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Posts posted by glowlights

  1. The killer or killers had to have been quite familiar with this family - they had to have known the dogs to get past them at at least one location, and they knew where the security cameras were in order to dismantle them. My guess is that even if not every family member were directly involved, they were all quite aware of the grow business. Hell, most of the town had to have known! As for their financial circumstances my guess is that they maintained the illusion of being poor in order not to attract attention but spent their money on other things, or were siphoning it away a la Walter White. It is said that one of the victims was covered in dollar bills - why would someone leave money when they had so much time to commit these murders? They didn't have two more seconds to put the money in a bag?

    Is the forum acting slow for anyone else? I'm on Firefox and it's been slow since the changes.

    • Love 2
  2. On 4/24/2016 at 5:55 AM, walnutqueen said:


    Yes, I admire Dr. Jeff's mandatory spay/neuter policy.  The clinic will treat stray animals, animals with owners who cannot pay, and offer all kinds of low cost options, but only if spay/neuter is included.

    He is my new hero!

    • Love 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, ryebread said:

    Well, that's not exactly what she said. And FWIW, she said that 12 hours ago. The reunion was filmed almost 2 months ago.  Maybe she had a set back between then and now. 

    LOLOL.  First of all, ya nitwit, Yolanda said she had muscle weakness, not loss of muscle tone.  There's a difference.  If your only form of exercise wasn't lifting  your laptop cover, you'd know that.  And I like how she says Yo's lost 'NO' muscle tone.  She's seen it with her own eyes! LOL.  Unless she's a physical therapist who has laid her hands on Yo, how would she know that.  Donna, your nastiness and stupidity is showing.

    For some reason I can't excerpt your post, but ANYWAY in response to the bolded part - fair enough!

    BTW this is Joga: http://jogawithjana.com/

    It's yoga for athletes.

    • Love 3
  4. On 4/26/2016 at 0:45 AM, KnoxForPres said:

    Though destination shows are not my thing so it's probably me. Hell it started when the Brady's went to Hawaii and then Jessie's dad got married on Saved By the Bell. Just stay where I know and love you.

    I'm laughing so hard at this! STAY.

    The scenes on the plane were okay with me because it was a contained, stressful environment (unlike the Brady family running around Hawaii). But yeah, my lols lagged during the interrogation scenes. The conversation about Jesus at the end is what brought me back around. 

    In the previous ep Ilanna started hissing at people who were in her way, like a... zombie? Vampire? Which one of them hisses? Anyway, that's a brilliant strategy I plan to employ in the future. Will report back with results. :)

    • Love 1
  5. On twitter Yo claimed that she hasn't been able to exercise at all due to muscle pain and fatigue, and has just started to do two swims per week to ease back into exercise. Okay, I realize that some people are more naturally slim and toned than others, but the woman I saw on the reunion show and in recent photos does not look like someone who hasn't been exercising at all. Is this "not able to exercise" the same as "a year in bed with a broken back"?

    She also claims she takes ozone to stay regular. Alrighty.

    • Love 8
  6. OH! I envisioned the "people in vans" comment as a sort of hippie commune with everyone living out of VW camper buses, and very much wanted to know where such a hilarious clinic might be. But yeah, the people who sell their houses and live out of their cars to pay for their kids to be "cured" by Dr. Klingon...  I'll bet most of those kids have the "indigo child" diagnosis, too. Just sayin'.

    I am so sick of hearing Kim wanting brownie points for her alleged sobriety while steadfastly refusing to admit any problem other than alcohol. Was Yolanda always this sympathetic to Kim, or is it part of her new "invisible diseases" crusade? Does Kim have a health advocate, too?

    Kyle looked great in that clip of her and Kim discussing their relationship. What a shame to go with green glitter eyeshadow, skid mark eyebrows and pop-up boobs for the reunion when she already has a look that works so well for her.

    Ericka Jayne had some surprising flashes of no nonsense attitude. I don't doubt for a second that she had a hard time integrating into her husband's social/professional circle. Whatever works.

    • Love 5
  7. 20 hours ago, bosawks said:

    What's with all the gesticulating this year with Thomas?

    He looks like he's trying to land a plane.

    I noticed in his TH he seemed to be doing that cheesy public speaker thing with his hands. Must be left over from his life in politics. Maybe "Sandy Duncan From Hell" told him to do that.

    The scene with Cameran having to defend why she doesn't want kids was just terrible. It's 2016 and it's still not socially acceptable for a woman to say she's not interested or not trying and leave it at that. At least her friend didn't tell Cameran to have kids even if she doesn't want them so she'll have free servants when she's elderly. (Yes, I've heard that.)

    I hope Landon was saying the thing about "being put together means you're a good person" is the attitude she grew up around, not necessarily something she believes, because NOPE. Nope, nope, nope.

    • Love 8
  8. 2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    I am interested to learn what Lyme clinic Yolanda ever visited. Especially the one with patients living in their cars


    The thing with hurt feelings, imo, is it depends on intent and context. If I were to, I don't know, mock someone for their limp and ape the way they walk in order to put them down, it would be total bullshit to turn around later and say, "It's not my fault how you choose to feel about it." But comments that are not directly aimed with intent, or the person speaking didn't know all the facts? Yeah, sometimes people have to own how they choose to process it just as others have to own what comes out of their mouths.  Two way street. On the other hand, "At least I own it!" is not a get out of jail free card. That's some Ramona Singer level logic.

    • Love 6
  9. Chrissytd, It's also On Demand with Comcast, if you have that. Hope you can find it!

    I will watch old eps because my focus is the couchies more than the shows themselves, and as someone else mentioned on second viewing you can sometimes catch funny quips or expressions you missed first time around. Their reactions to The Passion will never ever get old for me.

    When Rashawn asked, "Are these real black people?"  *DEAD*

    • Love 3
  10. I hate that half the show seems to take place on Twitter.... Anyway, Kathryn has admitted that she was not bleeding, she had high blood pressure and was told that if she hadn't come in right away she would have begun to bleed from her ears and eyeballs. (?!?!?!?) High blood pressure from working herself up into a lunatic frenzy at the polo match to hog the limelight, as you do when you are concerned for your unborn child. Jennifer says she only told the others Kathryn was bleeding because that's what Kathryn told her. Lord, I need some of that rose champagne....

    I could have done without Shep shoving his hands down his Speedo and fluffing his balls. We get it, Shep. It was a chilly night. Shrinkage.

    Patricia's flamingo party was a disappointment. It was obviously just slapped together for the cameras with barely anyone but the cast in attendance. I wanted to see a proper social shindig, not some crew member (I assume) dressed up as catering staff saying "here ya go" as he passed out champagne. Come on. I tune into this stuff for real estate and party porn. Also, the psychic did not look psychic-y enough. I'd hoped for Ann Magnuson as Madame Miranda.

    On 4/26/2016 at 3:20 AM, SuzWhat said:

    I can't figure out where Ravenal and JD went for coffee. He knocked on the door and then they walked outside to get to a kitchen. Was it in a barn or some outbuilding?

    Yeah, I assumed it was a guest cottage. Maybe he uses it as an office? It was a little weird to see them go out back without any explanation...

    • Love 7
  11. On 4/26/2016 at 9:36 PM, breezy424 said:

    What procedure was she having done? The ass pallet?

    I don't know for sure but maybe the port?  Geez.  My mom had one put in with a local.  My kid had a PIC line put in for his treatment of Lyme... by a practical nurse.  The hospital wanted to have a surgeon do it under anesthesia and my pediatrician advised me that it wasn't necessary (despite that people have general anesthesia every day, it still can cause serious complications and no one should go under it if it's not 'necessary').  He was right.  My kid did fine. 

    OK - TMI:  Fast forward 15 years.  My kid had to have an operation  in which general anesthesia  was necessary.  He did not do well with it.  It took a very long time for him to come out of it.  Thank God he didn't have it when he was just seven years old. 

    Wow, I'm glad he recovered. Maybe the hospital wanted to do it under general when he was 7 to make it easier for them (unconscious child versus squirming child)? Good thing your pediatrician spoke up!

    31 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

    Am I wrong in remembering that Yolanda had to have her implants removed since they burst/leaked?  If true then the whole issue is probably related to that.  Leaking silicon can devastate the body.

    She had old, leaky implants removed. Not sure why she had such old implants in the first place... But my understanding is there is no evidence for leaking implants causing all the things she claims are wrong with her, other than from quacks like Dr. Mercola.

    This is my first attempt at posting with the new forum software so I apologize in advance if it comes out wonky.

    • Love 5
  12. I had a friend like that. She moved to Tennessee, then Illinois and then Georgia. But when we see each other, we pick up like no time has passed. I always worry that I won't have anythng to say, but then I always do.


    That's when you know it's a great friendship! I dearly miss being around close gal pals, the kind who are happy to be in each other's company whether it's Saturday night at the opera or Wednesday night on the sofa, and can talk about everything or nothing at all, without a bunch of fronting and one-upping. There's nothing like that bond. It's great that you can still see each other from time to time.


     Most of my dearest friends are women and I carry a 'Honorary Gal Pal' card and lifetime membership.




    But I've also been accused of being like a dude because I often choose to keep my deeper feelings to myself and prefer to keep things light among friends. I'm not overly emotional or weepy and I don't like to hold grudges, preferring to simply deal with any BS and then move on.

    But on the flipside, my easygoing, positive nature tends to lend itself well with dominant, type-A female figures...so inevitably, I end up checking out after a while of dealing with such dramatics.

    Hence the reason I had to break up with this former supposed best friend, after over ten years of what I thought were good times...friends don't call friends "fake" just because they have the adult courtesy to not call you on your cunty behavior, and they sure don't shame you for not fawning over them.


    See, I think it's profoundly unfair to characterize you as a "dude" because you might not be as expressive as some other people. For that matter, crying at the drop of a hat wouldn't make you more of a "woman", either. There are plenty of ways to be and that's what makes it fun - I can't think of two friends who were identical, and why would we want our friends to be? Your break up sounds really unfortunate and I'm sorry it ended like that.


    Jaded, I'm very sorry for your loss.

    • Love 2
  13. (Some of this post has been written in Sarcastifont -- I'm really trying hard to make that a thing ;)


    Love it!


    I recall a scene from Yo's first season when she had a trainer come over and was doing intervals of sprints up and down the stairs combined with something like half-burpees (can't recall the exact exercise so don't quote me on it). I get that people with chronic illness have good days and bad days - but for someone who was supposedly struggling with Lyme? Now I feel inadequate, too.

    In addition to these feats, she was able to put a self defense instructor in a chokehold. She was working out at the gym 3 weeks after her explant. She also managed to pass the test to become an American Citizen which requires you to memorize the answers to 100 questions. These Lyme body and Lyme brain accomplishments are phenomenal, even inspiring. (But don't tell her she looks good because she would prefer to look bad and feel good).


    While her brain was swollen and she was unable to read! And two-foot parasites were dropping out her butt! Someone get this woman a medal.

    • Love 11
  14. If Andy Cohen is Satan then I'm his evil minion because I fell off the wagon and broke my RH sobriety. This ep was a jaw dropper:


    - Princess Carole concern trolling Jules about her weight; the condescending way she touched Jules's arm and said "you're too thin"... and then proceeded to pose in front of the mirror? ugh!


    - Bethenny saying Jules is "a very special woman with very special needs"; is that supposed to be funny? why is Bethenny so friggin' angry all the time? maybe there's something bad in the Skinny Girl chocolate because she'd hardly the first person to ever get a divorce


    - Jules doesn't know what "Et tu, Brute" means? okay maybe Bethenny had a point...


    - I know it's unpopular to snark about kids but Jules's son could use a visit from Supernanny Jo Frost


    - I wish I could figure out what the hell is wrong with Ramona; she's just awkward and crazy and never gets better, does she? Jules's "elderly" comment was probably due to a poor vocabulary (I think she meant to say "my elders") but I hope it pissed off Ramona, who seems to be delusional about being a hot sexy teenager


    - how lovely of Countess Crackerjack's old roommate to humor her with some real estate she can't afford


    Does Dorinda have a speech impediment? Because she sounds like a terminally drunk trucker but I feel bad if there's something she can't help...

    • Love 7
  15. I prefer the exhibitionists at the gym to the shy ones who take up a shower stall to put their clothes on.  You can get dressed anywhere but there's only one place I can wash my hair.  Put on a towel and get out.


    What? I'm not fond of getting undressed in a locker room but it would never occur to me to hog a shower stall. That's just weird. As for lotioning oneself in front of the mirror.... unless she's applying self-tanner there's no reason for that, let alone flashing her privates. Maybe she spent a fortune on vaginal rejuvenation surgery and is hoping for a compliment.


    Sun-Bun, Sorry to hear you had to unfriend someone. (A conscious uncoupling?) I hear what you're saying about the simplicity of men. Say what they want, get stuff off their chest and then move on, don't require complicated arrangements, don't have to spend a half day at the spa getting beautiful before they see each other... I wish I knew one woman who could just come over for coffee and conversation, and not be fazed if I'm in yoga pants or there are dishes in the sink. What's up with the snobbery and formality?

  16. What I don't get is the people who will say they watched a documentary about jag-wahrs, but insist that they drive a jag-wire. It's the same fucking word!!!


    I really came here to unload my rage about the UoP ad, but I see my beloved Preverts have it covered. But is anyone else amused that an ad for a university that's desperately trying to establish some credibility features a vocalist who sounds like a drunk Edie Brickell? I'm not aware of too many things / I know what I know if you know what I mean... Like, a degree is, like, a degree, you know? Like, but only if you, like, have a brain.

    • Love 7
  17. Isn't it illegal to ride bikes on sidewalks in most areas? I was always taught that...why isn't this actually practiced and enforced more then??


    In the US? Some places leave it up to the individual cities. Here it is illegal, but it is rarely enforced because the cops don't have resources to patrol all the sidewalks. But if you do it in front of a cop you will get a warning or a ticket. They stopped a guy last month and I will admit to lingering at the crosswalk to gloat a little. I don't walk in their bike lanes, after all.

    • Love 1
  18. Got some terrible and tragic news last week about my mom's health condition.


    Very sorry to hear that, but am glad that so many kind people have stepped forward with support. May that continue to bring you some peace.


    My gratitude is for something very simple and maybe some will find it silly, but here goes: I'm grateful for the beautiful walk I had yesterday. Despite two run-ins with rude people the bottom line is that it was a beautiful day, nice breeze, and I took a little offshoot trail and was treated to seeing a nesting turkey vulture and a whole bunch of seabirds (don't know what species?) having a conference. And then on my way home i saw a colony of swallows feeding their young. So I'm just grateful for that day, and for being able and healthy enough to get out and enjoy it.

    • Love 7
  19. I just keep going in my half of the walk and look at them straight on so they know I am not moving. And then I don't move.


    Yeah, and that's a good policy. In this case I made eye contact and said "excuse me" but they just glared at me and plowed forward. If I didn't move they would have made body contact and I didn't feel like getting physical with two strange men and no one else around to witness or help... :(    Sheesh. And people wonder why I've become antisocial.


    On the bright side, it was a lovely day. One particular songbird gave me a full concert as I passed by. :)

  20. Punishment shouldn't just be for punishment's sake, it should be used to make Shaw understand that what he did was wrong and based on his

    This should move towards changing the culture. What the NHL needs to do now is maintain consistency, any future hate speech needs to be treated the exact same way as this. If Shaw (or any future offender) does do this repeatedly then punishment should escalate.


    We can agree on this much!

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