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Posts posted by llongori

  1. I was hoping this zombie thing might actually be something.  I could see letting them back in but they cannot talk to anyone "alive" in the game, only to each other when no one else is around.  Considering they both love to hear themselves talk (and we don't), that would be a good punishment for being evicted.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

    And Greta and Catherine, perhaps the real question you should ask yourselves about a potential new baby is whether you are prepared to be in your 60s with a teenager living in your home?  Those are tough times for 30/40-something parents.  I can't imagine going through that in my 60s. 


    Katherine, Katherine...  Greta's hesitancy to have a child because of her mental issues is too valid to brush off with "but you'll be there to help them through it."  It was a huge reason why I chose to remain childless.  Depression and addiction run down both sides of my family.  I've lived with the misery of both and there was NO WAY I was even going to chance passing that misery on to a child.  I don't believe suffering through misery with support is so much better than suffering without support that it's worth risking with a child.  Strictly my $.02.  YMMV.

    And I echo the sentiment that the show was horribly depressing.  The physical transformation of Gary was so jarring that I didn't even recognize it was him when they first showed him at Javier's party.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    ... so maybe I just don't get it, but estranging yourself from your (apparently) only family because your brother allows his son to choose how he wants to present himself to the world seems like a tad of an overreaction. 

    I get the Tia Inez situation.  I'm not of Mexican descent, but my husband is.  His family has strong connections to their Mexican heritage.  I got the best mother-in-law anyone could ask for.   She treated me like a cherished family member from the get-go, so I have no complaints about how I was treated.  But her birth family is in constant turmoil over the seemingly smallest things--as well as some big ones.  She had six siblings and lots of nieces and nephews.  You need a score card to keep up with who isn't speaking to whom at any given time.  And hold a grudge?  She has siblings who haven't spoken to each other in decades.  Laws, I've never seen the like within a family.  ex:  For 30 years, mom harbored a simmering rage for a sister-in-law who referred to one of mom's grandkids as a bastard--the born out of wedlock kind (which he was).  So I understand that this kind of estrangement happens, but I don't really understand the depth of emotions that causes it.

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  4. Before too many abandon the board for the year, thank you to all who are masochistic enough to watch the feeds and tell us what's happening so the rest of us don't have to watch.  And thanks to those who commented throughout the season.  I'll see many of you on the Survivor and Amazing Race pages.  Out of habit, I will continue to check here for a week or so, but I want to express my gratitude while there are still some folks around.  Peace to all!

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  5. Looks like Michael is the only one who has watched Survivor and knows that this comp is as much about rope management as agility.

    ETA a couple of them figured it out...

  6. 34 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    I can't take this Mr. Banks slander. He wasn't perfect but by God, at least he flew a kite in the end.

    Mary Poppins was my movie as a kid. It was the whole reason I had my own TV and VCR at four years old (that and relatives with money that showed up at Christmas). I think my poor mother still twitches when she hears Julie Andrews. I would literally rewind the tape as soon as it ended and play it again over and over. (VCRs and VHSs are old people things, Kyle. You wouldn't understand.)

    I'll see your VCR and raise it a record player.  We had an LP soundtrack of Mary Poppins that I played over and over on the record player I had stolen away to my room.  (I saw the movie in the theater on its initial release.)

    VCR? old people things? I throw my head back and laugh at the absurdity.

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  7. Just now, Lady Whistleup said:

    Wow Turner is a sneaky one.

    Turner is playing the Sandra Diaz (from Survivor) game.  ANYONE but me.  He will say whatever keeps him in the better position.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    LOL, I agree with you on the SHOULD, but that doesn't mean there aren't examples of them doing just that in the past.

    Doesn't Jeff's couty taw fit into this category?  And Paul's friendship bracelets?

  9. OK, pardon my rambling.  Someone who knows the "rules" of this twist, please tell me if I'm way off base.  The house was split.  Each group nominated two for eviction.  One from each group will be going home.  I'm clear up to this point.  Now for the way off base part.  Did TIIC say that each group will be solely voting for the nominees from their group?  What if the entire house will be voting on each pair of nominees?  Even if they voted without being able to communicate beforehand, this could be a way to save Joseph.  And it would be quite the shock to the hamsters when they've been assuming they only have to worry about their own group.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

    I'm imagining Julie saying, "With a vote of two to one, KYLE you have been eliminated." Kyle will be stunned, the his face will melt into a giant pout, then he and Alyssa will share a final hug and kiss before he marches off to the guillotine, whoops, jury house.

    They could duck into the storage room for a quickie.  That would only take 5 seconds.  No one would even miss them.

    • LOL 10
  11. 1 hour ago, Thalia said:

    This takes me back.  I'm also old enough to have used a baby oil and iodine mixture when I was trying to get a suntan.  Thank God I was too lazy (and too busy watching soaps) to spend much time outside in the summer.  

    Consider yourself lucky to have not spent too much time in the sun.  I got all the lily-whiteness in my family.  Both brothers tanned easily while I burned.  But I persisted... sigh... thinking eventually I'd get a tan.  Nope.  My 60+YO thinning skin now tans easily but I'm covered with liver spots (wisdom spots according to my dermatologist, yeah right) and all kinds of scaly patches.  I wish I'd been too lazy/busy...  Oh, and Sun In never worked on my dark brown hair.

    Re BB, I'm anxious to see how this new twist will mess up the plans of everyone  😁

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  12. 2 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

    Im 45. Mine was when I was 36 and my 16 year old employee told me I was older than her mom. Oh, and the young guys (18. 19, 20) we're hiring at my current job who can't read write cursive since they were never taught it in school. 

    When I was 45, I had a 16-YO student tell me I was older than his grandmother.  WT????  

    And yeah, I had to stop writing in cursive on my chalkboards in 2003 when a 16 YO student told me she couldn't read cursive.  Come to find out many of them couldn't read it either but were afraid to speak up.  :(

    • Mind Blown 4
  13. 22 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

    Eww to all her posts. A helicopter parent to the extreme. No wonder this 29-year old is such a man-child. He may have left the church, now he needs to leave the house.


    Some folks get so far into the "sharing their lives" aspect of social media that they lose sight of what's appropriate.  A horrified emoji would have been a sufficient comment.  No further words needed.  image.thumb.png.92391990bf1e0f984ff509ae8906070f.pnghttps://hotsigns.net/Screaming-Emoji-75-Decal_p_120.html

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  14. 38 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    Re promo codes:

    There are usually several floating around, if you do a Google search. You may have to try a few before you find one that hits.

    Here's one to try.  You'll have to get a new email address to sign up as a new user.  I have dozens of gmail accounts from signing up for various services.

    Paramount Plus, is currently running a promotion for new users - just enter the code SOUTHPARK to get a free 30-day trial. If you've been waiting to sign up to the streaming service now could be the time, but this promotion is ending (my edit:)TODAY or maybe yesterday, so you'll just need to check it out.

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