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Posts posted by blugirlami21

  1. On 1/26/2019 at 4:21 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    N'Jobu, aka Kilmonger's dad in Black Panther.

    Wait, let me finish.

    For as much blame as T'Challah's dad gets for orphaning his nephew and leaving him behind to preserve Wakanda's secrecy, let's not forget that N'Jobu could have taken his son back to Wakanda any time he wanted to. He admits as much in the ghost dream sequence. But he didn't. Instead, he sold out his homeland to a terrorist and resorted to miliantism (even if he was trying to bust Kilmonger's mom out of jail as the screenwriters said in an interview). So even though he loved his son, he wound up screwing him over just as much as his brother did.

    And Black Manta's dad in Aquaman raised his son to be a terrorist/pirate/murder. Arthur summed it up beautifully: "That's your son?! Shame on you."

    I agree.  I thought the same when I watched the movie.  I do think T'Chaka was dead wrong for just leaving Erik there but I also think that it was totally a situation of his father's making.

    • Love 5
  2. On 2/15/2019 at 5:02 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Eobard can be a charismatic guy when he wants to. Also, apparently neither Iris nor the Flash Museum nor the public record revealed to Nora that Eobard murdered her grandmother and framed her grandfather. Also, it's been implied that Eobard was the one who revealed to Nora that she'd been chipped to turn off her speed and taught her how to use it. So she could have been more inclined to trust him than she otherwise would be.

    I think Nora could have definitely used that as an excuse when she first got to the past but she's knows better know. Barry himself has told her that Eobard killed her grandma and Cisco just told her that Eobard "killed"  him as well. She's also aware that Eobard has lied to her about what he's really done. It just doesn't make any sense for her to trust him in any way unless she's using him but I just don't think Nora is clever enough to pull that off.

    • Love 3
  3. I thought the episode was ok.  I fast forwarded a lot through Nora's side plot cause she's an idiot.  Every time she goes crying to Reverse Flash for help I just want to smack her.  He's a known killer and manipulator.  Even he readily admits that if Barry found out he was "helping" Nora that Barry would be the first one to put a hand through his chest.  What does that tell you Nora?  He's not to be trusted and the longer you go along with his plan the deeper you dig your hole.  And you're parents are going to find out about it.  You're not that smart and you do stupid things all the time.

    I actually don't mind Sherloque.  At least he is smart enough not to trust everything that comes out of Nora's mouth.  I'm hoping that while he was successfully temporarily diverted by meeting his otl Renee on this earth that he gets back to trying to figure out what Nora is up to.  Although I'm baffled by the fact that he couldn't figure out who Nora was working with based on who protected her in her mind last week.  Also why haven't Barry and Iris questioned her about that?  Why hasn't anyone questioned anything this season?  

    I don't know what happened with the Flash this season in the writing room but the writing is bad.  Character interaction is terrible.  The plot lines are not that great.  Cisco is just completely wasted this season.  The writing for him is either nonexistent or ooc.  He would never be so gung ho about a meta cure let alone using it on someone against their will.  Was there even an explanation for his absence this episode?  I don't feel that Barry and he are close friends at all.  I don't necessarily feel that any of them are great friends tbh.  Their interactions with each other are so shallow.  

    Same thing with Barry and Iris and I can't blame the actors if the writing isn't there to support it.  The Flash has never been great with love scenes.  Ever.  No one is getting any love scenes not just Barry and Iris.  Its a problem but its not one that they necessarily care to fix.  This is season five.  I really wish that they would bring in either a new showrunner or new writing staff cause it just gets worse and worse.

    The Cicada stuff is neither here nor there imo.  He's just not an interesting enough villain to be concerned about.  The team has had so many chances to defeat him and most of the time they either just stand there or let him go.  Why did it take them so long to find out where he lived?  Barry works at a police station.  They have the smartest computers known to man at star labs.  They know what he looks like, what hospital his niece is in a coma in.  They even know his first name and its super unusual one so finding him couldn't nearly have been the hardship that they have made it.  

    I used to love The Flash and its still the number one show on the CW but I don't know if that's really saying much, almost half the viewership is gone.  I just want it to be as good as it used to be and I feel like we get further and further away from that with every episode.

    • Love 3
  4. I should be surprised that Nora once again making the future worse made her double down on her lie but that would be silly at this point. The Nora character/story line is a hot mess.  Which is sad because it had such promise. Her returning to the future was story enough. If she had come back to the future to try and save Barry from disappearing that would have been story enough. But they had to make her a liar. They had to make her turn out to be working with the one villain who basically ruined Barry's life. And they had to make her so bad at it.

    She's so poorly written for a character of her age. She's too immature and quite frankly too stupid to be believed ninety nine percent of the time.  How does she know nothing about who the Reverse Flash is and what he did to Barry? It's not exactly a state secret. I just wish her backstory was better. For all intents and purposes, she had a great Mom, great grandparents, a nice upbringing. Iris was overprotective but lots of parents are. And in the world they live in, missing superhero father or not, who could blame her? Her being so angry because Barry was missing doesnt track for me.

    This was a pretty good plan and she managed to screw that up as well. Grace seems even more unhinged than Cicada at this point and that's completely Nora's doing. 

    I too don't understand where this meta human cure storyline came from for Cisco. Why were he and Caitlin both doing the same thing separately? And why would Cisco have such a hard on for it? He loves having powers or he used to. He's so low energy and angry this season. He made me feel bad for Ralph of all people. 

    I did enjoy the family stuff and them hanging out outside of star labs is always nice. I do agree that Barry and Iris could use a little more pda but this show has never been great at that with any couple really. 

    • Love 4
  5. On 12/24/2018 at 2:22 PM, luvthepros said:

    I'm probably in the minority here but I keep The Hallmark Channel on a continuous loop in the month of December. Some of those movies I've "seen" countless times. I don't actually sit down and watch them after the first or second time but they are on in the house when I'm home (much to my husband's dismay. He stays clear of the living room TV in December). My favorites are "A Dream of Christmas" with Nicki Deloach and Andrew Walker and the other movie tied for the first place is "A Christmas Detour" with Candace Cameron Bure and Paul Greene.

    I'm not too fond of the movies Hallmark has put out for 2018 but a good one is "A Shoe Addict's Christmas". It is a take on "It's a Wonderful Life". The movie stars Candace Cameron Bure and Luke MacFarlane is her male lead. Jean Smart is the guardian angel and she is a real hoot in this movie.





    Am I the only one who doesn't understand the point of A Dream For Christmas?  I really liked the movie but I felt there wasn't enough conflict in her relationship to make her experience a what if you hadn't met your husband type of scenario.  In the end I felt like that angel was punishing her for no reason.  Sure she appreciated her husband a lot more afterwards but I felt she prob would have done that on her own.

  6. Annie never allowed her mother to be close to Peter as a baby so she was unable to have the demon possess him like she was able to with Charlie. 

    Annie admitted that she gave her Mother Charlie basically as a consolation prize because she felt guilty about that.

    I thought the movie up to the end was very scary and jarring and suspenseful. The ending with the cult just took the wind out of the sails. I'm also not sure what they could have done differently.

    • Love 1
  7. I was super excited to hear about this movie because I love the series. 

    I'm sad to say that I didnt really like it all that much. I hated that it started off with Danny's death. I dont think it added anything to the movie or Debbie's character. And it felt kind of petty to me.  I also thought that Debbie was a sad character. She felt kind of beaten down and joyless.  

    I never felt like they were having fun nor did I think it was particularly funny tbh. Everything felt so serious.

    I think it would have worked better as a standalone film rather than a continuation because the comparison to the other movies will always be there and unfortunately I found this one wanting.

    • Love 3
  8. Hmmm I liked Caitlin just fine as she was pre KF tbh.  I mean she didn't blow my hair back character wise but she's nice, she's a great bff for Cisco and I thought her relationship with Julian last season was very well done.  I thought that Caitlin with the ice powers and her learning and struggling to use them was the right choice for her character.  The Killer Frost storyline is a misstep that the show refuses to correct.  I feel like the more they dig their heels in with the split personality and the more they try to make KF seem like a misguided but really nice deep down villain the worse it is.  Killer Frost hasn't been written in a redeemable way. 

    I thought the comparison someone made earlier to Leonard to be spot on.  The writers obviously know how to write a lovable villain who can be redeemed and I don't know if it was Wentworth elevating the material compared to DP or what but they pulled that off.  I genuinely loved Leonard by the time he was written out of the show.  I can't say the same for Killer Frost.  I thought she was quite interesting as an anti-hero on earth 2, as that Caitlin Snow but trying to turn our Caitlin into Killer Frost doesn't work and it won't ever work because they are two totally different characters.  

    I didn't understand her attachment to the KF side of herself the way it was written.  If they had written KF as a darker side of Caitlin that she would eventually come to accept and temper I think that would have worked a lot better.  They had the KF perona go too far when she was bad for it to make sense for Caitlin to want her back so badly or for everyone to just be ok with it.  And she hasn't apologized for anything that KF did nor has Killer Frost. 

    Why didn't they just have earth 2 KF join the flash team?  Or not to be morbid but she could have killed Caitlin and took her place and in trying to impersonate her she became a better person, that would have been better than this mess of a storyline.  Like how does it even work?  Is Killer Frost just going to live in Caitlin's brain forever?  Do they alternate on what days she's KF?  Like how it is going to resolve itself for Caitlin's character?  Why can't she just be ice powers Caitlin?  Why does Cisco have to be nerfed and be reassured by Caitlin of all people that he's still Cisco powers or not but Caitlin has to both have powers and have an evil split personality?  It makes no sense.

    • Love 6
  9. This episode was nearly unwatchable for me. I don't care about Killer Frost. Not one whit. A whole episode about this stupid storyline was unbearable. It has never made any sense and I hate that they continue to treat KF like she's a dissociative personality. Either Caitlin is Killer Frost or she isn't. Why does having ice powers even mean that you are evil? Meta powers that have nothing to do with the mind have not turned anyone else evil. Why is Caitlin any different? I just dont understand why she just cant be Caitlin with ice powers and be done with it.

    I felt bad for Raelyn. Cicada seems more evil than our usual villains. He's on the same level as the thinker where he's killing innocent people who haven't really done anything wrong. I dont see how them gaining meta powers is any different than him gaining the power to nullify them. Its merely circumstance.  I just hate when the villain is a hypocrite. And his nurse/doctor friend isn't any better than he is.

    I do like that Nora has come around to Iris but the complete 180 did seem a little disingenuous.  

    God I hope we're done with Killer Frost for awhile cause I cant do another whole episode of it.

    • Love 7
  10. Great episode. I'm glad we are finally getting to the root of Nora's problems with Iris. They seem to be as shortsighted and biased as all of Nora's feelings for Iris seem to be. I'm super surprised and also not really surprised, considering her skill level, that Nora just found out she had super powers. That's quite the secret to keep.

    Do we know how old Nora is supposed to be? She has teenage angst about every situation. She was so disrespectful to Iris. She lucky Iris is trying to get on her good side cuz my mama would gave knocked me out.

    So Iris suppressed Nora's powers. I don't think it's that big a deal honestly.  There are many scenarios in which Iris could choose to make that choice and they are all reasonable ones. Maybe Barry asked her to do it to keep Nora safe from his enemies since he won't be around. Maybe Iris and Barry wanted Nora to have a normal life. Maybe she got her powers too young and she hurt someone and this was the best solution. It could be any number of scenarios.

    I find the fact that Nora is so very willing to automatically believe the worst of Iris far more troubling. She yelled at Iris for not knowing the reason behind it but Nora doesn't know either. She never asked.

    Great on Barry for standing up for Iris. Iris is a great mother and a great wife. I loved the family scenes we had and the Barry and Iris scenes we got. I hope that we can really see Nora appreciate Iris the way she should. It couldn't have been easy to raise Nora on her own. As the child of a single parent, Nora's disrespectful attitude rubs me the wrong way.

    I actually like Sherloque. At least he's being useful. I did miss Cisco, hopefully he will be back soon with a better storyline. 

    • Love 13
  11. I don't know if I would say that the stiffness between Grace and Ben was lack of chemistry or simply because Grace is being dishonest.  I feel like she has lied to Ben about just about everything about Danny and her relationship instead of simply being honest.  Ben is a little holier than thou sometimes but he would have understood her moving on after five years of him being missing/presumed dead.  I also wish she had been more honest for Olive's sake.  I get the feeling that Grace was checked out for most of the five years that Ben and Cal were gone and maybe Danny is the parental figure that Olive had to really bond with to get what she needed.  It is unfortunate for Ben that she also sees Danny as her Father but its not insurmountable if done the right way.  Olive should have never just been cut off from him like that.

    • Love 10
  12. I do like that we've now had a taste of what a few of you have been asking for in seeing what happened after the plane disappeared. I'm not sure it really changed how I felt about anything tbh.

    I did find it somewhat strange that Grace didnt seem that upset about Ben being missing just Cal. I can't help feeling that their marriage wasn't as awesome as everyone thought it was. Which sadly happens when there is a sick child involved.

    I still feel that Ben and Michaela's story lines are too similar. We dont need two stories of a spouse deciding to move on with their love lives after five years. I think it works better with Michaela and Jared because they were together for a far shorter time than Ben and Grace.

    I actually would have liked if they had told the story of Grace having moved on to a good relationship. I wish that she had been married to Danny. That story where Ben has to really find his place in his family's life would have been so much more interesting to me than the convoluted one we've been given.

    I still think Grace sucks. She barely batted an eyelash when Danny left. I do think that Danny is too good for her.  I just find her to be so selfish in all her motivations. Ben too. He's so self righteous all the time that its exhausting. Him and Grace seem exhausting to be around as a couple. Kind of glad we missed it.

    The dad's advice was pretty terrible but also kind of right. Sometimes you have to step on a few toes to fight for what you want. She should have told her friend the truth about her feelings. This secret pining for Jared while pretending she's moved on is going to blow up in her face.

    The stuff with Cal is whatever. The show honestly doesn't need the extra drama of him being the chosen one on top of everything else. I kind of don't even care why the plane disappeared. The intricacies of the relationships in the aftermath of it could have been interesting enough in the right hands. It's too bad that all it is is poorly written love triangles and mysterious voices.

    • Love 7
  13. I liked the episode.  I love that the secret lasted less than an episode since the Flash has a horrible track record with keeping secrets from Iris.  Its old and trite and I'm so glad that we are moving past it.  I was ok with them telling Iris about Barry disappearing in front of everyone because they are a family.  This is how most important future news is revealed.   Her being stoic about has very little to do with her being the strong black woman trope as it does with who Iris is as a character.  She is the type of person to bury her feelings and get on with it.  I definitely identify with the no sense in crying over spilled milk attitude.  Barry does enough of that for everyone.  Ymmv.  I think her true feelings about Barry disappearing will come out eventually.  They always do but hearing the news for the first time it is very in character for her to try to soldier through it.  I'm really happy that Iris has her own stuff to do.  Seeing her in action as a reporter was really great to see.  I also agree that it would be nice to see the characters have genuine relationships with each other.  We are five seasons in and they still feel very shallow to me.

    I do feel like this was a filler episode.  The stuff with Cisco, Ralph, and Caitlin was so heavy handed and boring.  I feel like there are so many other things that they could be doing.  Cisco is one of my favorite characters and I'm sad that he's being wasted on storylines like this.  Caitlin unfortunately never gets a good storyline and I have made my peace with that.  Her daddy issues however are already too boring to watch.  You're a grown woman Caitlin, if it turns out your father wants nothing to do with you, you've been fine for this long, you will continue to be fine when the truth is revealed.  I don't understand why she didn't just ask her mother about it in the first place.

    I do agree with everyone that Nora acts much younger than her age.  I'm not sure if that's just her go to demeanor around her Dad or really how she is in reality.  People tend to act differently when they are in awe of someone.  As Joe reminded Barry all she knows about Barry is how awesome he was.  Its hard to have perspective when that happens.  I do like Barry in the mentor role, I think he is very good at it but this is the third or forth time we've had a storyline about it and I can't help but feel that it was done better with Wally and Jesse.  The Ralph mentorship wasn't so great imo.  I would really like for her to interact with other members of the team.

    The stuff with Cecille I can take or leave honestly.  I still feel like I don't really care about her too much.  I'm happy to see that Joe kind of has his own little family again but its kind of just there for me.  

    I like Cicada so far.  I get the sense that his hesitation at the end came more from seeing Nora than her calling Barry Dad and her reaction to the name at the end of the episode spoke volumes.  I guess we will have to wait and see.

    • Love 2
  14. I really love this show.  I wish people would give this show just a fraction of the attention that they gave black panther.  Its so real and current and relevant to everything that is happening with black people today.  No character is too stupid to put clues together.  Stuff happens so quickly on this show that its just a joy to watch.  That fight with Karen and Syonide was bananas.  I read that Syonide is really dead.  I never found her terribly interesting so I'm not that sad to see her go.  Lady Eve was a much more interesting villain imo.  Tobias seemed real broken up about it, I wonder if Karen managed to survive her fall.  She seems super resilient and smart so I hope she sticks around.

    I have to say Lynn is still my least favorite.  She's often hypocritical when it comes to the kids and their abilities as well as what she is allowed to do and what Jefferson is allowed to do.  Her approach to the girls and their powers is too rigid and controlling and I'm kind of glad she got blasted by Jennifer for being pushy.  It'll be interesting to see her work with the pod people and have to deal with basically lying to the government.  Might humble her a bit.

    I kind of both love and hate that Jennifer's transition into a meta is not easy.  Its not always fun.  Its hard and its dangerous and its confusing and sometimes very isolating.  I think her powers are the most fascinating and I am excited to see them manifest fully.  Watching her have to listen to Keesha talk badly about metas was hard to watch.  I forget where we left off with Khalil.  I was under the impression that he had fully joined Tobias at the end of season one.  

    Jefferson also has yet to realize that there are bigger things happening than getting Tobias.  And still kind of absurdly naive about what the cops and the government will do to help Freeland.  I think he was humbled quite a bit by Robert Townsend's character in the end.  I do wonder if this was all done so that Napier could take over Garfield High?  I'm sure we will find out next episode ;).  

    Anissa is Anissa at this point.  She's very much like my own sister in the sense that she doesn't always listen to advice and has to fall hard on her face before she can see reason.  Do I think Anissa is doing a great thing by stealing from the rich drug dealers to help the church?  Of course.  Do I think its going to absolutely blow up in her face?  Of course.  Wearing a new costume doesn't change that the fact that she was still using Thunder's powers.  People on this show know how to put two and two together.

    I felt so badly for that green light baby that came back to life.  His mother seemed unable to not say everything she said to him when he came back, I wonder if that is part of his abilities?  I wonder why he didn't try to stay with his sister?  She seemed to be on his side.  I was really expecting to see him get snatched up at the end.  I wonder if his character will be important later.

    I wish the writers on the other dc shows knew how to do tight storytelling like Black Lightning does.  What a breath of fresh air that would be.

  15. Hmmm. I liked the episode. Far better than a lot of what we had last season. 

    I actually like the new suit. Not sure what all the fuss was about. I wish Wallys actor wanted to stick around but I'm glad we got a little more time with Wally before he leaves.

    This Nora storyline reminds me of when Chris came to the past on Charmed. A lot of the same dynamics. I agree with tennisgurl about the reasons behind both Nora's hero worship of Barry and her cold shoulder to Iris.  Some kids resent the parent that stays.  Maybe Iris wasn't as present as she could have been or maybe she tried to keep Nora from being a speedster because she couldn't bear to lose her too. Maybe her being so much like Barry was painful instead of a comfort.  

    I honestly wish that it was opposite. I often feel that Iris gets the short end of the stick in general. Seeing Nora crush her enthusiasm to be close to her was hard to watch tbh. Especially when she gives it away to Barry so freely.

    Of course Barry doesn't tell Iris that he's still missing in the future. God forbid she be informed about something that affects her life. It would probably bring her some comfort to know the reason why Nora resents her so much but alas.

    Also how good can Nora be at being a speedster if she doesn't know how to do anything but run fast? Like there wasn't a single other speedster around to teach her stuff? Wally couldn't teach her? Jesse? At one point there was a new speedster in every episode.

    One more thing.  Shut up about Killer Frost, Caitlin.  Who cares? I don't know how this show managed to ruin such an interesting villainous character. Like they mangled it beyond recognition. None of makes any sense and I just don't care anymore. Move on show.

    • Love 10
  16. I liked it a lot. Reminds me of a smaller scale version of the old usa show the 4400.  People disappearing for years and suddenly reappearing changed. 

    I really hope that they dont all have the same power. It got old pretty quickly having both siblings hearing a voice.

    The sister is kind of a debbie downer but I thought her breakdown explained why she's entitled.  What a crappy best friend though. She should at least have the balls to show her face and stand by her choices.

    I'm kind of upset about the wife moving on but only because she's not being honest about it. Ben would understand that after five years that she would meet someone else. 

    It's unfortunate that both siblings are basically in the same romantic situation. Kind of makes for boring storytelling. One of the so's should have been able to stay true I would think, but alas.

    I'm excited for more. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

    • Love 14
  17. I hate this twist. Nothing against Michael or Brett Dier but Michael should have stayed dead.  I thought the show was bold for going through with killing off the love winner so to speak.

    They did such a wonderful job portraying Jane's grief and her heartache and finally moving on and letting new love into her life and this cheapens that. It's not great storytelling, it's cheap and lazy and this show is better than that.

    And it's not interesting. The love triangle never sheds a good light on any character, and ultimately I just feel bad for all of them. Rafael finally allowed himself to go for it and let himself be happy, Jane is finally all in with Rafael and her novel is coming together, and Michael has to be aware that Jane and Rafael are together and in love.  

    I just had to get that off my chest first.  Now to the rest of the episode

    I thought Rafael surprising Jane with that apartment was so great and getting everyones blessing to propose was so appropriate. He's come such a long way. I wish I had saved the episode. Rafael' s actions leading up to the reveal have a much deeper, sadder meaning now. Justin has been doing such a great job with the character of Rafael this season.

    Petra and JR are so sweet together, I love how vulnerable Petra is with her, how open she is. I'm glad the truth is out, I hope that it along with JR coming back to save Petra' s life will bring them closer together.

    I'm ambivalent on Alba and Jorge. I kind of wish that they had just had them get together normally.

    I'm glad I stuck it out with this show, the writing has been really amazing this season that I will try to trust that they won't ruin next season with the return of the triangle.

    • Love 15
  18. I thought this episode was so great. If you had told me in season one that Jane and Petra's relationship would be one of my favorites, I would have laughed in your face but it's absolutely true. I loved everything about their interactions on this episode. That I love you scene was so sweet and funny. Petra giving Jane that kiss on the forehead was comedy gold. 

    I'm also very happy about Jafael's I love you as well. It was very sweet and natural as it should be. I'm kind of glad that they dealt with the anniversary of Michael's death the way they did. It seemed pretty realistic tbh.

    Life goes on. When a loved one does, as much as you love them, you're probably not going to be sad forever. You will be happy again. You will find love again. I liked that she remembered and wrote about him. 

    So glad that Alba passed her test with flying colors. It's too bad about Jorge but I respect his rebuffing her, she broke his heart.

    I hate Petra's mom. The show is dramatic enough without her popping up every couple of months to try and ruin her daughter's life.

    • Love 5
  19. Hmmm, not sure about the Fitz and Daisy never being friends thing. He's always been very supportive of her especially when they found out she was inhuman and Simmons was not supportive at all. He also had a massive crush on her season one which a lot of people forget, I know I did lol. I wouldn't say they're bffs but they're friends imo anyway.

    I have to say I don't think Fitz is evil in general or for what he did to Daisy. Every one of them has gone off the rails at some point or another. Daisy kind of gets a pass from me for the HIVE thing. She was under his influence but she was still Daisy. And she came quite close to killing both Fitz and Mac when they tried to "rescue" her. 

    Fitz now reminds me of when Jemma was missing and he was willing to do whatever it took to get her back. That single mindedness has always been there, sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn't. His behavior in the framework just allowed that part of him to flourish without Jemma there to counteract it and now it can't be reburied.  

    Idk with everything that has happened and will happen in shield this just seems like an unpleasant bump in the road rather than something to angst about. Maybe Daisy will forgive Fitz and maybe she won't. There always seems to be one person who turns on the team every season and maybe I'm just unfazed by it at this point.

    • Love 1
  20. When the episode started in General Hale' s past I was sure I was going to hate it or find it boring but I loved it. I found it really fascinating what a different view of things can do for character perception. Hale was pretty badass imo and I found her placement in hydra horrifying. I think she's holding the idiot ball atm but I can see how she ended up here.

    The Talbot thing was a complete surprise. I found him so much more likeable here. I also love that he had such faith in Coulson to rescue him.

    I thought Coulson was great. Loved how he didn't fall for any games or tricks. I do think he could have acquitted himself a lot better with the been to the future thing.

    The jury is still out on Ruby. Not sure if she's obsessed with Daisy in a good or bad way.

    I may be alone in this but I agreed with everything Fitz and May said to Daisy in this episode.  None of them are perfect, all of them have done things that they regret and will regret I'm sure. I can appreciate her upset and sense of betrayal but as acting leader (Mac would be a better choice, but I digress) I need her to use every resource she has. Fitz if nothing else is a resource. Better him than Robin who she will be putting in harm's way.

    Fitz's reaction to learning Deke is his grandson was comedy gold. I'm not sure about the idea that it makes Gemma and Fitz invincible. Deke existing right now doesn't mean that something they do in the future won't change that. I also wish Yoyo would actually tell them what she saw and heard in the future.

    The writing for this show has been so great this season. I'm just bummed that it took so long to get here that it doesn't have the viewership it deserves.

    • Love 11
  21. Great episode. The Fitz reveal was completely surprising and really well done. I like that the writers used an existing problem to remind of us of an old one. Fitz has been through a lot mentally the last couple of seasons with very little time or opportunity to address anything. 

    His brain damage was never really fixed, the loss of Jenna, and the framework have all compounded to this outcome. 

    I actually just did a rewatch of the show and I kind of don't think Fitz has done anything worse than Daisy or any of them has in the past. An argument can be made that Fitz is not in his right mind, which imo he isn't, just like Daisy wasn't when she was under Hive' s control. She did lots of things that she wouldn't do normally and she was forgiven. 

    He didn't kill anybody and she needed her powers back to fix a major problem they were having. I also think she put them at a disadvantage by refusing to get inhibitor removed. 

    Some hard choices are going to be made and will keep being made until they can change the future. 

    The Deke thing is neither here nor there for me at this point. I like the character. Far more important things to be up in arms about. Ymmv.

    • Love 5
  22. Emotional episode. A sad Rogelio was almost too much for me as well. I'm not looking forward to this breast cancer storyline in any way. I kind of just want everyone to be relatively happy until the show ends. Cancer is somehow worse than death for me on this show. Go figure.

    Petra really was the mvp of this episode. Her willingness to help make Mateo believe in the tooth fairy again, reminding Alba that she's a part of the family and her cuteness with JR being the standout moments. She's grown so tremendously as a character. 

    Louisa continues to be as selfish as ever. I don't think I will ever like her. I get that her money ruined her life so she got rid of it but Rafael's money too? Mateo's money? How could she just destroy her brothers birth records like that?  I'm glad Rafael basically told her he hadn't been looking for her, she's one of the worst siblings I've seen on tv.

    I can't wait for the day that we don't ever have to see Rose again on this show.

    I know that Jane wanted Rafael to focus on finding his parents but not telling him about Xo at all didn't sit well with me. He's a part of the family as well and I know he would have wanted to be there for Jane and everyone else. 

    • Love 2
  23. I loved the episode. I feel like the show has been firing on all cylinders lately.

    Not sure how I feel about Dove Cameron's character or storyline. She's hit or miss as an actress for me. I don't care too too much about the motley crue of inhumans (almost typed metahumans ;) ) she's collected either. 

    Loved that Deke figured out that FitzSimmons are his grandparents, his reaction was genuine and sweet.

    I personally don't have a problem with Deke. He isn't anywhere near Ward's level of evil, not by a longshot. He decided not to trust Daisy based on what he thought he knew about her at the time. He prob won't be the first or last to do so. He was willing to die for the cause, I'm not sure what more we can ask from the character.

    Sure he can be annoying at times but I've thought the same about any one of the characters at one time or another. He's the grandson of Fitzsimmons, clearly the writers are planning on him being around for a little while. Ymmv as always I guess.

    • Love 11
  24. I have to say that I really think the show has finally found it's groove again. I've always been a fan of Jane and Rafael but I was willing to accept Jane and Michael as well because it made sense for the characters and they had earned it by the time they got married.  

    I love that Jane and Rafael addressed Michael and gave his memory and his place in Jane's life the importance that it deserves while also cherishing their own new relationship.

    I'm really enjoying Jane and Rafael's relationship. They really work well as a team and I feel like they really know each other inside and out now.

    Loved Alba trying to make Jane and Rafael break, makes me wonder how much she saw when Rafael left that closet with just the cowboy hat ;)

    Loved Petra's reaction or lack of one to their dating reveal. It's nice that she finally has a storyline not about Rafael.

    Glad that they had Rogelio face the fact that he can be overwhelming and exhausting to the people in his life even if his heart is always in the right place. Loved how he and Xo made up.

    Not sure how I feel about Xo possibly having breast cancer. I like the light tone we have at the moment even though this is a telenovela.

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