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Everything posted by Popcorn22

  1. Today I clicked on Instagram and the had a woman who was supposed to be Hoda’s doppelgänger. Besides the hair style and open mouth fly trap smile , I don’t see the resemblance. Speaking of Hoda , I haven’t watched an entire fourth hour since the annoying week she returned where she and Maria Shrivet babbled on and on about their philosophical take on everything! Two millionaires telling us regular people how to cope with babies and loss of loved ones, while they were able to take off half a year, have nannies and not hurt financially after adopting a baby , or take trips to think about life after the loss of a loved one ! I really can not stomach Hoda at all . Whenever there is a picture posted of her with her giant open mouth smiling , or her with her chin in her hands while she interviews someone, and she is in deep thought, it does not make me want to tune In to the today show at all . I can handle Meredith as a cohost because she is an extreme contrast of self-important, self promoting Hoda ! Meredith has dealt with a lot in relation to her husband’s illness , she also has had three kids , and she is not a giggling dope who pretends she is smart . Meredith really is smart . And Hoda is now doing a book tour with a book of other people’s quotes ? Who would buy that book , and also what kind of a publisher would publish this book ?
  2. But what disability time do you get for adoption ? Did she sprain her hand when her nanny gave her the baby to hold after she got home from the beach with Haley Joy?
  3. Whatever reason Hoda is taking off such a long time, she will definitely be talking about it for months and wiring a book about it if she ever returns !
  4. I’m sure she did do her usual rude leaving without saying goodbye ! But she makes sure to put her face with her obnoxious oversized smile in every picture like a 16 year old take by selfies with her friends trying to convince everyone she is “having so much fun “!!
  5. Is Hoda’s book a compilation of other peoples quotes ? It sure looks that way !
  6. She is bonier than ever! And her leather skin will need Botox forever since she keeps losing weight and tanning ! Now Ryan May be in the Hall or Fame? Gee seems like a little repeat of her gushing over her cohost Michael and how wonderful it was when he made the football hall of fame ! i wonder if “uncle Ry Ry” will piss of Kelly some day and make her ever growing enemies list ? Let’s see... Regis , Jessica Seinfeld , Michael Strahan , and her friend NPH! I wonder what they all did to offend Queen Kelly ?
  7. Dylan is pregnant! (As if I care that another rich celebrity was so upset because she couldn’t have baby number 2 while middle aged !) Of course Hoda and her fly trap big mouth is smiling in ever picture announcing then second coming ! Why is someone being pregnant such a b big freaking deal? Who cares? Why is adoption by a kid such a big deal? I get that it’s a big deal if it’s your baby or someone you know, but these rich, spoiled privileged people who whine about not being able to keep reproducing are annoying ! And since they are such wonderful people , why don’t they adopt one of the many kids who are not babies who are living in foster care instead of having very expensive IvF treatments or buying newborn babies ? Sorry, but baking able to get infants because you have mine is “buying” them !
  8. I’m not singling out Kelly! I personally think it’s ridiculous that celebrities and sports figures make the money for working so little, and doing things that add nothing real to society, but then again, that is how the system works! i would take the vacations too, but it is funny to see how little they all work !
  9. Kelly has family are on another vacation ! I guess working four days a week for over a month was exhausting, so it’s vacation #5 for the year at least ! it looks like Lola took her boyfriend along . They must be very serious . She just seems so young to be that serious. I wonder if they make the boyfriend sleep with the boys ! Kelly’s granny legs are scary ! She is now not just s skeleton, but an old skeleton!
  10. Popcorn22

    Chopped Junior

    I agree ! The girl was so full of herself snd so sure she would win. She looked like she couldn’t believe she lost, and is very used to getting her way ! I liked the boy who won too ! He seemed like a good kid and did a good job !
  11. No one promotes Hoda more than Hoda herself ! I’m not saying she’s a horrible person, but she knows how to make everything about her and what she is or has had gone on in her life ! Her behavior toward friends shows she’s either a dope when it comes to social cues , or she’s just self-absorbed . I vote for self absorbed . She seems like she could be a nice “work friend “, but I would not want to hang out someone who has her rude behavior on a regular basis ! Hoda is just plain lucky IMO. She isn’t really good at doing the news , but they needed to counteract the Matt cloud and she is non threatening and a woman! (translation: she is dumb enough to not threaten people by sounding to smart ) I didn’t mind her at first , even though it was obvious that she isn’t very intelligent based on her comments . She seemed nice and relatable . When everything became about her and her cancer , it was kind of annoying, then came Haley, and that was a little annoying . It seems like real Hoda came out in full force when she got the anchor job. Now she cackles like an idiot and doesn’t even try as a co-host! She and Savannah are cringeworthy bubble head versions of women ! Jenna is dumb too ! And spare me Hoda and Maria acting like they are life gurus! When they give up their nannies , multimillion dollar homes, vacations and other privileges , then they can give “life” advice to those of us who actually have to work at home the way they pretend to live !
  12. Yeah, and Chris Pratt is a real ahole who is a cheater and a religious hypocrite! So, he should fit right in with Maria and Arnold’s marriage and extended family !
  13. Hoda has a lot of big mouth smiling selfies on Instagram! What is hilarious is now Haley now has the same weird smile and do does Hoda’s niece !
  14. I like Mark as a cohost but thought it was gross snd weird to bring up Lola walking in on them having sex in so many ways! First of all , I am not a prude or a child , I know people have sex, but I don’t need to have this image of them doing it! Do they think they are so hot that we would all get excited thinking about two middle aged people , one who looks like a skeleton with hair , having sex ? Second, how weird is it that an adult child walks in on their parents ? Do they not have a lock on the door ? And shouldn't she know not to walk on until they say “come in”? Third , why did this come up at the brunch table with in laws present ? Does Lola not have any boundaries? I can’t imagine bringing that up in front of my aunt and grandfather ! Then again, her parents think it’s normal for to have their kids repeatedly walk in on you having sex and not get a lock, and or not talk to them about knocking, and also feel that it’s normal to tell the world they did it and one was “going through the motions “ blech ! Grow up and stop over sharing just to be interesting!
  15. And also listening to a woman who is an attorney who is too stupid to not use some abrasive tool on a pimple and gets it infected ! What a moron! Between Jenna, Savannah and Hoda , it hard to choose who is dumber !
  16. Apparently , Hoda pulled a “Hodini “ at Jenna’s baby shower . Translation- She once again rudely leaves without even saying a word or goodbye to anyone! I keep trying to figure out why Hoda is so beloved . She sounds like s totally self -absorbed annoying person who needs to have attention for every thing she does. I notice everyone liking her posts on social media, but very rarely does she acknowledge other’s posts . And when Jenna said she drives friends to parties, leaves without telling them , and then asks them to come to her house to pick up things they had in her car , I wonder why anyone would go anywhere with her ! And when friends make an effort to visit her and her new baby, she just rudely leaves the room to put the baby to bed, never says goodbye , and leaves them sitting there to figure out she isn’t coming back, I think she is an tacky a hole ! Her need to have her face and big muppet mouth dominating every picture, and her rudeness just confirms that she is as self-absorbed as I thought she was !
  17. The Today show posted a picture of Jenna’s shower . Of course Hoda is in the front with her Mick Jagger mouth in that annoying overdone grin! Actually , Mick is cuter !
  18. And wtf does “happy as a cow riding a bicycle” mean! Jason is not only not qualified to judge pastry chefs , he’s pouring on the over the top corny sayings and it’s obnoxious!
  19. I wish they would put the Wedding Cake challenge on at 9 and this awful show on at 10! i cant stand Jason and his annoying Huckleberry voice snd stupid sayings ! And how is he qualified to judge pastry chefs? He is annoying, just like Damiano who also had. Or business judging bakers !
  20. Lola’s dress did not look like a prom dress . I am shocked that Kelly and Mark who are supposedly so strict allow their teen daughter to show so much skin and have a fake spray tan. She’s a very pretty girl , but it really takes away from her beauty to have the Kardashian like style! Sorry, she’s beautiful but the style was trashy . It’s interesting that the two boys seem way less superficial and are centered. But from what Kelly says about Lola and her idea of style , she seems to be following the more shallow role models . Then again, Kelly is a piece of work , so her main role model isn’t helping her !
  21. Kelly posted prom a picture of Lola with her prom date . She is pretty, but I was surprised with at the fake tan, and the dress . It seemed a bit much for a teenager . I am surprised that “strict “ Kelly and Mark allow her to wear the dress she had on for the prom :
  22. I have never heard of that BS and I am half Irish with family from Ireland ! I have Irish friends and we make it a point to stick together at parties and also not leave each other ! And why does Hoda Who talks about being g Egyptian all the time feel it is necessary to follow an Irish superstition? It’s a good excuse to be rude and ignorant for sure ! I think it’s more like she wants to do what she feels like doing and not have to wait around saying good bye because she’s a selfish person! What kind of friend makes their friend go back to their house and pick up something they left in her car because she had to leave ? Not to mention her friends have to find their own way home because selfish Hoda just feels like leaving ? I’d never hang out with s person like that !
  23. I was shocked when Meredith and Jenna talked about Hoda leaving her guests in her house and not letting them know she wasn’t coming back and leaving her friends at parties and then asking them to pick up their belongings left in her car ! She’s either socially stupid or a selfish idiot! I think she or probably both ! I used to really like Hoda. Then she just kept saying dumb things and her stupidity was grating! Then came every life event of Hoda’s needing to turn into the focus of the Today show, a book, and constant segments ! This behavior of her’s with her friends just makes me think she’s a selfish person whose “nice and caring” persona is mostly bull! She shares every poop and dumb thing that her baby does , but her dog disappears and there is mention of him! She is such an idiot she probably never taught her baby not to hurt the dog when playing , the dog probably did something like defend itself and Hoda probably had the dog put down ! She is very much a self promoting fake IMO. It looks like her PR team is working over time and got her the cover of People with her babies with a headline about her family - but no picture or Joel in the family cover ! She of course has her huge open mouth fake shark smile ! Ugh !
  24. I like Dylan a lot , and I am not saying that she is not feeling pain because she can’t have another child , but I really don’t get the need to have to explain why you don’t get pregnant. I guess I just wish hosts didn’t feel a need to be so personal and sensitive to what a bunch of people say online. It’s too bad that professional women , some very educated like Savannah, now have to be giggling, childish, and explain why they don’t have babies or more babies ! I don’t see the men needing to answer why they don’t have more kids. It’s almost like the women need to keep proving that no matter what , if they don’t keep having babies, they are not complete ! They have to dress like little girls, not too professionally , and they have to act goofy like Hoda, and cry every other second . Is it too threatening to viewers if Dylan didn’t explain her situation , and they dare think that she is ok with one child? Is it too scary to see a woman not giggling like 10 year old or being able to get through news story without crying ? Women should not have to be tough all the time, but they shouldn’t have a show reduced to baby and fertility talk 7 days a week . Right now I ffwd over a lot of this constant baby talk . I love babies , but it’s boring . And surprise surprise - there are women who choose not be married or have babies, and they are no less female than women who have babies ! The contrived “family” of the Today show is bad enough, but right now they are so fixated on babies since Hoda adopted, it’s dull as can be !
  25. Since when is a miscarriage when you are close to 40 years old, and already have a baby or two , now a big crisis or infertility? Are people now just expecting babies on demand ? My mom had a miscarriage between her third and fourth babies and then didn’t get pregnant again for 7 years ! I very much understand wanting a child and how heartbreaking it can be to nor be able to conceive, but no one is guaranteed pregnancy or as many children as they desire. And sadly, miscarriages are very common. it just seems like people now want to delay pregnancies until they are in their 30’s, which I totally relate to, but then as you get closer to 40, it can get more difficult to conceive. That is just biology . It just seems like people now can not handle getting exactly what they want, including the number of children and when they want them to come. I am not saying miscarriage isn’t heartbreaking, I know all too well how hard it is, but it seems like couples now can not accept the fact that they may only have one or two children, especially if you wait to get pregnant . I was lucky to have one child since I have health problems and hormone imbalances. My baby was very premature and thankfully is doing very well now physically and academically! Maybe it’s because I am am thankful the one baby actually lived when I was told I couldn’t get pregnant at all , but I am very tired of tv personalities and celebrities when they act like it is a crisis not to have the exact number of children they desire. Alec Baldwin’s wife has four children with him under the age of 6. She miscarried her latest baby less than 7 months after her latest baby was born. Any miscarriage is sad, but how about being happy you have four healthy babies and the ability to have a career and live very well , because you have the means to do so? No one is guaranteed health, family or babies in life. In fact , nothing is guaranteed. I think that now because of medical advances and the “on demand” lifestyle , people, especially those with money and the means to get whatever they want in life, have a hard time handling disappointment, or not getting what they wish for, so it’s suddenly a news story , when everyday people have to learn to accept that you can not always control nature . I am sure a Hoda is a good mom and a nice person, Jenna seems sweet too, and I am sure Dylan is having a hard time dealing with being unable to conceive again, and some sharing of issues helps other women who feel alone with their challenges . But, I think that now this reality TV era means that everyone has to share every little thing to the point of becoming irritating, especially if it involves Hoda !
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