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Everything posted by Squeek

  1. All 45 TCC (Final list, all IG accounts and names): Rookies: Alexandra Pena @alexandra.micaa Amanda Dilks @amandadilks (Philly Flyers) Ashley Hancock @ashleyahancock (DMD) Bret McCall Lindley @bret_mccall (49ers) Chandi Dayle @chandidayle (UofAZ pom) Gina Marie Campagna @ginamariecampagna (Trinity HS/Pagents) Julia Fife @juliafife (DMD) Kat Puryear @katpurr (Charlotte Hornets) Kelcey Wetterburg @kelceywetterberg (Nebraska) Kristen Dodd @kdodd_10 (Ice Angels) Lauren Ligon @lauren_ligon (TCU Showgirl) Lily Johnson @lilyjay21 (University of Kentucky) Madeline Grace Salter @_mmadelinegrace (OCU) Lisa Mills @lisa_mills (DMD) Meredith Madden @meredithmadden Shaina Grace @shainagrace (LSU Goldgengirl) Taylor Pedersen @tay_pedersen (Suns Dancer) Victoria Kalina @victoriaakalina (TC last year) Vets: Alanna Tarango @yomamaalanna / 2nd year Alexis Peterson @alexispetersonn / 3rd year Amber McMillan @amber_nicole74 / 2nd year Amy Leonall @amy_nicole_l / 5th year Ashlee Ford @ashlee_nobanks / 2nd year Brennan Cook @brennanashley / 2nd year Briana Baisden @bri_channelle / 2nd year Bridget Jacob @classic_bridge / 2nd year Caroline Sundvold @carolinebrock95 / 2nd year Christina Riccelli @christina_riccelli / 3rd year Cianna Levi @cicilevi / 2nd year Daphne Janes @daph7 / 2nd year Erin Sauerhage @erin__margaret / 2nd year Gina Ligi @ginaligi / 3rd year Hannah Anderson @hannah_anderson95 / 2nd year Heather O'Connor @heathertherese94 / 4th year Jalyn Stough @jalynstough / 2nd year Lexie Sullivan @lexiesullivan26 / 3rd year Madeline Massingill @madeline_massingill / 4th year Madeline Molloy @madeline_molloy / 2nd year Miranda Tims @mirandatims / 3rd year Molly Neumeister @mollyneumeister / 3rd year Rachel Alexander @rachelalexander / 3rd year Rachel Wyatt @rachelyukiwyatt / 2nd year Savannah Heineken @saaavy / 3rd year Taylor Johnson @taylorjohnsonj / 2nd year Tess Guidry @misstessguidry / 4th year
  2. All 45 TCC Rookies: Alexandra Mica/Pena Amanda Dilks @amandadilks (Philly Flyers) Ashley Hancock @ashleyahancock (DMD) Bret McCall Lindley @bret_mccall (49ers) Chandi Dayle @chandidayle (UofAZ pom) Gina Marie Campagna @ginamariecampagna (Trinity HS/Pagents) Julia Fife @juliafife (DMD) Kat @katpurr (Charlotte Hornets) Kelcey Wetterburg @kelceywetterberg (Nebraska) Kristen Dodd @kdodd_10 (Ice Angels) Lauren Ligon @lauren_ligon (TCU Showgirl) Lily Johnson @lilyjay21 (University of Kentucky) Madeline Grace @_mmadelinegrace (OCU) Lisa Mills @lisa_mills (DMD) Meredith Madden @meredithmadden Shaina Grace @shainagrace (LSU Goldgengirl) Taylor Pedersen @tay_pedersen (Suns Dancer) Victoria Kalina @victoriaakalina (TC last year) Vets: Alanna Tarango @yomamaalanna / 2nd year Alexis Peterson @alexispetersonn / 3rd year Amber McMillan @amber_nicole74 / 2nd year Amy Leonall @amy_nicole_l / 5th year Ashlee Ford @ashlee_nobanks / 2nd year Brennan Cook @brennanashley / 2nd year Briana Baisden @bri_channelle / 2nd year Bridget Jacob @classic_bridge / 2nd year Caroline Sundvold @carolinebrock95 / 2nd year Christina Riccelli @christina_riccelli / 3rd year Cianna Levi @cicilevi / 2nd year Daphne Janes @daph7 / 2nd year Erin Sauerhage @erin__margaret / 2nd year Gina Ligi @ginaligi / 3rd year Hannah Anderson @hannah_anderson95 / 2nd year Heather O'Connor @heathertherese94 / 4th year Jalyn Stough @jalynstough / 2nd year Lexie Sullivan @lexiesullivan26 / 3rd year Madeline Massingill @madeline_massingill / 4th year Madeline Molloy @madeline_molloy / 2nd year Miranda Tims @mirandatims / 3rd year Molly Neumeister @mollyneumeister / 3rd year Rachel Alexander @rachelalexander / 3rd year Rachel Wyatt @rachelyukiwyatt / 2nd year Savannah Heineken @saaavy / 3rd year Taylor Johnson @taylorjohnsonj / 2nd year Tess Guidry @misstessguidry / 4th year
  3. Added thank you, was grabbed from last years list.
  4. Rookies: Alexandra Mica/Pena Amanda Dilks @amandadilks (Philly Flyers) Ashley Hancock @ashleyahancock (DMD) Bret McCall Lindley @bret_mccall (49ers) Chandi Dayle @chandidayle (UofAZ pom) Gina Marie Campagna @ginamariecampagna (Trinity HS/Pagents) Julia Fife @juliafife (DMD) Kat @katpurr (Charlotte Hornets) Kelcey Wetterburg @kelceywetterberg (Nebraska) Kristen Dodd @kdodd_10 (Ice Angels) Lauren Ligon @lauren_ligon (TCU Showgirl) Lily Johnson @lilyjay21 (University of Kentucky) Lisa Mills @lisa_mills (DMD) Meredith Madden @meredithmadden Shaina Grace @shainagrace (LSU Goldgengirl) Taylor Pedersen @tay_pedersen (Suns Dancer) Victoria Kalina @victoriaakalina (TC last year) Vets: Alanna Tarango @yomamaalanna / 2nd year Alexis Peterson @alexispetersonn / 3rd year Amber McMillan @amber_nicole74 / 2nd year Amy Leonall @amy_nicole_l / 5th year Ashlee Ford @ashlee_nobanks / 2nd year Brennan Cook @brennanashley / 2nd year Briana Baisden @bri_channelle / 2nd year Bridget Jacob @classic_bridge / 2nd year Caroline Sundvold @carolinebrock95 / 2nd year Christina Riccelli @christina_riccelli / 3rd year Cianna Levi @cicilevi / 2nd year Daphne Janes @daph7 / 2nd year Erin Sauerhage @erin__margaret / 2nd year Gina Ligi @ginaligi / 3rd year Hannah Anderson @hannah_anderson95 / 2nd year Heather O'Connor @heathertherese94 / 4th year Jalyn Stough @jalynstough / 2nd year Lexie Sullivan @lexiesullivan26 / 3rd year Madeline Massingill @madeline_massingill / 4th year Madeline Molloy @madeline_molloy / 2nd year Miranda Tims @mirandatims / 3rd year Molly Neumeister @mollyneumeister / 3rd year Rachel Alexander @rachelalexander / 3rd year Rachel Wyatt @rachelyukiwyatt / 2nd year Savannah Heineken @saaavy / 3rd year Taylor Johnson @taylorjohnsonj / 2nd year Tess Guidry @misstessguidry / 4th year
  5. A friend in the area said she had a "troubled" interview. I believe she's the one who was late.
  6. I believe she was the vet late to interviews.
  7. TCC photo up! https://www.instagram.com/dccheerleaders/
  8. I'm just hoping they'll be kind and honest enough not to take her back as a ratings ploy. She's not any better, honestly I think she's worse and she's given enough of herself to the ratings.
  9. Seriously? Looked like the same thing she did last year, same outfit, nothing new. So disappointed.
  10. Take heart, VK's spot was already guaranteed. No way Tina would have let her precious daughter audition again if it wasn't.
  11. A friend in Dallas said that Lauren has had issues practicing for auditions due to her hamstring injury still flaring up and it was decided not to take a chance with her re-injuring herself and possibly causing permanent damage. Going to miss her on the show!
  12. KaShara, Lacey and Khalyn should all be All-Stars this year. Kash has stated her desire to fill in as an All Star in the past so I imagine she'll do some if there's need.
  13. Maybe she decided not to renew, who knows but everyone is so set it's something bad and nasty happened. I didn't think she was cut out to be a DCC but I don't know the girl and don't understand why everyone has to be so negative. I don't remember when she left but I know she signed the contract before her 21st birthday the end of August. So 7-8 months would have put her home by now. *shrug*
  14. Kayce: I took it as it'd be the last time she'd be in that port, like her time on the ship was coming to an end. She'd been posting every couple weeks and I just took it as her time was coming to an end. BringItOn: YES! She tried out twice, she didn't make it and she moved on. Let the girl have some peace. In general: There's been a lot of argument about this and that she was under contract for 9 months but I have friends that have worked for RC in the past and one who is currently on another ship and they say (as does their website) that RC contracts for 7 or 8 months and they've never heard of exceptions to that. She was contracted in August so it makes sense she'd be home in April or May, even with a 9 month contract.
  15. This is one of the reasons I don't think anything weird happened that she left the ship but some people just have to think the worst about things.
  16. It's because there's 4 lines at registration, they used to be 1-100, 101-200, etc but they've had to bring it down over the years due to low turnout.
  17. I don't think Dayton got ended early, I think she just didn't renew or get renewed by RC. RC ships only contract for 7-8 months generally. Most lines contract a year or even two but RC it's 7-8 months and then they decide if they're going to renew you. From their auditions site: (misspelling is theirs' not mine) We offer: Competitive Salaries / 7-8 month performance contracts / Paid rehearsal period / Housing / Amazing Itineraries / Professional working enviroment / Contemporary musical stage productions.
  18. I hope Jalyn will get it in due time but I don't think it'll be this year.
  19. So the list we've got (above) has a total of 34 possible finalists, 31 we're almost sure made it and 3 various sources say made it. Someone said there's 50 being taken into finals but I find that VERY hard to believe. There were a total of 140-150 who tried out this year, 75-85 made it to semis. I can not see 50 of those being taken into finals.
  20. I love watching the speculation about vets that may not, or in fan opinion, shouldn't make it back. I know this won't be a popular opinion but I'm not a Brennan fan, I just don't think she's got the look or the dance. I wouldn't really be surprised to see her not make it back with what I've seen of the new finalists. I've seen a lot of people say Caroline may not make it back, the rookie of the year not make it back? I don't see that happening unless she really messes up. All in all this has been the most forgettable rookie class I've seen since the show started. Going through the calendar shoot pics I had to keep going back to the roster to figure out who a few were because they just didn't make an impression. Amber, Ashlee, Brianna, Gabby, Taylor, I honestly didn't really remember. Brennan I remembered basically because of all the fuss. The rookies who actually made an impression, Caroline, Cianna, Erin, Jalyn. Madeline I do remember due to her face and eyes but her dancing never caught my attention. I just wasn't impressed with last year's rookie class. I think maybe if everything hadn't been so centered on VK, Malena and Dayton the other rookies might have had a chance to make an impression. So much time was spent on those three the others didn't get much of a chance to get known. As for VK, she doesn't impress me and I was surprised she made it into finals last year even being the daughter of Kelli's best friend. She just didn't have it. Everyone says "She was just 18 and just out of high school". So? Abigail Klein was just out of high school, I can name half a dozen more and none of them behaved like VK (Cassie wasn't even that bad!). She doesn't look any better this year (When she's not sucking it in hard enough to pass out.) than she did last year. I full expect her to make the team this year because her mom would not have let her put herself through this again without having talked to Kelli about it and gotten some kind of assurance she wouldn't be embarrassed again. I don't think Malena will ever have the memory to remember all the DCC routines and I hope they didn't bring her back just for ratings if they take her into TC again. I didn't feel like she had the stuff to make it on the team but felt so bad they kept stringing her along and she quit her job to stay when you knew she wasn't going to make it. I think the leaders this year will be Amy, Maddie, Tess and Heather. For seconds I'd like to see Lauren, Gina, Savannah, and Alexis or Christina. For point... I'm a fan of Maddie but I don't think she's got the flash for point. So probably Amy or Heather. I'd love to see Lauren get it someday or Savannah but I know they're not the flashiest dancers out there. I always wanted to see Mackenzie Lee get it too. Maybe I'm just odd.
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