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Posts posted by llongori

  1. 56 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

    When it comes to BB clips that I like to watch I tend to watch the Regan/Rachel fight, the Jenga fight, the season 10 Birthday fight, the Jerry poop hands fight from season three, and It's On segment talking about Monica from season two.  

    But to me none of those beats season two of Big Brother Canada when Ika, who knew she was going home, was given the option of either taking $5000 and shredding the other houseguest's letter from home or giving the houseguests their letter from home and not taking the money.  Obviously she chose the money and the reactions of the houseguest were great.

    My faves are the Victor/Baldwin clips and Casey's "Man in a Banana Suit."




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  2. 5 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

    Bajillion Youtube Views Girl--thanks for reminding me to come onto the forum. Where else am I going to find other people who yell "HMV!!!" at the screen when you dance?

    [snark]  See, this forum has ruined the show for me.  I've been watching since season 2, but not following this forum for that long.  Now every time I see one of those moves, that's the first thing I think.  Y'all are just a bad influence. [/snark]  LOL

    • Love 4
  3. 11 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

    I'm still trying to figure out who Michael reminds me of.


    I think he looks like Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) in Guardians of the Galaxy.


    LordBowen beat me to this observation.  I should have read through the thread before commenting.

    • Love 2
  4. I don't know why I let ABC lure me into watching another sci fi series.  They have a bad track record.  Fast Forward (1 season, still angry about this one)  Resurrection (2 seasons)  Time After Time (1 season)  They start a new series and then abandon it, leaving a ton of unanswered questions.  They did manage a long run with Lost, but left many unanswered questions.  <-- I know, that one was the directors/producers/writers, not the network.

    I'm going to give it a chance.  I just don't have faith they will let the series run its course.

    • Love 4
  5. I like how meek Howard was supposed to be imprisoned after the switch but is finding more freedom than he seemed to have in his old life.  Meanwhile dick Howard is being trapped in meek Howard's life.  I also like how meek Howard seems to be developing a friendship with Emily.  Like some of you, the intrigue (ooh) is leaving me cold.  But I'm loving watching these two characters interacting with those around them and seeing how their lives are so different.

    • Love 7
  6. 12 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    The straps really did ruin it, which is odd because when they showed the models it was strapless.  As captured by our intrepid recapper:


    All of those dresses were hideous.  I was waiting for them to bring out the next batch, because, yuk.

    • Love 6
  7. 14 hours ago, babs1226 said:

    I read on another forum that Amy left the show, the show didn't leave Amy.  It was confusing, and shocking and sad.  I will miss Linda.  I have loved Amy Carlson since Third Watch.

    I've been watching her since the 1990's on Another World where she played Josie Watts.  It's hard to fathom that I've been watching this actress for nigh on to 25 years.  And she's rocked every role I've seen her play.  RIP Linda.  You were the heart of the show.

    • Love 6
  8. 2 hours ago, Mystery said:

    My DVR says 1:37 am, just in case that makes a difference (so you don't miss the end!) I'm leaving time on either side, just in case, since this is one episode I'll actually watch, to see the jury segment

    I'm in the same boat.  I had set the DVR to record, but I thought I'd adjust to make sure I got it all in case it started early.  IT'S GONE from the schedule--been replaced with paid programming.  Well I guess I won't be watching it at all.   What a bunch of doody heads!!

  9. On 8/19/2017 at 2:07 PM, raven said:

    Because it would raise too many questions, or something.  This trend of no one telling anyone anything is annoying, though there were a lot of funny bits with Mitch and Max.  I predict Max to sacrifice himself to save Mitch, though I hope not, because they're entertaining together.   Max doesn't need to be around permanently but he can pop up every now an then.

    LOL, I thought the exact same thing!  But that's not important right now. 

    The actress playing Abigail is def twirling her metaphorical mustache but damn she gets tiring.  On and on and on.  Why is it always Daddy issues?  Shut up, Abigail.

    I also liked the plane flying in a circle when it was on low battery in safe mode. Safe Mode!  LOL.  Also when Max went to plug in the gizmo to zap Mitch's brain (and shouldn't Mitch have a bald spot from brain surgery - oh, never mind) he easily opens a giant electrical panel with a very prominent "Danger High Voltage" sign and just plugs his gizmo in.  As one does.

    I like Abe being serious scientist and trying to get the spinal fluid and all.  

    Fun episode.

    I hate to pick nits, but squid/octopus are invertebrates.   They would not have a spine to get spinal fluid from.  I didn't get a good enough look to see if this hybrid was formed in a way to have a spine.  And didn't Abe stab the needle in a tentacle anyway?

    But the rest of the show was completely believable.  /snark

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    The fight to Mark was about the chess game where Mark/Jason talked about getting Paul out. Jason denied agreeing to anything, Paul called Mark out, Mark decided that he didn't want to answer because he did talk about it, Christmas got condescending, and Josh tried to interrupt and Paul shut him up.

    I just went back and rewatched that segment to be sure of what I heard.  It sounded like half the house yelled at Josh.  It was not just Paul.  LOL

  11. 19 hours ago, GeminiDancer said:

    I thought the AT was horrible, and as I'm going deeper and deeper in AT world, I realize why I'm no longer a fan of the routines. It's because I don't find that the male partner to be believable as a leader (except Pasha, of course), and this was painfully obvious with Lex. The first Americana walk, his feet are slightly behind hers in timing. She's doing the ochos and ganchos by herself when he should be *telling* her to do the movements. The gancho sequence towards the end was cringe worthy: I don't mind open embrace, but there was a canyon between them. With the way they were so far apart, there's no way they could feel for the back of the knee and make the actual hooks.

    I agree with everything you said here.  In addition, I saw no connection between them.  As I watched I felt Lex was looking "toward" Gabby but not "at" Gabby.

  12. 3 minutes ago, TimWil said:

    It FINALLY dawned on me who Mark reminded me of-a child named Paul who was in the UK TV documentary film  7 Up which ended up being a series shot every 7 years. It was probably the first ever reality show. Anyway this kid makes me think that's what Mark might have looked like-sad and lost.



    Wow, someone else knows about this series!  I've been trying to follow it for years.  I think they're up to 56 now.  It is kinda reminiscent of of Mark, thoughtful but confused.

    • Love 3
  13. Sorry for the crudeness, but this is too funny. Watching BBAD (about 11:10 BBtime), Paul is so stoked that he has "figured out" Jessica's hex. He says if he's right, he'll suck his own ***** dick. Unfortunately, he's wrong. Looks like we dodged a really big bullet on this one. LOL

    • Love 15
  14. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    You think they would, but if they didn't do anything yesterday when the coffee was initially switched, then they probably won't do it now. I'd love for Paul and whoever else was involved to be told not to do that anymore, though. I think it was Matt and Raven with him.

    It was Jason for sure in the store room with Paul, not Matt.   I'm not sure if Alex or Raven helped.

  15. 1 hour ago, wings707 said:

    Yes, often my age makes my use of the word acceptable and or cute.  Young people think older women don't swear or do many things we do, like act normally, for fuck sake!  And I don't even look like an old lady!   I look 'mature' in my jeans and flip flops.  Harrumph.  

    I know older women cuss, but it's still a bit jarring to hear my 87-year-old mother let the F word fly. That woman could make a truck driver blush LOL.

    • Love 1
  16. 13 hours ago, simplyme said:

     (Whoever said he [Brad] looked like their history teacher, I said math teacher, but yeah. He was channeling a high school teacher there.)

    I was thinking slimy used car salesman but YMMV.  (No offense intended to non-slimy used car salesmen.)  But his look did have a 70's vibe to it.

    • Love 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    Pandora's Box, please! Paulie opens it, is locked away for a few hours with Mr. Pectacular and the team bullshit ends. 

    Just one damned Pandora's Box when we want one. That's all I ask.

    No, no...  Locked in Pandora's box with...  

    wait for it...  


    He is so Vanessa obsessed and paranoid, it would be pure hell for him.  Unlike Tiff, Vanessa LOVES to talk and talk and talk.

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