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  1. Maybe Rinna would feel awful but it still wouldn't be her fault. I have a terrible feeling, we're all gonna to get royally chewed out by the end of the day today. Off to hide under the bed after a pain pill or two. When is this god awful season going to be over with anyway?
  2. Except the drama would have been ramped UP by having them continue to be at odds. The ghoulish in me was hoping the fighting and animosity would continue and was kinda let down when they made up so quickly. It was an anti-climax. I don't think we can ever really know what goes on but the guessing is addictive. I also don't think that the pull of money is enough for Kim when she's doing her jagged little pill routine. It would be like herding cats with her.
  3. Just turned on the tube to see what's going on with our local weather -- it's snowing here and everything is closed -- and happened upon Lisa Rinna on QVC. LOL! Make it stop -- and, mind you, I love her -- I do, but, really, immediate channel change.
  4. Maybe. One thing they can't afford though is another Russell Armstrong. Having cast be carted off to jail is one thing -- the audience gets a kick out of that. But watching folks with a known diagnosis (that's being ignored and lied about) self-destruct for money is another matter altogether. If anything happens to this sad, sick woman on their dime, all the contracts, lawyers, and our collective cynicism put together aren't going to shield them from a PR disaster. Sooner or later, and let's hope it's soonest, Bravo will be forced to deal with Kim's rampant illness if she's not able to do so herself. We've gotten used to the craziness on these shows--Kim's more than anyone else's. There is no one sicker than she is on any of these franchises. But her demeanor and behavior this season, and in this last installment especially, have been so bizarre and off the chain--her very weird sense of herself as being unaccountable and invulnerable--that I think Bravo will have had to take notice. I do think that Lisa Rinna was brought on board to bring things to a head. I think she's done a credible job of it -- violent tantrum aside -- and am grateful that she took it on. I have NO problem with her being paid to undertake the task. I've thought from the start that she's done so with Kyle's tacit blessing. Whatever it takes is fine with me at this point. Nothing else appears to have worked.
  5. LOL! I would bet that cast mates complaining behind the scenes has taken place more than once--and I'd bet a dollar that many of them probably did complain this season. Wanting to get overpaid for this crap and occasionally doing the right thing don't have to be mutually exclusive. Being about the money is just human nature -- I'd sure want to be recompensed and then some for exposing myself on this bread and circus show. Don't mean I'd throw every last scruple out the window. Also, doesn't mean I'd be blase about having to cope with Sideshow Bob week in and week out. And, not to inflame further, but, really, if I had to work with Kim year in and year out, I'd definitely want to know if she's got firearms back at her place because I think that she's only getting sicker and sicker and crazier and crazier. That's just me. If I see sketchy, scary looking folks get on my subway cars, I get off at the first opportunity and wait for another train.
  6. Kim's been uncomfortably and obviously off her rocker on numerous occasions on camera going back to Season One! One of her sure tells may be the finger thing she does -- not just pointing, stabby fashion, but twirling. She's got some finger Tourettes thing going on when she's going on leaded. Her various talking heads alone tell a tale. She may not have what it takes to watch herself on camera but I'm betting everyone else she works with does and sees and can only come to one logical conclusion. Her levels of paranoia also tell a sad story.
  7. What she really meant is prolly, "I hate your career! Wrap it around my skinny finger so I can take it home with me!" It's also really grotesquely amusing to see her so hot to chomp into Rinna's buttocks that she fails to acknowledge the death of the sister info! Kim is all about the sister-sister thing, either in anger or in maudlin tears about all the LOVE, but totally blew it by not being sharp enough to at least PRETEND to care about what she'd just been told. First rule of bitchy evisceration of your enemy, Don't forget to at least ACT touched and concerned when this kind of stuff gets put in front of you. Having done so, then, by all means, proceed to gut the bitch. This is what I mean when I say she's got no game -- Very poor social skills under the best of circumstances and near none when she wants to get her aggression on. Forget about her kids being shocked to see the way she treats Aunt Kyle. I'm sure they're pretty used to that -- and heaven knows what they've had to put up with directly behind closed doors. The real mortification would be watching her go after folks she barely knows, and basically just works with a few months of the year. That's taking the crazy out of the comfy family circle and putting it out there in a way that is beyond embarrassing for children, no matter how old they are. And, please please please, I can only hope and pray we don't get into a tedious throw done about who gets stoned, does coke, or anything else for the sheer fun of it. The idea that Kyle might like to indulge actually makes me like her a wee bit MORE -- so don't see how that's going to help. (I mean, here's to hoping they don't spend precious minutes on end at the Reunion talking about who goes in for recreational drug use.)
  8. Have to wonder if the big surprise at the Reunion is that there was indeed an intervention with Kim, off camera, involving family, cast and crew, and addiction professionals. When Rinna has talked of intervention I never took it to mean that no one else would be involved -- or that it would be done on camera. But OTT so I'll be quiet now. Don't want to get into trouble or make any!
  9. CTO -- I think with Kim what is so shocking to those who have to actually witness it in the flesh is the level of intoxication and craziness on view. That makes it hard for folks not to speak up and get involved. When she goes off the rails, she's really goes for it to such an extent that folks probably feel OBLIGED to say something and intervene. This can be done with an open hand or with malice. I don't think that Rinna acted maliciously -- I also don't think that she handled it all that poorly. Kim's resistance and dishonesty are what has made all of this so upsetting and unpleasant. Kim's got no game when it comes to covering her tracks if that's her intention -- She does it very badly and that just adds to the layers of concern and exasperation. It's one thing to pretend you don't notice that X is high at a party when they "shouldn't" be. It's another thing when that high is something SO in everyone's face, so nutty, destructive, and hostile that you have to betray yourself to keep quiet. I would find it very difficult indeed to work with a person who displays the over the top nuttiness and levels of inebriation that Kim does when she's in full relapse mode. I'd question my integrity, for one, and that's never much fun -- and, beyond a certain point, I'd be worried for my own safety. She's not just flying high -- She's higher than a kite and crazy. Privacy is one thing but Kim doesn't seem to understand where she ends and other folks begin. Her right to privacy in the matter doesn't trump everyone else's right to not feel awful and confused and worried when they are forced to be around her. It all gets back to the same knot -- If her desire is have her private life and do as she pleases, why be on this show? Trying to have it both ways isn't working for anyone. I know I'm going to finish the season because it's impossible for me to stop now but, if she's back next year, I'm going to think long and hard about tuning into next season at all. Aside from that, Cheers! And thanks for being nice.
  10. A really nasty maneuver on Kim's part and one that is sure to backfire. My worry for Harry would be about casting agents going, "Harry Hamlin? The guy on Real Housewives?" NOOOOO! That would be a killer for him right there. But he has a body of work that speaks for itself. Kim is mightily envious of anyone still working for real -- and even more envious of those able to secure any kind of successful comeback. I'm also hoping that Rinna's new tolerance for this stupid, vain woman is a pure act. I would NEVER forget the Harry comments had I two young daughters -- or young sons. She can lose me with her tit for tat nonsense. Totally out of line and, yeah, count me among those who would love to see her pull this kind of crap in either Atlanta or New Jersey! RH of NYC would also have given her a real run for her money pulling that nonsense.
  11. I think that Rinna has been more direct with Kim about her problems than anyone else on camera. To my view, she has been direct with her on at least two occasions. One that Kim may not remember because she was so messed up -- She flat out asked her to her face if she had been drinking or using drugs! That takes a fair amount of chutzpah. She could've pretended not to see and run around the party badmouthing her behind her back. She straight up asked her for all to see -- and endured the carriage ride with a fair amount of grace and compassion. I hear that seat kicking was involved? She was also totally upfront with her at a later date in addressing the issue and was met with blah blah blah for a response. If Kim didn't know full well by this point that folks were chattering about her falling off the wagon, that's on her and her general lack of ... fill in blank. Lack of smarts for sure. I gather that Rinna didn't point this out to Kim plainly during the Amsterdam hotel room apology scene because she knows it's hopeless and just wants her real involvement to be over -- or she feels she did her job by the producers -- or both -- or who knows? In real life, I certainly would have reminded her of these two instances. I agree with your post. It's going to be fascinating to see how Kim reacts to the Brandi smack talking about her reveal. If she bothers to watch the season and pays attention. In the end, I never get the sense that Kim truly cares who does what to her or why -- She'll make use of that person as long as she needs to to further her own agenda and then moves on.
  12. I think she was definitely high as a kite on something during the restaurant fight. And under the influence when she walked into Rinna's room to do that revisionist thing that she likes to do. Ditto for her talking heads in the black top with the layered hair cut. Higher than high. As for poker night and the subsequent hospital stay, poker event looked to me to be the tail end of a serious bender -- a binge bender that landed her in the hospital for what they used to call R&R back in the good old days. She shows absolutely zero signs in Holland of having any kind of back disorder or hernia problem recovery or any of the myriad conditions she quoted. She's riding bikes and hauling luggage, getting super aggressive in restaurants, and generally acting like the cock of the walk. I had to chuckle when she was going on about how she was willing to kill for her children. Well, yeah, most all of us would if need be but, hey, why not just try getting well and behaving yourself instead? Always with the drama.
  13. missy jo -- "What do you think was her real reason?" re not getting stoned. I don't know if she's still in any kind of custody dispute with Eddie over those children. Or under orders to keep herself together. They're filming in Amsterdam but being judged in the States and she's got enough troubles. I thought she was a total pill about the whole thing and acted like a super brat on the street but, for once, managed to take the wiser action. I think it's tricky for them going to a great place like that on camera and behaving normally. I can see why all of them would have reasons to feel uncomfortable eating hash or smoking whatever while being filmed. As it was, it was a waste -- Might've been more fun to see them doing something else. They were all ill at ease and the comments, by and large, were super lame. You can really, really see sometimes that they're not really a cohesive group of true friends -- this was one of those times.
  14. In my little world of straightened circumstances and still no ability to buy grass legally and so be able to enjoy it in peace, all of those gals behaved like ninnies at the pot cafe! What a great opportunity to have some fun, cut the crap and stop the sniping. Eileen had the best quip when she said she wasn't going to but was weak and gave in to the peer pressure! I can understand why Brandi got irritated, I guess, but should've dropped her ridiculous complaints and just gone for it. Why she thinks she needs to be the hypocrisy police, I dunno. Where would we be without our hypocrisies? I would've gone for a good smoke and would've proceeded to flirt my ass off with Leo, married or not married. And, swankie and noire, I'm right with you. After a certain point, that point of no return, it's all Black Sails with me. Don't start none, won't be none. Kim was absolutely spoiling for a beat down.
  15. I could totally have done without the cock in the mouth-food in the mouth thing that LisaV came up with, although Rinna's question about whether the Dutch aspire to becoming prostitutes was a definite WTF moment. When you step back after day or so, it all seems so funny and absurd. And I swear to heavens that if I were Bella I would make it perfectly plain to Mommy that it's enough already with the DUI thing! What a stupid way to kick off a dinner party ... Who the hell wants to sit down to what could have been a great meal on their first day of travel and have it kicked off by a super-tacky retreat round-robin? It's dinner time, girls -- Time to chill out and enjoy that substance known as food. It's no wonder they are all so thin.
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