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  1. I don't know how the Clearing House thing works. Do churches donate to that specifically designated to the Rods and then the clearing house sends a check that equals donations per month?
  2. yes the 62 included 9 rod females counting Heidi
  3. Probably not very many of the 1.3 million lawyers have a spouse that was seen on a TV show for many years, or who wrote a book and went on a press tour, been on GMA, has thousands and thousands of followers on SM etc, had a brother who made news for court case involving what his involved. I get your point but the lawyers that live on my street are for the most part unknown to "bad people". Derrick and Jill would not be so anonymous as your average lawyer's family.
  4. Jill also has speakers on the same topics each year. Unless you are pulling in people that have not been before what would the widow, ministry wife or young mom hear this year different from last year? What they would hear plenty of is Jill talking about Jill and the Rod kids performing. Pair that with prices Jill charges and the crappy food, who would come back?
  5. Austin has a contractor's license. It's listed under the name of their llc. AJFM llc/Boston Mountain construction. It is the same level license Jase and Josiah have.
  6. Also funny the large pic of the porch and ocean to the right of the keyboard is from the boys bathroom at the barndo. Jill showed it in a video
  7. Some of the retreat for ladies decor looks suspiciously like the decorations at the Set Sail valentine's party
  8. Lawsuit against Jason has been dismissed. https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2025/mar/07/lawsuit-over-home-repairs-by-jason-duggar/
  9. My guess this was last friday and the got buy one get one pizzas on Pi day. They have done that in past years.
  10. The $57,000 was paid/taken when they sold their house.
  11. Other than Jessa, (who also has had problems during delivery) none of the oldest Duggar sisters has been popping out the babies. Besides the m kids. really only Jessa, Joe, Josiah and Jed seem to want to have a bunch of kids. Maybe Jer and Jason will follow that path. but it seems the DIL are popping out most of the Duggar babies out these days.
  12. In April 2017 Jill posted about the children having fun in the RV. This is so sad. "This is too hilarious! Believe it or not, our children like to play hide and go seek in the RV- a whoppin 250 sq feet! Check out our children in their pj's in the bathtub in the RV! LOL. Now, we are THRILLED to be home to our spacious house getting ironing, unpacking, etc done! There is TRULY NO PLACE LIKE HOME!"
  13. It was even more hilarious because at the time she posted about Dill and the financial biz Dill and Amy had a lien from the IRS on their house for $57,000 from not paying taxes and also were in arrears washington county or the state for not paying personal property taxes for a few years.
  14. at some point a few years back amy claimed Dill owned 5 business. He actually owned none of them. He invested money with partners in a few things, but he didn't own any business on his own I could ever find. Laughable part was one of Dill's businesses was a financial firm. https://www.myavidfinancial.com/afsstory
  15. Yes she kept children in them. There is a pic of Sadie and Sofia both sleeping in the upper bunk crib. The original baby cage in the RV was in a closet under hanging clothes.
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