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Posts posted by staphdude

  1. I like Vanessa, unlike a lot of the live feeders on Twitter, but she has MILLIONS of dollars. 

    "Millions" huh. Her estimated gross earnings are 3.5 million over 10 years. Tournament buyins and a degen lifestyle eat a lot of that up.

  2. Damn Katie was annoying. Her Tattoo looked like someone had released a rabid Rottweiler in an Egyptian display and wackiness ensued.  She also pissed me off with the "Mandala" on the Sarcophagus.


    Marisa was clearly the weakest of the bottom three. MV might have put a Shar-Pei on the body of a sphinx but at least it was detailed. Marisa scratched out a crude Elvis sphinx with absolutely no detail. No detail in a detail challenge and yet she stays...Shenanigans!

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  3. Framework though... don't rely on that for "reality".  There's a ton of fakery going on there--it's just the more typical reality show fakery we're used to with coached shit-talking and bad behavior, and result manipulation to keep certain characters in who gave "good TV".




    I would say they are equivalent on the reality scale. Talking heads are irrelevant to me so if they talk shit or praise to high heaven I really just get a "wah wah wah" from them. And if we are talking result manipulation then the Katie win far outpaces any shenanigans that happen on Framework.

  4. I am surprised at the amount of hate for this show.  Is it directed at Katie?  Or is it Ellen? In a sea of real estate and remodeling shows I found furniture making a refreshing change.  


    I was not impressed with the judges and they can easily be replaced.  The contestants will be different if this sees another season.  


    Since a show is scheduled for a set amount of weeks the non elimination episode was clearly in the plan and not to save Katie as many think.  Since there were so few contestants due to the space needed for each to have a complete workshop I don't think this will change so I expect to see another non elimination round if this comes back.   


    I really liked this show!  Am I alone?

    There is another furniture making show-Framework-and given the overall setup and tone I prefer it to this version.

    It may be true that there is a non-elimination built into the schedule but that doesn't mean that it can't be used when and how the producers see fit. I feel that Katie's initial work was great but then devolved into a mess. I still feel that they judges and producers kept her to meet whatever idea they had in their minds. It's just a shame that this meant two other better (imo) designers being sent home early.

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  5. Tim's piece was a gorgeous copy and so he was rightfully disqualified. However, I still maintain that the cow table was the end of Katie's run and that production shenanigans conspired to keep her in so I will just believe that the show ended inconclusively.

    Given the ending I would be surprised if they are given another go at it. Then again I suppose Ellen has a lot of clout.

    • Love 4
  6. While I have no illusions that television producers see the audience as anything but drooling morons, to have a deliberation two weeks in a row find Katie safe is pathetic. The cow table should have had her removed retroactively from the competition and that chair that is a couch was not attractive.

    It frustrated me to no end when the judge who stated her height as 5'1" complained about Tim's couch's height when the average American woman is 4 inches taller than her. That may have meant that it was still a bit high but by comparison one could say that all the other furniture in that lounge was low- and since I am 6'2" I suppose I should have the right to complain about that.

    I never want to hear "on trend" from that judge again.

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  7. I don't think Keith is homophobic, and I don't think Denzel was either. They'd be in the wrong business if they were.

    I don't see Chantelle as hiding behind anything, I think she's brave. I like the way she stood up to that idiot photographer.

    We never heard her side of this "big lie", and that's too bad. Shaming her and making her cry, was a shitty thing on Keith's part.

    YMMV but I find she is certainly using her condition when it suits her. Whenever she wants to gain an upper hand she whips out the fact that she has this condition and she was bullied. To me she has learned the bullying tactic and is now the mean girl

  8. Many were saying how different it would be if the situation were reversed, a man lying about sleeping with a woman, so my exchanging Will for Chantell is simply in that vein. If you want to read deeper meanings into my posts, have fun, but there aren't any.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and that's all I'm expressing, you don't have to agree. Thanks.

    implying homophobia on someones part is in no way equivalent. Moreover Chantelle can't hide behind insecurities in every situation. If that were the case she really would have carte blanche to be a raging bitch.

  9. I don't mean this to sound cruel, but at some level Bethany makes me uncomfortable.  That little girl voice and ever-chipper attitude come off to me as a role she feels obliged to adopt- perhaps as a means to making others more comfortable with her injury.  I have great respect for her accomplishments and tenacity, but I feel like she is viewed as an object- the "girl with the fighting spirit"- and that she is trapped in that role.  Despite seeing her ability to conquer challenges, I don't feel that I've gotten any sense of her as a woman.  Even the way her husband talks about her, it seems objectifying- Bethany never ceases to amaze me, etc.  I don't doubt he loves her, but it just seems she's caught up in this role and isn't allowed (or doesn't allow herself) to just be.

    I don't mean to sound facetious but to me she just sounds like a chill stoner. Everything seems to be a fun experience and nothing seems too harsh to break the reverie.

    • Love 7
  10. It is a shame that the firefighters went out on such a boneheaded move. You really have to stretch to get foundry from that question but then they may have been exhausted from wrangling those awesome sheep.


    What surprises me the most is that I am enjoying the dentists. Sure they talk themselves up but they are extremely competent and have yet to cause any useless drama. I'll take their "arrogance" over the fame-whoring that has infected recent seasons.


    oh and GO SURFERS!


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