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  1. Guys, vibes to you all. This horror is awful, but I am inspired by people standing up to bullshit and hatred.
  2. Despite going to bed at 10.30pm, we accidentally saw in the new year at midnight because I was reading a really good book. Happpy New Year to all of you lovelies.
  3. Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends. It's been a shitty year in so many ways, but also so much to be grateful for. Babies and kitties and successes and love. X
  4. I have no words. sorry
  5. Best wishes for all of you voting today. Hopefully the bronze buffoon slithers back under a huge rock tomorrow. im in for Secret Santa again :))
  6. 'Walking Dead' may never finish, but they do have to keep ramping shit up each year, and it is tedious. But, that being said, I was shocked by this episode.
  7. Also, shout out to the wonderful 'cello theme tune. I hated it initially, but grew to adore it. i think you will get used to Wesley faster than you think, Peaceout. Trust me on this :)
  8. I have a sinus cold. Sorry your job sucks, harvester
  9. Dylan has always been a poet who performs ('sings' is pushing it), but as the music is 50% of his work, it just shouldn't fit into 'literature' because that is to rob it of its entire form. That being said, they have Obama a Peace prize his first year in the White House, and whilst I adore Barrack Obama, he never earned a Nobel Prize then, or since (ymmv).
  10. Jack, to be fair, the last time she saw Willow, Willow was trying to destroy the entire world just because. Her pain or whatever caused her disregard for all people, and Buffy hasn't seen or spoken to Willow since then. The Scoobies were told that she hadn't finished 'getting better', so it isn't a stretch to be concerned about randomly flayed bodies...
  11. Very emotionally draining. When 'Seeing Red' was first broadcast they threw a commercial break right in the middle of the attempted rape scene. Just awful. Amber Benson, who plays Tara, was finally put in the main credits for this episode. Mean joke. "Your shirt..." ?
  12. The fact is that the last scene is still the lingering effects of the poison wearing off. This was a one-off episode and you are not meant to think about the 'other' reality again, anymore than Cordelia's alt-wish land. It was a great tool though for Buffy to realise that she wants to live in this world, and fight for her friends and family. Letting go of her mother was so hard, especially doing this for the second time, with a promise of some peace and happiness outside of the mess of post-heaven, depression and self hatred. So yes, i love this episode for finally giving us a turning point for Buffy.
  13. me too! I love Tara's progression this season. 'Normal Again' is interesting. People either love it (me), or despise every second of it. I adore it for many reasons. secnarf, they are unspoilt for the entire season...
  14. I hear ya! You are almost past the worst part of Season Six. The last third is very different to the first 2/3's. I think you actually will really enjoy this season arc. Addiction Magic be damned!
  15. I am so glad that Season Five had that impact. I truly love so much about this season. And, yes, it could've easily worked as an amazingly satisfying Series finale. I hope Season Six is as enjoyable. Like Season 4, there are a few real gems in there, and a couple of misses. Think 'Beer Bad' vs 'Hush'. There is one real treat waiting for you if you aren't spoilt on it. i am super curious to hear how this next Season goes for you...
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