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Mrs. Landingham

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14.1k Excellent
  1. Plumber Guy probably says things like “doo hickey” when he’s repairing appliances.
  2. Gosh, lady. If only there existed an information super highway where one could look things up, such as “New Hampshire.”
  3. He has the personality of a soggy cornflake this guy. I hate his voice. He is MERDE.
  4. Mark looks like he smells like an earring back.
  5. Ma and Pa Sarper are not amused. Shekky: “I see their faces fall and I feel bad.” Is she jealous that their faces can move because they haven’t been pumped with enough Botox to flood Canada?
  6. He just fell down the reality tree and got slapped by every single branch on the way down.
  7. Oh my days. She’ll have a Live, Laugh. Love sign too won’t she.
  8. Ugh. Major failure to launch situation with this one.
  9. I’m sorry - did Brian imply that Ingrid didn’t accept the wheelchair? THE AUDACITY. Maybe it was your eleventy million lies, Brian? My blood is boiling in advance of the Tell All. They will 100% vilify Ingrid. I hope she declines to participate.
  10. Father Sunny looks like my sleep paralysis demon.
  11. “Rats! Now I gotta start over with a brand new victim.”
  12. God, Brian is a putrid, rancid human being. Get out of here with your crocodile tears.
  13. Brian: “I want to talk to her.” (And chastise her for being a cold bitch because she refuses to be my bang maid and her silly outrage over my lies about my four divorces.)
  14. If she turns around and goes back, I cannot be held responsible for my actions.
  15. So you don’t feel love from her, Brian. Good! Go home and leave her alone forever.
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