. It was a cute idea I guess, but that shower looked like a snoozefest. I wish Josie had enough backbone to leave her dress unaltered. One + One. Does Lawson realize that Beyoncé already made a song by this name? Sorry Lawson, I enjoy Bey’s version better. 😄
  3. Seeing how over the top Kelly was, I’m really surprised Carlin was able to get away with her back revealing dress. Does Carlin have a backbone when it comes to her parents?
  4. Josie’s dress was beautiful just the way it was originally designed. That’s why she liked it so much. It pissed me off that Kelly made such a big deal about the flesh toned underlay. She totally guilted Josie into choosing that tacky white. The end result came out looking more like she was wearing a T-shirt under her dress.
  5. Was it just me or did Whitney’s mom not seem to be all that enthused about their little family reunion? I’m wondering if maybe Whitney and her mom had never stopped communicating, and it was only her dad that she cut off. Also, what about her siblings? Is that who the non-Bates bridesmaids were? Do they have a relationship with their bio parents? Were they taken in by the same family as Whitney? I have so many questions. Something just seems off about all of this. I do like Whitney (aside from her beliefs) and I’m happy for her, but it looks like she is still full of guilt and sorrow. I hope she can eventually find peace.
  6. Wow. Can these two attention whores really not think of anyone other than themselves? Josie’s wedding is in two weeks. They couldn’t wait til after that to announce this train wreck. Josie and Kelton were very kind, and wouldn’t even start courting until after Tori’s wedding. Guess Carlin doesn’t give a shit.
  7. flyingdi - Ohhh that’s what Nathan said. I thought he said, if she says no, you keep asking ?. I was getting stalker vibes ?.
  8. I thought the charms and surprises Kelton had in store for Josie were sweet and well thought out. The only thing I think he should change is the scrapbook. He should already have it completed. Was he saying he wanted them to work on it together? The last thing a young woman would want to do is a joint scrapbooking project that includes her parents and future father in law. You know, since they’re prohibited from being alone.
  9. I think Josie (and Carlin) wants marriage NOW! because she just wants to start her life, make her own decisions and get the hell out of that house. Most 19 year olds aren’t thinking about a wedding, but they are excited about becoming independent. Most gain this independence by going away to college or getting an apartment with friends. Technically Josie could also do this, but Kelly would probably have a heart attack and Gil would probably disown her. So unfortunately, marriage is the only way out. What these girls seem to not realize is that they’re going from one headship to another. In the beginning I’m sure it’ll be great. After a while I think they may start to realize there actually were other ways out. They just needed the guts to try one.
  10. I’m so glad Kelly was not at Miss Renee’s. I’m pretty sure she would have tried to shame Whitney into choosing a less revealing dress. She’d say something like Ohhhh Whitney, dresses with sleeves are so flattering on you! Or Oh Whitney, Zach would luvvvvv you in a loose fitting dress!! I was surprised Carlin was vocal about liking the dress with the back out. Sadly, she’ll never get to wear anything like that.
  11. So I just watched the latest Facebook Live with Carlin and Josie. I had no idea that Carlin is a student (online) at Liberty University. Liberty shares of the same horrible beliefs, but I thought the Bates would still consider them too liberal. At least it’s an accredited school, not that she’ll be using her degree. They also said that Katie started Cosmetology classes. What happened to her desire to be a nurse? I hope it wasn’t laid on her heart (i.e. her parents forced her) to change her plans.
  12. Josie’s deadpan expression during Gil’s chaperone lesson was priceless. I think maybe Zach picked up on that and strongly volunteered with Whitney to be chaperones. Have any of the Bates ever mentioned continuing the chaperone/dating rules with their own children? I feel like this was not the norm for any of the in-laws Maybe there’s a glimmer of hope that this won’t be forced upon the next generation.
  13. Jana sighting! She was on the latest episode of Bringing Up Bates. I'm not sure if she's one of Michael's bridesmaids. She was in attendance at the candle making party. I didn't see any of the other J'slaves. I hope this means she got to travel on her own.
  14. What was up with Jana's lackluster acceptance of being the maid of honor?
  15. An eighteen year old guy that doesn't want physical contact with his girlfriend?? That seems off. Maybe the reason is because Ben knows touching would get him too "excited". Jessa is so cold and doesn't care about anyone's feelings, so she'd probably embarrass him in front of everybody. What was up with JimBob and Michelle? I thought Jill was inviting them to actually speak with Derrick, not to sit awkardly off camera and eaves-drop. Derrick never acknowledged them. Did he even know they were there? Or was he ignoring them on purpose? I hope so.
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