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Posts posted by lilysmom

  1. 14 hours ago, LilyD said:

    Hi mom!😉

    I totally agree with kids adoring their parents when they’re little. They will love you unconditionally douchebag or not. This may change when they get older. However, we’re dealing with Kody who was a different man back then. He seemed more relaxed, happy and (a little)more involved with his kids. This Kody is different; a proper narcissist Dicktater who loves to inflict pain. To me, the rift between his kids is mostly caused by his erratic behavior and increasing worship of Robyn over the past few years and not because the kids have become more critical.


    Hi Lily!!  LOL

    I totally agree that Kody's personality has changed drastically since the first seasons. The question is, what caused this big change?  I think the arrival of Robin and her family changed the dynamics, the older kids reacted, and that has caused a lot of the nasty behaviors in Kody that you described. I don't think he can handle the rejection he feels from the older kids. It's funny because from their perspective, he has rejected them.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Noergli said:

    I wonder if Kody would have been able to be as horrible as he is today seen on tv with his children if he had never met Robyn. I can't imagine that he was always that awful cause in the first years (even still the later Vegas days) he seemed to have a normal relationship to all of his kids and seemed really to care about them all.

    I feel that he had this normal relationship with the kids when they were younger because the kids didn't know any better. They thought this was a normal upbringing and believed what they were told without question. What younger child doesn't adore their parents, even if they aren't great parents? As they grew, went to public schools, learned different points of view, their response to him changed. When they started questioning him or moving off into their own lives, that's when things changed. IMO. Whether Robin had anything to do with it, we will probably never know (unless the kids decide to write their own books someday!)

    • Love 15
  3. I had sort of forgotten about the big house plan with all the discussion about dividing up the 4 plots into 5 and who was going to live where, etc. I'm so glad they waited so long, because now, if you consider that most of the adult children have moved far away on their own, Kody is trying to evict 2 more, Christine and her children have left, another wife may follow, Kody has no need for a giant hotel type house anymore, A regular sized duplex may suffice!

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  4. 5 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    I saw it here: https://monstermashburger.com/menu-1

    My search term on Google was monster burger gatlinburg if the link doesn’t work.

    I like the names they made up too 😊 Except I’d prob order from the kids menu or get the Gremlins.

    I'm just so glad to see they offer DIET PEPSI!! Whew!!!!!

    ETA: I am diabetic, so I drink Diet Pepsi and Coke all the time. Not knocking it at all, just struck me as funny when I perused the menu!!


    • LOL 5
  5. 10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I keep watching Robyns family and there’s just something  ‘off’ with them. 

    The oldest son says nothing. Yes I know about his disability but he’s too quiet. 

    The two oldest girls remind me of Stepford Wives.  So anxious to be happy and get it right!

    The two young ones seemed just too overly excited to see Meri!  I noticed them glancing at the camera. 

    The boy seems quiet and the little girl is showing signs of something. She’s very backward and not seeming to be very social after the huge Meri hello!

    I would say not all is well in Robyns home!

    It is possible to have several members of a family   inherit conditions like autism to varying degrees. Just putting that out there.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, swankie said:

    My maternal grandfather had 12 siblings.  2 of his sisters, my great aunts, were as big as Tammy yet they both lived to be in their 90s.  Of course they had husbands and children that helped take care of them but I only remember them being that huge.  Also, they were two of the sweetest ladies you ever wanted to know.  A far cry from Tammy and her toxic personality.  But for some reason she made it through Covid and a number of other ailments that might have killed any of us.  That chick must have some kick-ass antibodies working for her.  She could very well outlive all of us.  Who knows?

    I think that if Tammy weighed 120 pounds and was drop dead gorgeous, she would still have that same toxic personality! She just wouldn't have a TV show. (And poor Michael wouldn't have to be pushing her around in a wheelchair.)

    • Love 12
  7. 48 minutes ago, sadie said:

    I think this ep made it clear that Tammy has completely retreated to her fantasy world. She wanted to be at that hotel so she could be online, taking selfies, communicating with only the 2D people. She has lost most all interest in real life. Very much like a drug addict.

    Why the family spends so much time trying to coax her and try to get her involved is perplexing at this point. All that time at the cabin talking about how to get her to participate, how to make her see how much fun she could be having. When anyone with an IQ above 10 can see Tammy is checked out, she DOES just want to be at home, online, nothing else matters to her. I do believe it is ONLY for the cameras now. 

    The preview for next week looks sad beyond belief. Tammy thinks these feeders and fame whores really like her, not understanding she is the joke and she’s not in on it. They don’t think she’s just so much fun and want to be around her, they want their 15 minutes.  And her getting drunk, add it to the list of ways she could care less about her health. 

    I suspect once this show is done, if she’s still alive, her family will just stop interacting with her. No paycheck, no reason to tolerate this. Another reason this is just a sad situation in that EVERYONE including her family are just using her for a paycheck. 

    Great post. I agree with it all. In answer to the bolded question, I think that simply put, without Tammy, there is no show. The family has made great attempts at looking like they don't know much about anything, but I think they are all smart enough to know that. And now, there are more and more of them on the gravy train. (No pun intended, Chris!)

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  8. 2 hours ago, Shieldmaiden said:

    I was agape at the wall of “art”…where do you even find things like this? Do they glow in the dark? Are they velvet? So many questions…


    It sorta looks like someone took a Bob Ross Joy of Painting seminar! No wonder she needs a nanny!

    • LOL 13
  9. 19 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

    Her dad was 1,000 pounds,both her & mom feared him when she was a kid?

    I’m sorry but how can you possibly be terrified of someone who is 1,000 pounds? By time they even rollover, they are so out of breath that you can practically tiptoe slowly out the damn door. 


    And I think that is the ONLY reason Dr. Paradise only moved towards the door and didn't outright bolt for it when Margaret began to get up and out of the bed! I really thought for a second he was going to flee in terror!!

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  10. 6 hours ago, chaifan said:


    I highly highly doubt there were any production shenanigans on the cake judging.  First, I think that's against reality show rules, aka actual laws against fixing results.  Second, I also saw drippage on other cakes, but it wasn't as bad, and also lighter colors.  If production is truly "judging" then it's really possible they didn't see it, or it simply wasn't as bad as the blueberry drippage. 


    It has always seemed to me that when a challenge that requires judging takes place, the judges usually seem to be more exact about the requirements on the first couple of contestants. As the challenge continues, it seems like they become somewhat more lax. It may just be that the editing makes it seem that way, or maybe production wants to speed up the process so team #9 is not a whole day behind team #1. Or maybe they don't want to spend a whole hour showing the same challenge over and over. Since the judging is usually subjective, it could be any number of things and those would be hard to prove. I also don't think that the time differences are easy to determine (how far behind team a is from team b.) Just my opinion! I LOVE this show!!

    • Love 6
  11. 5 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I missed the last 20 minutes. Did she actually have weight loss surgery? 
    I feel like everyone who came into that house had a right to tell her to put some clothes over herself before they went any further. That was gross.

    At one point in the broadcast (no pun intended!) I thought to myself, OMG, these poor drs., therapists, camera crews have no blurring out of the nether regions (don't know how to spell that!) like we do. I can't even imagine standing there and being able to talk, much less counsel someone in this sishuashion!!

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  12. 9 hours ago, magemaud said:

    prepare yourself for Dr. Paradise's house call, that's all I'm sayin'...

    But I came here to post a question. The episode began in the hospital, due to a fall after which Margaret was sent to Dr. Now's hospital because the local ER couldn't handle a patient her size. Does anybody think that production decided to approach her with the idea of being on the show while she was a patient? It wasn't like she wanted WLS and sought out Dr. Now's help, instead the idea seemed pretty much thrust upon her. It was almost like somebody said, "Hey, we got a big one here, let's film her 'journey'!" Maybe it had something to do with the lack of filming opportunities due to Covid, but it was a totally different premise than the usual episode. 


    I think that is exactly what happened. If you noticed, they went into her childhood story after the hospital visit. 

    • Love 8
  13. 1 hour ago, NoWhammies said:

    I like to think that Robyn ran in the house with the box in her arms and an extra-wide mask firmly clamped across her extra-wide face, screamed, "You're on your own" to Kody and the nanny, and retired to her chamber for 14 days in an act of self-quarantine in order to abide by any and all rules she--oh excuse me, Kody--is imposing on the others. And in that 14 days of Robyn's self-sacrificing quarantine, Kody and the nanny fell in love, and the nanny is now taking Kody on as a brother-husband to her husband. Kody will be divorcing Robyn and asking Robyn to give up her parental rights so the nanny can adopt Robyn's children (all of them, including the adults) so they can stay with the famibly. 

    There needs to be an emoji that can really express how hard I laughed at this. Thank you!!

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  14. 28 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

    An example of it would be when people post on their Facebook wall things like (in Spring 2020) "I haven't been in anyone else's home and no one has been in mine. Repost if you can say the same." It's shaming, divisive and it's gotten out of control. 

    ETA: In the context of the episode, when J/C balked at "the rules" and Robyn frowns and says "I've been doing it for seven months" or Kody says "our nanny does it", that's also virtue signaling, as in, we're so good because we've been following this set of rules for all this time...except J/C didn't know about said rules until filming that day. And Meri was following "the rules" herself but still wasn't allowed to see Robyn's kids. Kody and Robyn put themselves on a convenient pedestal.

    Kody's "rules" are not about preventing the fambly from getting Covid. He's demonstrated that through his own behaviors and actions by not following them himself. Kody's rules are about weeding out who he can still control and who he cannot, i.e., who is deemed worthy of his attention, under the guise of being so virtuous in the wake of the pandemic.

    I wouldn't trust Kody Brown to be an expert on anything except douchebaggery.

    Thank you!! I guess I did know what it is after all, I just didn't know it had an actual name!!

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  15. 1 hour ago, steff13 said:

    I have never hated him as much as I hate him now.  He's awful.  And the lack of self-awareness is astounding.  If everyone in your family thinks Robyn is running the show, then maybe it's a good idea to reflect on why.  🤔

    So true! It just struck me that Kody has mentioned several times about the reason one of his wives could possibly leave him. It is about one of the kids dying or getting really sick (Truely) and that would cause the mother of that child to leave him or divorce him. It would never ever possibly occur to him that one of these poor brainwashed cult members would leave him because of HIS personality or his being a jackass or anything that he may say or do. Lack of self-awareness, thy name is Kody! 


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  16. 8 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

    Very well said! Virtue signaling is at an all time high. But ironically, they’re not even virtuous. People like Kody and Robin  (to keep this on topic) are selfish, and judgmental. They don’t care about those who have to do what’s best for them and their families needs. I will put what’s best for my children and immediate family before some immune compromised stranger who may have breathed the same air as me.

    Message to Kody-  If you are terrified of risks in life, stay home, in your bubble, forever. The world is a better place without you. 

    Quick question: what is virtue signaling? 

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  17. 11 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

    That makes them his adoptive children; not his biological children.

    And only one is a male, and possibly Kody considers him disabled.

    Agree to disagree. I have a few friends who have adopted children and they never use the term adoptive children. They are their children, period. Kody made such a big deal out of the adoption process, i hope it wasn't just for the show! 

    All4 mom, I do get your point. What is legally a definition of a child and what a parent feels about a child (bio or adopted) can be two very different things. I think Kody's real part in his children's lives ends when they mature enough to see through the facade and start questioning him.

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  18. 2 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

    Not to defend Kody, but I read that husbands/fathers kicking out their maturing sons is a "thing" in polygamy.  It's almost like there's a rivalry or competition for dominance going on or assumed to be going on.  At any rate, it's not just Kody.

    Why doesn't it apply to Robyn's kids?  Maybe because they aren't Kody's children.

    Or because Robyn wears the pants in that household!

    But they ARE his kids. He divorced Meri so he could marry Robyn and then he legally adopted them.

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  19. 3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

     But no, Sweet Mom with the farm sheets, the meals, the love, she gets cast under.  Then he suggests Memphis (used to like that city, now I am not so sure.  I mean, it DOES have Graceland, which, to me, is the Holy Grail) might be a bit chunky.  You didn't realize that when she was showering on camera and doing a love dance for you, naked?  So Memphis is settling for an unemployed lying man who thinks she is fat?  

    Not to mention that Hamza's mom bought the flowers that he took to the airport! I thought that was really sweet!

    Also, he didn't realize she was a bit chunky when she was showering for him because the huge shower cap distracted him!! It's a classic ploy where I come from, when you don't want your boyfriend/fiance/future husband to think you are chunky!! And in Pittsburgh, if you really want to throw a guy off, dry off with a Steeler terrible towel!

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  20. Spoiler

    I think Meri's mother died recently.


    29 minutes ago, barshi50 said:

    Christine and Robyn were concerned with Meri living alone and isolating, how it would have driven them crazy to be alone all the time. So now she can visit Robyn and her kids.

    I thought Meri's mother was living with her. Meri was worried about her running the B&B so they swapped with Mariah and Audrey. (I guess at this point Mariah and Audrey are still at the B&B.

    And of course she still has her friends on the internet.....

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