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17 Good
  1. I was blown away when Presley said that. That was really mature and articulate and I hope we see more of that from her
  2. Right my source decided to be a tart and not put it up till today so here we go - - I swear Kristin and Brett are related and they are either don't know or it doesn't fit into eithers arcs so they won't address it. - Wtf is Kelli's hair in the talking head this week? It's like a slick high bun idk. - I find it interesting that they're showing so much behind the curtains of both the cheerleaders and the judges. Is it because they don't have as many new people to introduce this year? - Christina should have been cut instead of Gabriella. - Kat I'm on the fence with. - I will be gutted if Madeline S doesn't make it but I also understand if it's not her year. - Most improved goes to Victoria hands down. When she said she's changed a lot over the last year she wasn't fucking around. - Lisa's the new Kalyssa. Sexy and Powerful. Might as well pick up her boots now. - I need Meredith's hair to change. It looks pretty when she can do it up but she won't be able to do it like that on the field. Other then that I don't care about her. - Gina Marie feels too cutesy with the choero to me. It's not an age thing she just has no power and the same cutesy face. - Kat's face looks passive aggressive when she dances to me. - Gina Marie also needs a hair makeover cause it's a bit greasy and dark to me (to be fair though she's literally 12 so the greasiness can be excuse a bit). - Jennifer reminds of Alyssa Milano mixed with Melissa Rycroft - Does anyone know if Jinelle is still in the US? Cause I think she'd be a great guest teacher. - Something is still off about Amanda to me. - I think heads are going to be rolling on the veteran end this year. I would easily put the uniform on at least 6 of the rookies already (Amanda , Victoria , Chandi , Ashley H , Shania and Lisa) - Wtf happened to Meredith between finals and now? I don't remember her being this low energy. - Jennifer seems sweet but she has a real tone issue. Everything she says sounds sarcastic. - Gina-Marie was very well spoken in her meeting.
  3. May I ask what are those reasons?
  4. Well I was hoping we were on the short intro for good but I guess not. - I had no idea Charlotte was Jerry's daughter. - I know y'all don't like her but I'm still caught off guard by how pretty Victoria is this year. - If you told me Ashley was actually made in one of Mattel's factories and somehow came to life I'd believe you. She straight up looks like a barbie. - What's tea on the Dallas mavericks? Did they move? Go bankrupt? It seems weird that they talk about it like we should know. - On second thought I don't like Meredith's hair. It's too dark for her and also makes it look greasy. I'd like a light brown I think. - Christina is not doing so crash hot in this interview. I thought she was pretty good usually. - Did they lose a veteran between semi finals and finals? I thought it was 29 not 28. - That receptionist lady's jacket is very ugly. - You know someone's gorgeous when they can even make a yellow turtleneck dress work. - Lisa's routine looked 🔥🔥 I wish we had more of it. - Kat was a mess. I hope she can recover but I'm not sure. - Kristin's solo was pretty smart on her part. - I like Madeline saying "I'm a daughter of a dcc but not a legacy." that just shows how humble she is. - I was really disappointed by Meredith , Christina and Malena. - I can't decide if Maddie's solo was good or bad. I think because it is so different to what everyone else did that there's nothing to compare which is probably a great idea. - Kristin actually has improved. - Bret seems sweet but I get "last couple of cuts" vibes from her. - I love how they decorated the tables. It's so tacky but a fun tacky. - I really like Madeline S. - Are veterans allowed to re audition next year if they get cut? Or are they done? - Lily's winning me over and she's FIT. - I really hope Malena doesn't come back. I wish her well but she's devastating to watch. - I think there's going to be a butt ton of cuts next week.
  5. What breaks my heart is that it's clear from the way they talk that these girls were never expected to have bright futures bar Chloe. The show is called unexpected but the way the parents and girls talk about it is like that it was very much expected of them. I just wish someone would unlocked their potential and been like "KNOW YOUR DAMN WORTH" before now. Yeah it might not have prevented them getting pregnant but I think they'd be making way different decisions.
  6. Honestly knowing how expensive daycare is for one child at a time much less 5 I don't think they could both go back unless Mimi chose to live nearby and agreed to take them when needed but I don't think she'd ever agree to that.
  7. I listened to a podcast interview where she said that the producers always wanted Chloe , Brooke , Paige and Kendall to have the solos because their mothers caused the most drama. However Abby wanted Maddie to have solos and thought she was more deserving which led to her and production having multiple fights because they wanted to keep the drama rolling. Now Abby isn't the most reliable narrator but that's what she said.
  8. Now don't quote me on this but I saw somewhere that Dayton had gotten a job performing on a cruise ship which is why she won't be back in the near future. Well y'all I literally rewatched the episode so I can join in - - I hate to pile on about the theme song but it literally sounds like Kidz bop. - I want Phil to be my granddad. - On the fence about Meredith's new hair. I think it rides that fine line between being just right and too harsh. - Again hate to pile on but I love Charm - she's sweet and you can tell she cares a lot. - I love Judy's light blue dress. - I feel like there's less people from Texas then usual. - I don't know if it's her eye makeup or what but Lily looks incredibly tired. - I have to admire Taylor's Chutzpah. After the media day she had last year I'm surprised she'd even want to step foot in Texas much less audition again. - Kristin is boring to me. I hope if she makes it to training camp again we get some more personality because as of right now she's as plain as a ritz cracker. - Malena breaks my heart because as badly as I want her to make the team she's just not at that level. Also I didn't like her outfit - I'd love to see her in a bright color maybe a turquoise. - Victoria looks AMAZING but if she wants to make the team she needs to grow up a bit. - If Kat doesn't make it I will riot. - Katy is really pretty but I kind of hope she doesn't get into training camp because I could see them asking her to lose weight and I like her body the way it is. - Keyna deserved to go through but I guess it was more symbolic for her. - Gina-Marie reminds me of Briana from 2017. - I wish the girl who mentioned not having her first boyfriend yet had not done that. - I'm glad they edited the clown montage down a bit and didn't use the bumbly kiss of death music this year. It's an awkward segment so if they're not going to cut it entirely then I'm ok with it being shortened . - There's something off about Amanda. - Lily looked like she wanted to murder Kristin and Victoria when they were talking. - I will be PISSED if they change Madeline's hair in training camp. - This is random but how annoying must be to write on the whiteboard if it's the same whiteboard they have used for years? I brought one a few months ago and it's already rough. Overall I'm excited to see how this season is going to go down!
  9. I feel for Elliana and Sarah - those two are elegant , well spoken and great dancers but their mothers will absolutely ruin them if they aren't careful. I seriously have no idea whose gaslighting this episode was worse - Yolanda's or Michelle's. At least Sarah calls her mothers bluff. I thought Sarah's dance deserved to at least place. I like Brady and his mum but he feels very vanilla to me. Same with Presley I question if Hannah is super quiet because that's her or if she genuinely has no desire to dance/be there but knows she could never say that to her mom. There have been super quiet girls like Chloe , Brooke and Ava but even they weren't THIS quiet. Hannah barely speaks. I feel like Savannah's coming back - especially if Yolanda is sticking to her word and pulling Elliana from the team. I feel like they wouldn't have done an interview with her for the special if she was only going to be in a handful of episodes. Same with Camryn
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