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Cool Breeze

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Everything posted by Cool Breeze

  1. I may be mistaken but feels like one character (Steffy?), when learning Zende was aware of Eric's impending death, exclaimed "Now everyone knows?!" So, Hope, Carter, Katie are ok but Eric's actual grandson is one too many?! Nevermind that Thorne doesn't know either. Jeez.
  2. OGs may recall cancer-stricken Caroline the First told only a few people she was sick (not even her own father), had a “farewell” party, went to the guest house and promptly died. Looks like there’s just recycling scripts again.
  3. It would be interesting storytelling if Li was an unapologetic bitch to her sister and her niece, making other characters and the audience sympathetic to them, AND Poppy was the opportunistic sexual mercenary Li claims she is. So, of course, nothing like that will happen. Also, RJ says Zende is out to get him? Didn't Zende just start his beef with Ridge and RJ yesterday? RJ is either paranoid or clairvoyant.
  4. I hate to beat a dead horse but the RJ/Luna "relationship", with its instant familiarity and ease (qualities that take months to develop) is just not true to life in any way. These are people barely into their twenties and they behave the way their hormonally-challenged parents would. At their age, they should be all over each other all the time. But there's no physical desire, no spark, no lust, nothing. I call shenanigans.
  5. I like this too. Hope is just having a good time. Enjoying a very sexually-charged physical relationship with Thomas without the prerequisite "feelings" that usually accompanies sex on this show. This show where people literally turn on a dime and get married, e.g., Hope marrying immediately Wyatt because Liam showed up five minutes late. On the other hand, I know a guy who has been involved with a woman for years, they live together, etc., but he is not in love with her and has told her that multiple times. And she's accepted that. That and the fact that he dates other women. He is very upfront and honest about his feelings (or lack thereof). And of course this woman has her own agency and is responsible for her own happiness and all that but, at a certain point, if you're this guy, or Hope, despite your transparency, you do become the asshole taking advantage of another person's feelings.
  6. Easy to forget because Ridge has always been the only child that mattered but, in addition to Thorne, Kristen and Felicia, Eric also has Bridget and Rick.
  7. Coincidentally, right before I watched this episode, I read an article about celebrities who aren't leaving their kids an inheritance. Most, including Marie Osmond, are giving their money to charity. She said she's helped her kids out over the years but was not going to give them her fortune, estimated by the writer to be $20M.
  8. Paul and Andy! Paul with his sweater sleeves rolled up and his stainless steel Zero-Halliburton briefcase. Blast from the past. I guess now Charlie's going to find love with Esther? The supposed "comic relief" for both shows need to unite and vacate. Please.
  9. Caroline I's illness was named in real time, long before Karen arrived. I don't believe they got specific as to the type of cancer but it certainly was cancer as, before she became a World Renowned Psychiatrist, Taylor was introduced as Caroline's oncologist.
  10. Hilarious watching RJ try to flex with Li, all puffed up: "This is Forrester Creations. I'm a Forrester. This is my family's company. We decide who works here." Loved Li's unfazed reaction: "Hush up, little boy. This is family business."
  11. I don't think the identity of the doctor with whom Li's sister had an affair will prove relevant. But Li's mean-spirited treatment of a young girl, her niece, because Li feels history may repeat itself and Luna may have an affair (even though neither is married) with a Forrester? And that it may reflect poorly on Li? Horrendous. I've always thought Li was lacking in the warmth that makes Brooke and even NuTay attractive and was, therefore, not at all a good fit for $Bill. But my conclusion was that she was a bit cold. The way she's treated Luna reveals she's just plain mean.
  12. Luna is weird. She was looking at RJ the way Donna was looking at Eric - (not the $) - with admiration and pride. Now this makes sense for Donna given her extended history with Eric. But for Luna, who has just met RJ, and is in her very early twenties, that look felt premature, unearned and just wrong. I've been that young and, in my experience, when people that young like someone, especially someone they just met, the predominant feeling for a good while is lust. Sexual desire. I've always felt that was a weird choice for characters like Liam who, for example, would wax on and on about Hope's "goodness" even when they were much younger. Where was the desire? The lust? Absent.
  13. Man, Steffy is just surrounded by crap dads. First, Finn turns his back on Kelly and she almost drowns. Then we learn Ridge took all three toddler kids to Greece (likely as the sole parent given Taylor’s frequent dirtnaps), rented a house, on a cliff, and Steffy, thinking she could fly, jumped. And broke her arm. Excellent parenting, guys.
  14. I hate when characters dislike another character without motivation of their own but simply because it's in the script . Why was Carter so aggro to Deacon? Because his bff Ridge was being a dickhead? That doesn't track. Deacon's done nothing to Carter and, while Carter may have heard of all of Deacon's past misdeeds, his scowling and brusque demeanor were not earned at all. Lazy writing and acting.
  15. I think it was during the courtroom (judge’s chambers) scenes when Finn was dressing down Liam, I thought how much he reminded me of a young RM’s Ridge. He was wearing a suit like a grownup, chiseled good looks, wooden acting ability and an air of superiority. TPTB should really have leaned into that characterization of Finn. Alternatively, since they are invariably going to turn Finn into a dark grey character, make him more like Damian Grimaldi on ATWT, a true spoiler for Steam, who is not above being duplicitous to get what he wants, but also has a pretty close to 50/50 fanbase with the “white hat” Liam.
  16. Loved that Li read Finn for filth. It's the kind of frank talk that only a mother would give her son. She was incredulous that her kid could be so stupid*. But. After Steffy left him and now that his mother is supremely disappointed with him? I fear this dolt will have no alternative but to turn to the only person on his side. The bio-mom who outstayed her welcome decades ago but still sucks all the oxygen from the show - Sheila. (*But it's the lack of warmth she displayed here, a quality that is evident in almost all of her scenes, that makes me think she's not a great romantic prospect.)
  17. Brooke said Thomas should have sent Hope home?! On what planet is that even remotely realistic? Thomas may be “doing the work”, whatever that means, but he’s also a red-blooded young man who’s wanted to be with this woman since always. The idea that he’d turn her away when she expresses desire for him? And then, she makes the first move(s)? Come on.
  18. Liam and Hope together are boring because they’re both goody-goodies (with flaws - Liam can’t help himself from falling into vaginas other than his wife’s and Hope has her head buried firmly up her own ass believing she’s always right despite mountains of evidence to the contrary), and they are frequently just passengers in their own lives. They don’t really drive stories. They always have things just happen to them. But here, Hope has made an actual affirmative decision to be with Thomas. Gotta say I appreciate this much-needed added dimension to her character.
  19. If they lazily retcon Hope's behavior as some chemically-/hypnotically-/bullshittingly-induced nonsense, I'm going to be pissed. That would be some of the weakest sauce this show has ever produced. But it'd be just like TPTB to ruin some of the hotter chemistry (almost Carter-Quinn levels) for . . . reasons.
  20. Didn’t KM’s Hope cheat on Oliver with Liam? There was no sex involved, of course, but it feels like that was the debut of her resolute, “I-know-what-I’m-doing” attitude. She claimed to just be helping her new friend Liam find his father but Oliver knew she was getting too close to Liam all while Hope maintained her position that she and Liam were “just friends”. Until they weren’t.
  21. That's one of the things that really bugs about HFTF. In addition to its supremely vague "message". People who design lines for the Kardashians or Jessica Simpson are unknowns. Under those circumstances, sure, genuflecting to the person whose name is on the line is appropriate. Thanking them for "inviting" them to a preview? Yeah. She's your boss. You wouldn't have a job without her. But Thomas (as Hope has rightly pointed out recently) is a Forrester. His name is on the building. He is the scion of one of the premier fashion houses in the world. There is no way, ever, that he would not go to a preview. And he wouldn't have to be invited by the socialite whose name adorns the line. If Jennifer Lopez had a line at Ralph Lauren's company with her name on it designed by Ralph Lauren's son or grandson? He'd be at every event, without a doubt. The whole endeavor would be seen as a joint effort between the "muse" and the designer. This dumb show.
  22. Exactly. Thomas has done horrible, unforgiveable things. With moments of "change" between them to fool people into thinking there'd been a shift in his behavior. And that's why Liam is exactly right in not trusting Hope. Each and every time Thomas has changed, Hope has fallen for it. And hard. I don't think there's a character who has her head more up her own ass than Hope. She is always beyond certain that she knows what's right and will die on every hill. She whines that Liam doesn't trust her? He shouldn't. Because her judgement absolutely sucks. Wes Gordon is a trained designer though. Eventually people like that become Creative Directors but they have a background in design. Hope is a "socialite" with her name on a line. Like Jessica Simpson or Kim Kardashian. She "approves" the items but has no design skill or training. Thomas is the creative force.
  23. I've watched this show from the beginning and Brooke has never (almost never?) been the malicious, conniving type. She has, however, been reckless, selfish and self-absorbed. She never means to hurt anyone but she sure does hurt them nevertheless. It's like intentionally running someone over versus accidentally hitting them. Makes no difference to the corpse in the middle of the road.
  24. Two things: 1. Thomas and Hope were married once, right? If we're supposed to believe that Hope is a socialite/icon for millions, her marriage(s) would be big news. Wouldn't the fact that she's working with her ex-husband be a point of interest for the press? Not to mention the fact that she's been married to both Spencer brothers. Several times. Just looking at it from a public standpoint, she's been married, what, four, five times before she turned 30? This show selectively defines "scandal". 2. TK's Ridge is pushy and violent like his mom. RM's Ridge was calm, cool and collected like his dad.
  25. Did they ever actually say Jack was a doctor, though? I know he and Sheila had at least one rendezvous at the hospital but all I remember is the talk of Li being a doctor and it was her footsteps Finn wanted to follow.
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