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Posts posted by Hiyo

  1. Quote

    Rinna's credibility is inconsequential in this instance because Kathy denied nothing Rinna said to her face, denied nothing Rinna said in confessionals, didn't deny Rinna's leaked texts about the slurs yet Kathy has been very active on social media retweeting several negative things about Rinna.  Kathy apologized multiple times in front of Rinna and made excuses for herself.

    Did Kathy admit to using the slurs? She admitted she had a meltdown and said some nasty things but we so far have no verification that it was as bad as Lisa painted the situation. Also no verification that Kathy used the slurs.

    That's why Lisa's credibility is in question, because who knows from her THs how much she embellished and exaggerated things.


    I think people hate Rinna so much and fell in love with Kathy's "Rose Nylund" act that they don't want to even entertain the possibility that she's a homophobic racist despite the strong circumstantial evidence.  People bury their heads in the sand. 

    Nope, not that at all.


    It's easier to just go with "Rinna doesn't have credibility (despite the fact that no one on the show has ever accused her of putting words in their mouths) and has behaved badly, so let's just focus on that".

    It's easier because it's a fact. Screaming at people, exaggerating people being on death's door while accusing other people of being enablers and then forgetting she said it even though it was caught on camera, lunging for someone neck then smashing a glass on wine on the table, trying to deflect attention from another friends potential links to scamming widows, orphans, and burn victims from financial compensation that it rightfully owed to them, being selective in calling out some people and not others for using the c-word...

    Rinna doesn't need to put words in other people's mouths, there is enough of a shit bile coming out of her own.

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  2. Quote

    Rinna's bad behavior doesn't cancel out Kathy's. 

    It doesn't cancel it out, nor is it a deflection.

    It just points to Lisa's credibility as a reliable source on what went down. Frankly at this point if Lisa said the water was wet I'd have to hire half a dozen scientists just to verify what she is saying.

    Also, bad behavior goes both ways. Whatever Kathy did doesn't cancel out Rinna, Ericka, or Diana's behavior. And whatever Kathy did, at least she wasn't in something involving swindling widows, orphans, and burn victims.

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  3. She was nominated for the Primetime Emmy award 12 times in a row for Murder, She Wrote, without winning. Both are records (most nomination in general, and most nominations without a win). She also has the record for the most Golden Globe nominations (10 overall) and wins (4) for Best Actress in a television drama series. Pretty impressive.

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  4. Split the difference? An underfunded shithole with good teachers and good potential for learning via work experience? 

    Also, I always felt the ER was the one area that seemed to have funding issues. The surgery department seemed to be doing really well.

  5. “I think a better conclusion would have been Carter coming back as ER Chief (without the kidney woobies) to show that our characters will continue to fight the noble fight, then have a med student character that he connects to symbolise the future of the department.”

    That could have worked somewhat with Carter and Rachel, and would have been a better full circle moment, given how Mark looked out for and mentored Carter (if not more, then just as much as Benton did).

    With that said, I really liked the finale, one of TV’s better ones.

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  6. Rewatching the show, and I definitely have to say the first half of the show was better than the second half (though the second half was still watchable in a good and dumb fun way, even if we got characters that overstayed their wlecome, like Enzo and Kai…also, Klaus as well, even if he was on during the show’s better years).

    If I had to rank each season, from best to worst, it would be:




    4/5 (both still good but also flawed)



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  7. Thats true though for much of pop culture (see Donna Martin graduates! as another example).

    Also, it’s also possible Ferris could have matured and grown up as he got older. It happens.

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