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  1. Oh my gosh. This episode made me ugly cry. Tony's life and story and death... just broke my heart.
  2. It's really horrifying seeing this -- his crimes, of course, but then seeing how the system utterly and completely failed. He should have been stopped so much sooner.
  3. I don't know a whole lot, but I do recall reading that Glenda and the family of the 14yo boy she and her daughters tried to save are still in regular contact.
  4. Yeah, that stood out to me too. Now, I have absolutely no clue if that happened in real life, but in the context of the show, just going with it... what if his dad had just let him talk? If he had let Dahmer say what he wanted to say? So many lives would have been saved. It came across to me like his dad knew Dahmer was about to drop a bombshell and changed the subject quickly because he didn't want to hear it.
  5. That was heartbreaking. Seeing those women beg and plead to save the life of a literal child... my God. Just heartbreaking.
  6. FWIW, I've had six kids and while some of the lactation consultants I've had have been great, others have absolutely been 100% like the one in the show. One was actually WORSE. It got so bad that my daughter dropped more than 10% of her birth weight and we HAD to give her formula, and she ate the entire bottle in like, two seconds (because she was starving!!), and the LC watched and called her a brat. That entire scene actually rang very true to me -- the overbearing LC who cares more about feeding HER way bullying a tired, stressed mom who is in pain... BTDT. Lactivisim is unfortunately a very real thing. 😕
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