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Everything posted by greendog78

  1. For all the fiddling w/ the CoP they do, why hasn't the vaulting issues been dealt with? It's not really Simone Biles that's the issue. London was pretty messy too. In the men's final we'll have the same thing. Igor Radivilov will attempt to break his legs doing a triple front or something like that.
  2. Yes, he did on snapchat. I'm okay with this podium. Oh Kenzo...I hope Yusuke isn't rubbing off on you! I don't feel too bad for Kohei. He's got to be beyond tired. The vault will be intense. Hope no one gets hurt.
  3. I can't believe I just saw a fluff piece about Kohei Uchimura on NBC.
  4. Yes, a Test Cricket match can be up to seven days long. A regular match still takes about eight hours to play.
  5. I didn't get to watch any of this yet, but looks like King Kohei had a lucky escape!
  6. Yes, they touched on Ukraine. No, they don't know the deal. All USA all the time. Just Kenzo's vault. No other countries shown really. Sorry on the phone.
  7. Nevermind it's on now. Probably for like 20 minutes.
  8. NBC should have swallowed its pride and shown the team final for what it was in prime time. The USA isn't going to win everything. But it would be nice for even causal Olympic viewers to see brilliant gymnastics.
  9. Maybe now they'll finally get the message that they need to clean up their execution if they want to win gold. If Louis Smith hadn't fallen, they wouldn't be on the podium.
  10. Yes Japan wins! All that hard work paid off! :D
  11. There's more interest in Rhythmic and Acro Gymnastics with women in Japan too.
  12. Yes! Japan goes through with no big mistakes. Hopefully it will hold up!
  13. Sam will have to prove that in the floor final 'cause he's sure not doing it here.
  14. Yes! He finally goes through! Now just the high bar.
  15. No death warmed over faces here! Three great vaults!
  16. Why didn't Ukraine forfeit if they weren't even going to try? The Swiss would have loved to compete in their place.
  17. What happened to Maksym Semiankiv? I missed it.
  18. Japan needs to rethink how it puts it's team together. Koji really wasn't worth it. Kohei can get a 14.8 on rings on a bad day.
  19. Kazuma Kaya is probably in the stands right now since he was the alternate.
  20. I wish there was a four screen option so you didn't have pick what to watch and miss something.
  21. Has anyone at NBC sat down with Al Trautwig and had that talk about what not to do on social media? His twitter just confirms all the bad things I've thought about him over the years. He may be playing a "role" while commenting on gymnastics, but real life Al isn't so hot either.
  22. He's the first reserve, so if something happens to someone else he could still make it. After what went on today that might not seem so implausible.
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