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Posts posted by Schweedie

  1. 1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

    Even at her worst, Rebecca still had an inner core of decency…example..after she got those paparazzi photos of Ted and .Keeley, she was easily persuaded not to use them.  

    But she only decided to not use them because Keeley was determined to find out who took them and who hired that person, and Rebecca realised they could be traced back to her if she didn't just stop it from running. Early season 1 Rebecca really wasn't a good person - or she was, deep down, but she certainly didn't behave like one.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Lamima said:

    I guess I am on an island of one (maybe 2 @Schweedie) who feels bad for Nate and hopes he does redeem himself and find that middle ground (not a doormat but not a pric either). From another doormat here...it is hard to do.

    Well, I mean, can't actually say I feel particularly *bad* for Nate as such, because season 2 Nate is for the most part just a dick, heh. But I don't think he's beyond redemption, because I still don't think any of the things he's done are that much worse than what Rebecca did.

    Most people seem to agree that Rebecca earned her redemption because she realised she was wrong, regretted it, and sincerely apologised (to Ted and Higgins, at least - I'm still a bit salty about Jamie and the team). Her arc was a straight, one season arc, because it was a simple one - the villain who slowly warmed up and realised the error of her ways. If Nate's journey in season 3 is him realising he was in the wrong, showing remorse and trying to make it right, then I'm all for that.

    The show made Jamie my favourite character even after how awful he was in the beginning, I have faith that they can make me like Nate again if that's what they want to do.

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  3. 9 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

    What a good question! For me, it’s motivation. Rebecca was trying to hurt Rupert as much as he hurt her. She didn’t seem to have any connection to the people she hurt other than Rupert (and Higgins, who also betrayed her) - she wasn’t friends with Ted or Keeley or even cared about the team before she became the owner.


    4 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    Rebecca did some pretty shitty things but her main target was always Rupert, everybody else was just collateral damage.


    10 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    I think part of why we can more easily forgive Rebecca is because she was acting out of hurt and striking back at Rupert through the team

    It's interesting, because for me this is exactly what makes what she did - not worse, because what Nate has been doing is really shitty, but at least equally bad. She hurt people who had done absolutely nothing and she knew that they were innocent, she just didn't care. Like you say, they were just collateral damage. But to me that doesn't make it better in the least. 

    She was lucky to have friends who helped her find her way back to herself, but I'm not sure Nate has that. He had Ted, yes, but his whole season 2 journey was about feeling abandoned by Ted. Which is unfair, because Ted has had a lot going on, but Nate was so in his head that he had no idea about that and once he found out he was too far gone to realise what it meant. Just as season one Rebecca wasn't 'real' Rebecca, I'm hoping season 2 Nate isn't the 'real' Nate. I want the sweet Nate who hugged Roy for telling the team to back off of him, who was so happy when the team won that he literally leaped into Ted's arms, who showed up for the gala in a way too big suit and wasn't embarrassed about fixing it, to be the real Nate. I remember when Ted asked him if he was the kind of person who would want someone to tell him if he had a piece of food in his teeth and he was like, "God yes, absolutely" and he meant it. Telling current Nate that would be a no-win situation - he'd hate you for embarrassing him by telling him, but he'd hate you just as much if you hadn't pointed it out because that would obviously mean you wanted to let him embarrass himself in front of everyone else. Somehow he got *more* insecure when he moved upwards.

    10 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    He may one day learn and grow, but I don't think Ted needs to be the person who helps him do it, and I'm not sure he can be that person.


    ...I did not realise I had this many thoughts and feelings about Nate, heh.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

    That’s a really good question and I guess my answer is: just like in real life there are subtle nuances in character. I never felt Rebecca delighted in what she was doing, as far as potential hurt to people other than Rupert. With Nate I feel deep down cruelty; he finds glee in sticking the knife in. 
    Isn’t it nice that these two actors could inspire these emotions in the viewer?! Well done, both of them. 


    12 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    Yes. I think you make a good point @Schweedie but this is essentially what it boils down to for me too. Yes, Rebecca was professionally petty (and let's face it, Rupert was a deserving "victim") whereas I just found Nate to be personally cruel. And taking things out on people that had done nothing to deserve it. And contrary to Rebecca, he just seemed to get worse and worse as the series progressed. 

    But again, I'm a Scorpio so I will hold grudges to my grave. 😁

    Interesting and fair answers, thanks, guys! @MicheleinPhilly, I gotta reference the bolded part, though - to be fair, taking things out on people who'd done nothing to deserve is literally exactly what Rebecca did, heh. ETA - (I think the reason why I still hold a tiny grudge from last season is that she never actually apologised to the *team*. She apologised to Ted for hiring him to fail and he forgave her, but her actions had consequences for other people, too.)

    I hear you on their progression being different, though, and I think that's probably a key point in why people's reactions to Nate are so strong. Rebecca started at the bottom and the only way was up, and where she ended up was being brilliant, but with Nate we actually get to see the downward trajectory which makes it worse.

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  5. 1 minute ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    I love Rebecca and don't consider her and Nate in even the same galaxy in terms of wrongdoing. 

    Yes, she tried to tank the team but she has genuinely shown growth, maturity, and regret for what she was trying to do. She is an inherently kind person who cares about the people involved with the team. 

    Nate is just a petty, cruel little shit who thinks everyone should lick his boots even though he has done nothing to deserve it. 

    I mean, yes, she's shown growth, which is why we forgave her - why is it impossible that Nate shows growth and regret next season?

    Some of the things Rebecca did to tank the team were quite terrible, to be honest. Trying to get Keeley and Ted in trouble with the tabloids, getting Jamie sent away making him think he was unwanted, probably causing the team to go down. Even after the vulnerable moments she had with her friends and Ted in the episode where they beat Everton she was still happy to release unsold tickets for the last match of the season to Man City, even though that would hurt their chances of staying up just because "that would kill Rupert".

    I guess I don't understand why the things Nate has said/done are unforgivable while the things Rebecca did aren't. She was practically the villain for part of last season, even while being awesome - we gave Rebecca space to grow and come to terms with her being wrong, why not Nate?

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  6. For those of you who feel Nate can't/shouldn't be redeemed/forgiven, I'm curious - how do you guys feel about Rebecca, in comparison? Do you feel her redemption after what she did throughout the first season was earned? I mean, she tried to ruin the lives of *other people* in order to in turn hurt Rupert. (I've realised I still hold a little bit of a grudge even though I love her, heh.)

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Turtle Wexler said:

    Keeley walked into the office and said that she had an advertising opportunity for a coach, and would either Beard or Roy like to help her out and they just looked at her, and she said, "Fuck you both(?)" and walked out, and Beard said something about how it was amazing that they didn't have to say a word, and Roy said that she understands them. (And then Nate walked in and said that he was going to be doing this advertising gig.) 

    That reminds me, I don't think we ever found out what the spokesperson gig was or if Nate actually ended up doing it - I was curious about that!

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  8. 5 hours ago, braziliangirl said:

    MHO, Nate starting having problems with Ted because of Roy. He's so jealous of Roy and has so much resentment that he's being incapable of thinking. Indeed, jealousy reared its ugly head. 

    Agree, Nate's ire definitely escalated when Roy came along. If Ted's the father whose approval he wants, Roy is the cool, gifted older sibling who outshines him and steals the attention - as soon as Roy walks onto the pitch with them at the end of ep 5 you can see how displeased he is. (I enjoyed the contrast between Roy looking super sharp in his black suit next to Nate looking awkward with his big puffy jacket over his own suit that he was so proud of.) We know he must have a sibling since he has a niece, so maybe that's a similar situation with his family, too. Did we ever see Ted comment on Nate being the one who won them the match against Tottenham (as unlikely as I still find that whole thing)? Because even though Roy compliments him on it, I'm guessing that's not as valuable to him as Ted's praise would've been.

    5 hours ago, braziliangirl said:

    I'm conflicted about Nate redemption. I want him to feel remorse or something. And I do wanna see Ted being able to feel angry. Preferably toward Rupert. 

    If there's a show I would trust to pull off a good redemption arc, it's this one. But yeah, I'd also like to see Ted be able to express anger. Besides the time where he yelled at Nate last season for breaking curfew at the hotel, which he immediately apologised for the next day since it didn't actually have anything to do with Nate, I find it interesting that the only time we've seen him actually upset with someone because of something they did was when Rebecca had let Man City recall Jamie. ETA - oh, and of course that time when Jamie claimed he was hurt and couldn't train with them. 

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  9. 12 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    IRL, Nick Mohammed, who plays Nate will be 41 in October.  At first I thought the character was supposed to be in his 20s, but now I’m guessing they are similar ages.

    I really wish we knew how old Nate is supposed to be, but I definitely don't think he's supposed to be the same age as Nick Mohammed - Nate's parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary this season, and they don't strike me as an out-of-wedlock kind of couple, heh. He read as early-to-mid 20s to me in the first season, and they kept calling him stuff like 'good kid' and 'young man', so until we're outright told differently I'm sticking to that, grey hair or not.

    I think it's easy to be harder on Nate than on, say, Jamie or Rebecca, because those two started at the bottom and grew. Like, let's remember that Rebecca spent most of last season literally trying to screw Ted and the whole team over, and we love her. She had Jamie sent away right when he was going to start working for the team, which is likely a large part of why they ended up in the relegation zone. And Jamie, I mean, he was an absolute dick. They both came from a place of hurt, but they grew. And Nate's had a different trajectory, but I think he's in same place of hurt that they were, and he's so in his head feeling abandoned (given that this week was the first time all season that we saw Ted and Nate interact on their own, I can see where that's coming from) that he doesn't realise he's seeing slights where they're not intended. He probably could've used a few sessions with Sharon more than anyone (except maybe Ted).

    ...Huh. I've genuinely hated Nate all season, but apparently this episode somehow made the whole storyline work for me.


    8 hours ago, LADreamr said:

    ETA: I wish there was a way to see this show's outtakes.  I bet there are some amazing ones.

    I fully intend to badger the AppleTV twitter account for a gag reel, all year long! I want (need) to see a bunch of wasted footage of Brett and Phil just losing it at each other. I want to see how long it took to shoot "ugleh, ugleh boy".


    2 hours ago, Electruck said:

    Ted’s flinch when Nate mentioned his son made me think he was going to resign when he went into Rebecca’s office.

    Same. I was so relieved when he said "Next season should be fun, right?"

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  10. 36 minutes ago, MerBearStare said:

    And I know in a previous episode we saw where Ted put the photo Nate gave him, but I can't remember where it was or in which episode.

    It was while Ted was getting ready for the funeral - the picture was right next to Henry's, which is saying something.

    Looking back we really haven't seen much genuine interaction between the two of them this season. Ted has had other stuff on his mind and his own issues to work on and figured Nate was ready to fly by himself, but I think he really underestimated what an insecure mess Nate really is underneath it all. Obviously that's no justification for what Nate has done, but I'm actually really liking the shades of grey here (pun on Nate's hair not intended, heh) and I'm looking forward to seeing next season play out.

    Also, on a different note - Rupert, for all his declarations of how important Richmond is to him, goes and buys a different club. And not just any club but a local, rival London club. A genuine supporter who actually loved *his* club would never, which is just one more reason to despise him.

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  11. That was actually a much happier ending to the season than I was expecting! I really through everything BUT the promotion would end in a mess, but for the most part people are okay except for Nate. Possible insecurities for Roy and Keeley and I feel like we're probably gonna see them breaking up at some point, but I *think* they'll be okay in the end. I hope so, at least. Loved Sam realising that his place is with Richmond for now, and that he can do good things there. Loved Rebecca supporting Keeley. Loved Jamie and Roy celebrating after the headbutt. Loved Ted using the situation to start a conversation about mental health in sports.

    And I loved the scene with Nate and Ted, Nick Mohammed did a great job there. Nate really is a child - grey hair or not, I still think he's an emotionally immature 20-something who's dealing with a whole lot of pent-up feelings. I hope the picture of their celebration that Ted keeps at home comes up again next season and plays a part in getting through to Nate. Weirdly I have more faith that they'll pull off a redemption arc after seeing this episode, showing how his anger comes from hurt, than I did before. But ripping up the BELIEVE sign was bloody harsh.

    Also, they're definitely setting up Richmond to win something big next season, what with the "They're still a club who's never won a major trophy" - I'm not sure I can see them actually winning the Premier League, but I think maybe they'll get revenge in the FA cup.

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  12. I love Jane's line about her friend Finn - "He's like a Rembrandt. Beautiful to look at, but so dim." Wish I could sneak that into a conversation, heh!

    Also, rewatching season one I noticed something that made me laugh out loud. In episode ten, how when they're watching that interview with Jamie for motivation and he ends with saying how instant karma is gonna get you? He doesn't actually say 'karma', he says 'caramel'. "Instant caramel, it's gonna get ya." (Maybe everyone else already knew that, but I think his accent made me miss it - even the subtitles say karma.) Oh, Jamie. You're like a Rembrandt.

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    54 minutes ago, marcee said:

    Now, decisions about his pay, a potential trade, vacation days or social media choices likely shouldn't be made by a lover.


    34 minutes ago, Good Queen Jane said:

    I can't help wondering if Akufo is being straight with Sam. I really think Rupert is behind it all. We have already speculated that Rupert is buying another team. What if Rebecca sells Sam's contract to Akufo, then Akufo turns around and sells Sam's contract to Rupert? Rupert doesn't even have to know about the Sam-Rebecca relationship. He sticks it to Rebecca by stealing her best player.

    Just a note - we don't really have "trades" in European football the way I've gathered you do in American sports. At least as far as I know you can't just sell a player's contract without their consent. What you can do is keep a player out of the team and say "unless you agree to sign a contract and move to a different club you won't be playing for the foreseeable future", but forcing someone to go somewhere isn't really a thing.

    26 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

    But whether Sam stays or goes could depend on Rebecca as his boss, since Akufo would have to buy Sam’s contract from Rebecca in order for him to leave the team. We can say that of course Rebecca wouldn’t refuse Sam’s request to leave, but still, she’s the one that holds the contract. We’ve seen Rebecca be vengeful before, so there’s precedent.

    Again, Rebecca is completely entitled not to let Sam leave, romance aside. There doesn't need to be any revenge involved at all. As nice as it would be to let the player decide, that's not how it works. Clubs can't force a player to go somewhere else, but neither can a player expect his club to just let him go where he wants when he wants.

    ETA - it seems like there's the general sentiment that if Sam wants to leave he should automatically get to do so and Rebecca would be a villain not to let him, so I just wanted to make it clear that it's really not as clear cut as that, heh. /someone who's been through a lot of stressful transfer windows

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  14. 4 hours ago, Maysie said:

    And while there’s definitely an issue of power imbalance, at this point, Rebecca has not exercised any authority over Sam. She would have been within her rights to refuse to allow the billionaire to talk to Sam; Sam is under contract to Richmond and Rebecca doesn’t have to let Sam go. It seems to me that she’s actually giving Sam the power to make the choice.

    Yeah, I feel like this is worth pointing out again - Rebecca, as the club's owner, is under no obligation whatsoever to let what Sam wants decide. Sure, players can express a wish to leave - sometimes that's what ends up happening and sometimes it isn't, I've seen both - but those in charge have to do what they feel is the right move for *the club*, not for the player. Sam is clearly a very important player to Richmond at this point, and although you could argue that the money they'd get for him could enable them to invest in other players, they're already on the verge of promotion back to the Premier League which would also generate more money for them. No club wants to sell one of their best, especially not when they're such a positive locker room influence, too. Rebecca, Higgins, Ted, etc - they shouldn't be letting Sam make this decision. That's their job.

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  15. 2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    As I watching this the very first thing I thought was how well the writers got Keeley's reaction.  I don't feel that Keeley necessarily under-reacted or let Nate off the hook per se.  I think Keeley did what a lot of women are conditioned to do when confronted with an uncomfortable male sexual situation is to automatically defuse the situation so it doesn't escalate or increase the threat risk.  I was so immediately struck by what she did that I knew a woman probably had a hand in writing that scene.  She was so uncomfortable and un-Keeley -- stuttering and stumbling -- the whole scene from the moment he went in for the kiss to when it ended was just uncomfortable to watch.  I also believe after the fact, that Keeley probably does on some level believe Nate was just awkward and it was no big deal, but in the moment she went into a self presevationist/appeasement mode.

    This. I thought the way she reacted and the version of it that she told Roy, incorrect as it was since Nate actually DID kiss her, was very realistic. Keeley is fierce and awesome and fearless, but she's still a woman who's long been judged on her looks and been conditioned to react a certain way to advances like that.

    19 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    I especially liked how Jamie was concentrated on getting it right (and nailing it). 

    And clapping his hands to encourage the rest when they lined up. He sure has come a long way from the brat who wouldn't put his hand in with the rest of the team before the match last season.

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  16. 2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    WAGs:  They win the game and the team gets promoted, but everything else is in shambles…

    This is what I'm leaning towards. I don't really see them ending on a depressing note football-wise a second time; that's just repetitive and I don't think the show wants to be that. (At least I very much hope that's the case, because seriously, supporting my real life club is stressful enough - I don't need the added stress worrying about a bloody *fictional* club, too!) Making it back to the Premier League but everything else being in shambles would set the third season up nicely. Please, please, just let them be promoted.

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  17. 10 minutes ago, SHD said:

    I'm not sure why Keeley even bothered mentioning the Nate kiss to Roy. It seems irrelevant in the grand scheme of things in their relationship. I understand why the Jamie thing might be more problematic and worth mentioning.

    I think she mentioned the Nate thing to sort of test the waters and see how he'd react. Obviously there's a big difference between that and Jamie's declaration, but it was like a starting point for being honest.

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  18. Well. Didn't love that and don't really have all that much to say about it, which makes me sad. I did love the callback of the "Congratulations, you both just met a cool person" line from the billionaire guy - that's exactly what Ted said when he introduced Trent and Ollie to one another in the restaurant way back in 1x03.

    And I loved the dance routine. They were really giving it their all! I kept rewinding and focussing on a different person throughout, heh - Jan Maas was killing it in the background. I really wish we could spend more time with the team, because I live for those himbos.

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  19. 15 hours ago, Wicked History said:

    Also, did the writers forget (or assume that we'd forget) the entire scene with Jamie and his agent? He was willing to move to Spain or Germany to play football again. Literally his only other choice was to go on another reality show and take ecstasy for three weeks. So he's deliberately lying when he tells Keeley he came back to Richmond for her; he came back because he had nowhere else to go. 

    I mean, technically he ended up coming back to Richmond *because* he left City to get away from his dad, and maybe Keeley's influence on him had something to do with that, too. I'm willing to cut the writers slack on that one, because I can see how he means it. ETA - And consciously or subconsciously, for me I think Richmond was always at the back of his mind when he left City to begin with. It was probably the first place where he felt things could be different, that *he* could be different.

    (And I'm not sure he just meant coming back to Richmond the football club when he says that to Keeley, I think he meant in general. He didn't come back and go straight to Ted to ask to come back and play - he came back and went to her, saying "I don't know what I'm doing and I wanted to talk to someone about it, and when I think of talking I think of you".)

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  20. 5 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    I kinda think there are many interpretations of Keeley's expression after what Jaimie said.

    My overwhelming thought is she was just shocked.  I know it is tv land, but for me, nothing about  Jamie's actions toward Keeley throughout season1 telegraphed any deeper emotions.  He just seemed to enjoy having sex with an older, hot model.  So his declaration shocked me as much as Keeley. 

    I think it's a case of not realising what you had until it goes away. For the most part season 1 Jamie was an immature little jerk, but already in episode six, after they're broken up, he still seeks her out to talk and she's the one who gets him to go to the 'sacrifice ceremony'. Considering their other interactions later that season (him coming to thank her for teaching him not to get in his own way, etc), after the growing up he's done this season I'm not at all surprised that he's looking back at their relationship through a different lens. What I don't see is the reason why Keeley would still have feelings for him. Unless she also has a thing for wounded birds, which, well... Understandable.

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  21. 38 minutes ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

    While I like that this show trusts its audience to fill in the blanks as it moves forward in time, I'm a little annoyed that there's not follow up on Jamie and Roy and the team in the locker room. I know this episode takes place mostly at a funeral, but even at the end of last week's episode, there's no mention of how to support Jamie or what needs to happen there. I feel like what happened after Jamie finished crying on Roy's shoulder actually plays a huge part in how we're supposed to feel about the Jamie/Keeley moment, but we don't know what that was.

    This. While I really enjoyed this episode, it feels to me like there was an episode missing between episode 8 and this - which makes me more annoyed that they actually had the opportunity to *make* that bridge episode when Apple asked for extra, but instead went with the Beard standalone. From what Keeley said it seems like it's been about two weeks since then, and I really feel like we should've seen the aftermath. It's a weird moment to leave without any follow-up, given how heavy that ending was, and it doesn't make sense with Ted and Sharon for me, either - have they really waited two weeks to have that important session after he called her and told her about his dad?

    If we don't get get some form of moment with Roy and Jamie acknowledging what happened I'm going to be really disappointed. Or Ted and Jamie.

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  22. 11 minutes ago, SnarkShark said:

    The only way Rupert would know is through surveillance.  

    I mean, it is entirely possible that he has paparazzi friends who spotted Sam and Rebecca on their date, followed up and caught some stuff, and came to Rupert about it rather than break the story.

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