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Jen Ren

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    Almost Gilead USA
  1. Some of you guys are acting like you think that resisting in Gilead should be easy or something! Having said that... I'm going to agree with a few points. When June choked the snitch Handmaid, her walking partner, guards should have been swarming all over her, dragging her off to have an eye poked out or her clit snipped. Instead she walks off. I'm wondering what we'll see in the next episode... some opening scene of torture? If they remove one of June's eyes, how will she glare at the camera as effectively? As far as Hannah and the school visit, I have to believe that June's original intention was to check the place out and maybe get a glimpse of Hannah from afar. I think Lawrence's wife having a mini breakdown is how that plan went south fast. But June should have known better than to rely on a mentally unstable woman, no matter how friendly to the cause she appears to be. At this point, utmost caution should be taken lest June end up chained to a bed in a barren room, existing only for her womb (didn't we see that in season 1 or 2 for a misbehaving Handmaid?). Hell, I'm surprised at this point that hasn't happened. I actually enjoyed the beginning of season 3 better than season 1 and 2. Seasons 1 & 2 seemed to be a continuous loop of "June escapes" and "June is back". Season 3 shows us a bit more but yeah... at this point it's becoming a bit of a chore to watch. We need to know what Lawrence's intentions are because frankly he's becoming more annoying than anything (and what a waste of a good character and actor) and what the hell is going on with Canada and more political backstory if they are indeed planning to extradite refugees that escaped Gilead.
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