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Posts posted by staphdude

  1. 13 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    The Bad:

    Danys death. After all this, with her being one of the protagonists of the whole series, and then being set up as the final boss, she is taken out by a quick stab while kissing Jon, and...thats it? What a lame way to end such a great character who has been such a huge focus of the show. It actually reminded me of the death of Stannis, who was another really interesting and dynamic character who was built up for many seasons, and then just kind of out of nowhere crosses the moral event horizon and dies a pointless death, and its like they never existed at all. What a waste of time. 

    To me her death makes perfect sense. Her power was in her relationships with those that could actually enforce her will. She was utterly alone with Jon and he clearly had the upper hand. 

    What would have been more ridiculous was him fighting through Dothraki and unsullied in order to strike her down.

    • Love 6
  2. 2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    They also sort of forget that the butterflies of Naath carry a disease that only the native are immune to and kills all outsiders who stay there for any extended period of time. 

    You can see how they did remember and this was a “cryptic” way of indicating the fate they have chosen for themselves, right?

    • Useful 2
  3. People have been speaking about tropes in fantasy...It seems to me that the unlikely misfit (usually a man/boy) with no claim to any special powers that turns out to be essential to the safety of the realm is classic and applies here nicely. Dany was just a distraction. Jon was meant to rule. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    And what an insult to the work Nikolaj Coster Waldau and Gwendolyne Christie who acted the shit out of one of the most 'shipped romances on the show. We watched them meet. We watched them hate each other. We watched them slowly like each other. We watched that liking and trust turn to love. And we finally watched them consummate their relationship. After all that we're supposed to believe it meant nothing to Jaime and Brienne was just the side chick? Fuck that.

    Jaime may have loved Brienne  but he Loved Cersei. Theirs was epic love. They had children together; she was carrying his child and he had killed for her. No one affected him like she did and had for his ENTIRE life. Of course he would go to her.

    10 hours ago, Advance35 said:

    Lena was phenomenal, as she slowly came to realize that it was all over.   As it all slowly, literally started to crumble around her.  I thought it was like opera.  Qyburn the victim of his own macabre creation.   

    I think Cersei got her desserts, she knew it was over and we saw her absolutely terrified, more so then we ever have in the past.  And I believed her, when she was in the catacombs and she told Jamie she wanted to live and she wanted her child to live.   All I could think was Ned Stark wanted to live, Robb Stark wanted to live, Catelyn, Lancel, Margaery, Kevan, Olenna, Ellaria.

    The fact that I felt a pang of empathy is down, purely to Lena's acting. 

    Sandor warning Arya to turn back because he didn't want her to end up like everyone else, letting ambition and grudges lead them towards inevitable destruction.  He didn't want Arya to become him.

    Daenerys is a monster.  The hero becomes the villain and all that.  I thought it was believable. She's grieving.  I don't like her but objectively, she's lost a lot of people recently.  So has everyone else in this story but Dany has dragons.

    I felt sorry for Varys.  CH is a treasure.   And I found him oddly sympathetic.

    Loved when Cersei noped the fuck out on the Clegane reunion. 

    I get why people didn’t like Cersei’s ending but it was fitting. She dreaded dying in that hole and ultimately she is dead. The fact that she had Jaime there probably both gave some comfort but also brought home that she had no one else in her life.

    22 minutes ago, Bali said:

    OK- I've had the night to process this. I'm starting to lean towards it being okay. Stay with me here:

    Danaerys tried to get Jon to kissy face her. He wouldn't because he's freaked out about the fact that she is his aunt. He said he loves her, because she's his queen, not because she's the woman he loves. She already knows that the Kingdom doesn't love her and isn't waiting for her return, like she's always been told they are. She knows that you can rule through love or fear. She doesn't think she's going to get love. So she chose fear. Nothing is more terrifying than destroying the city.

    Varys betrayed her. He knows about Jon's true identity. Not sure how she knows because they aren't showing us anymore- the writers are telling us.

    Drogon coming out of the shadows was cool.

    Jamie has said 8 hundred million times that the only woman he loves is Cersei. We were all just fooling ourselves into thinking this was a redemption arc. He died with the woman he loves.

    A quick death for Cersei would have been delightful. I wanted Arya to say, The North Remembers as she's pulling off Jamie's face more than anyone. But this way, she got to feel the abandonment and fear she has instilled for a while longer. AND- Arya is more than a soulless assassin.

    Arya and The Hound- WONDERFUL SCENE- and one of my favorites in this whole series. When he said, Look at me, Revenge is all I've wanted my whole life- is this what you want to become? Tears in my eyes. Then she thanked him- for so many things.

    Clegane bowl- sucked.

    Tyrion being SO STUPID? SUCKED. I miss the days when he whored, drank, READ AND KNEW THINGS. But alas, those days are long gone because no one is telling him what to do and say.

    Greyworm is just pissed. He loved Missendei. Now she is gone. He's acting out of revenge for everything that has been done to him in his whole life. He snapped- that one I get.

    Jon Snow- tried to say, I don't want to be King. Tried to follow the Queen he believed in. Accepted the surrender of Cersei's soldiers. Didn't expect Greyworm to snap, or for Dany to be a big old fat lying psychopath. He did rescue at least one woman from a Dothraki rape. I don't think he was so much a worthless pussy as he was the representation of those of us that didn't want to admit there could be a dark side to Dany.

    As for next week- yeah, Tyrion will have to pay for releasing Jamie- Dany already told him that the next time he lets her down will be his last. So, will Jon be able to save Tyrion in time? I hope so.

    Maybe we'll find out that Arya is an unexpected dragon and that's why she didn't burn?

    For me Jon is strong and true. This is what was necessary to break his resolve to support his Queen. The King of the North- Forged in fire and pain.

    • Love 7
  5. 4 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    Payback's a bitch, innit? 

    Or it normalizes behaviour and provides cover for those who engage in it. Say for instance if a designer or viewer to say that a model wasn’t hot enough and we needed someone people want to look at....More Cindy Crawford less androgynous stick figure. That is good right.

    • Love 3
  6. 10 hours ago, Kdel1079 said:

    nice eye candy this episode with the male models! 😍

    Right eh. And they could use more eye candy for the female models too correct?

    7 hours ago, Corgi-ears said:

    I agree that the show was very leery towards the models, and then towards the designers for being so thirsty. But I'm not sure the designers were sexually harassing the models, in large part because their comments were made to the camera as confessionals, or to each other. Rewatching the sequences, these are the comments and their contexts:

    When the models first arrive for measurements, we get the following: 

    • Sebastian talks to the camera about how "the male models, they all are gorgeous," and thus he tells himself not to look but to focus on his work;
    • Tessa jokes to her model that she won't make his pants too tight ("because I will make the crotch ill-fitting and insane" is unspoken), followed by her confessing to the camera that she is "starved for straight males," and that the models smell good;
    • Lela and Renee ask their model is he's comfy wearing chaps, and Lela titters in front of her model about how measuring guys is different.  

    After the models leave, in the sewing room:

    • Tessa talks to Sonia about how the latter's (i.e., Garo's) model smelt real good, and asks who he is; Bishme jumps in and jokes about Fedex packages, and Frankie says that they don't need anything "swinging" as the models walk.

    The next morning, Bishme and his mom talk about his model's butt. The models then come in for their second fitting, and:

    • Tessa talks in a confessional about beginning to enjoy the challenge, though "maybe it's the male models in the room";
    • Lela blushingly tells her model that he can keep his underwear on; Renee laughs, and Lela says her bf might kill her;

    So based on what we're shown, Lela and Tessa did make comments to their models' faces; for the most part, the other comments were kept between the designers, or the designers and the camera. Of course, this does mean that the models did and would eventually hear the confessionals. Were the intra-designer conversations too lascivious? Probably; the sewing room conversation about dicks was the most egregious. But in all I would say, albeit with some hesitation, that the atmosphere in the workroom while the models were there was fairly professional. 

    Those discussions were fine but when someone questions the size, appearance or quality of a female model they are inappropriate...

    • Love 1
  7. So Bennet whines and moaned about Wallace but in my mind if he wanted to spotlight issues with following the rules he should have focused on either Phil or Renee. IMO neither addressed the challenge properly. Phil did use both ingredients but the were in no way integrated so he was able to to make a straightforward caviar dish and then people could have some “unique” cotton candy. His explanation of the colour palette of the caviar dish evoking cotton candy was BS.

    Then there’s Renee. You got hotdog. You didn’t use hotdog. No, wadded meat on a stick is not hotdog. It looked good but I am sure plenty of people would like to just say this reminds me of that so I will choose to do what I want and not overcome the roadblock put before me.

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    I don't think she his having delusions.  Sansa, Tyrion and Varys are actively undermining her.  She just  lost her two best friends, half her troops and her 2nd child.

    You aren't paranoid if people are really out to get you.   

    Tyrion is a likable,  clever fool.  He would never be a good ruler. He has been a horrible adviser to Dany.  Sansa would turn into a mini Cersei with that power. 

    Her delusion is that she is the one true saviour of the people and the realm.

    On the personal front I agree there are lots of people who are undermining or are outright hostile to her...but that is the game she is playing.

    • Love 2
  9. Dany is becoming what she was destined to become...power crazed just like her brother and father before them. Delusions are steadily starting  to float more closely to the surface and her ultimate love of the throne above all else is palpable. She and Cersei are two sides of the same coin.

    Shame it could never be Tyrion and Sansa ruling...

    • Love 6
  10. 1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Someone mentioned this yesterday:

    Oops missed that! While it isn’t likely a major factor I was wondering how much that was considered given pricing at Mood. I recall a previous episode where one of the sales people quoted an exorbitant per yard price for a fabric....

  11. On 4/26/2019 at 9:33 AM, dleighg said:

    Christian: You've got a curvy girl, this is the first time with a curvy girl for you, right?

    Tessa: Yeah. I'm trying to channel my mom, who always wears oversized coats, and always looks so elegant.


    Gee thanks, kiddo.

    Pot calling her mother black. Tessa is short and curvy so perhaps she should rethink her idea of what is appropriate in a model. 

    As a perhaps irrelevant aside could someone with more expertise weigh in on how much more material is required when sizing up designs for height and or “curviness”. 

    Lela’s and Venny’s dresses were as boring as Sonia’s. In my mind elegance often tends towards classic. Worn with confidence those looks never shout boring.

    i wish they wouldn’t define a challenge one way and then judge on different criteria. according to Webter’s Elegance is “refined grace or dignified propriety” while OED says elegant is “graceful and stylish in appearance or manner”. These should be the criteria at the forefront of the judging and so in my mind Sonia should have stayed and Bishmee should have gone. Otherwise provide a more complete picture of what you are looking for, not just elegant but modern.

    • Love 4
  12. You don’t form a religion around someone and then throw it all away the moment the figure of adoration appears and begins behaving exactly as he always promised.

    Satan would not be that weak and they should in no way be able to trap him. He is the source of their power. This isn’t some touchy feely earth based witchcraft. It is dark, cannibalistic, evil magic, witchcraft. The “Dark Lord” would suffer no such indignities. Pluckiness doesn’t overcome true power.

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  13. Man, this challenged turned into a version of Noma-lite. 

    Panna-cotta??? She really should have used the juniper in some pickled herring. Perfect as an appetizer and would have made much more sense. 

    Bye bye vegetable based cooking. Don’t know why you were worried about vegan desserts as in my experience they are often wonderful. I think it is your execution that is the cause for concern.

    • Love 2
  14. I could have dealt with Hester being safe but a win is a MFing stretch. It was a cheap costume/cosplay by an earnest but uncreative teen. 

    Games have characters in costumes. Do not craft challenges based on costumes and then ask they not do something “costumey”.

    A miller falls in the farm category for me so Rakan’s Syrian farm women are a no no but have a woman lugging a dusty sack and EMPOWERMENT! If anything Tessa’s would be a NPC and fade into the background with that muted palette.

    i also found it strange that when the teen vogue judge complained about Hester’s costume Karlie defended it by talking about how it would look virtually/digitally. Rakan’s digital drawing looked great. So judges please try and make some effort to be consistent.

    • Love 20
  15. 2 hours ago, Fellaway said:

    Hee!  That is exactly what they would think.  But, hey!  I occasionally spit out the hayseeds.  Don't I get any fashion cred for that?  ☺️

    And wasn’t it just recently that the “little farm on the prairie” look was all the rage? I know fashion wouldn’t exist without shifting styles and trends but this 1984 level of cognitive dissonance is ridiculous.

  16. 13 minutes ago, Ashforth said:

    I have no issue with your disagreement with Nina's opinions or the way she expresses them. I do have an issue with your apparent dismissal of her opinions because you seem to say that they are irrelevant because you perceive her as "old." I listed the ages of Heidi, Isaac and Tim because they are also "old." Are they equally excluded from having relevant opinions on fashion because of their ages?

    Is Dapper Dan, a pioneer of "youth or street culture," excluded from having a relevant opinion on a challenge based on his fashion influence because he is in his 70's?

    I'm trying to get you to understand that basing your disagreement with a person's critiques of the contestants as a judge on this show because of his or her age, in my opinion, undermines whatever valid point you may have.

    And with this, I will let this go. Someday, you too will get older. I hope someone like you doesn't dismiss or discriminate against you because of that.

    Someday...I am as old or older than those you list. I never said they couldn't judge fashion.

    Thanks but I am not looking for your validation of my opinion.

    • Love 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Ashforth said:

    In the context of this show, I think Nina Garcia is an experienced professional in the fashion industry who judges the contestants' garments based on her knowledge of the industry and her opinions. Her comments may offend some, fair enough, but to respond by calling her an old woman with what seems to be a pejorative intent is offensive to me. Her opinions are not invalid because she is over 50. 

    How young do you think the judges should be? What's the cutoff? 15? 20? 25? God forbid, 30?

    Don't forget that a number of the winning or top looks this season have not been "young." Renee's designs come to mind. In a typical PR season, designers are called out for their looks being too junior as well as too matronly.

    Heidi Klum is 45

    Isaac Mizrahi is 57

    Tim Gunn is 65

    It is the derision and hypocrisy in some of her statements that I find annoying. Moreover I don't think she has a grasp on youth or street culture any more than most older people who are no longer in that demographic.

    All the people you listed in your response are old. What of it?

    • Love 3
  18. 1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

    What are the chances we could get them to stop using the word "suburban" as a perjorative when it comes to fashion, too, because I feel as strongly against that as I do "old lady."  Nothing like being pigeonholed based on stereotypes!

    But, what do I know?  I'm not even suburban.  I'm rural.  I guess I know what the judges would think of that.

    The fact of the matter is they are designing for a very narrow demographic.  As a 50+, suburban man there is very little in the way of expectation of fashion. I can pretty much dress any way I want and no one bats an eye. 

    I just assume they are imagining dressing someone 19-26 yrs old whose body type is undoubtedly model thin.

    • LOL 1
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  19. 15 hours ago, Ashforth said:

    As a 56 year old, I take issue with anyone describing Nina as an "old woman."

    15 hours ago, mightysparrow said:


    She's a monster because she called an outfit that was straight from the mall, 'suburban', but it's okay to call her an 'old woman'?

    Is she a young woman? I do think she is old especially in the context of this show and her comments.

    15 hours ago, auntlada said:

    I agree with you, but I think the point (to me at least) is that Nina appears to regard clothing for anyone over the age of 25 to look like it's for an old woman, even though she is considerably older than that herself.


    51 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

    I am older than Nina, and if you call me an old woman, I will smack you upside the head.  Now get off my lawn.

    That term needs to go the fuck away, especially in fashion.  

    I've suggested this before, but PR should consider a season where all the models are 40+.  Maybe they can change their tired old mantra of "young, hip and modern," to "age-appropriate, fabulous, and flattering."

    Temper, temper. 

    To your second point- I agree that would be a better approach but that would be a tectonic shift in attitude that is just about as likely as hell freezing over.

    • Love 2
  20. An old woman making pronouncements on what is youthful, street and modern is laughable. THen again these people will deride something one day then sing its praises when it shows up a few seasons later. They have no shame and the memory of a gnat.

    I see Rene Was inspired by Eddie Veder circa 1991.

    Thanks God Kovind is gone.

    It seems to me knowing Dapper Dan reflects on the breadth of one's knowledge of fashion not whether or not "you know fashion". 

    • LOL 1
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  21. The downfall of the multi-competition winning chef was somewhat surprising. They seemed to go out of their way to find redeeming features in the egg dish so either hers sweet peach fish bite really was terrible or she was next on the list.

    Wish they would do away with restaurant wars. It is such a tedious exercise in manufactured drama and unrealistic expectations. The only good thing I can say about this iteration is they shouldn’t be screaming about how understaffed they are. 

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