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58 Excellent
  1. Wow, Simon, way to be a jerk to the two guys playing cellos. (And Howie naturally jumped right in too). I mean, if you didn't love it, say so, but why attack their personalities and career choices? I guess they didn't grovel enough. Simon seems to love it when the acts claim that winning this stupid program is their ultimate goal in life; that they'll be crushed and lose all desire to live if they don't win; etc. It's ridiculous. Everyone knows that only 2 acts go through, and if you don't get the golden buzzer you aren't likely to move on, so kudos to those two guys for not pretending that this show is their only goal in life. Also, I hate that whole "personality" thing. Yes, you may need a special "spark" to be a star, but one person's opinion on what that is doesn't mean no one else sees any star quality. I guess the cello guys didn't have enough of a sob story, or "We overcame all these difficulties to be here" story. THAT's why Simon thought they were "boring" -- they weren't playing the game properly.
  2. As I was watching the finale, the thought came to me that the main character who will die in Season Five will be Eleven. I just see her sacrificing herself to finally bring down Vecna (who she sort of created), protect her friends, bring Max back from wherever she is, and save the world. Eleven is the one character who is truly different and "outside" of the normal world (as was Henry/One/Vecna) and I see them as the final conflict endgame, where both must die to return "reality" to the real world. Eleven has tried to destroy Vecna (in various forms) several times, and only succeeded in slowing him down or locking him away for a while, so will it take her sacrificing her life to totally eliminate him as a threat? I don't really want this to happen, but I would not be surprised if it does.
  3. As an author, I just shake my head at the storytelling opportunities they are squandering so we can "enjoy" endless talks about love triangles and other personal dramas. You've landed in 10,000 BC. There's a reasonably large group of people. Time to find out who knows what -- who's a cook? a gardener? a forager? Who knows survival and wilderness skills? Who might be able to organize building real shelters, because they have a background in engineering, construction, or architecture? Who knows the stars and can help with location and directions? Who has any kind of medical knowledge (besides the one guy and his daughter). I mean, USE THE SKILLS OF THE GROUP to SURVIVE. Show us how people thrust into a situation like this can figure out how to use their various abilities, or even discover new abilities in a crisis. Demonstrate how the environment is really different from their previous reality -- maybe someone with asthma actually is doing better because of no pollution. Why no encounters or evidence of actual ancient peoples? Wouldn't that be more interesting than wandering around a fort that looks like a Disney World set, where the inhabitants all look like modern people with long hair (and speak perfect English -- how CONVENIENT). Where's the drama of trying to communicate with another civilization? There are so many "normal modern people dropped back in time" storylines that could be explored... But no, let's play softball... (All I could think of was that strange scene in Twilight, hahah).
  4. I keep being distracted by those large hoop earrings teen girl doc (sorry, can't remember anyone's name) is wearing. I mean, you've been transported to 10,000 BC, surrounded by wild animals and possibly dangerous ancient humans. But let's keep wearing giant hoops that could get caught in vegetation or by some animal's claw or something. Also, they are all too clean and perfectly coiffed. I know it's only been a short time, but they've been through some pretty major events already. They look more put-together than I do after a normal day in our current time period.
  5. Any wagers on whether this show is going to even address the "butterfly effect" of all these people, vehicles, building bits, etc. falling 10,000 years into the past? I'm guessing no. Starting to miss Land of the Lost. Might start skipping this -- except for the snark factor in here, it's pretty boring.
  6. I loved this film! Beautiful, charming, and thoughtful.
  7. Wasn't there another montaged battle? I thought there were two.
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