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Posts posted by CloseThisAccount

  1. My mother was by turns surprisingly generous and monstrously neglectful. Her rules would change almost daily and she was a gaslighter extraordinaire. She also looked the other way while my dad sexually abused me & physically abused my sister. It was incredibly confusing growing up with her, so I don't have a lot of extra sympathy for bad moms.  All of which is to say, fuck Brittany's mom. Let the camera linger lovingly on her messed up, drugged out face.  When Brittany was 13 and in juvie her mom moved without telling her & that's how Brittany ended up homeless, right? Didn't she tell us that? In which case, that woman deserves whatever she gets.

    Though, in her defense, she did call the sister to come watch Brittany's kids so, jeez, Britt, cool it a little. 

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  2. On 12/15/2020 at 10:31 PM, LuvMyShows said:

    I wonder why they went ahead and chose Matt to be the first AA Bachelor rather than waiting to see if a fan favorite emerged from Tayshia's season.  I think that many of us would have been thrilled to see Ivan in that role (since the odds don't look good that Tayshia will pick him).  Bet his dating prospects look very good once covid gets under control!

    I'm twice his age and watch this show for all the wrong reasons but if they made Ivan the Bachelor, I swear I'd at least joke about applying. (That's as close as I'm gonna get)

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  3. Re: the ridiculous instagram stories:

    Notice how even Cheesestick, even Jihoon and Deavan, are praised for some illusory personal qualities. Then we get to Sumit. "It is amazing to be as loved as you are[.]" Hah! Not a thing about any qualities he personally has. And she says she's had long conversations with Jenny so she'd have the info. Imagine being more worthless than Jihoon or Deavan. 

    • LOL 6
  4. I am totally on the Heather-is-a-scary-nut bus (I'M NOT FEELING WELL SO I HAVE TO LIE DOWN!) but her shitheel mother dumped her out of the country when she was 14 over some contretemps with the stepdad, so I'm not willing to think the elders in her family are any great shakes, either. It was weird to me when Dylan & Heather were in her room & Aunt Diane barged in (w/o knocking, I think, right?) clutching a framed photo and saying querulously, "Dylan, where were you? We've been waiting for you."  He's having a conversation with his wife, Diane, cool yr jets. (Did anyone else notice Dylan referred to Heather as his fiancee?) 

    It made me wonder if there's a history of the aunts glomming onto Heather's friends. Maybe she worries they tell her friends how awful she was/is (after all, we, poor innocents, had to send her away), to separate her from them.  

    But, yeah, she's a total nut on some sort of major speed.

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  5. On October 22, 2020 at 4:05 PM, Mothra said:

    Maurice . . . who as soon as he stepped into the parents' comfortable house said "I already feel at home."  What a weird thing to say--no one had invited him to feel at home!  He was very appreciative of the creature comforts of the parents' house and made several comments about how this is how he wants to live, without any mention of any effort it might take on his part or any recognition of the hard work it must have taken for the parents to have attained that level of comfort.

    The father seemed taken in--maybe out of desperation ("please god don't let this guy be a total fuckup"), maybe out of gullibility, but it seemed very fishy to me.  It seemed there was an element of "having" without "earning" in the young man's vision, even as he broke the rules of parole on day one.  Even his latching onto the father as "the father I never had" before being invited to gave me the squirmies.

    Yeah, Maurice knew what was up & read that dad like a book. The conversation outside was going so badly for Maurice, all this, I won't put up with this & I won't stand for that & I'll always protect my daughter. So Maurice understands that this guy defines himself as a tough, protective, white dad w/o a record.  He can't stop being a person of color or get rid of his record so he immediately places himself in the son role and within minutes the dad is eating out of his hand, talking about projects they can do, fishing trips they'll go on.  Maurice is no fool.

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  6. Here's what I'm imagining fueled Linsey's meltdown. She's in prison, looks ok. According to Chaundra she should be working five or six guys. So she's auditioning all these sugar daddies, which has been her way of getting by pre-prison. Scott is the one who promises the home of her dreams with a wonderful room for her daughter so she cuts the other prospects, all of whom she imagines are millionaires, loose, then comes home to Scott's dump. Then she can't even see her daughter except through glass -- like prison -- for 14 days. And even after that her kid can't stay there cos her room isn't ready. So Linsay imagined a dream manse with her daughter and the occasional gross act with flappy but she ended up with nothing but flappy. I think she's as mad at herself for not picking one of the other marks as she is at him; I'd meltdown, too. 

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  7. Okay, Brit is ridiculous, unintelligent, and shallow as a dry riverbed, but a couple of things in her defense:

    When Yazan dropped her off to stay at the hotel alone she was surprised & didn't she say they had stayed together before?

    She keeps saying Yazan is acting so different this visit (maybe bc he figures it's marriage time so he owns her now) and seemed genuinely surprised by his behavior at the airport & in the car.

    Not all Muslims are strict, just like not all Christians & Jews are Orthodox or Fundamentalist. She may have thought & he may have led her to believe that the Islam he & his family practice is very different.  She said at least twice that they were lovely to her on other visits (plural) so all this yelling & changing clothes is new (though we know from photographs she's worn the hijab before)

    On the other hand, saying he should marry one of his cousins was racist as fuck and if she feels that way, what's she doing even flirting with a guy from that part of the world, much less promising to marry him? (Tho, who knows, maybe he said he had his eye on a cousin.  Wow, look at me, I can come up with a reason to defend just about everyone -- except abusers like Yazan or liars like Sumit & Jihoon or gaslighters like Colt or anyone like whatever Baby Girl Lisa is )


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  8. I have no problem with Colt & Jess making out in front of Debbie. I mean as a viewer, yes, <shudder> but as far as rudeness, Deb invited herself on a romantic (again, <shudder>) trip, no one wanted her there, so she should prepare to be on a god damn romantic trip.  It's Colt & Jess' vacation not Debbie's.  

    I also have no problem with Larissa calling Jess. Sure it's out of spite, but who wouldn't hate Colt after those false arrests & that horrible living situation? And now we find out he was cheating on her & hanging out with Vanessa during his marriage?  You make all the calls you want, Larissa.  She's performing a public service.  If I were still out in the dating world I'd appreciate a call like that. She wasn't angry or agitated. She asked questions about Colt's behavior (hiding his phone) that Jess confirmed, warned her about Debbie. As far as their speaking in English, she went from explaining to the camera how she got in touch with Jess to, in the same house in the same clothes, making the call. I don't think anyone is under the illusion the call wasn't on camera on an English-language TV show.

    It's hilarious, Asuelo's repeating, "no one is on my side here."  Doesn't he remember that phone call with his sister?  She said all his siblings send money home but not him; everyone understands their family financial responsibilities, not him; don't come, save the money & send it instead.  To which bozo replied something like, "Yeah, okay, I'll come soon."  No one's on your side anywhere, man boy.



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  9. On July 1, 2020 at 2:24 PM, Neurochick said:

    I don't know how to feel about it.  Just another show making black women look bad.

    I actually thought that although the show itself was exploiting the women, they (except for Stormy) were incredibly sympathetic characters & didn't look bad at all. The men, on the other hand . . . 

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  10. David to Lana: I have this phone translator.

    Phone: It's nice to be able to finally meet

    David: nods, smiles, puts phone away.

    Wow, really was a good idea to have that phone translator. He used it almost as effectively as Pole

    Then, all the mauling hugging & staring when he's made it impossible for them to communicate. Nothing creepy there at all.

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  11. My Dorinda theory:

    Dorinda became obsessed with Tinsley's on/off relationship w/Scott & furious w/Tinsley about its ending bc it meant no more Coupon Cabin commercials for Dorinda's ego to twirl about in.  She'll never forgive Tinsley for stealing her chance for stardom away from her -- she was one commercial away from being Meryl Streep! 

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  12. Not only did Brit pound that shot with a chaser from a can, she did it the second she walked in the door, still in her SUR uniform. So we have her at one end of the kitchen island slamming her shot glass in agitated desperation while at the other end of the island sweaty, twitchy Jax seems to be chopping something(?!) and yelling about the gym and Tom Sandoval.  Wedded bliss!

    I applaud Tom & Ariana for having no furniture if only bc it bothered everyone else so much.  

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  13. 19 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

    I was pleasantly surprised that Darcy didn’t take Tom’s note. I was really happy for her she didn’t cave. 

    I bet as soon as the cameras left she ran to the trash with a roll of tape.  The rest of her night was piecing, weeping, & taping.

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  14. On 4/24/2020 at 7:30 PM, iwasish said:


    Neither Rose nor Ed is a prize, but using the entItlement to love  theory,  isn’t Ed equally entitled to love. His physical ailments have most likely attributed to his quirks and idiosyncrasies. If we are to give Rose leeway to allow her to use her sex to get access to a “better” life via Ed’s horniness,  why can’t Ed be allowed the same?

    Ed is not entitled to love because he is racist, misogynist, classist, cruel, selfish, dishonest, and completely uncaring about another human being.  (Sorry if someone already said this. Ed gets me so furious I couldn't wait to read through the entire thread to reply)

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  15. 32 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    Yes to your whole post, ESPECIALLY this!  I can't take another season of showers, engagement parties, bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, and the stupid wedding.  We don't like to watch them, Bravo.

    But how fun is it to watch the bride-to-be swan around all season, her sensibilities so butterfly fragile that ne'er may a voice be raised near her shell-like ear?  And the inevitable shrieking breakdown or rage lettuce-eating?  And the quiet, lingering shots as Sandoval weeps and  knowledge slowly dawns upon the groom that a desert of hope lies before him. 

    I want a season with 2 weddings, with the brides passive-aggressively fighting it out to get their wedding storyline more camera time.  "I'm not telling you whose bridal party to be in! I'm just saying, I would think if it were my friend, I wouldn't want to be in that bridal party"  (Katie Maloney Schwartz, 2021)

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  16. On 4/20/2020 at 2:43 PM, Gothish520 said:


    Yeah [Amrit's boss] was definitely one of those pushy ABC (Always Be Closing) types. I get that it was a work function, but that salesman personality is never appealing.


    "This is my protégé."

    Once again reality TV replicates Seinfeld.

    • LOL 5
  17. 39 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Well, she could have said, "I would rather not, but thanks anyway," regardless of whether the medium was outside, and maintained her "unflappable cool-girl" image.

    Right, but then the story can morph into, Dayna claims she's grief-stricken, but when offered the chance to commune with her beloved mom's spirit, coldly refuses not only that chance, but altruistic Scheana's compassionate gesture, as well. Poor wounded Scheana! Dayna just hurts her endlessly!

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  18. All this talk of Danielle should kick her freeloading son & his family out.  People, this is Danielle!  Think for a minute!  She of the multiple credit card scams! She of the bringing Mo to this country w/o telling him her utilities were about to be shut off!  They are not living in her house. She is living in theirs. She couldn't tell the truth, spend money wisely, or live in a stable situation to save her life.  

    I'm also guessing Mo's side of the friendship they're building consists of him blocking her on social media -- hey! he's aware of her! They're practically remarried as far as she's concerned.



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  19. 1 hour ago, angelamh66 said:

    That psychic stuff would have pissed me off too. I think Dayna was mad at Scheana for being complicit with production for that setup. 

    Exactly!  Scheana didn't bring Dayna a surprise gift of a psychic reading; she brought her a gotcha camera ambush.  No matter what, Dayna loses. She either looks like an ingrate bitch by saying no or breaks down on camera if she says yes when the shill psychic says some shit she was fed by production.  Scheana is a stealth bitch. Remember this is the person who outed Shay's drug addiction on camera & told him she wanted a divorce on camera to punish him. As she told Lisa, fuck with me, I'll get you ten times worse, or something equally profound and humanly touching.  She knew exactly what she was doing & it's why she's reality TV (good as) gold. Never change, Scheana!

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