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  1. I can't believe anyone would dislike Sherri Shephard enough to have her banned as a cohost. She always seems pretty likeable and easygoing to me.
  2. I didn't know Tamron Hall filmed in the same building as The View. What's going on at her show?
  3. It's cuz she's black.
  4. This was not funny to me. Joy derailed Sunny's point to ask obtuse questions and force a joke. Joy often does this and it's peak privileged white woman behavior, in my opinion.
  5. People gripe about the View Your Deal segment, but I've caught some deals via that segment. Last week, I was about to shell out $65 for this face mask I use. Caught it on the View for $29.95 with free shipping.
  6. I agree with Sunny Hostin about how people talk about black women in the media. I've seen a lot of those comments in this forum as well.
  7. I don't know if this will be the last that we see of SE Cupp on the show. She was warmly received by View watchers according to articles and social media responses.
  8. ABC/The View better not make S.E. Cupp a permanent cohost. I cannot stand her and am annoyed that she's cohosting this week. I'm enjoying Sherri's time at the table right now. I've always liked Sherri. Sarah is really stepping up her conservative commentary lately.
  9. The show is so much more enjoyable this season. And everyone seems to be happy and enjoying the conversation. I really liked the flow of convo Thursday when they discussed hot topics. Everyone made good points during the segment on missing white women.
  10. Why is Mia Love so loud? Good lawd.
  11. Victoria Secret says they go up to a 44 DDD, but it's not true to size. Plus there are so many cup sizes beyond D.
  12. She has to pick at Biden to appeal to her Conservative base and appease her husband. I wish she'd just speak her thoughts instead of pushing an agenda.
  13. Holy moly. Ana shaded the heck out of Megun in her reply during the Housewives segment. Did y'all catch it? She made a lengthy and well-spoken point about how white people can get away with behaving badly on TV and unprofessional at work and still keep their jobs while people of color cannot. Ana's smirk made it clear that it was a not-so-subtle commentary about working at the View with Megun.
  14. I'll have to tune in later. My broadcast was interrupted by breaking local news.
  15. This is completely unintelligible.
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