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Posts posted by staphdude

  1. On 9/15/2023 at 5:24 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Along those lines: this episode talked about how Aes Sedai swear the Three Oaths. I think the show explicitly said previously that one of them was to speak no falsehood, and perhaps in this episode it was alluded to that they cannot use the One Power except against baddies or as a last resort in self-defense/defense of others. I googled and saw that the third oath is to not forge weapons for others.

    Lie-andrin admits that she has broken the oaths repeatedly. But previously I had been left with the impression that Moiraine literally could not lie because she took the oaths and magic. Without going into spoilers, is it the case that typically magic stops Aes Sedai from being oathbreakers in this regard and Lie-andrin has gotten a get-out-of-jail-free card somehow through Ishmael/darkfriends, or could any Aes Sedai break their oaths if they wanted to badly enough?

    The Aes Sedai view themselves as above reproach. while a straightforward up is down lie wouldn't work, their approach to most interactions leaves them lots of room for omission and interpretation as they see their own agenda as taking precedence over that of others.

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  2. Law seems like he would prefer the emphasis be on “celebrity” in celebrity stylish and his sour personality doesn’t help push that outcome. That said I don’t mind when someone feels they can say whatever the hell they want. Brittany’s was streetwear and others were heavily referential. These people don’t need coddling and the runway is for JUDGEMENT!


    Elaine still grates and adds nothing to the show

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  3. 17 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Were they maybe supposed to make something for athletes, not tailgaters?  I remember Dawn was asked what kind of carbs she liked to eat before competing, but I don't think it was ever mentioned again, so it may not have actually been an element of the challenge.

    I didn’t get that they were working on meals for athletes but I may have missed it. The tailgate mention was just because football stadium + carbs to me means a chance to go indulgent. I’ve also seen enough football player meals on Hard Knocks to know they can step out from the highly managed nutritionist meals and    just enjoy over the top food.

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  4. 12 hours ago, dgpolo said:

    They got 5 yards for every pompom in their color, right? What's complicated about that?

    Exactly. There is always some additional gamifying and this was a great way to add an additional chance at team immunity. The game was straightforward and in fact it was nice there was no guarantee there would be a winning team.   For me the worst extra wrinkle game is restaurant wars. 

    My biggest complaint was the lack of straight up indulgent carb heavy dishes. A bonus would be to include an unctuous queso component. They were in a football stadium-run with an over the top carby tailgate treat. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, Miss Scarlet said:

    I have been meaning to say this after every episode this season:

    Christian - 1998 called and wants its boy band necklaces back.

    That’s the issue with fashion people-what is old can be either fresh or dated depending on the narrative they want to advance. 


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  6. On 1/21/2022 at 3:00 PM, Leeds said:

    I thought the anorexic look had "left the building", but apparently not.

    And what happened to models  "children are seen and not heard"

    Other than Nina she has more experience in the industry than most on that show so her input was more than relevant

    12 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    No breasts or hips. Nothing like those pesky body parts on actual women that can get in the way.

    So just like most working models…there is a reason she is so successful. Body type and modelling talent.


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  7. 16 minutes ago, charliesan said:

    I know the housewives except for Gina as I've only seen a handful of episodes of OC for the last 3-4 years, so I wasn't familiar. 

    Maybe because I am a fan, but I wasn't bothered that they chose these women for the "working with clients" episode. I mean, back in its heyday I vividly remember they had WWE wrestlers for a challenge, and didn't Christian Siriano participate on that particular episode? I think he was even at the top.  If anything isn't considered fashion, it was that challenge. 

    While I agree what Wendy was disingenuous at best, Kristina's behavior was definitely unprofessional and if I was the CFDA I would not want to mentor someone like that, I picked her for a front-runner early in the season but after watching that display I would not give her the win.    

    The thing is that challenge was something to wear in the ring and these women were clearly characters. Perhaps a parallel can be drawn Aftershow=Wrestling ring and Housewife=wrestling persona but I am sorry the housewives just came across as more sad and desperate. Moreover Just like the models back then the wrestlers pulled off the clothes. The  designers have an easier time with s=certain ages and body types

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  8. The Housewives certainly seem to believe their own hype but encountering them for the first time I see nothing to indicate they have any redeeming qualities. This show eschews matronly garments or costumes but this is certainly a group that deserves those types of clothes. 

    I don’t know why Wendy was drawing attention to her “new” boobs. Nothing amazing or show worthy there….thank god Kristina put a lot of structure in the garment.


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  9. 9 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I don't know if anyone finds fault with the plot per se, but that it was rushed. 

    It's clear to a non-book reader that a lot was rushed to get to this point in 8 episodes, and that as part of the rush, characterization suffered.

    Show Rand simply does not have much of a personality beyond being in love with Egwene, a generic nice guy who is protective of his friends, and a little skeptical of Moraine. 

    If one could leave knowledge of Rand as a character from the books aside, there's not much in these 8 episodes about him that makes him seem more interesting than the rest of the crew, if anything. And compared to other Chosen Ones in various genre fiction -- Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy, Harry Potter, Frodo or whoever you might name -- there's not all that much charisma to him or build up that this guy will one day be the Man. They've told us that he's special but not really shown it, unlike the beginning of those other sagas.

    Being predictable can be bad, or it could be comforting and reliable, depending on execution and other factors. 

    A Harry Potter series where the characters think that it's equally likely that Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and numerous others could be the Chosen One, but we the readers/audience members all know it's really Harry and in which Harry were played by a ;lackluster character who has pretty much nothing special about him wouldn't be as interesting as the one we have where we are told from the start that Harry has a special destiny, we are shown that he is very good at somethings even at an early age, he is charismatic enough to hold his own (even if someone might prefer Hermione, Ron or the other characters).

    I agree with you wholeheartedly and perhaps my issue has always been my knowledge of the books. I know the story of Rand al Thor and was (am?) excited to see it brought to life on screen. However, the writers seem to have it in for the HERO of this story. The other prominent characters need and deserve exploration but when setting the stage with so few episodes why give such short shrift to Rand's development? The fault must lie with the writers and showrunner. If you can't bring this story to life for...reasons, maybe build something of your own that fits within your scope and resources to produce.

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  10. 47 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I don't think that many people "want something different" from what is established by the books. I'm not 100 percent sure what you're referring to, though. I assume it's largely along the diversity axis.

    I think most of the comments you are presumably referring to have to do with a) people being genre-savvy and knowing or being disappointed that Rand is the one and only Dragon despite having been teased that all five of the main characters could be the Dragon and other possibilities and b) that Rand as portrayed thus far is pretty bland.. Now maybe that is how he is the books and he grows into a more interesting or heroic figure. 

    But for now I could take or leave Anakin 2.0.

    Actually I think diversity is great given my own background. What I find frustrating is the fact that people find fault with characters and plots that are well established. The idea that the Dragon reborn would be more than one person is rather laughable moreover many people just can’t stomach the idea of Rand being that Dragon. Sure it is a fantasy trope but does that make the story fundamentally bad?

  11. 3 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    Well, the book was written over thirty years ago, when fantasy was pretty much the domain of white males. But still, Rand is one of the few characters in the series whose physical appearance is described in significant detail, and who has actual narrative reasons for being a pale, redheaded guy - he's a secret Aiel.

    This is the fundamental issue with so many comments. This is an established story and yet people want something different. The Wheel of Time plot and characters are WELL established and for them to choose to do it as a live action piece and then change it would make no sense. The series got made off of the popularity and value of the source material.

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  12. 12 hours ago, phoenics said:

    I think the issue is up until now, they still haven't shown Rand's power.  He still pales in comparison to the 2 bursts of power we've seen from Nynaeve. 

    I wonder if this is because Rand is inexperienced and hasn't come into command of his immense power or what.

    Not!HaydenChristiansen hasn't done much to excite me - but I'm sure he could if the writing helped him a little.

    This is exactly the problem. The writers chose to focus on these secondary characters despite their not being the “hero” of the story. That is, imo a failing on their part. Rand is the Dragon and his story and fight will define the last battle.

    11 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    People's mileage will of course vary. But I find it hard to buy that the Rand we have seen in the 8 episodes of the show is "more kick ass" than any of the other characters. I assume he will turn out to be eventually, but as of now, he and Egwene are tied for dead last in terms of characters I care about.

    A couple of people have brought up that he is reminiscent to Hayden Christiansen's Anakin, and I don't think that's purely about the physical resemblance. Rather, the show has primarily defined him now as the Chosen One who is consumed by his feelings of love and insecurity about Egwene. He has little charisma IMO and in terms of cool feats up to this episode, he broke the heavy door down that the Darkfriend bartender locked him behind. and that is the only thing that comes to mind. I don't see that as more interesting/cool than Nynaeve's defeat of the false Dragon/resurrection of Lan, Perrin's connection with the wolves, the things Moiraine and Lan are up to on the regular, or even the roguishness of Mat. 

    The finale should have been a big coming out party for him as a bad ass, but even that was mixed. The First Temptation of Rand Al'Thor didn't really get escaped because Rand was too virtuous or smart to succumb to it, but really because the Dark One did a shitty job creating it and a poor job adjusting. If the Dark One had envisioned a dream world where Rand was together with an Aes Sedai Egwene as her warder, or something more imaginative, or managed to better adjust to Rand's seeing through fake Egwene by offering a better Second Temptation, I have a feeling that would have worked. 

    The actor and the writer’s poor material are a drawback but people seem to be looking me for something that isn’t the story laid out n the Wheel of Time.  I feel Rand’s development has been a disservice to the character. However I also feel they have made a ridiculous mess of Ny and Lan. I see no chemistry there and given what we have been shown no reason for their relationship on a deep meaningful level. Wartime pressure filled meaningless hookup maybe but beyond that meh.

    I am also pissed at the characterizations of the other Two Rivers folk but that is for the book thead.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, phoenics said:

    I don't feel like this show presents Rand as the main protagonist - that's the thing.  I was surprised when I saw the screentime play out that he was as up there as he was.  His presence on the show has felt so non-protagon-ish to me?

    I won’t add any book details but the main protagonist is well established and if the show runner or writers mess this up in a GoT manner (despite having a fully realized story) that is on them.

    Maybe it is having only 8 episodes but certain foundational issues could have been dealt with more thoughtfully especially given their lead time. Hell they could have this entire thing already written given the wealth of source material. The only issue of course is if season length or number gets in the way

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  14. 18 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Wait, so Rand really is the Dragon Reborn?  That is so disappointing.  All these kick ass women and they are dependent on the boring but cute white boy?  I guess that means the other 4 are just sidekicks?  Boo.

    The thing is Rand is more kick ass than the women. The problem is the writer just chose to mess up his character development.  As Fain implied in the finale, the other four have their role to play it is just not as the main protagonist.

    • Useful 2
  15. 47 minutes ago, shrewd.buddha said:




    I am sensing a theme here..
    I was not heavily invested, so I was not majorly disappointed -- but they had spent a lot of time in the previous episodes talking about the big, epic battle to come when the Dragon Reborn met the Dark One. 'No other person present will survive when the two forces collide.' 
    But it basically felt as if Rand woke up from a nap and said "no thanks". 
    It did not help that Rand had already experienced a fake-out dream sequence moments before in the same episode.

    Going forward, if the series wants to be taken more seriously than a Young Adult story, I think it would help if the characters were given better dialogue.  When the younger five characters literally say they "love" one another (even the guys talking about the other guys), it comes off as very YA.  (to me, at least)
    But for all I know, the show is aiming to be YA.  There's nothing wrong with that.


    Given the complaints of anticlimax perhaps they should have dispensed with the who is the dragon and just gone with the established conclusion and then done a bit more character, plot and relationship development. As it is non book readers seem disappointed while readers are frustrated.

    These books are no YA lit so why would a show runner go down that route. So sad.

  16. Prajje’s looked a bit dated but he should have stayed. Chasity’s grade-school arts and crafts monstrosity was terrible. My wife described it as resembling a hygiene product gone awry. Clearly she has finalist to be protection.

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  17. Logaine summed things up nicely but unfortunately cracked in the end…however the story isn’t over yet.

    Moraine is good with the Two Rivers folk but generally the  arrogance of the Aes Sedai needs breaking sooner than later. Suian’s talk of stilling is prescient.

  18. On 12/3/2021 at 9:44 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    I got nothing there. Again, goes to show any investment I had in the Whitecloaks. I mean, they're basically the Spanish Inquisition, and when I read the books, I wasn't expecting that. 

    However, being not affiliated with a sovereign entity; Andor, Illian, etc., they're just a bunch of incels. Someone like the Prophet, I can buy. People joined up with Logain, and there was a false Dragon iirc even in Hawkwing's times. 



    Incel is a bit harsh imo. The Aes Sedai, have no one providing objective oversight so there is a reactionary response to this unfettered power

    On 12/4/2021 at 10:35 PM, Humbugged said:

    Well Reddit continues to be nuts . They now want the whole cast sacked along with .the show runner ,Harriet and  Brandon .It should have been an anime apparently

    TWoP and this site are often a source of snark and complaints about the nature of a program most of which don't have well a established canon to draw from or mess up. Perhaps it is a response to the places where people are apologists for the changes, pacing or interpretation of a story with which many people have a long and personal history.

  19. On 12/7/2021 at 8:40 AM, Lamb18 said:

    Regarding Aaron and would he have taken off on a white man like that - I think he would if he perceived the white man as being weaker, physically, emotionally, etc.

    Which I believes exposes his feelings of superiority over a black man. Bones clearly out strips him physically and yet he felt no reticence with coming at him despite there being no point at which Bones suggested something that would impact the design negatively. While Bones may have had some bottom finishes I don't believe Aaron designing costumes for a local production of the Wizard of Oz  sets him up in the say category as the designers Christian mentioned were brining back faux fur this season.

    Prajje and Chaisty's dress was derivative and the pink top looked like someone skinned a Pepto-soaked muppet. Kristina and Chantal made something dull yet with an inappropriately jarring contrast. Formless and drab on the outside, shocking pink yet uninspired on the inside. Octavio and Anna when for cheap, sexy puffer mini and failed. Zayden and Coral were also too safe-edgy and derivative. Aaron and Bones, pulled off Dothraki regal (if one can really intuit if that is the case for that marauding hoarde)but it just looked like a fuzzy version of a "regal outfit"-Elizabeth I on the Steppe perhaps?

    As others have mentioned nothing really avant garde here. 

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