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Posts posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Boston should be favored, but I do think the East was weak too. And they can't count on Dallas beating themselves, like the Pacers did. 

    If everyone's shooting well, these games are going to be in the 130s.

    • Like 2
  2. Sure, a show could just be not good, or some of the audience might not care for the stories regardless of the lead, but I don't think Doctor Who is probably a good example to bring up. Unsurprisingly, like the Star Wars 'fanboys' Doctor Who fans can also be way too toxic. When the Thirteenth Doctor was a woman for the first time, you can imagine the predictable response; 'woke Doctor', blah blah blah.  The actor was lambasted way beyond legitimate criticism. I'd say the stories weren't the best, but they weren't total garbage either. 

    There's one guy on FB that posts "Doctor Who was canceled at the end of Twelve's run" on every single article. Twelve was several years ago! Let it go. 

    Not all fans are like that of course, but I think you all know the types I'm talking about. Here, the discussion on the show is critical, myself included, but not overboard. I get the sense that we're all enjoying both of the leads' performances. 

    On the flip side, if someone just doesn't like a particular show for whatever reason, then it's not fair to call them racist either. 

    14 hours ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

    The problem is that people WILL unfairly judge a show because of a female/Queer/POC lead.

    Those are the people I'm talking about. There's already moaning about the new Star Wars show featuring women main characters "again" despite initial reviews raving about the show. 

    The thing about Doctor Who is, if you don't like the current Doctor, then there's going to be a new one in a few years!

    • Like 11
  3. Why no opening theme?

    I assume they shot this on location. Wonderful scenery. We usually don't get a Doctor Lite until later in the season, and I see this is because of the overlap with Sex Education. I didn't realize Gatwa was doing double duty. 

    You'd think the amount of times the Doctor gets separated from the Companion that they'd give them a psychic paper just to give them a little help. Didn't the Doctor fix her phone in Space Babies? She couldn't try to call him?

    Gibson really carried the episode well. I liked how Ruby was unraveling.

    And you're always going to reel me in with a Doctor Who people in a single room/train car/pub. 

    Even though it didn't work, good try with the cell phone idea. 

    Also nice to see Kate. Did Ruby call her because she only said 'get in touch' and show up? I didn't realize Ruby knew of UNIT. I think it was a little much Kate got 'got' because she's more skilled than that. 

    I figured when they showed Ruby's 30th birthday that we were in some Turn Left scenario and getting some kind of reset. I think we could have maybe got to the Roger ap plot a little sooner though. 

    There's no way Pakistan sells their nukes. Come on. Great Britain can make tons faster. They should have said they're buying materials or something. 

    Super clever though for Ruby to trap him though!

    I didn't quite follow the ending on how Ruby became the old woman because she drove her own mother away. What could she have said to make everyone run away? 

    On 5/25/2024 at 3:08 AM, PurpleTentacle said:

    That's pretty much the only reason why they are currently building new nuclear power plants, to keep their supply of weapons grade material going.

    I just have to clarify - Nuclear power plants that make electricity do not produce weapons grade material. You (US, UK, France, USSR, etc.,) build a reactor to specifically do that though, and UK can make as many as they want. Those countries are recognized as 'nuclear weapons states'. They're not buying them, and they have enough anyway. Maybe if he said enrichment equipment or something. I don't think that's too esoteric for this audience. 

    On 5/26/2024 at 10:15 AM, DanaK said:

    to use your imagination to think that the old lady is saying *something* bad enough or her whole existence is doing something bad enough to scare the person away and not want any contact with Ruby ever again

    That's kind of having your cake though because there's no way I buy whatever was said would cause her mother to disown her. Nor the smug PM to just run away and not say anything. I take the point that anything RTD would have written her saying wouldn't live up to it, but it still does kind of matter because we're being asked as viewers to fully buy in that it just works. You need to give us glimpses. 

    For example, suggesting her mom was told the only way to save Ruby is to abandon her. But when the mom is alone in the kitchen, she's hard. You'd think you'd see some anguish there. The key commonality is that the old woman says something, then they all look at Ruby, and they literally run off. I'm not trying to ruin anyone else's viewing experience, but I just need a little more to buy in. 

    If you're (RTD) only saying it's some kind of 'fairy magic', then you're just saying 'a wizard did it.' If Ruby was supposed to be the angel of death, then you have to hint at that. 

    I'm also not clear on how Ruby heard her the second time around. 

    10 hours ago, questionfear said:

    I think it's implied that no matter how close you get, you can't get a clearer vision of her unless you're interacting with her.

    To be fair, the order was to apprehend her, so they did have to get that close. However, given Ruby's intel, if it's just what she said to people, then just plug your ears. Or doesn't UNIT have higher tech to detain someone? I get that they got 'got', but like it was said, Kate not taking out the earbud is making her stupid for plot. I could buy her shooting the woman before that. 

  4. I'm going to put on my Heisenberg hat for a minute. Saying "just a kids movie" is slightly disingenuous. Yes, but there was also a ton from Lucas about how the prequels were about how a democracy falls into fascism. So it's fair if original fans were expecting something a little different. Not to mention the opening crawl was nothing short of byzantine. 

    Be a man and cop to it. Look at the Clone Wars and Rebels. You can split the difference. 

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  5. 11 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    There's an episode of Burn Notice where Michael breaks ito a house. He gives a voice over that he never runs around in black and a ski mask when he breaks into house. Because if you get caught what are you going to say? He wants to look like a legitimate guest so he wears regular clothes and takes something from the fridge (in his case it's always yogurt). That way if you get caught just act confuse and apologize for taking the yogurt. I don't know how well the end part works but the rest makes more sense then dressing in black and a ski mask. Cause yeah that looks more suspicious. 


    I don't know if it was an article or web feature or what, but tptb on Burn Notice had a consultant who was either a spy, agent, whatever. 

    So they worked all that out based on real life. I remember them saying, 'not all locks can be frozen, but this one can and this is how. Because it's a TV show Michael catches the break that it's the right lock."

    I think those voice overs were all based on something irl like that. 

    • Like 4
  6. I take his point, but there's certainly legitimate criticisms of the prequels as well. 

    I never thought they were as bad as the internet screeched, and nothing is, but. 

    "Hold me like you did on Naboo". 

    Dude no. 

    • Like 1
  7. I'm working my way through it. Overall, it's poor. Glaser is the stand out, but all the other real stand ups, Bert, etc., did well. 

    Right off the bat though, Brady admonished Jeff Ross on a no brainer and fairly banal dig on Kraft, and Gronk's tame hitting on his adult sisters, so it begs the question how many guardrails there were, and underscores how poor a sport Brady really is. I don't need the comics constantly saying "It's just jokes, Tom." Yeah, does he need that constant assuaging? There's no way a pro like Ross would have done the Kraft joke if it was agreed beforehand not to. That was just weak and told me it wasn't really a roast. 

    All the "Oh it's just jokes" and Kevin Hart having to kill time with all the "wow wow" makes me think this could have been a tight 90 minutes. It's beneath his talent to have to go do crowd work. 

    I also agree the non stand ups were flat and was asking myself who the writers were. 

    To be fair, it seemed like Edelman and Gronk were having a blast. 

    Kardashian was total and predictable garbage. They did a joke about OJ when she hosted SNL that fell flat and this one was off that floor. She's just not good at live TV. I probably couldn't read off cue cards either, but I don't pretend I have comic talent. 

    I didn't really find it vulgar or crude, tbh, I thought it was tame. Or there was so much off limits that there was just limited material to draw upon. 

    You look at the Pam Anderson roast. They shredded her, and then she came up to the mic and destroyed everyone. 

    Brady's take was weak too though there was some good bits. He wasn't really going after anyone more than saying how great he was. I get leading with the arrogance is the right call, but there wasn't much more to it. 

  8. Obesity drugs is a great topic for South Park. 

    There was a lot going on. Randy, of course. Then the insurance companies. And the kids just making drugs. 

    The cereal bomb was a lot. I can see chicken and waffles, but not with cereal. 

    Hard shot on Lizzo too. 

    I really liked the show. This is the most scathing in a while. 

    I don't get why Kyle got so into it though. He killed Twinkie the Kid!


  9. I'm not a fan of replay in any sports at all. I said here in the game 1 screen for the Pacers/Knicks that the Pacers turned the ball over too much to make that call a game changer. 

    You've got an 18 point lead here. At home. One call at that point affecting the game; the ship sailed. I'm not rooting for Boston, but they know how to play with that buffer. That's kind of on the coaching here. 

  10. I don't know if I remember who Barriss was. I guess she was the one who framed Ahsoka?

    I didn't think we'd get a Vader cameo though! Nice. 

    I don't get why Barriss wore the helmet, but the other one didn't. I would think they'd all want to be disguised. 

    I had to laugh when Lyn ditched the cape. They're so useless. But I did like Barriss not needing the sabre like the Inquisitor did to her. 

    That ended weird. Did Barriss die? 

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