17 -
11 Good-
When they showed the wolf, a thought popped into mind that it was a tie-in to something that had happened earlier, but I can't remember what. Anyone?
Hah, that makes more sense. I thought it looked like Derek kicked the stool deliberately, but then when he righted it, I figured it was an accident.
Best thing that happened this week: when I was fast-forwarding through Mark's "singing", Mrs. DanDanNoodles recognized it was him, said, "He sings now?" and wanted me to back up and let her listen. So I did. And then it took all of five seconds for her to say, "That's enough." Worst thing that happened this week: well, Mark singing, and to be honest, pretty much everything else. ALM as a guest judge, though I managed to avoid hearing her speak even once. (Here's an idea, why don't they bring on an actual ballroom judge as a guest judge? Someone who would actually add to the show?) Maks and Meryl getting hosed on the scoring. The scoring in general, which was wacky even by DWtS standards. Danica being eliminated before several obviously inferior dancers. It was a pretty joyless episode all around. I've been converted by Meryl, and anyway it would be great for Maks to finally get a win, so I hope it is them, but probably won't be watching it.
I don't think it is the revealing-ness of it that people are reacting to, it was that it was basically a bra, panties, and garter belt combination, i.e. something that implies that some sort of adult behavior is going on. Most of the costumes, even the more revealing ones, are just costumes. It's all about the context. I mean, after all, a bikini is fine on the beach, but no one would wear one to work. Unless their workplace was awesome.
If the women flashed more cleavage they would have to move the show to Cinemax. And then I'd have to subscribe to Cinemax. Also, "twit-poll", hehehe. That's awesome.
I was half expecting the police to stop their performance and arrest her for solicitation. I kind of wondered about that, too. It was especially uncomfortable with the guy sitting stone-faced in the audience. I don't have any idea what is going on between them, but I personally would have been very unhappy had my SO shared our troubles so publicly. Like "Sorry, that's it for me" kind of unhappy. My poor Danica. She was obviously very limited in her solo dance. And thought I loved the Daisy Dukes, that hair... yikes. I thought it was telling that she was the only one in the team dance with a one-piece outfit; she must have had her ribs all taped up, because there ain't nothing else there she has to hide. The x-ray looked pretty bad; it isn't just a hairline fracture. As long as she keeps her ribs bound tightly, she'll be able to move side-to-side well enough, but any bouncing is going to hurt like hell. Speaking of the team dance, what the hell was Team Everybody's-In-Jeopardy wearing? I thought we time traveled back to 1986 for a second, with that weird pseudo-military look. Meryl has won me over. I think this season may be Maks' first win. I love how he can look at that gorgeous body gyrating in front of him and say, "No, no, no, that's terrible."
Well, in golf, there is handicapping, which allows players of different skills levels to compete against each other. This is basically the same principle (though not as objectively numbers-driven). Anything that is "judged" has the potential for bias and subjective scoring regardless.
S18: Danica McKellar: Math Doesn't Suck, But Does Dancing?
DanDanNoodles replied to kjh's topic in Dancing With The Stars
I highly doubt that Danica "broke" a rib -- if she did, she'd be immobilized in the hospital. "Cracked" is what she means. How painful it is depends on how badly it is cracked. I cracked a rib last year in a cycling accident, and it impeded me for a few weeks, but by keeping my torso tightly bound I could move well enough. And I didn't have a (no pun intended) crack medical staff to care for me. The worst part was sneezing. Nothing hurt more. -
I want Danica to outlast NeNe! :D If the brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and adorable one of that pair of dancers does not outlast the one that has, shall we say, fewer of those qualities, I will seriously be done, with this season at least. I'll leave it to your judgment which is which. I hadn't thought of the 10-ponit scale that way, but it makes perfect sense. The problem is that, with the way the show is scored, the .5 paddles don't really do anything. What they really should do is go to a 1-5 scale. The difference between 8 and 10 is 25%; the difference between 3 and 5 is 67%. Of course, that is assuming TPTB are interested in fixing a "problem" that they probably don't see as a problem to begin with.
Heh -- when I first saw MSOD I was confused. "Magenta Screen of Death? No, that can't be it." Please, I'm begging, whoever is voting for NeNe, STOP IT. At first she was just a non-entity. Now she is nails across a chalkboard. Looks like the judges have gone from a 4-point system to a 3-point system -- only one seven paddle the entire night.
My God, that was bugging me. What were you doing, Drew? Close your mouth! He also looked like he was staring into space the whole time. Danica as Belle made me all fluttery, again. (Beauty and the Beast is still the best "modern" Disney movie; it has been a long slide into obnoxiousness since.) I can't believe Len didn't give her a 10, and then DID give one to James? What the hey, Len, you used to be the reliable judge. "Disney week" in general, meh. Adding in the animations was eye-rollingly dumb. And Disney music in general is pretty terrible. No, it's worse than terrible, it's average, bland mush music designed to offend as few people as possible. About as far from art as you can be. At least no one danced to "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" or "A Whole New World", two of the most aggressively mediocre songs ever. Of the final three, I would have kept Cody over either of the other two. Who the frack is voting for NeNe?!? And why are the judges propping her up? It was even more noticeable this week: Sharna is so much more beautiful without makeup. Glad to hear my "skip the judges' commentary" policy let me miss irritating behavior from a guest judge for the second week in a row.
S18.E04: Partner Switch Ups REVEALED
DanDanNoodles replied to radishcake's topic in Dancing With The Stars
After reading the comments about Julianne's comments, I'm even happier that I completely skip the judges' commentary. I find if I wait until about 1:15 into the show, I can watch all of the rehearsal segments and all the dances, skipping the judges and Erin's interviews, and get to the end right about the same time. What was up with James' scores? Way, way too high. His posture was terrible; the whole dance he was hunched over with his ass sticking out. NeNe was also vastly overscored; about 30 seconds into the routine, she still hadn't moved from her original spot. Wow, the judges remembered they still have those seven other paddles, besides the 8, 9, and 10 ones. Well, at least, they remembered one of them. I think TPTB are probably regretting this switch-up thing, because what if someone liked their new partner more? Specifically, I think both Meryle and Candace seemed to be struggling to avow how much they couldn't wait to get back to their "real" partner. It was awesome to watch Cheryl watching Drew and Whitney and then comment, "It's pretty creepy." -
S18.E03: The Most Memorable Year of Their Lives
DanDanNoodles replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Dancing With The Stars
Why do they even bother pretending they have a 1-10 scale? I think there was one single 7 the entire night. It's ridiculous that James and his flailing arms got the same score as Danica, or whoever else got all nines (it seemed like half the contestants did). Here's what I think they should do: the first couple gets 5s across the board no matter what, and the rest are scored relative to them. At least then the judges might be forced to used the full range of scores for once. Something odd I noticed today: Sharna looks much better with no makeup on. In the practice sessions she's astonishingly beautiful, but when she is actually on stage... well, she's still pretty fucking hot, but the makeup makes her head look too large, or something. Conversation from our couch during the show: Me: "They keep showing Danica's son, but nothing about the father. He must be out of the picture. Which means, THERE'S STILL A CHANCE!" Mrs. DanDanNoodles: "A chance of what, exactly?" Me: "Oh, uh, nothing, dear." -
Despite how annoying he is, I hope Danica gets Derek. There's no denying his ability to showcase his partner, and I'll be crushed if she doesn't win.
S18: Danica McKellar: Math Doesn't Suck, But Does Dancing?
DanDanNoodles replied to kjh's topic in Dancing With The Stars
The mInd of a scientist, the face of a cherub, and the body of a stripper -- Danica makes me feel like the teenage girls her books target, all fluttery and giggly. I swear little cartoon hearts float around my head whenever she's on screen. Heck, even Mrs. DanDanNoodles has a crush on her.