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Sonya Gutierrez

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Everything posted by Sonya Gutierrez

  1. Hey, Sonya here. Kim’s sister. No one ever reached out to me which is pretty sad, because I’ve got a lot to say. Yes, they rented that house for her. Same with the car Joe was driving. Matt knew about Norma. Kimberly never did drugs or drank but she is a bipolar off her meds and she does smoke weed to the point she panics if she doesn’t have any. Our dad has been in our lives since day one. He never went anywhere. She did go to Juvie for kicking a cop in the nuts. That’s sadly true. She’s not the brightest. It did nothing to set her straight though. She also was detained in a mental health facility twice. For everyone saying “take her kid and give her to Joe” please god no. Joe is an angry alcoholic and the reason they split up is because he would drink and hit her. Neither of them should have custody of Norma. My father (who, again, was always an active part of our lives) should have custody of Norma. He’d take good care of her. Let’s see.. yes, she was paid a whopping $1k for the embarrassment and humiliation she gave to our family. She used my mother’s death as a means to get sympathy (she said he had helped her when my mom died but the show said they only talked for five years and my mom had been dead almost nine years by that point). There’s tons more but it’s been a while and I only just found this article so I don’t know if anyone will ever even see it. If you have questions feel free to search for Sonya Jade Bolas on Facebook. My face should be proof enough that I’m her sister. Tragically, we look very similar. But I have actual pictures of us together if that isn’t enough. Thanks. Bye.
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