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Posts posted by CrinkleCutCat

  1. Kim said, in the Dr Phil interview, that she wanted to go somewhere to "recharge myself"... To me that means she just wants to go away for a rest, relaxation and massages. So even now, after the public 'outing' of her drinking and arrest, she doesn't believe she needs rehab. No way will any rehab, anywhere, work for someone who doesn't believe they have a problem. Add into the mix the fact that she is a narcissistic and demanding person means she isn't the type to allow anyone to convince her of anything she doesn't herself believe. What I mean is: Kim doesn't think she has a problem and it's unlikely anyone will convince her otherwise.

    • Love 16
  2. I question whether Kim sees her alcohol and drug abuse as destructive, except that her kids think so. Face it - Kim likes drinking and likes drugs and likes being drunk and high. I think the only problem she sees with that is everyone else wants her to be clean and sober but she doesn't.

    I agree, although I doubt she thinks she abuses other drugs. In my opinion, Kim only sees her alcohol consumption (yes, alcohol is a drug too), as the problem and that other medication is prescribed so mustn't be drug abuse.

    Plus: no one else seems to understand her REASONS for drinking/medicating.

    • Love 1
  3. I'm sure there are legal colleagues and foes who are secretly watching this show to see Gina. She is embarrassing herself. I would never want legal representation from someone who is so immature, petty and catty....AND racist. She doesn't think she is racist, but anyone mocking another persons accent is inherently racist. All of us have accents...they are 'different' accents depending on where in the world we happen to be on any given day! If I give her a huge Benefit of the doubt, I'll say she is intolerant, but even that is bad enough.

    Intolerance/prejudice/racism usually stem from ignorance....so for a Barrister she is looking mighty ignorant.

    • Love 3
  4. Heck, in one of the articles I've read today about her sit down with Dr. (HA!) Phil, Kim even admits that she knew what she was doing last Thursday night. She knew that she was choosing alcohol and [bold] any other substance she may have taken [/bold] over being sober.

    Kim has only ever admitted to alcoholism and has never mentioned taking any other drugs (besides Monty's pain pill for 100%pain). Based on the erratic behaviour we have seen her display on this show I think she has also abused other drugs. It will be very interesting if she admits to the 'other substances' many of us suspect she is ab/using. I soooo hope Dr Phil asks her about this because Goddamn Andy doesn't directly ask her.

    Edit: as you can see, I tried to bold the words 'any other substance she may have taken'.

    • Love 5
  5. Why the heck is NeNe on this show still? Well, obviously she is still thirsty enough to want the exposure AND the pay check... But she tries to convey to all of us (the viewers and her co stars) that she doesn't want to be there. She doesn't want to interact with them, which also must mean she doesn't want to interact as a Housewife with us the viewers anymore. Well just EFF off NeNe! We the viewers don't appreciate you biting the hand that feeds you. We the viewers have helped you get where you are now. Be a bit more gracious and grateful.

    I would be very happy for her to take her airs and graces and her Louboutins (not a fan of her wearing her fancy shoes to a charity function) off my screen.

    Edit: I love Louboutins and own a couple of pairs so I don't mean to discredit the brand! However: there is a time and a place.

    • Love 2
  6. Oh my, I sat here saying seventy-oneth to a room full of no one! Is she really that stupid or is it a cultural issue?

    Cultural issue????!!!! What?

    No one says seventy-oneth ANYWHERE, so it isn't cultural... She really is that stupid. Lydia makes it too easy to snark on her. She likes to portray herself as this special, upper class type, but she comes across as an uneducated poseur.

    • Love 3
  7. Poor Monty. Trying to live as comfortably as possible and this is his main support? Just too sad.

    I don't believe Kim the lying liar who lies when she says she is his main support. I know Monty is terminal, but according to a poster here in another thread he's traveling at the moment, so I think Kim has exaggerated his current condition.

    ONE of the reasons I don't like Kim is how she uses Monty and his awful diagnosis as a means of manipulating others, eg to get sympathy. Gosh, she just gives me so many reasons...

    • Love 7
  8. Bees knees: "I hate Kim Richards so much I am incapable of articulating a single thought or putting one coherent sentence together. I kid you not."

    That is exactly how I feel......

    Edit: I've thought of something:

    You are so MEAN. You're MEEEAAANN!

    • Love 8
  9. If Lydia loves her housekeeper sooooooo much, why not pay for her to visit her family? Saint Lydia the Saviour, yuck.

    And props to the editing monkeys: showing Pettifluer bragging about her understated and elegant style whilst slowy showing us her outrageously tacky cannon firing costume... Bit. By. Bit. From the feet upwards! Bwa ha ha!

    • Love 10
  10. Bethenny clomping around the Presidential suite wearing those tight jeggins and those clodhopper shoes reminded me of Minnie Mouse or Olive Oyl.

    For the life of me I can't remember the term for someone who walks with their feet out (think of a clock's hands at 10 minutes to 2) and their legs apart. There's a term for that and she fits it to a tee!!

    • Love 1
  11. Lordy Lordy lord.... We've got an Aussie Housewives Dinner from Hell!

    I don't like Pettifleur (except I have to admit I admired her compassion for the impoverished children in Manila) but how rude was Gina? To openly mock someone while they are sitting next to you? Outrageous.

    And... My love of Chykka continues! The fun she had with the strippers!!! So much fun to watch.

    Why haven't we been told why Gamble has such a flat toned voice before?! Those rascally editing monkeys. Make sure we judge her then *bam* now feel guilty for being judgy.

    Edited for spelling because I had switched the bitch's e and u.

    • Love 1
  12. Because we can never laugh at this enough.... Let's enjoy NeNe's Fright Night wig some more:


    Edit: aren't wigs supposed to look like real hair?

    Two comparisons trending on the Internet:



    This Bride of Frankenstein wig looks more real than NeNe's atrocity!!!

  13. When Kandi met up with Phaedra at her office and she started to complain about her and Todd's sex life (lack of), Phaedra shut her down FAST! As in, don't talk about this on camera!!

    The therapist? He had no skills for managing such a large group session. He didn't set any 'rules' for the session. He didn't go around the group for a brief 'what would you like to achieve from this session?' kind of break the ice, set up a positive vibe type question. He allowed strong willed, emotional, and immature people to take over any structure the therapy session should have followed. He bombed. No wonder production chose him.

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