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Posts posted by foxfreakinmulder

  1. On ‎7‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 4:57 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I loved that even though Hopper is a big tough cop, he was so nervous about having the talk with Eleven and Mike that he was rehearsing it in his room.

    I liked this scene. It reminded me of when I had to have "the talk" with my kids lol.

    I've only watched 1 episode, I'm going to try and take my time with it since I've waited so long for season 3.

    I think Dustin's girl is real but I think the radio is more for the plot of listening in to hear the Russians transmissions.

    Can't wait for Dustin and Steve to get together. My favorite duo.

    I thought Lucas's sister was annoying too. Her sassiness was cuter last season when she was younger and was only in a couple of scenes, now I think it will be annoying if we see too much of her.

    I miss Bob!

    Looking forward to the next episode.

    • Love 5
  2. 2 hours ago, Cdh20 said:

    Jamie talking to the baby bump was the best thing ever, so inevitably it is followed by the worst! 

    That was so sweet and then so sad!

    I forgot to add how good Jamie looked by the light of the fire when he was rubbing Claire's feet. Swoon!

    • Love 1
  3. 22 hours ago, Sounder said:

    Kimmy Schmidt..... Ellie Kemper.....Jay Leno.....Brad Paisley.....and Dwayne Wade are the lineup of guest for the judges cuts.   Each one with a golden buzzer.

    If last nights (7/2) episode was a recap of auditions 1-5 doesn't Julianne still have her golden buzzer? It was hit by accident and if next week's going to start the guest judges cuts when is she going to get to use her golden buzzer?

  4. I don't know who Aloe is and the only Fast and Furious movie I've watched is the first one when it came out. Honestly, the only thing I remember about that movie is thinking how beautiful Paul Walker was. Does Aloe sing in all the Fast and Furious movies? I thought the song that was picked sounded like a song for a action movie. My favorite was Same Blood and the backstory was heartbreaking. I'm sorry but I didn't really care for Tvte she rubbed me the wrong way for some reason and how does Tvte=Tate? I think it was her voice over when she was walking in to sing and she said, "I think my song should be picked for the movie" (paraphrasing). The other 2 songwriters think the same but seemed more grateful to just be there working with the producers. I'm sure it's just me but that's how I feel. Anyways, I thought it was a good show and Aloe seemed like a nice guy. I'm glad he's going to record Same Blood.

    • Love 4
  5. Poor Furgus. I hope BJR didn't kill him or worse rape him. I like the little guy. I do think the worse happened and that's why it wasn't shown. It was almost laughable that Black Jack got stabbed in his junk. Come on, why can't this guy be killed. First the cows failed now Jamie's aim was 2 inches too low. If he had stabbed him in the gut instead he probably would've bleed out or not, he seems to have some really thick plot armor.

    I liked this episode a lot. It had a lot going on, I didn't miss the sex, nudity or rapings at all. I was worried that something bad was going to happen during the robbery, and glad it worked out the way it was planned.

    Poor Claire, I do think she will lose the baby with all the bleeding and pain she was experiencing. Her baby bump changes from scene to scene. Sometimes she looks like she's 5 to 6 months along and other times 8 to 9 months. I don't know how far a long she's supposed to be.

    I still agree with Murtaugh to kill everyone. I thought him being so accepting of the news about Claire and then writing down all the dates was a nice moment. But my favorite scene was his hatred of the clothes he had to wear for the robbery.

  6. On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 4:56 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Man, I am with both Claire and Jamie. I have such a visceral reaction every time I see Black Jack Randall on my screen. I'm not sure if that's due to Diana Gabaldon creating such a loathsome character or the acting of Tobias Menzies. Either way, I recoiled when I saw him this week. It's been such a relief not to have him torturing Jamie and Claire this season, but I guess that respite is over.

    Poor Mary. The one good thing to come out of being raped was that it cleared the path for her to marry Alex since her old rich fiance couldn't besmirch his name and honor by marrying someone so tarnished and Claire took that away. It was terrible to watch Claire talk Alex out of marrying her, knowing that it would break both of their hearts. It's even worse when you consider that Mary was only attacked because she was with Claire. It did make me wonder how things played out originally in order for Mary to be engaged to the old rich guy and then end up married to Black Jack Randall.

    I couldn't believe that Claire even considered burning Mary's letter and letting Alex rot in the Bastille for something he didn't do. Wasn't it just last week that Jamie said that they were doing bad things for good reasons and she questioned him, saying, "Isn't that what all bad people say?" Yet she was willing to consider the possibility of letting an innocent man be imprisoned for not only something he didn't do but to someone he loved.

    St. Germain's sliminess made me feel like his wine scheme was intended to bilk Charles and then blame Jamie.

    Last week I was willing to give Annalise the benefit of the doubt but after this episode, she needs to GTFO. How dare Claire turn Jamie from a boy into a man? I'd rather see a man act like a man than see someone with a Peter Pan complex.

    So what excuse is Jamie going to give Randall for canceling the duel?

    On a shallow note, I loved all the garden scenes. I am not even a garden kind of person (my mom is the one with the green thumb) but even I was oohing and aahing over the beautiful scenery.

    I 100% agree with everything you said. I puked in my mouth a little when I saw Black Jack walking up and giggled like a little school girl when the King was humiliating him in front of Jamie and Claire. I almost got up out of my recliner to do a little jig lol.

    Poor Mary and Alex that was sad.

    I loved the garden scenes too. Like you I'm not a garden kind of person. I have a black thumb and killed every plant I've tried to grow and yes even a cactus, so I gave up.

    I need to see Jamie end Black Jack so I hope that happens this season, and sooner than later!

  7. 45 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    "...what, or who, is La Dame Blanche? 

    Well, its literal translation is ‘The White Lady’, but La Dame Blanche is a mythical figure who regularly pops up in European medieval folklore. 

    They are, according to different mythology, witches, healers, sorceresses, spirits or ghosts. Then can be sacred figures who are said to help or hinder those who encounter them. Some stories say they are benevolent and wise, but others record them as being evil, and often a harbinger of death. 

    They are said to be spotted near graves, sacred sites, caves and bridges, and are aided by cats, owls and other creatures. And they are, importantly in this case, said to punish people who treat them badly."

    Thank you so much for the information. :-) That makes it really interesting.

    • Love 1
  8. I haven't watched it yet but read about it on reddit. I wonder if the people get any form of payment for their story being on Ghost Adventures? If they're meth heads that would explain a lot. I wish Ghost Adventures would stay away from people's homes and just stick with abandon building and such.

  9. On ‎1‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:37 PM, bettername2come said:

    Dammit, show, we had a good run! Three episodes without sexual assault, and you had to ruin it. And Alex! You seem like a decent guy, but could you maybe not tackle the traumatized woman?

    Agree 100%. Also, I couldn't understand Jamie when he was talking to Claire about the Whore so I missed when he said 69 but heard Claire say she knew what it was. I hate using cc because I'm afraid I'll miss something on screen because I'm reading but sometimes I have a hard time understanding Jamie.

    Why would you plan a big dinner party/scheme and not do everything you can to get back in time to meet your guest? You're not obligated to the hospital but you were obligated to the dinner party.

    That poor girl afraid of sex being raped. It was so dark I couldn't see, when the men got scared and ran off was it because someone was coming down the street or did they call Claire "La Dame Blanche"?  And what does La Dame Blanche mean?

    The guy from the smallpox ship is just weird. Is he really trying to kill Claire because his boat was infected and he had to burn it?

    I had to laugh when Claire suggested to Louise that she sleep her husband to pass the baby off as his and her response was, sleep with my husband? My lover would be so upset.

    One more thing. Speaking of pregnant Claire drinking, I was pregnant in 1980 with my first and I did both (not proud of it). My doctor knew and never asked me to quit he just told me I would have a small baby since I smoked. All of my 4 kids weighed in the 6lbs range even the 3 I didn't smoke or drink with. I quit smoking eons ago and no longer drink but It's horrifying to think about now knowing the effects of it. The same could be said for the years seatbelts and child seats weren't law, riding in a car without seatbelts and holding your child on your lap. Yep, did that too. Would never consider doing that now. Ever!

    Not my favorite episode.

  10. On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 6:47 PM, KittenPokerCheater said:

    I will miss Enoch a lot.

    So is the woman with the jump drive the creator?

    I will miss Enoch too. It also crossed my mind about the women being the creator. So glad FitzSimmons are coming home and it will be interesting since Fitz doesn't know Deke is his grandson. Wasn't Simmons pregnant at the end of last season?

    • Love 1
  11. I miss the good old days when they were locked down and spent the night investigating. Anymore with all the reenactments and interviewing before lockdown it seems like they only show 20 minutes of investigating. I don't like the nerve center at all, who wants to watch them sitting in front of monitors? I sure in the hell don't! I'm sick of all the demon stuff too.

    I don't like them introducing all the new equipment every episode, just use your cameras, mel-meter and digital recorders. I want to watch you investigate not play with new equipment.

    Please go back to Europe, I'm tired of Nevada and California, even though I live in CA.

    I wish they would stop cussing (bleep, bleep, bleep) and yelling every time they hear something. As long as they've been doing this you would think they would be better at it.

    I have no comment about the Demon house or Dibbuk box. 

    I miss Nick but Aaron is my favorite I just wish he would settle down when a voice comes over the spirit box.  

    • Love 2
  12.  I'm surprised we didn't see them in furs because I would think fur trading was big business during the 1700's. We did get that one episode of the shipmate having his toes amputated but yeah, fingers and toes would be the first to go. I remember about 5 or 6 years ago ( I live in CA so no one laugh) we had an artic freeze hit us and evening temperatures dipped down to around 18 to 20 degrees. Well, my sons school band was marching in the evening Christmas parade so of course I went. I bundled up in layers and had my winter boots on and gloves I got so cold I could barely move. Apparently I didn't wear the right kind of gloves because I couldn't move my fingers I even dropped my camera when I tried to hold it to take pictures. And my so called winter boots were useless because my feet were freezing. As soon as my son passed I went to my car and blasted the heater until he could leave. I know I'm a California weenie and it doesn't snow where I live but I can't imagine how they did it without the correct gloves and boots. Unless they did have them and we just don't know about it, maybe they were prepared for the weather.  

  13. On ‎1‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:34 PM, bettername2come said:

    I liked the more peaceful episode. I'm enjoying the change in setting. I was way too excited to see no violence or nudity warnings when the episode started. 

    I agree 100%. This episode had a lot going on and I thought it was great. I'm enjoying getting to see the educated side of Jamie and I enjoy Claire's future medical experience at work in the 1700's but tasting pee, ewwww. I loved them working together decoding the letters, more of that please! The pick-pocket boy was a great catch Jamie, I can see using him as a spy too, he could probably gather a lot of useful information being around the drunk men at the brothels.

    I wished this season didn't start with the flash forward. We could've had hope that everything they are doing in France will make a difference but with the flash forward we know it doesn't.

    • Love 1
  14. I've only been watching this show since season 12 with Darcie Lynn and I'm already getting tired of it. I hate all the backstage stuff and the before performance package like Death and the last guy that hit the golden buzzer what a waist of time especially Death who got 4 red X.  Also, hate the staged remarks from the audience and the judges, especially when the judges remark about something then oh looky that's  what the next act just happens to be. I don't like Simon stopping the singer, just let them sing and be judged, that's not fair to the other singers.

    I'm sick of acts coming to America and telling us how poor they are. Well you know what, America has it's own share of poor people so I can't feel sorry for you when we have children  living at the river bottoms because their parents are homeless. They don't have electricity or running water and very little food. It may not be for the same reason your poor and I'm sorry that you are but please don't act like you're the only country suffering. Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone.

    I have no idea who Gabrielle is and remember Julianne from what little I watched of DWTS but I wish someone would tell her less is more. Her make-up is terrible and she's a pretty girl but not with all that crap on her face especially her eyes. I like Terry more than Tyra and Didn't really care for Mel B but I did like Heidi.

    So, Julianne still has her golden buzzer?

    • Love 3
  15. I don't know who the pop guest artist is but she had great energy and seemed to be really nice. I didn't care for the song that was chosen either and when the girl sang it I couldn't understand a word she was singing. My favorite was the first song, I can't remember the title now but at least he's going to get to work with one of the producers/artist which is really cool. I wonder if the guest artist being female related to the song she picked because it was a female singing it and so she could relate to it more? I remember on one show one of the producers had a female sing in place of the male song writer to relate to the female guest artist that was on.

  16. After reading the comments I'm not going to watch this episode. I think I'm done. I'll continue to read the comments and if an episode comes along that's getting a lot of buzz for being great I'll watch but I'm not holding my breath. I don't know if the show will end this season or if it's been picked up for another but I will tune in to watch the last episode to see how they wrap this mess up and see who ends up on the wall.

    • Love 2
  17. Oh you naughty French with your rental dilldos and waxing lady bits lol. Noooooo the creature lives. Damn you cattle, you had one job to do and you failed. Damn you to hell! Claire you better tell Jamie sooner than later, he deserves to know. And please stop trying to seduce him, let him heal. The man was raped repeatedly all night long and a couple of weeks ago wanted to die because of his shame. Working as an army field nurse I would think she'd be familiar with men suffering from PTSD, maybe not knowing what it is but seeing the effects of it.

    I know I'm in the minority here but I hated the red dress. Those hips were so big Claire had to turn sideways to walk through a doorway, and the neckline no, just no. Plus, it was too short.

    I laughed out loud when Jamie shoved the little French man then splash, and next we see him drying his wig which now looked like a frizzy drowned cat bahahaha! 

    I don't know why but I was having trouble with the dialogue, I felt like I was missing a lot of what was being said, I couldn't get my cc to turn on. When they were speaking French and the subtitles popped up they didn't stay up long enough for me to read the whole sentence. But I do agree with Murtagh cut the head of the snake off.

    France has a lot of vibrant colors where Scotland has beautiful country but was mostly grey and rainy. Now that we know the creature is alive I want Jamie and Claire to stay in France.

    I think the WTF nipple dress was only because the starz network demands nudity or sex in every episode. JMO.

  18. 2 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    I did visit the Arctic once in December and it was freaking cold. Watching this show it was hard to really wrap my head around how they delt with that, especially without modern clothing materials. 

    I think their clothing would've been heavy wool but I agree not warm enough for where they were. I couldn't get a sense of how cold it was when they were on the rocky landscape they didn't have any ice on their beards and I don't remember seeing a lot of campfires. Also, I think the wind would be pretty fierce which would make it feel even colder. 

  19. Thanks for the information Fellaway. I read the media thread and now understand how the series will continue. I'll be on board for that, pun intended ;-). I wonder if it will follow in American Horror Story footsteps, which has a different story each season but uses some of the same actors?

    • Love 1
  20. It took me 2 days to cleanse my head of Black Jack from the last episode of season 1. I never want to see that vile creature on my screen again. I came thisclose to quitting this show because of him. So, I was not expecting to see Frank this episode but I understand that the actor is one of the leads and if Black Jack is dead (please be dead) or we don't need to see him now Jamie and Claire are in France we will see Frank. I don't know why but I feel by Claire's reaction when she woke up at the stones she didn't go through on her own free will or maybe Jamie tried to go with her and it didn't work? I am surprised Frank didn't move on after 2 years and he was ready and willing to hop back in to a relationship with Claire and try to pick up where they left off. And I'm surprised Claire didn't tell him she couldn't be with him at this time because she was in love with someone else. But I guess if that happened their wouldn't be a show. So I guess from now on every time we see Jamie and Claire it's a flashback?

    Not happy with how Claire was in France especially with the 2 smallpox shipmates. When Jamie saw her on the dock and called her name she looked at him and ran. Why didn't she wait for Jamie tell him what was happening and then go look at the boys. Then when Jamie told her to let the dockmaster? handle it she didn't take his advice and made an enemy, plus she may be immune but no one else is and she was touching them. I hope we get to see Jamie battle PTSD and not have sex with Claire for a while. I noticed when Jamie was resting on the bed Claire reached in to kiss him and he took her hand and kissed it instead. No way he's going to heal anytime soon from the rape and since they went there with the rape they need to show Jamie's struggle getting past it before being intimate again. Claire does not have a magic vagina so I hope the show doesn't have Jamie cured as soon as he has sex with Claire. I will not buy it.

  21. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 6:00 PM, AimingforYoko said:

    Leopold and RinguSimmons going at it was the hardest I've laughed in a while.

    So funny. And Fitz and Simmons watching them go at it, priceless! It doesn't take much to confuse me when it comes to time travel and even though I'm enjoying this season I am a little lost with the timeline. I think I need to go back and watch the last couple of episodes from last season because with the long break we had in between I don't remember what happened or how/why Simmons, Daisy and co ended up in space looking for Fitz. This episode was great and my favorite so far this season. I could watch a show based on Fitz and Simmons alone without Shield, they are awesome together.

    • Love 1
  22. Finished watching today. Jared Harris is such a wonderful actor. I've only seen him in 2 other shows, The Crown and Mad Men, he was wonderful in those as well. I agree, the show didn't need the supernatural bear it had enough horror without that creature. I guess outside of finding those 4 graves, some bones and the ships no one will every know the journey these men went on trying to survive and find their way out. I didn't understand the rocky landscape why wasn't it snow and ice? Also, was it common for ships to have 2 life boats and carry all those tents and the camps had a lot of wooden products. Did they really have room on a ship to carry all of that plus supplies? I'm asking because I really don't know, it just seemed like a lot to me. Plus, that had to be hard as hell to pull a boat across rocks especially if you're weak from hunger.  Now that we know the Terror was found 60 miles from the other ship I wonder if some men did stay with the ship and if they tried to sail out of the ice and ended up stuck again or something happened to the ship and it sank, again that's something we'll never know.  I can't imagine what the 2nd season will be about, if it's just a search party I don't think that will interest me. I feel this story could have gone 2 seasons but without the bear and Hickey, with more character development of the men along with some flashbacks would have kept me interested, I like stories like that. The scenery was amazing it looked like they were on another planet and the overhead shot of the 2 boats stuck in ice was hauntingly beautiful. I think all explorers are/were brave, weather it's by sea or space, to leave home not knowing if you'll make it back to your loved ones takes a lot of courage. It's too bad these brave men had a such a sad ending.

    • Love 2
  23. 17 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

    Coming in late, but gah, enough with the closeups of glaring at the camera.  They don't convey anything new or well, anything, at this point.

    I agree. I'm so over those smug face close-ups. How much time has passed since Holly made it to Canada? When she was with Luke and Serena she looked  5 or 6 months old. I haven't read the book but wish they would show more of Canada since we have people there we know, we could follow some of what's going on elsewhere. I wished June told Luke on the tape that she's in a safer place, not being raped. I hate to say it but I am getting a little bored with the show, I want to see more. I wish they would develop something like an underground railroad and we could see the workings of that. I just need more then June walking around asking for favors with that smug look on her face.

    • Love 1
  24. 42 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Do you watch "The Crown"?

    Yes, I love that show, excellent writing and acting. I read somewhere they were going to change the actors. That's a shame because they were so good. I don't know when the new season starts but hopefully not too soon.

    • Love 1
  25. Wow. Did I make a mistake of watching this episode before bed. I wanted to see Jamie's escape from prison so I watched the last 2 episodes back to back. This episode was so disturbing I couldn't sleep and when I did fall asleep every time I woke up it was there in my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about it.  I woke up at 4am and could not get back to sleep so at 6am I thought I would go for a walk to clear my head but it was too windy so I've just been sitting in front of my computer screen trying to find words. I don't like watching sex scenes but a rape scene is just too much! The end of the episode had some light against all the darkness but not enough. Jamie will never be pre-prison Jamie again. Please tell me Jack does not have cattle plot armor, if you're trampled by a herd of cattle you should be dead. I was also yelling at the rescuers to run him through. Jack even told Claire she would regret not running him through when they knocked him out the last time. I have to cleanse myself from the actors face for awhile, I'm not going to be able to watch another episode of Outlander for a few days or another show I watch on HULU that has the same actor called The Terror. I don't want to see Frank anymore either,  I wished they would've used a different actor play Black Jack so I don't hate on Frank so much. I didn't really get to know him to like him but now I won't be able to stand looking at him. I was planning on reading the books but now I don't think I want to. Romance, time travel, period pieces I love. Rape and torture not so much. I need some good juju so I'm off to youtube to find videos of puppies, kittens and bunnies. :-)

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