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Everything posted by burgerbitz

  1. I just have to wonder why, if this show is not scripted and contrived, is Chase still being featured? You would think Whitney would put the kibosh on having him appear on the show at all. I thought that whole relationship was bogus to begin with. If it was a real relationship, of which I am doubtful, the lucky bastard dodged a bullet!
  2. She always looks so dirty to me. I’m a big woman in my 60’s with bad arthritis, heavy but not as big as Whit, yet I would never dream of going a day without a shower. Hell, I take a shower before going to the ER when I have medical issues. And believe me, it’s not easy for me, but I have my pride. Apparently she has none.
  3. I got so sick of Paul bitching and moaning about having spent 6 months in the BB House over his 2 tours of duty. He acted like a gun was put to his gumpy little head to make him do it.
  4. Paul, you gumpy fool. You played yourself. ;-)
  5. I think when she claimed to be mensa, she really meant menses as in "that time of the month". Unless she perpetually has her menses which could be another disorder to add to that never ending list.
  6. Along with the newest verbal tic, "gassed". That is sooo irritating.
  7. Was there a regular episode on CBS tonight? If so, my DVR didn't record.
  8. I said this same thing quite a while back, that she shouldn't be imbibing anything. She drinks and talks about wanting to smoke weed a lot for a recovering addict.
  9. I think that Alex was also suspicious of the relationship that Jason had with Kevin, which made her dislike Kevin. Jason and Kevin were pretty close from the beginning and I don't think Alex was too crazy about that scenario. I really think because Jason was her "ride or die" that just insert name here for anyone close to Jason and she would hate them. Except for the her god, Paul, of course, but Jason rightfully never fully trusted him.
  10. I'm old (older than Kevin, even), so I may not remember correctly, but I'm sure it was when he got sulky & teary eyed when coming out of the DR. Love that APD reference. I was planning on using Ramadan at some point but someone else beat me to it. ;-) If they do get together, I hope they don't have kids. It may be a bunch of Rhodas like from "The Bad Seed". Great old movie that I watch whenever it comes on.
  11. I thought someone said quite a while ago that Paul's g/f called the network and had her name removed from the list of names he could mention. I remember someone saying that here and that he was upset about it. It was conjectured that she dumped him. If that was the case, with Night of the Dead's wedding being canceled, they're both on the rebound. They deserve each other.
  12. POS Paul sits there in awe of himself acting like he cured cancer. You've just bulldozed your way through a reality show, dipshit.
  13. Just for fun I came up with some predictions for the house guests after they leave the house. These are the ones I've come up with: Jason is found headfirst up Ole's ass. Xmas is addicted to junk food and writes a book called "Fat Ass". Josh opens a meatball restaurant and the highlight of the evening is him running through the restaurant banging pans. Raven starts another FOR profit charity, but instead of gastroparesis, it will be to raise money for waterproof mascara. Paul works for the CIA to teach brainwashing techniques. Alex enters food eating contests. That's all I've some up with so far. Maybe you guys can add to or come up with better ideas. I may add more of my own later if I can think of any. ;-) Speaking of Raven, why does Matt call her Gypsy? There are a lot of gypsies in WV. Could she be one???
  14. I think people in the next county can hear Josh's DRs. He yells at the top of his lungs.
  15. Man, talk about torture! Little Eddie Munster and Miss Irresistible To All Men are really giving poor Josh the Chinese water torture. I don't get the feeds, so I don't know, but I hope they let the poor guy get some sleep at some point last night. They're just wearing him down something awful. Miss Irresistible waffles between Snow White and the Wicked Witch of the North at the drop of a hat. Geez, I really, really dislike these people. I swear my blood pressure goes sky high watching these bullying assholes.
  16. I've always thought her mumbling so low you couldn't make out what she's saying was akin to a swarm of bees.
  17. My opinion is that Christmas doesn't want Papa Paul to even get a hint that Josh is doubting him because he would assume that Christmas was on board with Josh on it. She knows Paul will be the one at the end to choose who he goes up against and she wants it to be her. I think that's why she keeps shutting Josh down on the negative talk about Paul.
  18. I was just looking at Raven's gofundme page. Someone gave $5 for her, her family and also her relatives that died on the Titanic. Another gave $5 for her inverted spine and rough kneecap syndrome. Too funny!!!
  19. Since Papa Paul sent him to his room and won't let him co-mingle, what does she expect? Josh asks Paul if he can take a nap, Paul says no. Do they ask Paul before relieving themselves? However will they function once they're out of the house? I suppose they could always text Papa Paul to ask what they should do. I cannot wait until this season is over. I just keep watching and hoping someone will wake up and smell the coffee. I was hopeful last night when Josh was talking about Paul, but I know he won't say anything to anyone else. I wish Beeb's dog had eaten Paul when they met. Little dweeb.
  20. Oh, wow! Raven had family members on the Titanic! <coughbullshitcough> What a dipshit she is.
  21. He doesn't know it yet, but Jason's boat has already sailed on what America thinks of him. It's too bad, too, because I didn't like him at first because he was too loud, then I liked him and now after what he said about Jess and then Kevin's family, I'm on the fence. I would like to see Alex go down hard, though.
  22. Now Paul is a beer expert! Funny he likes a beer called "Old Rasputin"! Since he's a young Rasputin, that makes sense. If he says IPA one more time........ It's pretty good when all the Doan's ads are more interesting than the actual show.
  23. Did she use her scooter??? If so, she shouldn't have been allowed to play.
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